Anyone else with late AF and BFN? Come and join me!

thanks :wohoo: im so nervous that its just a evap line...
babyhopes10 - I saw the photo too and saw a line in your second picture!!! So cool.... please test again?? So excited for you! And happy too!!!
Hi everyone...
Here I am on day 40 and the wait continues. I've never been this late but Sunday's test came back BFN so I'm giving it another week. Yesterday a friend of mine said my skin was different and so was my abdomen without knowing that we are TTC. I think that lifted my spirits a bit :thumbup: but I find it really strange if at 5 1/2 weeks nothing might show up yet.
Like all of us here I keep praying for my BFP even though it's taking forever! :sleep:

Have a good week everyone...that includes getting BFPs :happydance:

I haven't been able to follow this thread as frequently as I'd like...Have there been any BFPs?
hey im still here and af is 6weeks late my hopes of being preggers have been dashed im still having really sore bbs extreme tiredness and occasional lower back ache im pretty sure its my body just playing cruel tricks.How is everyone
woaw emz thats along time babe. have you been doctors had any test done?

hope you are would be great news :)

me im 10 days late and getting so frustrated as i took a test last monday and was BFN so now i no its just late and waiting for af to arrive :cry: im like cd47 :shrug:

just seems to be so difficult at the moment..just want baby here now boohoo haahaa xx:cry:

baby dust for everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:dust::dust::dust::dust:
Hello, im new i just wanted to say good luck to all of you! We have been ttc for 3 and a half years, dh has a low sperm count of 1-2 million so i know its v.unlikely we could do it by ourselves, but this month i had spotting around 8 days after o, am due on af today am so scared it's gonna come! i posted on another thread to about symptom spotting coz i seem to have a lot, weeing constantly, feel so tired,dizzy, waves of nausier and had mild cramps when i had that bit of bleeding and now i have back ache! i have done 2 tests both with BFN i know its unlikely that i am coz of his count but this month just feels different? baby dust to all of you xxxxxxxx
sorry to hear that fleur123 that must be horrible for both of you.

the fact that your guys havent given up and still trying like rabbits is all that matters..low or not its can still happen and i wish you both all the best and hope that it happends for you soon :)

Thank you babydeabreu, well it's one of those things that you try to put out of your mind as much as you can and i have more or less accepted the fact that it wont happen naturally, it's only been this month that it has bought it all bk again with my "spotting etc" that makes me think maybe??? but we are waiting to get a letter from the clinic our doctor has sent us for ivf so fingers crossed it will happen eventually. Fingers crossed for you to dont blow it completly out of the water yet i have read bout lots of women who dont get a bfp on a pregancy test till 2 months after!!
hey babydeabreu yes i went to the drs about 3 weeks ago i had bloods done for pg and thyroid both came back satisfactory.Im so confused im trying not to think about it tho and i will prob go back 2 the drs in a month. Well you still have plenty of time to get yr bfp i didn get mine when i was pg with my son until af was 2 weeks late it mite just be taking a ehile for your hcg levels to show! fxd for you hun x x
fleur123 i hope you get the appointment with the dc with the ivf...i think when you happy and want a family all you want is a family :)

i think the fact you have found the core of problem is the best bit..because some couples try and try and try before they even go doctors. im glad you have the problem in hand and that your just waiting on the appointment. you hang on in there hun i no it must be a long frustrating wait for you..but like i said before atleast your trying regardless because theres always that % chance that your get pregnant with OUT IVF.

let us know how you get on though as it helps us all get though a long wait together :)

emz87 - let us know how you get on at the doctors many of us are going through what you are..hearing others just makes it that bit easier. i wish you luck and hope you get the out come you wish for very very soon :)

me im still late still waiting for witch to arrive on her brooomstick :(

im not testing untill next month sick of testing and getting let down with BFN'S if i am preg then waiting 2 more weeks or so wont hurt..well it will mentally lol goner do my nut in if AF hasnt arrived but its better than another knock in the face...

iv got no signs im signs of my witch either so im not sure what to cramping no sore boobs no tirednesss no signs whats so ever just a ruther late AF :( so who knows

but dont worrie ill keep you girlies up dated

all the best xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello, still no AF YEEEAAHH!! but still no bfp either, haven't tested though im am the same sick of seeing "NOT PREGNANT" refuse to buy the digital ones anymore i hate seeing them words! am gonna try and hold of till sunday if the witch dosen't come before, haven't had my usuall pains but i have had the mandatory spot :( so maybe she coming??? babydeabreu i really hope you get a bfp soon it must be driving you nuts! i wouldn't worry bout not getting any symptoms some women dont get any right at the begining id just feel relived that your not getting any af symptoms. Im starting to think im willing the symptoms on myself and maybe coz im so paraniod about af coming im putting it off? baby dust to all of you and i really really hope you all get bfp soon x x x
HI girls
I still don´t have any AF, since June 2009. That makes it 4 full months. AM currently on Agus Castus, but heard it might take up to 3 months to work. We have stopped TTC. Not that I tried actually...have never taken any temperatures or anything, it more like not preventing.

Went out with my friend and her 5-mth old baby and while I was carrying him, I was soo filled with the desire to have one of my own.... Geez...that´s soo tough sometimes. I find myself not wanting to meet her as often as we did in the past (before she gave birth or got pregnant) because I´m always reminded of how much I would want to have a baby of my own....

Find it hard to take that the month we stopped contraceptives, that´s when my AF stopped. I´ve got another appt at the gynae next week and hope she would shed some light on my missing AF. Took a blood test before and can´t believe I had to wait one full month before getting my next appt for the results....
hello all, i cracked done another test and another BFN yet again :( am quite sure it's not my month, am just looking forward to getting started with my ivf now, am wishing af would just turn up now i hate the anticipation of it all. Baby dust to all of you x x x
elooo girlie i am back again !!!! no af since 7th nov and i am like 10 days late urghhhh the waiting continues, take no notice of my lil chart thingy coz it's all wrong, my afs are all upsy daisy atm, af- 26th aug, none sept, af 5th oct, af 7 nov, none o far yet dec
Hi everyone, just wanted to join this thread (been reading this forum for months now!) as my AF is now 9 days late, got a BFN again last night and its driving me nuts. Im on month 4 of TTC after coming off the pill. Anybody else in the same boat? Just wish I could come on as Ive had a 28 day, 27 day, 24 day and now a 30 something day cycle since coming off the pill and I have no idea where I am cycle wise anymore!

Babydust to all! x
Hi everyone, just wanted to join this thread (been reading this forum for months now!) as my AF is now 9 days late, got a BFN again last night and its driving me nuts. Im on month 4 of TTC after coming off the pill. Anybody else in the same boat? Just wish I could come on as Ive had a 28 day, 27 day, 24 day and now a 30 something day cycle since coming off the pill and I have no idea where I am cycle wise anymore!

Babydust to all! x

my first cycle after coming off the pill last month was 38! that's why i decided to chart BBT because then you can see what is going on temp wise and you can see if you have ovulated or not. later ovulation can lead to your AF being late also... hang in there and :dust: for you x
:fool:Thanks! I was using OPK's the first 3 months but didn't last month as we went on holiday and I didnt want to put pressure on us during our holiday, so I can't even be sure I ovulated. Made a Dr's appointment for Wednesday, if that doesnt bring AF on then I won't even trust sods law anymore! :haha:
it could be that you have just ovulated later on than usual?
Helly,I seem to be in the Same boat I stopped BC in September and my cycles were faithfully 30-32 days. I am now 8 days late for AF with 3 BFN's...and I for some reason had EWCM yesterday and a pain that felt like OV pain...but I should have Ov'd 22 days ago...not sure if EWCM is a symptom of early pregnancy or not...any advice is appreciated!

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