I think the NICE guidelines were updated last year and recommend referring ppl with unexplained IF straight for ivf after 2 years ttc as iui was found not to be very effective in these circumstances. I guess not all PCTs follow the guidelines which is rubbish. Does the clock really start ticking again after a m/c? That seems really harsh!
JJKCB- have you decided which clinic you will go to if you need ivf?
Oh, I know about the NICE guidelines...but those are just guidelines and so the PCTs get to decide who and what they fund and the treatments offered first. Which kind of sucks.
So, for me, because I was under 30 (my PCT won't consider funding before 30) and it hadn't been more than 3 years from my last natural miscarriage, we had to wait anyway.
My FS suggested IUI, but medicated IUI with Clomid + injectibles, since the studies suggest that those work better than natural IUIs or IUIs with Clomid for women with unexplained IF. I suppose it did work for us...just not completely.
But as for IVF, my PCT says that IVF won't be funded unless there haven't been any natural pregnancies within three years (which is apparently "proof" of infertility) or if you have the 6 IUIs (also "proof" of IF). So, yeah, if we get pregnant naturally but m/c, we have to start over proving we're infertile again. Well, that is if my doctor gets wind of it...I'd probably just keep another m/c to myself and get funding in 10 months...if I'm lucky.
But the other kicker is that they'll only fund one cycle, while the NICE guidelines say three...my PCT kind of sucks, but I suppose that's what I get for living in a place where there is a high birth rate.