Anyone here joining the "2 under 2" club - 2012 edition?

Hey everyone :waves: hubby and I have had a massive sort out of the house today, in some sort of preparation for number two! Nowhere near sorting his room tho, which is currently hubby's changing/throw things all over the place room! Hubby did all lifting and I am still knackered! It's mil's 60th bday meal tonight which will be nice, I just hoe Holly behaves herself as it's at a restaurant, but were eating as early as we can so hopefully she will. Hope u r all ok!
Hey everyone :waves: hubby and I have had a massive sort out of the house today, in some sort of preparation for number two! Nowhere near sorting his room tho, which is currently hubby's changing/throw things all over the place room! Hubby did all lifting and I am still knackered! It's mil's 60th bday meal tonight which will be nice, I just hoe Holly behaves herself as it's at a restaurant, but were eating as early as we can so hopefully she will. Hope u r all ok!

Watching other people work hard is sooo hard isn't it!!! I always feel the same!

Have fun tonight at the meal. Sure holly will be good, there will be so much going on to keep her occupied.
Morning ladies - How are we all today?

Have you all have a good weekend so far? Been well quiet in here xxx
Hey Jemma,
I was thinking that yesterday, it has got quiet.
How r u?
almost 1 am here.. so going to bed in a minute..

my cold is getting better, and feeling better overall too.. which is good.. still hasn't sunk in that in less then 2 months ill be a mother of 2 but it will soon, at the moment I'm focusing on moving into our own house by the time nate comes so until were in the house and have his room set up I'm sure it won't anyway.. have three inspections on wednesday so hoping one of them is the one :D..
almost 1 am here.. so going to bed in a minute..

my cold is getting better, and feeling better overall too.. which is good.. still hasn't sunk in that in less then 2 months ill be a mother of 2 but it will soon, at the moment I'm focusing on moving into our own house by the time nate comes so until were in the house and have his room set up I'm sure it won't anyway.. have three inspections on wednesday so hoping one of them is the one :D..

Glad u r feeling better, I have come home sick today... Full of cold as well, have an ATROCIOUS cough!
What r the inspections for? X
Hello everyone.

Sorry for being quiet (very unusual for me!!), but we left Austria on Saturday morning and traveled to Germany to stay with my Godparents for the night before flying back this morning and just got home earlier today. Wow, it's so nice to be home! It doesn't matter how good a holiday is, there's always something so comforting about getting home isn't there? Nat was a little angel on the flight and slept for half of it, and just sat and played with a spoon for the other half (there were loads of empty spaces so we got a seat for him as well even though he should have been on our knee).

We're off to the inlaws for a roast dinner in an hour, which to be honest is the last thing I feel like doing but FIL picked us up from the airport and MIL is having Nat this week while I'm at work so we can't really say no! She hasn't seem him since Christmas and usually sees him several times a week (they live 500m away) so she is just desperate to see him. I'm very lucky in the my inlaws are absolute stars and we get on perfectly (probably better than I do with my own parents!)

So, scan tomorrow :) But we're not finding out the sex :-( I'm not going to be naughty and find out anyway this time. We've got names now though - Hannah Lindsay or Noah Lee (yes, the Noah idea was reinforced from in here, hope you don't mind!)

Hope everyone is having a good weekend xx
Hi ladies :)
Can i ask if anyone is thinking about the bugaboo donkey? :)
Hi everyone! Had a lovely chilled weekend, Jude is ill yet again, seems to be well for 4 days at a time then gets ill, hes on his 3rd set of anti-biotics in 2 months!! :-(

@Michelle, we looked at it, i love it but a tad too pricey, i love the icandy peach blossom too. Have been recommended the Nipper 360 by a lots of mums, so need to look at that too x
almost 1 am here.. so going to bed in a minute..

my cold is getting better, and feeling better overall too.. which is good.. still hasn't sunk in that in less then 2 months ill be a mother of 2 but it will soon, at the moment I'm focusing on moving into our own house by the time nate comes so until were in the house and have his room set up I'm sure it won't anyway.. have three inspections on wednesday so hoping one of them is the one :D..

Glad u r feeling better, I have come home sick today... Full of cold as well, have an ATROCIOUS cough!
What r the inspections for? X

three (now 4) house inspections :D we need our own place..
Hey Jemma,
I was thinking that yesterday, it has got quiet.
How r u?

Hello love, I'm good. You? Fin is teething pretty bad so mostly trying to keep him happy right now lol

almost 1 am here.. so going to bed in a minute..

my cold is getting better, and feeling better overall too.. which is good.. still hasn't sunk in that in less then 2 months ill be a mother of 2 but it will soon, at the moment I'm focusing on moving into our own house by the time nate comes so until were in the house and have his room set up I'm sure it won't anyway.. have three inspections on wednesday so hoping one of them is the one :D..

Glad you're feeling better lover. Hope the inspections go well

Hello everyone.

Sorry for being quiet (very unusual for me!!), but we left Austria on Saturday morning and traveled to Germany to stay with my Godparents for the night before flying back this morning and just got home earlier today. Wow, it's so nice to be home! It doesn't matter how good a holiday is, there's always something so comforting about getting home isn't there? Nat was a little angel on the flight and slept for half of it, and just sat and played with a spoon for the other half (there were loads of empty spaces so we got a seat for him as well even though he should have been on our knee).

We're off to the inlaws for a roast dinner in an hour, which to be honest is the last thing I feel like doing but FIL picked us up from the airport and MIL is having Nat this week while I'm at work so we can't really say no! She hasn't seem him since Christmas and usually sees him several times a week (they live 500m away) so she is just desperate to see him. I'm very lucky in the my inlaws are absolute stars and we get on perfectly (probably better than I do with my own parents!)

So, scan tomorrow :) But we're not finding out the sex :-( I'm not going to be naughty and find out anyway this time. We've got names now though - Hannah Lindsay or Noah Lee (yes, the Noah idea was reinforced from in here, hope you don't mind!)

Hope everyone is having a good weekend xx

Glad you made it home safe and sound love... and that Nate was good for the journeys. Fin was 5 months when we went to Gran Canaria and HATED he flights lol.

Loving the name choices - Hope all goes well in your scan today

Hi ladies :)
Can i ask if anyone is thinking about the bugaboo donkey? :)

LOL. Yes... I am thinking about the Bugaboo Donkey.. mostly thinking how my hubby will NEVER allow me to spend that much on a pram. Booooo! It's gorgeous isn't it

Hi everyone! Had a lovely chilled weekend, Jude is ill yet again, seems to be well for 4 days at a time then gets ill, hes on his 3rd set of anti-biotics in 2 months!! :-(

Poor poorly Jude. What's he ill with this time? Hope he feels better soon.

Happy Monday all xxx
Hes got an ear infection and sore throat, its his 4th ear infection and hes just prone to it now i guess, hes always ill :-( if its not his ears its a chest/throat infection! Its made him so clingy and hes not slept through in months because of it, its just so exasting and stressfull, cant put him down and cant get nothing done in the house! Its relly making me stress about when the new baby is here :-( x
thanks kitty.. we had one today.. we have it if we want.

its a 3 bedroom house, which is all we need for the moment and move in date is next monday BUT its in an apartment complex, top level with no elevator so a) when we move we will be lugging everything up the stairs, and some of the stuff is really heavy, and b) when i want to go out i have to take the pram up and down the stairs.... so i have to make a decision.. we still have 4 lined up for wednesday so its a decision we have to make soon
Ok, I couldn't resist. IT'S A GIRL!!! But no mention of it on Facebook as no one is allowed to know!
Hellloooo! Can I join? This is a busy busy group.

Name: Stardust ;-)
Age: 21
Relationship status: Long term relationship
Occupation: (part-time) Senior Revenues Assistant at local Council but when baby no 2 arrives I will be giving it up to be supported by my OH who is a welder
Children: I have a beautiful 14 month old daughter
Due date: 26th July
Sex of baby: Unknown at present
Age gap between babies: Expected 20.5months
What are you most looking forward to: Having 2 LOs close together as they get older! And completing my family (OH is getting the snip when LO is born) and being a stay at home mummy!
What are you most nervous/worried about: I am mostly worried about postnatal depression again, I had it very badly for the first 7 months. I am also worried about how I will cope with the lack of sleep and not napping during the day. And just worried in general about how I'll cope with 2 as I barely manage 1.
Anything else you'd like to add: Nice to meet you all!
Hes got an ear infection and sore throat, its his 4th ear infection and hes just prone to it now i guess, hes always ill :-( if its not his ears its a chest/throat infection! Its made him so clingy and hes not slept through in months because of it, its just so exasting and stressfull, cant put him down and cant get nothing done in the house! Its relly making me stress about when the new baby is here :-( x

Poor babe. Fin's not had an ear infection yet but he did have an awful chest infection before Christmas which was plain scary... we had to rush him to A&E as his breathing got so bad and he went off all fluids. I hope he feels better soon xx

thanks kitty.. we had one today.. we have it if we want.

its a 3 bedroom house, which is all we need for the moment and move in date is next monday BUT its in an apartment complex, top level with no elevator so a) when we move we will be lugging everything up the stairs, and some of the stuff is really heavy, and b) when i want to go out i have to take the pram up and down the stairs.... so i have to make a decision.. we still have 4 lined up for wednesday so its a decision we have to make soon

I'd see the others before making a choice love. I'd NEVER cope with getting a baby, toddler AND wheels up and down stairs :/ xx

Ok, I couldn't resist. IT'S A GIRL!!! But no mention of it on Facebook as no one is allowed to know!

Awwwwww YAYYYYY :pink: Another "pidgeon pair" mummy. Congrats lovey xx

Hellloooo! Can I join? This is a busy busy group.

Name: Stardust ;-)
Age: 21
Relationship status: Long term relationship
Occupation: (part-time) Senior Revenues Assistant at local Council but when baby no 2 arrives I will be giving it up to be supported by my OH who is a welder
Children: I have a beautiful 14 month old daughter
Due date: 26th July
Sex of baby: Unknown at present
Age gap between babies: Expected 20.5months
What are you most looking forward to: Having 2 LOs close together as they get older! And completing my family (OH is getting the snip when LO is born) and being a stay at home mummy!
What are you most nervous/worried about: I am mostly worried about postnatal depression again, I had it very badly for the first 7 months. I am also worried about how I will cope with the lack of sleep and not napping during the day. And just worried in general about how I'll cope with 2 as I barely manage 1.
Anything else you'd like to add: Nice to meet you all!

Awww herro Stardust. Nice to see you again. I remember you from BC etc when ours were wee. How are you feeling? Congrats on expecting again xx
congrats on your girl meredith :D good thing you found out otherwise you might have to have done a lot of shopping once she comes :D..

welcome stardust :D
Hes got an ear infection and sore throat, its his 4th ear infection and hes just prone to it now i guess, hes always ill :-( if its not his ears its a chest/throat infection! Its made him so clingy and hes not slept through in months because of it, its just so exasting and stressfull, cant put him down and cant get nothing done in the house! Its relly making me stress about when the new baby is here :-( x

Poor babe. Fin's not had an ear infection yet but he did have an awful chest infection before Christmas which was plain scary... we had to rush him to A&E as his breathing got so bad and he went off all fluids. I hope he feels better soon xx

thanks kitty.. we had one today.. we have it if we want.

its a 3 bedroom house, which is all we need for the moment and move in date is next monday BUT its in an apartment complex, top level with no elevator so a) when we move we will be lugging everything up the stairs, and some of the stuff is really heavy, and b) when i want to go out i have to take the pram up and down the stairs.... so i have to make a decision.. we still have 4 lined up for wednesday so its a decision we have to make soon

I'd see the others before making a choice love. I'd NEVER cope with getting a baby, toddler AND wheels up and down stairs :/ xx

Ok, I couldn't resist. IT'S A GIRL!!! But no mention of it on Facebook as no one is allowed to know!

Awwwwww YAYYYYY :pink: Another "pidgeon pair" mummy. Congrats lovey xx

Hellloooo! Can I join? This is a busy busy group.

Name: Stardust ;-)
Age: 21
Relationship status: Long term relationship
Occupation: (part-time) Senior Revenues Assistant at local Council but when baby no 2 arrives I will be giving it up to be supported by my OH who is a welder
Children: I have a beautiful 14 month old daughter
Due date: 26th July
Sex of baby: Unknown at present
Age gap between babies: Expected 20.5months
What are you most looking forward to: Having 2 LOs close together as they get older! And completing my family (OH is getting the snip when LO is born) and being a stay at home mummy!
What are you most nervous/worried about: I am mostly worried about postnatal depression again, I had it very badly for the first 7 months. I am also worried about how I will cope with the lack of sleep and not napping during the day. And just worried in general about how I'll cope with 2 as I barely manage 1.
Anything else you'd like to add: Nice to meet you all!

Awww herro Stardust. Nice to see you again. I remember you from BC etc when ours were wee. How are you feeling? Congrats on expecting again xx

Thank you :-D I think I'm on your facebook but not announcing it until after the scan tomorrow.

I'm very excited and happy but a nervous wreck. I had a horrible pregnancy last time - every problem in the book and probably more too. Then was induced early and my labour/birth can only be described as horrendous. Then my LO was low birth weight and had severe colic/reflux and I had PND too! And LO was in and out of hospital until she was 5 months old with issues with her weight and refusal to feed. So we didn't have an easy time.

I'm absolutely LOVING it now though, this is what being a Mummy is all about. My LO makes me laugh and smile from morning until night, she's the light of my life!

I am loving it so much that I am a bit scared about the future, I am worried that I will have a realy tough time again and it will ruin this amazing thing I have going with LO and OH right now. I'm worried I won't love this baby as much as LO as I can't imagine anyone ever coming close. Worried about the birth too and mainly the constant visitors, lack of sleep, trying to keep things normal for my toddler etc. And of course worried about reflux again! Excited about giving breastfeeding another shot though although if I have another early/small and reflux/colic baby and PND I won't tear myself apart this time if I have to switch to formula after a few weeks.

We are moving house in 4 weeks too which is going to be hell. Everything has to be done in 1 day as it's a swap, my LO will be going to Mums but we have to move everything ourselves (we are "Debt Free Wannabees" so can't afford a removal team) and then start painting etc. at the new house. It'll be worth it though for getting out of this council flat though!

How is your pregnancy going? So far First Trimester has been harder than last time. I've had heavy bleeding throughout so had 2 scans already and I've also had terrible fatigue and all day sickness and nausea, it's fading now though! I also get yucky coldsores (like 6+ at a time) when pregnant so I can't wait for that to be over. And awful trapped wind - so bad that I can't move sometimes, yesterday I was comparing it to labouring! Jeez I better stop moaning haha. It's super hard being pregnant with a 1 year old and working 3 full days too. How are you coping? xx
Congrats on pink... That is brilliant.

Do u think we should have a list on the front page of who is having who and when?

I am off today as we fly off to France tomorrow to see the n-laws, so am trying to tidy and clean and pack. But I am so full of cold and coughing so much I think I might bring a lung up!! So it's not going as well as planned....feeling rather sorry for myself!

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