Anyone here joining the "2 under 2" club - 2012 edition?

I love your name choice hun,i love Zachary...ive just added you on facebook hun xxx
i love the name noelle kitty... when oh and i finally get married I'm changing my middle name to that at the same time.. save filling out forms on two separate occasions... and rose aswell.. if nathaniel was a girl we would have been naming him madeline harper rose... so holding onto it for next time :D.. lol

i like zachary alexander too jaybee :D... alexander was considered when we were naming nate.. lol
Hey girls, loving the names! Zachary was one I thought about but hubby wasn't keen. We really like jack or Joshua as the first name, middle names will def be Alan James after. Both our dads.

Just been to docs as been having some itching so wanted to get it checked out, nothing to worry about at this stage, just got to keep an eye on it. Also mention my hips as I having a lot more pain than last time and a lot earlier and with carrying a one year old around it's quite painful! Not much they can do though apart from painkillers. Hope everyone is ok!
Great names everyone, and Vicky you have great taste in boys names with Nathaniel :)

We can't agree on a boys name at all this time, so it would make things easier if it is a girl - Hannah Lindsay. We just can't find a boys name that we both like.

I'm Ali Anning on FB btw (Meredith is the name I wanted to call Nat if he had been a girl!) xx
added everyone.. lol... I'm vicky ford.. not sure if I'm findable or not but if i am i have a scan pic of nate as my profile pic :D
Name: Savanna
Age: 25
Relationship status: Common law
Occupation: I was an activity director at a retirement community before I went on mat leave, and now |I suppose with this pregnancy, I will be a stay at home mom for a while.
Children:A delkightful daughter, named Anallah Malaney, born on August 1, 2011
Due date: August 13, 2012
Sex of baby: Unknown at present
Age gap between babies: Expected 12 months, 12 days.
What are you most looking forward to: I was an only child so I'm very excited for my daughter to have someone so close in age to play with!
What are you most nervous/worried about: Since my OH works away for 2 weeks and is home for a week at a time, I am terrified that I will get overwhelmed having 2 babies to take care of!
Anything else you'd like to add: As soon as I had Anallah I told OH I wanted another baby, I got my wish! I am so excited, I missed being pregnant and I look forward to another gremlin in the house!
Im emma louise glover add me ladies :) i have some fantastic friends from here from my last pregnancy so would love to do the same this time :) xxx
Congrats on your pink bump kitty! I'm jealous of all you girls who get to find out, my oh doesnt want too :-(

I'm likin Preston for a boy and willow or fern for a girl at the moment.

Oh and I'm roxanne m on Facebook, add me and let me know you're from here, I'm rubbish at checking on here but would love to make friends with people in the same (slightly scary) boat as me!
OMG i am soooo tired today, Oliver had me up at 5am and that was it wasnt going back to bed, he usually sleeps until 7.30 at the earliest so this has been a culture shock :( doesnt help that im in work today too, he must know im sure of it lol

on a funny note, in the car on the way to the childminders the song 'sexy and i know it' came on and he was dancing all the way through and laughing then the wiggle bit started and his legs were going, his arms were up his head was going and he was wiggling his whole bidy, i was in absolute stitches, he really is such a character.

How is everyone else on this freezing cold wednesday morning xxx
Morning ladies how are we all? The threads moving fast, trying to catch up lol! Add me on fb if you like (Kerrie Ann Brown) its a pic of me and my mum on my wedding day :cloud9:

Love all your names, we love Joshua, Ollie, Benji and Jax, just cant decide if a J name would be wierd as my other boys are Jake and Jude, what do you think?? xx
my aunty has the J theme until my youngest (at the moment) cousin was born and she named him alfie because everyone was taking the mick.

She has Jason, Joshua and Jacob.

I love the name Ollie (altho im slightly biased lol) and benji is cute to, i do like joshua but it depends if you want to stick to the letter J hun :D but it is a cute name :D xxx
Yeah im so confused, dont want people thinking we are strange or take the mick! Its only me that sees the problem, hubby is all for another J name! Oooh forgot that i LOVE the name Alfie!! Might add that to the list too lol x
haha sorry to make ur list more difficult hun haha i also LOVE the name Alfie but my aunty stole it haha nah she didnt really her sons 3 and i didnt think of it till after he was born lol

i think its entirely up to you and hubby hun, if u love J names then go for it, i would if i have names i liked all with same initial, but having Oliver im kinda limited after that lol altho i do think oscar is cute lol but weve decided on Harrison now xxx
Love the name Harrison, my baby cousin has the name and my auntie always gets comments on how lovely it is x
I don't think there is anything wrong with all the same letter, my sis and I are both L's and we were thinking Hannah if this one had been a girl. Only thing is our surname begins with a H too so it does get a bit like a Tongue twister!
aww thank you hun :D i loved it before i got pregnant and as soon as we found out we were expecting a boy we chose it :D

hodbert i LOVE the name Hannah :D but my cousin is called hannah (and im having a boy haha) xxx
i like names with the same letter.. although i didn't find any names i liked to go with heidi so we chose nathaniel.. if i ever had twins they would have the same letters.. it would have been nate and noah if bubs was a twin.. :D...
Mornign ladies.

How are we all today?

Fin has just gone down for his nap and when he wakes up we're going baby stuff shopping. Yayyyy xxx
Hello everyone,

Sorry I don't have time to reply to everyone's comments this morning - the sun has FINALLY come out here in Austria so we're wrapping Nat up and going up the top of the mountain and going sledging, woo hoo!

Have a good day everyone and speak later.

P.S. I stupidly weighed myself this morning and I've put on 5lbs in 2 weeks since coming on holiday. Oooooooooooooops.


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