I'm actually feeling better. I don't feel like killing DH this week lol. So glad that's gone. Been really tired though. Probably because I can't nap as much. Went to a pointless appointment Wednesday. I lost 2 lbs yay! I'm assuming it's because holiday is over and I'm running around more. Going for last scan tomorrow before the long wait for the 20 wk scan. I just want to see what it looks like. When I was at Drs Wednesday, she couldn't find the heartbeat so she gave me a 5 second scan. It was moving around like crazy. Doing flips lol. The pic she gave me was horrible! Can't even see the baby haha. I THINK I can feel it move already. I know it's not gas. And it's in the middle, low down. I felt last baby at 13 weeks. So who knows! Other than all that, still not feeling pregnant.