anyone looking to buddy?

Managed to bd so in with a shot. Not a clue to dpo. O pain has gone. I had neg opk yestersay but was dark. Ive got a feeling i o'd 2 days ago looking at temps unless they go up again. Really i got no clue lol. Hope ff sorts it out even though ive not got a pos opk.

Well heres hoping for good news when you get your results. Yeah i dont use frer just internet cheapies but they do sometimes gets evaps.

DH is dragging ass getting his results back :laugh2: I wonder if I call if theyd give me the results? Doubt it.

I think Im out this month. I still have about 5 days until AF but my temp dropped below cover line today and I really dont see a good outcome. Ah well. I think next cycle Im going to take it easy with TTC. I know that I O on CD 15-17 so Im not going to bother with OPKs and I dont know if Im going to temp. The ONLY reason why I would continue to is if thats the only way a DR would help me as far as next steps. I dunno? I would think that just temping one month confirms that Im ovulating, right? What else do they need from that? Do you know?
Dh just texted me and said he was told his SA results came back "normal". Between 15-213 he said. Ill have to get numbers when I grab him from work. Im pretty relieved. I was expecting bad news for sure! still ovulating and DH has sperm...what gives?!
Sounds like just down to luck. If im not pg this cye im going to take red clover again ive got pregnant twice using it so hopefully would work again.

Well if you dont use opk next cycle ive found out ff gives you a coverline if you put in ur cm i didnt think it would. But im going to buy loads of opks. Its like a safety net feel better they are there lol

The girl i spoke to on here did her temps for one cycle but it was thr cycle before seeing a doc and because of her temps they gave her clomid and she also took vitex and was pg on thr first cycle using them both. I was thinking of using vitex instead as apparently it ups the percentage of conception by 10 percent. Do you have any symptoms yet? Well im 4 dpo and i had a few stings on both sides and period pain style cramps. I hope its not a bad sign alread ive only just o'd
I think cramps are a good sign for you. When will you start testing?

I'm sure about my O date AGAIN. I'm either 11 or 13. So at 9 or 11 DPO I had a dip below cover line. But I think I suck at temping:laugh2: Anyway the day of dip I started getting AF cramps. They were bad last night but hardly here today. Boobs aren't sore anymore. AF should be here Wednesday or Thursday. I have DH out getting a test right now just incase the temp dip was implantation. Who knows! I expect it to come out as a bfn. But wouldn't it be an awesome surprise if it wasn't?! No symptoms though...

I guess the upside to TTC for a few months before BFP is the month you do, there's probably no questioning symptoms.
Not sure when im testing. Might but a few cheapies on thurs and test on fri in first morning wee but i have no patience so will probably be thurs lol not had much symptoms today imnot 100 percent on where im up to but im probably 5 dpo. I had a dip this morning but i had barely any sleep, stupid insomnia. And when i did hubby woke me with a gigantic snort snore (which led to several jabs to the rubs to roll him over lol).
When I started temping it was hard for me to sleep. There were a few times I temped at 3 am half asleep. I set my alarm for 5. I think it threw everything off.

AF started today. I'm glad. I was tired of wondering if I could be pregnant knowing I wasn't lol. DH will be on the range around O time. Which is about an hour away. So he won't be home for the next two weeks. I might be out already lol.
Aw that sucks. Thats happened to me, nothing worse than knowing you are out before it begins. Last time i told hubby hes going to have to do his thing in an ice cube tray. His face, he thought ibwas serious lolwell nothing new here. Last night af craamps came back and my stomach bloated. Just dont know why im getting af cramps so early. Nothing today at least. Dont mind being out just dont want 2 weeks of pain lol do you think theres any chance ur SO will be able to get back at all?
Aw that sucks. Thats happened to me, nothing worse than knowing you are out before it begins. Last time i told hubby hes going to have to do his thing in an ice cube tray. His face, he thought ibwas serious lolwell nothing new here. Last night af craamps came back and my stomach bloated. Just dont know why im getting af cramps so early. Nothing today at least. Dont mind being out just dont want 2 weeks of pain lol do you think theres any chance ur SO will be able to get back at all?

Your chart looks good. How long are your cycles?

I dont O until the 21st but DH wont be back until that day. Its possible hell be back the day before but probably not. So, Im not completely out. I just have a slim chance. But then, I guess my chances are slim every month :laugh2: I may end up picking him up on the 20th so we can get down to business before O day. I dont think Im going to start testing until 10 DPO. ....Yea right, Im about to order some cheapies. Ill be testing early haha
My cycles have gone a bit crazy used to be 33 to 35 with a 11 day lp. Now its a 10 lp and about 30 days in total so i only have 3 more days and if its not worked i will be spotting. So not long. C'mon littleneggie get sticking
I'm still not clear when I O. TTC is getting frustrating. After this cycle I'm going to ask OB for help but I'm not sure where to start.
Have you got your chart i can check for you? My temp was weird today. I eoke early took my temp is was quite high. I used the calculator so all my temps are as if thry are taken at 7am. Then i woke up at 6 took my temp again and it was much lower. Was weird. I wonder if having a wee since its loss of warn wee it effects it no idea. But did pee when i first woke up. Its still above cover but i have noticed it a few times
I don't know how accurate the last few temps are because I'd wake in the middle of the night and temp half asleep lol. But around O time they're right. I did take an OPK the day before I got the positive because I had run out. It could have been positive that day too.
Yeah you def o'd when it said as it clearly went up and was elevated for 3 days. You can o uo to about 48 hrs after a positive opk which is why sometimes your lp might be a day or 2 later than normal it just means egg took a while to get going. And temps went high so unlikely progesterone issue. Id say it looks good. U want to read up on red clover blossom im going back to it if it doesnt work this cycle. Was supposed to buy a test today and forgot... Cant believe it. Not going out until sat now so will test then unless it obvious af is going to show. Im going to buy a load of cheap hpts and opks next week if im not pg.
Yeah bfn :( not even an evap. Now ive got back ache and heavy feeling so i guess af tomorrow which makes me another 10 dpo. My temps have been so low too compared to a few months ago. I guess yoir not out until af shows but i honestly dont feel pg not really got any symptoms oh well. I woukd be happier if af left it snotger day as a 10 day lp isnt good but if i take red clover again i presume it will sort it out
I see your temps are still up! That's good! I just started temping this morning. Are you suppose to do it during AF? Dhs mom will be here all of next week. Just happens to be when I O. That's going to be so awkward!
Nah i dont temp during af. Although i was good and temped at the beginning sometimes i dont bother syarting to temp a week before o. But thsts because i cant sleep when i temp lol. If you are still seeing your doc soon i suppose you will have to start once af finishes. Yeah my temps are still up and my acheyness was gone, but its back like a heavy feeling on my cervix. No boob ache like i normally get before af. Actually last 2 cycles ive started spotting 10dpo and af 11 dpo so im further than last time. Maybe its a sign my body is back to normal. O was actually comparing my chart and i might have low progesterone so i guess im going to have to take something either vitex or red blossom. Have to say i do keep thinking maybe as i suppose im late but ive def got af pains fingers crossed they just go lol
Nah i dont temp during af. Although i was good and temped at the beginning sometimes i dont bother syarting to temp a week before o. But thsts because i cant sleep when i temp lol. If you are still seeing your doc soon i suppose you will have to start once af finishes. Yeah my temps are still up and my acheyness was gone, but its back like a heavy feeling on my cervix. No boob ache like i normally get before af. Actually last 2 cycles ive started spotting 10dpo and af 11 dpo so im further than last time. Maybe its a sign my body is back to normal. O was actually comparing my chart and i might have low progesterone so i guess im going to have to take something either vitex or red blossom. Have to say i do keep thinking maybe as i suppose im late but ive def got af pains fingers crossed they just go lol

I dont sleep well when Im temping, either. Sometimes, Ill wake in the middle of the night and temp half asleep and I think it messes with my temps when I temp at normal time :laugh2: What makes you think you have low progesterone? When are you going to test again? I bought a crap ton of OPKS and HPT for this cycle. I prepared to test every day! :laugh2:
Well low progesterone because it was at the beginning wuite close to the coverline i was looking at similar charts and it looked like it was but now its going up and up. I wish i had done an opk that was pos this cycle as I'm 3 days late. Makes me wonder did i do something wrong and i o'd later but looking at my chart and i cant see that i could have o'd later. I was going to test on sat givr a chance for my hormones to get with it but im having bad back ache at the bottom of my spine. I do have a bad back there any way as it has a curve but it could also be af back ache. The cramps in my stomach have gone though. I just dont want a bfp that turns cp again so. Im in 2 minds id like to know so test sat and give it a week or 2 or at least until the back ache goes and i actually have some symptoms. When i was rushing round today did feel funny not completely light headed but a bit weird. And yesterday morning too and it lasted a while. But its not full on pregnancy symptoms to me my son cohld have just give me his cold. I wish i just got rid of the back ache and bring on the morning sickness then id be happy lol
Omg I don't know how you can't be peeing on sticks right now! The suspense is killing me!! 13 DPO! You should get a decent line right now if you are! I'm voting you're pregnant! How can you wait?! Haha test!!

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