anyone looking to buddy?

I think I'm finally 1dpo today. It's about time! I was getting impatient. I woke up at 230 this morning instead of 5 so I decided to temp and correct it in an adjuster. Yesterday, I happened to use a Softcup after BD (I hadn't used any this cycle) and I woke up to see I had been paid child support early. Let's hope the cards are in my favor all around this cycle! Mil bought me a vap pen to help me quit smoking so maybe it's a sigh :laugh2: I was so ready to get O over with. We didn't BD a lot but timing was good.
Well fingers crossed you get that egg. I think waiting for o is the worst. I hate long cycles got about 2 weeks to go. I havnt taken red clover this cycle sort of forgot and ow its too late your supposed to do it 1st day of af until o so last chance of trying without any herbs and stuff. Ididnt use my soft cup last month wasnt brave enough lol should do this cycle. Hope it works for you so many others said it worked 1st time
I'm wondering if taking my temp at 230 and adjusting it made it wrong some how? I mean, I'm assuming I DID O yesterday because of OPKs and the temp adjustment. I'm going to see what the two next day's say. I'll probably stop tempting after that.

Off subject, I put the tree up today lol. I just couldn't wait. It's only two days early. All Christmas shopping is done except dhs and stocking and Santa wrapping paper. I buy the super shinny for his. It's probably the last she'll believe in Santa. :(
Looks like you have def o'd you got your solid cross hairs. Have you stopped temoing now?

Ohhh my tree is going up on sunday and i cant wait. We've done most of our shopping but going out tomorrow to Liverpool as they have massive german markets on with loads of traditional toys and decorations its so cute just really love going. Its been really nice this year as my son actually know Christmas and that theres magic so the build up is just really good this year
I might stop temping. I woke up three times checking the clock to see if it was time to temp. I may have even done it once haha.

DHs mom is getting on my nerves so bad. She's here until Monday. Ugh!! She keeps making plans and conveniently leaving me out of them. It's irritating.
Sorry had a crazy few days Christmas shopping and helpibg my mum. Shes been really ill a few weeks ago as she had low potassium. No idea how apparently it can just happen. So been running round like a headless chicken.

Ugh that woukd do my head in not cool being left out. Are you going to hint anything to her or just keep it in? How long is she there for?

So any symptoms yet? Whats ur dpo?

I am still no where near o lol i wish i had a short cycle.

Know what you mean i do exactly the same thing and im. Not sure if it throws it off. I hate temping so much lol im enjoying the break from it. I got a week left before i start
She finally went home this morning. I said something to my DH about her trying to leave me out. He thought I was being silly. Maybe I was. I dunno.

6 DPO tonight. Boobs started getting sore today. Lots of cm. Don't know what kind. I've just noticed a wet spot in underwear. Been gassy. And a little crampy. VERY pissy :laugh2: I've been tired but since his mom was here, we've been more active.

My chart looks weird. I don't know what to make of it. I keep saying I'm not going to temp in the morning but I wake up curious what it will be haha. I'm obsessed.
god this website is driving me nuts with the stupid nutella pop up, it wipes everything i typed yesterday lol.

that 2nd dip in ur bbt looks interesting. i usually get 1 about 3dpo, which is too early but your 2nd one is roughly the time of implant isnt it so fingers crossed for you. i know what you mean i always say as soon as i get my crosshairs on ff im stopping as i need sleep but i always carry on lol

hubby is ill, so im glad he is getting ill this week and not next week, something always happens around the time of o to make it difficult. and my broodyness is through the roof my friend has just had a baby and is dressing the poor thing in elf costumes. it is seriously cute (but feel these photos will be brought out to show future girlfiends lol) im starting to get my pre o stings, which i get a few days before proper o pains. have you tested yet?
Yea...I've been obsessing over faint lines all day. If I had gotten a faint line on ONE test I'd shrug it off, but I used 3 brands. Two cheapie sand a FRER. Not sure if I should expect a darker line tomorrow or if I'm going to feel silly for thinking it could actually be the start of a BFP.

I don't really have any symptoms. But my temp was up this morning and I've had a headache all day. Boobs hurt. AF should be here by next Wednesday I think.

DH doesn't see anything. Maybe I have line eye?
I wonder if insomnia is a symptom of pregnancy. I haven't been able to sleep all week. I go to bed around 9, wake up between 230 and 3. My head has been killing me for two days.

I took another cheapie this morning. Looks positive but I don't think theses tests are reliable. I hear they give false positives. I guess I'll go out and get another FRER today.
They are def positive i can see lines in the first group in the top and bottom ones and in the 2nd set in all 3 woo hoo. Hope your next test is a bit clearer but im sure its there. Ur temp has gone up again as well another sign. Ohhh so excited for the next tests
I forgot to update. I got a BFP this morning I didn't have to squint for! So now I am sure I'm pregnant. I had a Drs appointment already scheduled for Wednesday. I guess I'll go in and let them know and go from there.

Even though I am surprised...I think watching faint lines grow darker take some excitement out of it.

When I tested this morning I was expecting to realize yesterday's test was an indent. But got this!
Woo hoo congrats. Well dpnt forget to stpp taking your temp as your temp will go erratic now your pg and can make you panic. Your due date musy be end of aug i imagine
Did u do anything different or use a softcup? And how do you feel excited nervous or everything in one? And is your otherr half excited?
Im more than happy to leave temping behind! Although...I temped this morning out of habit. :blush: I took my last test this morning too. I dont plan on taking anymore. But I wanted to show DH that I really am pregnant :laugh2:

The first test, at 9DPO, he didnt believe me. It was really faint and he kept saying that I didnt know for sure. Yesterday, he said the same thing but as the day went on I could tell he was starting to believe me because the test was, obviously, darker. Todays test, even darker, I left in the bathroom for him to see when he wakes up. Theres no denying it. He hasnt acted super excited. I think he may be in shock. :laugh2:

I didnt really do anything different this cycle. I temped, used my opks, and BDed before and after O as usual. I used ONE soft cup. And Im pretty sure that was the second day we BDed. That was two days before O. I wore the soft cup over night. I really didnt think it was going to happen. When his mom was here, we drank...a lot. Had fun. I got out of the house and walked way more than I do on a normal day. (Touristy stuff with his mom) Maybe it was getting my blood flowing.

I had wasted and took all my tests way too early. I wasnt going to try again next month. I was getting ready to call my OB and reschedule my pap smear appointment because I was to start my AF on that day. Now, Im just going to go to the appointment (Wednesday) and let her know Im pregnant. I should be 15 DPO by then.
Now that I think about it...DH was away for two weeks before O. So his sperm was saved up...and maybe shot further :laugh2:
lol well maybe letting my hubby have the week off bding with flu isnt a bad thing then .... well def going to give the soft cup a go had it ages now just bit worried in case it gets stuck lol not sure if im brave enough for over night might stick it in and try it for a little bit tomorrow just to get the hang of it. yeah your hubby prob is shocked hes gone from having his soldiers tested to you being pg in a matter of weeks lol have you told your girls yet or you going to wait a bit?
I was scared the Softcups would get stuck too lol. It's really easy to get in and out. The worst part is when you take it out, it's messy. I can only imagine using them during your period...getting blood everywhere lol.

No I haven't told the girls yet. I'm going to wait until I'm sure it will stick.
Well read the instructions said to clean it so i imagine its like sterilising lol no idea so going to do that and have it ready for next time. I can see a line an opk without having to squint but don think its even half way yet so reckon probably o at weekend. Started bbt this morning... Yay.

So any pg symptoms yet or is it the headache still

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