anyone looking to buddy?

Wash it first? Is it a Softcup? Mine can individually wrapped like pads. Are you using a mooncup?

No symptoms still but Some cramps and sore boobs. Been a bit irritable. I'm not sure if I'm tired because I'm pregnant or because I don't feel like I'm sleeping well. I wake up in the middle of the night pissy and wanting to hit DH because he's snoring lol.

I want to test again but can't buy a test for a while. It doesn't seem real yet but at the same time it feels so final.

I don't miss bbt at all!!
Ahh after google search it is a mooncup. I thought I ordered a softcup. Tried to use it but felt really weird so took it out.

Think o in the next few days got a near pos opk.

Ahh my hubby is a snorer ive had to sleep downstairs hes that bad. Theres a apray u can get but be wont even try it see if it stops it. Tols him i will just have ro keep givinf him elbow to ribs when he starts then lol
The past few days DH has fallen to sleep on the couch while watching tv. I've left him there. I slept so good haha.

Yea those moon ups look uncomfortable! You can't tell when you're wearing a softcup.

When do you think you'll O?
Ff has gone crazy i have a straight line for tomorrow but no coverline. So o is def tomorrow according to ff. My opk was crazy dark nearly black never seen that before lol well I was pg last time but i cant be. So hopefully will bd tomorrow and Sunday and that should cover it.

So its official you are pregnant and late woo hoo. Did you see your doc did she book you in for your appointments and ultra sound (i take it you have a 10 week scan like here?)
It may be because you don't have a lot of temps recorded yet. I've never seen FF do that.

The clinic I had pregnancy confirmed at classed me as high risk because of a couple of losses I had years ago. Long story but I felt like they were pushing me out of the clinic. But...the upside is I'll be closely monitored and probably more scans!

Here in the U.S., we usually get our first scans between 7-9 weeks for dating and making sure it's not ectopic (I assume) I would hate to wait until 12 weeks. I'd go crazy :laugh: I'm trying to keep myself from growing attached to the idea of having a baby. It's so early still. Honestly, it was the worst time to get pregnant. But I didn't think it would happen so fast! 7 months from now, DH gets out of the military and we'll be driving 2000 miles home. I don't know where we'll live yet and neither of us will have jobs. I'm freaking out inside.
Tbh i know what you mean thats why sometimes i can take a test and others im just too nervous since my chemical. Im just scarwd i will get excited again. But its good you are getting the extra scans will be peace of mind. But my god thats a lot to think about. But at least this way at least you can plan if it happened 5 months from now you may hve had to change what you were doing last minute.

Ive still not o'd my funky red line has gone lol ive got another dark pos opk and mega cramps today so got feeling (though ff will probably disagree) it will be at some point today if not already as i had such a sharp stab on one side. My temp has shot up already so will see what it does tomorrow and if my opk os paler.
Hows things with you? Ive give up bbt this cycle my lo has kept me up most nights with his cough so dont even know my dpo. And now ive caught his cold. Need to get better hubby finishes work on Friday ans habe atudf to do for Christmas
I've been coming in here looking at your chart to see if you've Oed yet. I couldn't make it out. I guess because you threw bbt to the wind!

I'm feeling ok. Boobs are ginormous! I've been cramping on and off. I'm just now feeling the urge to pee a lot. Been super sleepy too...and super pissy with DH. Not sure if that's hormones or because he gets on my nerves:laugh2: my first appointment will be at 7 weeks. So in two weeks. I'm ready to get it done and I'm super nervous. I don't know why I feel doomed lol. Maybe I should stay off this site until I get to 12 weeks. But then who would I talk to about pregnancy?!

I've been trying really hard to cut down on cigarettes. Ugh. It sucks. Do you think you've Oed already?
yeah i reckon im about 5dpo think i o'd the day of my 2nd pos opk. i have had a temp increase but i just dont think i temped long enough before o. im going to play with the settings see if it can use other signs and tests instead of basing it on bbt.

how come you feel doomed? everything must be going in the right direction if you are getting symptoms. i know from my last pregnancy the 1st tri part of this site scared the s**t out of me as everyone posted losses and problems and it just added to the stress so i would avoid it if i was u, i wish i had lol.

have you tried patches? i went cold turkey when i quit smoking i wanted to kill people and was a proper psycho when it was time that i would normally smoke it was the worst.
I think you are right. I need to stay out of the first tri section. I had mentioned being worried in another post and some chick tried reassuring me then added "but I know girls who's had them at 9 and 12 weeks". Wth? :laugh2: Plus, I see all the losses in the signatures. It makes me feel like I'm next.

I took a test last night just to see a second line. It was really dark. So then I started comparing tests of mine with girls who've had miscarriages. I'm obsessed!

Are you waiting for a late AF to test or are you going to test early?
I might test this weekend as i guess it should have implanted by then if it has and then Christmas eve to make sure i can drink.

Yeah and tbh its something you can do without the stress. When i get a bfp im only going to look in at 2nd and 3rd tri theyre so much happier pictures of nurseries and stuff. I did tests right through pregnancy randomly with opks not because i was paranoid but because i saw it on someones site or blog about how dark they go i was obsessed with that. Though she took it to the next level and also used milk she leaked and put that onto an opk lol.
well i must be 6dpo or 7 and i had discoloured wee when i wiped you know when its sort of pink but its in urine, second time watery cm with a load of stringy blood in it and 3rd discoloured wee. every time i think ib but its af come early dont know why its doing this. all the time since af came back after having aidan not had any problem, but this is the 3rd time this year (ok first was from being terrified of flying so i didnt o) so now its worrying. just have a feeling baby no 2 might not be on the cards. si my hubby said maybe its this flu but i wasnt ill at the time of o, but my son was the one that was poorly not me. so dont know. need time for it to sink in. was one thing af arriving early at 9dpo but this early isnt good. ugh im just feeling sorry for myself
Last cycle AF came early for me too. Thought it was weird. I also gave up at 8 DPO. ...So maybe you did it this month! Don't give up just yet. You really never know. All we can do is BD when we think we O and wait.
Im just worried a 7 dpo isn't normal. I dont think i did o. Ive had 1 medium day of af one heavy 1 hardly anything. Last time I had that i didnt o. I dont know if its my age or somethings messed up, i never had this before supplements. But for mybown sanity im putting it down to maybe i had flu at around rhe the time i o'd. I know i took some steong cocodamol as I was so achey was the only thing to make me feel human again. Ive looked it up and theres a lot of women asking that question but official medical stuff says either cocodamol doesnt shorten lp or theres bot enough evidence. Ive only been prescribed these this year for my back so im wondering if its these that have messed my cycle up. So ive decides to have the next cycle or 2 with no pain meds see if that sorts it out if not then im going back on red clover since i get pg on that last time and it made my cycle like clock work.

Anyway how is things with you?
Maybe all the supplements are making your cycle wonky? I only took maca root one cycle. I stopped taking it because it made me feel like I was going to shit my pants for a week! :laugh2: I Oed the cycle after but I think it was late..I'd have to go back and look at FF.

I'm still struggling with smoking. I've cut down a lot. Went two days without but I was miserable. Some days I feel pregnant (cramps and tired). Other days I feel completely normal. I haven't had any morning sickness. None of it feels real. My first appointment is in 7 days. I'm hoping I get a scan. Unfortunately DH won't be able to go with me because youngest daughter is on school holiday and I don't want her to know. I'm half tempted to tell her there might be something in there so DH can go in with me. Then again...if they do a vaginal scan, that's one more thing I'd have to explain to daughter lol. Maybe I'll tell her. I dunno.
Aw hope theres some way he can make the scan though at leaat there is another at 20 weeks. I think when i had a scan at 5 weeks it was vaginal. My god uncomfortable lol 7 week was easy just a normal belly one. Fingers crossed its just a belly one for you.

I didnt really get ms with aidan 1 half day of nausea and in 2nd tri teavel sickness every now and then. So hope no ms carries on for you. You know when I get pg i might pay for an early scan to put my mind at rest. Seems a great idea and you can enjoy the rest of 1st tri. Have you any cravings yet? Hope you any your family have a great Christmas

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