That is a gorgeous picture. Looking great. (Jealous of your legs!)
You sound pretty organized to me. The room wont take much to get together if you have everything. After we have family leave after a visit early feb I have to organise and set up the spare room as A's new bedroom. Then convert the nursery back ready for M to move in. I will feel better when they are in their set bedrooms. M is so noisy in his sleep. He grunts, farts and makes so many noises so I am not sleeping well with him next to me. Hopefully he will cut his one mid night feed and be speeping through soon! So far he is following his sisters pattern of sleep and feeds she did at the same age.
Nope no testing for me! I would know if I were pregnant... I think lol. Still on my multivitamins and not drinking (never did before anyway) so if by a miracle I was, I wouldn't be harming baby. With my PCOS I had long cycles and never ovulated so I am guessing it is going back to its old ways.