Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Lots of luck Ash, hope the IVF works for you. your ER will be about 3 weeks after mine :)
Goodluck Ash!

Thats good you get to do it straight after your IUI's and not wait ages!:happydance:

My chart had been looking so hopeful for this month but my temp nose dived this morning so I'm expecting AF probably tomorrow. I'm pretty crushed. I was hoping we wouldn't have to see the FS in 3 weeks but it looks like we'll have to after all.

I'm starting to doubt our plan to ask to postpone IVF until January and am thinking that maybe we should just go for it as soon as it's offered. DH and I will have to talk it through over the weekend.
crikey Ash thats quick! Good Luck with the IVF! wow we've got a lot of us going through it at similar times... very exciting stuff! :happydance:

Ickle - sorry that you think AF is on its way... my advice for what its worth is if its offered don't wait. I understand the thought that doing it naturally is better (i've thought it myself) but quite frankly we don't give a second thought to taking anti-biotics or cold medication if you've got a cold or infection... you don't sit it out to prove you can beat it naturally... so i look at IVF in the same vein, its just aiding us to get to the end result!

Hi sticky :hi: good to see ya!

Gilmore - glad you got your scan date through and not long away either!

Greekgirl - i'm on day 3 of downregging only another 2 weeks to go and then hopefully start the FSH injections.

Hope she does too Lucy :af:
10 dpiui here bfn. I had bad cramps and backache yesterday. So. Stupid infertility :brat: I really wanted to have good news for DH when he got home.
Yeah I suppose the main reason for waiting was wanting to delay the possiblity of using up our 3 free cycles and still not having a baby. What you say is true though.

AF started this afternoon so I'm definitely out. Just got to prepare for the appointment now.
Fisher - sorry for the bfn ... I know exactly what you're going through though. I did 4 IUI's 1 with injectables and they all failed. It's heartbreaking but you'll get that bfp one day!

Sticky beans - yes thank god for good insurance because if I didn't have this insurance I wouldn't be doing IVF right now since it's very expensive.

AFM - just awaiting the start of IVF. I looked at my calendar today and realized that my ER and ET are going to collide with my appointment at kleinfelds for wedding dress shopping so I'm going to have to cancel that and move it either to an earlier date or a later date. I'd rather get pregnant then go wedding dress shopping :haha:
Hi All,

well title says it all...

Im so down at the moment, and have to have a rant...

Firstly AF arrived (which isn't really a suprise) but each month i hope and pray, any way i went to the shops as i had awful PP and wanted to cry they were that bad, and there was a girl shopping with her mum she looked about 18 and she was talking to the assistant (she must have known her) and she was complaining as she was pregnant and she is p*ssed off as she couldnt drink and it was her 21st and she was annoyed and what a crap birthday she is going to have blah blah blah and i really felt like screaming saying JUST SHUT UP!! clearly i didnt but i had awful PMT and as we all do want to be PG more than any thing :cry:

Then i got home and recieved a letter saying that our IVF app on 16 August has been cancelled and re arranged for 21 September!!!! (and we are away!!!)So as you can imagine burst into tears! I then called them today and asked why it has been cancelled and re arranged and they advised its because the doctor has booked annual leave!! So i spoke to appointments to see if they can move forward instead of further back and they said they coulnd't and i had to speak to this other lady, so called her who was not sympathetic and said well they have to have leave you know! (i felt like jumping down the phone and slapping her with a wet fish :dohh:) i nearly said " have you got children" as the woman had no empathy at all - this is the second time the appointment has been changed by them by the way!

So i spoke with her manager who was very understanding and said to leave it with her. I dont mind cancelling our time away but i dont want to if the appointment is going to be changed again thats all i was saying...

Any way she said she will call me on monday with an update :cry: Sorry for the rant, but i dont have any one that knows what we are going through apart from OH who has tried his best to cheer me up :-(

Sticky - Hey hun, hope your well, good to hear from you

Fisher - :-( Sorry its BFN, hopefully next time it will be BFP!

Ikle Pand - sorry AF has arrived (hugs)

Ash - Wow thats quick! good luck hun x

Hope every one else is ok,

Lucy xxx
Lucy that is terrible I am so sorry you are having to wait!! How come you have to wait so long I? It is so stupid you are put on a list when there is no need for it xx

Wow Ash that is quick, there will only be 2 weeks between us, my E/C is due the week of August 10th ish depending on how I respond to the drugs, I have to have a lower dose of 112.5iu as I have 12+ resting follicle count on each ovary. It should of been 150iu! Are you doing long or short protocol? I am assuming your dong long, I have to start on day 21 which isn't too far away now :)

Pink How are you getting on? Any side effects?

Sticky Nice to see you back!!

How are all the others! FF, Fisher Urchin Raz, I don't seem to keep in touch very well and all the original girls don't seem to be about much xx

Hi to everyone else xx
My protocol is called down regulation .. I'm really not sure if it's long or short but what I do know is that I start the lupron on July 8th which is CD 21 and then I'll be on that until I get a period (the nurse said I should get it about 7 days after I start) and then I start the stims and then estimated ER is July 25th so ET will be either 3 or 5 days after that. :) That seems short to me but maybe it is long protocol...? Lol

Best of luck with your IVF!
Yes I think you must be Ash, It must be just slightly different in the uk, I am DRing with synarel (sniffing)for 3 weeks then stimming with Gonal F for how ever long that takes for the follicles to get to 20mm it could take up to 2 weeks, you seem to have more accurate dates than we do it is slightly shorter than mine but it is the same, wow we are gonna be so close as I start DR on July 7th eek Excited :)
At least we can hold each others hand throughout xXx
I'm still here stalking away MrsHowley. I don't say much because I'm starting to feel like I don't belong. Most of you are under going IVF or IUI and I'm still at a standstill since I don't feel I can afford any of those things. I actually don't feel like I belong on BnB at all anymore since the other thread I'm on consists of all mom, preggos or TTC #2. Trying to keep my PMA, but its slowly going down the gutter.
Dazed I felt like that a while ago, everyone was having treatment and on the odd occasion you would get the ones who can get PG naturally, I know I can't and I was stuck in fertility treatment limbo!! Everything just takes so long, I hope that things will progress for you soon, we have all been in your situation and I promise you will not be forgotten, It is just hard to find a happy medium when your stuck in limbo (((HUGS))) xXx
I'm glad for your rant as that's roughly how I'm feeling as well. Depressed and frustrated and angry and sad.

I think AF will start in another day or so. She's not technically here yet. But I've got bad cramps and spotting so... Another bust. I don't know where to go from here and DH is still in Europe for another 1.5weeks to talk it through. I start my new job in a little more than a week so that's going to really conflict with future plans. I don't know if I want to take a break this cycle and schedule appointment to talk it over with the doc or if I want to start another round of clomid in the hopes of another IUI. With the new job it would be kind of like roulette whether we got to do the IUI or not. And I guess after 3 IUIs with clomid I feel like clomid alone may not be worth it? Or take a break and just save as much money as possible for IVF possibly next summer?

I'm just sad and overwhelmed.
Mrs.Howley - it's nice to have someone going through the same thing :) or close to it at least! I hope it works for both of us!
Hi Mrs H :hi:

I'm still around, but I don't post on this thread much any more seeing as I'm not LTTTC any more ... but I do read the it every day and am always quietly cheering everyone one.

I love the girls on this thread - and I really do believe that every one of us deserves to get our take home baby... for us to struggle for so long with the heartache and dashed hopes and just keep going, says an awful lot about how much we want to be mothers and what good mothers we will be :hugs:
I'm still here stalking away MrsHowley. I don't say much because I'm starting to feel like I don't belong. Most of you are under going IVF or IUI and I'm still at a standstill since I don't feel I can afford any of those things. I actually don't feel like I belong on BnB at all anymore since the other thread I'm on consists of all mom, preggos or TTC #2. Trying to keep my PMA, but its slowly going down the gutter.

Oh dazed :hugs: you do belong, whether you're having treatment or not, we're all still trying. I know its hard when it doesn't feel like you're doing anything to move things along and even worse when you can't afford to. :hugs:

Lucy - rant away... even though i'm going through my cycle at the moment, i've also been feeling angry at people who just don't appreciate what they've got. Really sorry to hear about your apt and i've got my fingers crossed that they manage to find an earlier date. Its not fair that they've changed the apt twice.

Fisher :hugs:

MrsH - not doing too bad, not sure if its a side effect from the buserelin but i've had quite bad flatulence :blush:
Nice to see you Urchin I hope Eenie is growing beautifully!! Any names yet for her??

Pink I am glad you have only got the farts I think I could handle that, but pregnant women farts are supposed to be the worst :)

How is Wannabe? Does anyone hear from her too, I hope she is doing good!!

Well I am off to my friends wedding today, I am very much looking forward to it!! Although me and hubby were in bed and we got talking about when we got married and what we thought our life would be like now, and it is so different to what we had wished for, made me a bit sad really, but we are nearly there now, we move next week and the week after we start IVF! FINALLY :)

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