Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Thank you ladies for being so warm and welcoming...

Good luck ickle pand hopefully the NSAIDs won't interfere

Good luck with your second ivf pinkfee.... like you I have never had a bfp and have just found out why... so hopefully with ivf I will end up with a healthy baby one day...

anyone have DH with very low sperm count?? that is what our biggest hurdle will be ... RE intern suggested donor sperm DH almost hit the floor an absolute no from him! He is making a few lifestyle changes and going to see the specialist retesting SA in 3 months ... thinking about fertlaid for men any one tried this does it help???

as for me FSH 15 @ 28 yrs old not good but they seemed hopeful like they could work with that however they suggested that IUI and drugs like Clomid would not work for our situation....

any input??

Good luck and hugs ladies ... Thank you all I really need the support right now pretty shocked and upset by the last appt left me with too many questions...
Hi Selina & Timeforababy - Welcome :hi:

Selina - My OH Sperm was low (only slightly) and low morphology (2%), we thought that the morphology was an issue for us, and we are stating IVF around 18th July, and the Dr said his morphology is nothing to worry about :shrug: so not really sure?? we did try fertileaid and when OH was tested again his morpholgy went up to 3% but the doc said it will go up and down its one of things... Life style changes are always good though we cut out alcohol and both tried getting fitter i say tried! ha ha

Sticky - Welcome back hun! hope you are well ? x

Fisher - hows the IUI going hun?

Hope every one else is ok

Lucy xx
Hi Selina & Timeforababy - Welcome :hi:

Selina - My OH Sperm was low (only slightly) and low morphology (2%), we thought that the morphology was an issue for us, and we are stating IVF around 18th July, and the Dr said his morphology is nothing to worry about :shrug: so not really sure?? we did try fertileaid and when OH was tested again his morpholgy went up to 3% but the doc said it will go up and down its one of things... Life style changes are always good though we cut out alcohol and both tried getting fitter i say tried! ha ha

Sticky - Welcome back hun! hope you are well ? x

Fisher - hows the IUI going hun?

Hope every one else is ok

Lucy xx

good luck with your ivf hope this brings u the :bfp: u r hoping for
Hi guys. I will have to read through this thread later, but for now wanted to say hello to everyone and that I'm in the same boat ttc #1 long term. We were married in '09, started ttc July 2010, got pregnant first cycle trying, miscarried, d&c first week of September 2010 (tissue tested - xxy). Got pregnant after waiting for one period, miscarried again (at 11.5 weeks, this time after seeing great heartbeat on first ultrasound ay 7.5 weeks , d&c January 2011 (tissue tested - normal chromosome count, not sure what happened). Been ttc ever since and no more bfp's. Unexplained infertility. Three failed clomid/iui cycles, now on to IVF. I should be starting injections around July 17th. Luteal lupron protocol.
Lucy, the IUI was okay. The nurse Came in to do it and couldn't get the catheter in. So two speculums and two catheters later she got the doctor who came in and did it so fast and painless there's part of me that thinks she just squirted it in there and didn't bother getting the catheter in? Only because every single one when they get the catheter thought there's mild cramping and it feels like my stomach is doing flip flops (like I might faint or something) but this time it felt that way while the nurse was fiddling but NOTHING with the doctor. Weird.

If this IUI doesn't work we need to have a follow up appointment to discuss where were going from here. :-/
Hi Notoptimistic - welcome :flower: sorry for your loss and i hope you'll have a successful IVF cycle.

Fisher - Good luck with this IUI i've got everything crossed that this is the one!
Welome notoptimistic :) Sorry for your losses, and good luck on the IVF train!

Fisher - Poor you hun! bet that was slightly uncomfortable for you :-/ good luck for this cycle and if not hope your follow up appointment goes well :)

Well CD 21 for us, and you we're hoping for a natrual BFP before IVF starts in July, we can hope hey...

hope every one else is ok

Lucy xx
Hi ladies, just checking in....I wish you all luck this cycle!
Hello ladies, just thought I'd post an update on our FS appointment yesterday. Sorry its a bit long lol!

Well the good news is that we're officially on the IVF list now and it's been backdated to March last year. The bad news is that the waiting list is 3 years long now so we'll have to wait until March 2014 unless we self-fund. I'm a bit disappointed but there's nothing we can do about it so we're not dwelling on it.

I'm getting progesterone levels checked this cycle to confirm ov and I got a u/s today. Got a lovely big follie waiting to pop (roughly 23mm) and my lining is nice and thick so I'm happy about that.

He said clomid wasn't worthwhile since I'm likely ovulating. And my thyroid was checked when I first went to the clinic he said it was normal and I think it was 12 if I was looking at the right result upside down.

I asked about metformin but he didn't think it was appropriate for me and aspirin he said that it's recommended for women with known problems after a BFP and wouldn't cause any problems but he's not sure if it'd have any benefit. Same with accupuncture.

He was very impressed with my weight loss and even asked my advice about how to sell it to other women who were struggling with their weight.

So all in all it was a positive appointment. We're considering trying a duo fertility monitor in the meantime but it's a lot of money.
Ickle.. well i suppose thats good and bad news isn't it... sorry you have to wait so long to start the IVF... but hopefully you won't need it anyway and you'll get a BFP very soon!

I've not done acupunture, but a lot of women swear by it, if you find it difficult to relax then its maybe something to think about... i don't think many doctors would tell you it will benefit, cos its not been proven scientifically.

Good luck x
afternoon ladies, quick update from my HSG yesterday.

not sure if my tubes are blocked as my canal is very narrow that they couldn't even get through so will have to have surgery as he thinks this may be way we can't conceive. basically he says that he could of poked around all day and not got anything through which is always nice to hear!!

So my tubes may still be blocked we just can't check yet :shrug:
ickle sounds very promising sorry about the wait but at least now your on the list :thumbup:
Thanks Pinkfee. We're hoping not to need IVF but I was mentally prepared to start it in the next few months as the list was only 18 months long last year.

It's tempting to self fund, but it's such a lot of money to gamble on something that's not even got a 50/50 chance of succeeding. I'm looking into duofertility monitor since it's considerably cheaper and if you follow their guidelines and don't get pregnant in a year, you get your money back.

Thanks gilmore. That's not so great about the HSG, but if they've found out what's wrong, even if it's not what they were looking for, then that's got to be a step forward in fixing it.
@Ickle, Good luck with everything. :hugs: Sorry that the IVF wait list is so long, hopefully once your problem is corrected surgically you can move on to conceive the old fashioned way or do IUI and than you wont have to wait!!

AFM, sorry I have been missing in action for so long girls. I have been silently stalking and trying to keep up with everyone well I was away though!! I have been so busy with work. I recently went from being a temporary employee to getting hired on permanent and got a pay raise so that is going well. I finally have vacation and sick time!! I had to put in my 2 week notice though and threaten to quit to force them to hire me on permanent and give me a pay raise though!!! Apparently I had been doing a good job though so my boss got the approvals to hire me on and get me a pay raise. :thumbup: I was glad I put my foot down and let my boss know that I wanted more $$ or else I would of still been sitting there at lower pay as a temp with no benefits!!

On another note, my infertility DR left the practice and I was disappointed because she was the only female at the practice and I have never been comfortable with a male DR doing the gyno stuff. So I started to look for a new female infertility DR at aother location but that was a challenge, there aren't very many female infertilty specialists that participate with my health insurance close to my home, and many of them were in locations that are inconvinent, like in the cities where you have to pay $20 an hour to park and deal with the crazy city traffic, plus their costs for IUI were way higher than my current practice and our health insurance doesn't cover IUI so we are going to have to pay for that ourselves so I decided to suck it up and make an appointment for a surgical consult with a male DR at my old practice. Plus I would have to have all of my records transfered to a new DR office if I left and not sure what kid of testing I would have to repeat again before they could do surgery etc. So for time, money and to save myself a headache my surgical consult is scheduled for 07/31/2012 so that I can finally move forward with getting the surgeries I need so we can do the IUI soon!!!

As for the surgeries I need a hysteroscopy to remove a polyp from my uterus because my uterus has to be clear before I can do IUI. I also may possibly have one tube blocked because the dye didnt flow through one of my tubes when I did my HSG, although the other tube was fine, so I can do a laparascopy at the same time and that will allow them to see if they can get the die to run through and unblock my second tube. The Lap is optional though and I dont have to do it, I am leaning towards doing them both though so I can have the absolute best chance possible to get pregnant, after all 2 for sure open tubes is better than just one. I am hoping that I dont have to do anymore infertility testing/exams since I haven't been to my fertility Dr's office since the beginning of the year. I would hate to have to repeat the saline sono, it so uncomfortable.:wacko: I was hoping to just do a meet and greet to talk to the new DR to make sure I was comfortable with him and that I liked him, since he is going to be a new DR for me. I was comfortable with my old DR, she was very nice and I was used to her. It's bad enough that the DR is down there looking at your vagina for 20 minutes poking around and is a female, I am not sure how I feel about a male DR doing all of that at this point, but out of desperation I am trying to find a way to be okay with it. I am tired of postponing my surgery and feeling like time is going by so fast, my biologcal clock is ticking and I am not getting any younger, I need to get moving on having my family like yesterday!!! I am going to be 33 this year!!! UGGHHH!!!:wacko:

If I am sedated and have the male DR doing surgery than I wont know anyways since I will be knocked out anyways,LOL!!!

I am hopeful that maybe the polyp in my uterus is the reason why I haven't gotten pregnant yet, it could be blocking the :spermy: from getting to the egg, and maybe once I have the surgery i could get pregnant naturally!!Although the next challenge is DH's low :spermy:count. I cant change that after all so there will still be a good chance we will need IUI regardless.

Do any of you girls feel uncomfortable with male DR poking aorund in your lady parts? Or is that just my problem???:dohh:Don't get me wrong though the male DR I am going to instead is very qualified and skilled, his background is impressive for sure, so I shouldfocus on that aspect of it and not just the fact that he is a male, he hs probably seem thousands of vaginas after all and I dont have anything he hasn't seen yet right??:wacko:
I was actually considering leaving my female RE to find a male! We had received the news about DH's low count by an intern (our RE is the head of the practice apparently sloughed us off) She was very presumptuous regarding DH's SA results she questioned whether he had been close to chemical warfare and accused him of steroid use as well as throwing the donor sperm option at us without even assessing whether or not we would even consider it (DH is still boiling about her lack of sensitivity regarding male infertility he wants to contact the clinic).

DH needs the attention this is so hard for him. :hugs:
@Selina, Thanks for your thoughts on the topic!! :flower:

I am so sorry that your DR was being so insensitive. :hugs: My DH and I have discussed the possibility of donor sperm, but it would be an absolute last resort if everything else failed. It is a very difficult decision to come to and takes alot of thought. There are so many things to consider, with the donor sperm and to just jump straight to that without being offered any alternatives is difficult!!! And I am sure that you are like me and want to have your husbands biological child if possible!!:hugs:

My infertility DR said we had to have over 5 thousand sperm to be able to do IUI and I had my DH on fertility vitamins at a real high dose befre the last SA we did and he got up to 6.5 million and 65% motility, which is just enough for us to be able to get the green light o do IUI, so I was happy with those results. They prefer at least 10 thousand sperm to do IUI, But will do it with over 5 thousand minimum. But I have to get this darn surgery out of the way first!! Sigh....:wacko: I am not looking forward to it but I know it is a necessary evil, and that the pain will be worth it in the long run!!
Wannabe, I know how you feel about a male dr! I felt the same way! Unfortunately the only RE's in my town are male, there are only two. So I really had no choice... Honestly, I have always had a female OB so I was nervous about having a male, but I almost prefer my male dr because he is more compassionate and concerned. I had him do my hsg, lap, and hysteroscopy and didn't think too much of it. For the hsg my husband was in the room along with a femal nurse and for my lap & hysteroscopy there was at least one female nurse in the OR. Also, when I have my appointments with my RE there is always a female nurse in the room for the exam if my dh can't come. I guess what I am trying to say is your concerns are valid and it's normal to be uncomfortable but there are procedures in place to make sure that you are comfortable. :)
Wannabe, I know how you feel about a male dr! I felt the same way! Unfortunately the only RE's in my town are male, there are only two. So I really had no choice... Honestly, I have always had a female OB so I was nervous about having a male, but I almost prefer my male dr because he is more compassionate and concerned. I had him do my hsg, lap, and hysteroscopy and didn't think too much of it. For the hsg my husband was in the room along with a femal nurse and for my lap & hysteroscopy there was at least one female nurse in the OR. Also, when I have my appointments with my RE there is always a female nurse in the room for the exam if my dh can't come. I guess what I am trying to say is your concerns are valid and it's normal to be uncomfortable but there are procedures in place to make sure that you are comfortable. :)

Thanks for your response, those are some good points!! The nurses at my Infertility practice are all wonderful and very nice and I know that they will be accompanying the male DR i he has to any exams, and to assist with everything. My DH s going to go with me so that should help some!!

If I chicken out and continue to hunt for another female infertility DR it may take alot of additional time to figure out and there is no guarantee that I would like the new female DR just because they were female. I like my infertility practice, and everyone is very nice there from the surgery scheduler to the nurses. :thumbup: Plus the background of the male DR that I hve an appointment with is more impressive than my female dr that left the practice!! Hmmm, can you tell I am trying to convince myself and focus on the positives in this scenario, LOL...:wacko:
Good luck!! Keep us posted! I was reading your signature and noticed that you have a fibroid. I had two that my RE removed during the hysteroscopy in March. Does your dr want to remove yours at the same time you do your lap? Mine said that since we were doing the lap we might as well get rid of them too, since they can grow during pregnancy...
Good luck!! Keep us posted! I was reading your signature and noticed that you have a fibroid. I had two that my RE removed during the hysteroscopy in March. Does your dr want to remove yours at the same time you do your lap? Mine said that since we were doing the lap we might as well get rid of them too, since they can grow during pregnancy...
Thanks for the good luck!!:hugs:I will for sure keep you ladies upated!!:thumbup:

The fibroid is embedded in my uterus wall so I dont think the DR thought it was necessary to remove it. The polyp was coming out from my uterus wall and was blocking things in there so it has to go before I can move forward with IUI. But since I am meeting with a new DR to go over everything I think I will ask his opinion about it as well and see if he agrees.

How soar were you after your hysteroscopy? Did it take you a long time to heal after?

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