Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Fisher, I'm with Feisty on this one!! I see the opportunity to not worry about testing as a gift, even if it's just for a few days... but maybe that's just me! :winkwink:
@Fisher, I am glad that you got confirmation that you are ovulating for sure.:happydance:..But I knew that those OPK's couldnt be wrong!!! :thumbup:

I am with the other girls, My vote is that you take a break from testing and just enjoy your weekend, you will be too busy enjoying yourself so that is a distraction from worrying about testing as well. You dont want possible BFN's to take away from enjoying yourself....:winkwink:

Good luck and baby dust to you hun....:dust: :dust: :dust:

Unfortunatly No, the DR's office never called me back today, I even called them again in the afternoon and left another VM in case they forgot to call me back with the results, but I didnt get any response. So it looks like tomorrow hopefully I should hear something. I doubt if it would take more than 2 days to do my bloods...ugghhhh... :wacko:

@Fisher, that is great that you got your bloods back so bloods were done at an outside Quest lab and the DR's office has to give me the results.... I am annoyed at how long this is taking though I must admit....:growlmad:
My gosh wannabe - this is torture! I'm really hoping they have some news for you this morning.

I'm going to add another no testy vote for the weekend fisher. Just enjoy the wedding without ttc related stress ( but I'm bettig that you ignore us and sneak some wee sticks into your suitcas ) :lol:

morning BH a 1st anniversary pregnancy would be perfect
- let's hope that the universe agrees :D
As predicted scan came back clear. I had a tiny speck of hope that my last two dodgy periods would be explained by a secret pregnancy (ridiculous I know) but obviously this isn't the case and my body is just being a pain in the arse!
The sonographer said that everything looked fine but a full report would be given to my GP next week. People are expecting me to be over-joyed about this good news and although I am relieved nothing major is wrong I am still upset that it is the only diagnostic test I can have until being referred to a FS next year and it hasn't revealed anything.

I pretty much know that we have unexplained fertility and with each unsuccessful month that passes I feel more confident that the Fertility diet may have a chance of working! I hate the thought of such a drastic life change (I am a proper comfort eater) but if it gives me a better hope of a healthy pregnancy then I guess I am willing to make the sacrifice even if it is just a slight increase in our chances.

I know we haven't been trying for very long compared to most of you lovelies and I do apologise for the self indulgent rant but feeling a bit mixed up atm.

Wannabe any news yet hun? xxx
Oh Feisty, I'm sorry your still feeling so down. I so understand how you're feeling about your scan. Its always a relief to know nothing serious is wrong but at the same time, the disappointment that you're no further ahead at knowing how to fix this. :hugs: :hugs:
Remember Feisty we don't rank in this group. LTTTC is LTTTC. I feel you a bit - all my tests have been perfect this month so I'm officially unexplained. Which doesn't really make me feel better? Although is there any diagnosis people are pleased to get? Probably just pregnant huh? :haha:
Well the Dr's office finally called me back with with the results and........I am not pregnant.....:nope:

But on a more positive note they confirmed I was ovulating for sure through my blood work...:thumbup:

I am doing alright with the news though (had a few moments of sadness today) But in a way I was hoping that I wasnt pregnant because I would of been worried what the HSG would of done to the baby, and plus i was on antibiotics for the HSG which werent safe to be taking when pregnant either...

At least I have peace of mind now and can move on finally, and right into my 2WW which I apparently am in now...:winkwink:

And I will never ever be using the pink handled IC's with the HCG written in pink on them, apparently they are major pieces of crap and give out tons of false positives..:dohh:. Beware ladies if you use that kind of IC...apparently they suck big time....:growlmad:

Eventually I will have to schedule my Saline Sonohysterography so the DR can get a better look at whatever is in my uterus.... Not sure if I will need it removed surgically or if it is just a harmless lump, but I am sure the DR can give me her opinion on it...
As predicted scan came back clear. I had a tiny speck of hope that my last two dodgy periods would be explained by a secret pregnancy (ridiculous I know) but obviously this isn't the case and my body is just being a pain in the arse!
The sonographer said that everything looked fine but a full report would be given to my GP next week. People are expecting me to be over-joyed about this good news and although I am relieved nothing major is wrong I am still upset that it is the only diagnostic test I can have until being referred to a FS next year and it hasn't revealed anything.

I pretty much know that we have unexplained fertility and with each unsuccessful month that passes I feel more confident that the Fertility diet may have a chance of working! I hate the thought of such a drastic life change (I am a proper comfort eater) but if it gives me a better hope of a healthy pregnancy then I guess I am willing to make the sacrifice even if it is just a slight increase in our chances.

I know we haven't been trying for very long compared to most of you lovelies and I do apologise for the self indulgent rant but feeling a bit mixed up atm.

Wannabe any news yet hun? xxx

@Fiesty, I am glad that the scan showed everything looked normal... but I am sorry that you still dont have any answers about why you arent getting pregnant ...I am sending major and big hugs out to you hun....:hugs::hugs::hugs: I hope you can get some answers soon hun..

Good luck with the diet!!!:thumbup:I hope you can finally get your BFP!!! :dust::dust:
Sorry to hear it's not pregnancy news wannabe - but I think you're right: 2 different things not safe for pregnancy, in the early stages of pregnancy, would have had me really worried too....and very reassuring that you're oscillating (as Mr Urch would say!)

FF although it's frustrating, all clear and unexplained is a lot better than some answers I reckon.
While we're being investigated, we all want them to find something wrong -but, we want that something to be easily fixable - like a slight blockage. So when there are no answers, it can be hard to take as mentally what we're comparing it with is something that just needs a minor intervention to sort out.

But the answers aren't always so comfortable: mine was 'no eggs left' which really puts me in no better position than unexplained. The 'treatment' is still IVF only with harder to aquire eggs than my own (which was what they were looking at before I became 'explained')

I guess what I'm trying to say is that 'unexplained' is not as good as 'easy to fix', but still more positive than 'there's a bit of you that's fukd'
And as you say, if there's nothing apparently wrong, then the fertility diet stands a good chance of helping :D xxx

My news this morning is that I've lost 2lbs this week - and seeing as I only started on Monday I'm pretty blummin chuffed!
I'll update my wormy ticker later - it'll only look like 1.5lbs as I rounded down my starting figure when I made it (I thought putting 150.5lbs was a little pedantic!)
Urchin thank you hun :flower: As always you are of course right! Unexplained is far, far better then most fertility diagnosis. Will not be starting the fertility diet until the new year as I need to have one final big binge over christmas :blush: terrible I know!

Wannabe I am so sorry hun but I am with you and Urchin on this one, if you were pregnant you would have been tearing your hair out worrying about what damage could have been done and worse still is that so early on you would have had to wait weeks for any physical or mental abnormalities to be picked up - definitely not a good way to be going through a pregnancy.

We have been nattering away on this thread for just over 8 weeks, for most of us that is two cycles and I have just realised that we are yet to celebrate our first :bfp: Now some people may see that as a really depressing fact but for me it just reinforces how much I adore you lovely ladies! In most threads it is difficult to keep up with people coming and then getting that much craved :bfp: and buggering off again. With you lovelies I feel honoured to know each of your background stories and being able to spur you through this journey which lets face it although is bloody frustrating and upsetting, it's a damn sight more interesting then bog standard ttc journeys!

So to my lovely girls in the LTTTC group I raise a glass and salute you for all just being so blooming awesome! :wine:

BTW I am not anti :bfp: in any way I WANT each of you to get that much lusted after second line but I just feel at home here and like there is no competition or rush to get there!
I think everyone needs a big hug :hugs: this cycle.

Tasha16 so sorry for all your losses, you really do inspire me as i'm not sure I could be as brave as you.

Stickybeans - your not out until that old :witch: show her face and no more testing until after as it won't help.

Wannabe - good luck, i can't wait to hear the results so goodness knows what you must be feeling... i'm keeping everything crossed! x

Sometimes i think you have to feel low, so you can feel positive tomorrow. I don't think anyone can be PMA all the time. Maybe book yourselves a trip away, i'm somewhere in my tww and trying not to obsess. we're off to the peak district this weekend, so thats whats making me feel better!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Aww thank you huni i hope you have a great weekend. Thanks Ladies xx
FF i'm glad your scan was ok i understand how you feel huni it is rubbish that you don't have any answers, i hope you get ur bfp really soon you deserve it x Welcome to all the newbies and am sorry the witch got you dazed xx
Djibou i hope that was enough for you huni, it's just so annoying isn't it, we only managed to bd 4 times but only once in my fertile window which was cd13 and i got a positive on cd15, i just couldn't do it then as i was far to sore (Sorry tmi) xx Wannabe am sorry your not pregnant but i do agree it's probably better your not with everything xx
It's a sad day here in S****horpe today, i don't know if any of you have ever read about Jack Marshall a 6 year old boy that has been battling a brain tumour for two years. He's been in the papers and has met Wayne Rooney and some other footballers as he's a massive man united fan. Well it's his funeral today as he passed away last thursday. This little boy touched so many people's hearts all over the world bcos he was such a little fighter and always smiled no matter what he went through.He had 92000 followers on twitter, also his mum has put video's of his on you tube so look him up if you don't about him. I am friends with his cousin and she told me wat a lovely boy he was xx
wannabe - sorry that your not pregnant, although the girls are right you'd be driving yourself mad with worry if you were. I really hope that everything is okay with whatever the lump is in your uterus and its nothing serious.

FF- also sorry your not pregnant, i often delude myself with the idea of maybe i'm pregnant cos i've had a slightly odd period! I've also probably tested more times after i've had AF than before :blush: its just another part of the ltttc crazy! :haha:

urchin - well done on the weight loss :happydance:

and i'm raising my glass to toast you lovely ladies right back :drunk: Happy Friday! x
Urch you're a riot!

I make a habit of testing when AF starts actually. I get bad AF cramps and feel guilty taking aleve since that's bad in pregnancy and there SO many people on here who maintain "it seemed like normal AF I had cramps just like AF but it turned out I was pregnant" :-/ so they implant that fear in the back of my mind...
It's a sad day here in S****horpe today, i don't know if any of you have ever read about Jack Marshall a 6 year old boy that has been battling a brain tumour for two years. He's been in the papers and has met Wayne Rooney and some other footballers as he's a massive man united fan. Well it's his funeral today as he passed away last thursday. This little boy touched so many people's hearts all over the world bcos he was such a little fighter and always smiled no matter what he went through.He had 92000 followers on twitter, also his mum has put video's of his on you tube so look him up if you don't about him. I am friends with his cousin and she told me wat a lovely boy he was xx

I was writing my post at the same time as you had already posted this, so apologies if my happy friday comment looks a bit callous after your post... i did read about this in the paper today, it is very sad.
It's a sad day here in S****horpe today, i don't know if any of you have ever read about Jack Marshall a 6 year old boy that has been battling a brain tumour for two years. He's been in the papers and has met Wayne Rooney and some other footballers as he's a massive man united fan. Well it's his funeral today as he passed away last thursday. This little boy touched so many people's hearts all over the world bcos he was such a little fighter and always smiled no matter what he went through.He had 92000 followers on twitter, also his mum has put video's of his on you tube so look him up if you don't about him. I am friends with his cousin and she told me wat a lovely boy he was xx

Poor little mite.
Thank you so much for all of the kind words and support ladies....:flower:

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!
What is this fertility diet of which you speak?

So I'm thinking you all may be right. I may avoid testing this weekend. I think I've decided I'm going to pack 1 test strip incase AF does show up and I feel like I need to take something for cramps so I can take it and not feel guilty about it - but otherwise avoid testing until I get home... provided AF hasn't already shown.

I had a dream last night I was finally pregnant, it was at that stage of the morning where you sort of know your dreaming but the dream is still going on, I can't tell you how badly I did not want to get up to shut my alarm off because I didn't want to fully wake and it to be gone. :sad1:

I tested this morning, 9dpo, (I know, I know), I had finally decided last night I wasn't going to test until after we got home from the trip, but I took my temperature again this morning and it was 99 (it was 98.6 the last two days). Which I wasn't expecting because I still got up at 8a and was still wearing all the same pjs PLUS a major cold front went through and we haven't turned the heat in our house on yet so the temperature in the house is only 58 right now, so I was if anything expecting my BBT to be lower just because it's so freaking cold. At first I tried to excuse it away blaming it on :wine: until I realized I didn't have anything to drink last night. And after I saw that, plus the dream I lost all my resolve and POAS. It was negative of course. This is why someone should confiscate my thermometer after O. I keep saying I'm going to quit checking my temperature because every month my charts look fabulous - and you would think over the last two years I would have realized that it doesn't matter how fabulous your chart looks :witch: will still show up. (Infact that is a minor irksome pet peeve of mine when you post a chart and people go on and on about how great it looks, or look at that implantation dip, or it looks triphasic or blah blah blah and this is TOTALLY the month ---oo I'm a bitter person!) I'm still working very hard to avoid symptom spotting - somewhat because there are none, my bbs are only mildly sore and only intermittently - and somewhat because over the last two years I've had every possible combination of symptoms, or lack of symptoms and all have been for naught. :nope: -- I would actually say that perhaps the best indicator that AF will show up this month for me is exactly how sad and depressed I have been. I've never been a b*tchy PMSer but lordy-lordy I'm a sad, depressed, and self-depreciating one :cry:

I do totally love this group though, I love that everytime I log on you're all updating, and Urch is saying things like "Sorry but there's a part of you that's slightly fukd" or that you're "oscillating" lol and making me laugh, and you're right Feisty this is one of the first groups I've been in where I haven't felt like there is a race I'm falling behind in because everyone else is getting a :bfp:. It's nice to have a thread we can all get to know each other and relax and not always discuss TTC, but have a friendly group who knows exactly how everything feels and what's going on - someplace to vent about random TTC frustrations so your DH doesn't necessarily need to know exactly how mental you've become.

Speaking of mental: remember how I was meeting my friend for lunch the other day? The one who is 18weeks preg? That was making me more cranky than anyone else I know that's preg? (Well lunch went fine and wasn't as sad as I thought it would be) but I think I've finally figured out why her pregnancy bothers me. It's because she's so naive. That she just announced they would start trying on their wedding night and they would have a baby shower by this time next year, (and it's true) that they announced on facebook that she was 7 weeks pregnant and didn't for a moment think there might not be happy ending. That at lunch the other day when I asked her about school and she said "well we're going to have another baby immediately after this one"-- that she just embodies everything that LTTTC has stolen from me. That I'm so aware of everything that can go wrong, how there are no guarantees that a BFP will end with a baby, or that I might ever get one, how you can't plan when you get pregnant, how stupid I would feel if I had announced to all of my friends in March of 2008 when I quit taking my birthcontrol pills that I had thrown away my pills so to plan a baby shower for this time next year -- and that I've been a failure. How LTTTC makes me cringe when a friend makes a public announcement that they're 5 weeks pregnant. I think that's why she bothers me more than most other people, because she is a 100% representation of everything being a LTTTCer has taken from me. :cry:

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