Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Thank you so much for all of the kind words and support ladies....:flower:

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

Sorry it wasn't your month wannabe. :hugs: I hope your HSG helps your next cycle. Hopefully all our BFPs are right around the corner. I hope we all get knocked up soon, and I hope we all get knocked up together, cause I'd sure miss everyone if we split up. :kiss:
Fisher I know we all say it to each other all the time but I am seriously sending you a MAHOOSIVE hug :hugs: Naiive lucky ttcers piss me off no end because you can guarenttee that they will get their happy ending and will never have any reason to stop seeing the world of ttc and pregnancy through rose tinted glasses. I am not saying that I want them to live through hell and be horrid and bitter and twisted like me but I am not ashamed to say that I am jealous as hell and as horrid as it sounds I do fantasise about slapping that smug serene looking grin (yes I am well aware that it is almost impossible to look serene and smug at the same time but they bleeding do!) off their face! There I said it :p

I am however tempted to fly on over to Florida track you down Fisher and confiscate both your thermometer and tests and throw them both into the sea so you quit tormenting yourself with testing early! Not worth the heartache and stress my lovely :hugs: Oh and I see through your excuse of taking a test incase you need pain relief ;) You could take some seriously heavy stuff and it still wouldn't affect early development BUT I am just as bad as you at making excuses to justify things to myself :hug:

Oh and the fertility diet is basically eating foods free from being processed or containing gluten, dairy, sugar, chemicals or meat. Basically rabbit food prepared from scratch and cooked as little as possible :sick: Now you see why I am waiting until after Christmas ;)

Well it is DH birthday and his cousin has peed me off by writing happy birthday from her, her oh "and very wiggly bump! X x" on his facebook wall :growlmad: Exactly 51 weeks ago we last baba, she knows this, also knows how hard we have been trying since and then writes something like that! Okay, okay I get that it is the elephant in the room that she is just trying to make us feel included and not make us feel like freaks that must avoid all baby talk, references and encounters but it still flipping hurts!
Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!

I've just had a phone call from the clinic - we have a donor SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!

I've just had a phone call from the clinic - we have a donor SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

OMG that is such good news :happydance::happydance::happydance:

so exciting!!!
yups an egg donor :D

we're not sure at the minute whether we will be starting this month or next. If the donor starts her period on time (this weekend) then we will be good to go in November ... if she is late then it will have to be the December cycle that we start.
This is because of the 4 day christmas closure - I guess they dont want to risk timing things whereby we might need the clinic for transfers over Christmas

the donor coordinator had been trying to get hold of me all day, but my phone didnt have a signal...then she rang my landline but I didn't answer cuz its only ever cold callers ... then as a last hope she rang Kev (who nearly didn't answer because he didnt recognise the number!) She was going to give it another half hour then ring the next couple on the list!
I'm soooooo glad she persevered :D
Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!

I've just had a phone call from the clinic - we have a donor SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Do you mind me asking the reason for you needing a donor? Just curious as I've been having problems conceiving...
Hello Ladies not been here for a while have been really struggling this month. But I am once again in the 2 week wait so I think it's time to rear my ugly head before the madness and before I start driving myself insane. Still not received my results from my HSG it has now been a month and I have phoned my doctors and my consultants several times and still no joy, I might just go to my doctor and beg for a referral to FS despite not having my results yet, that is the next step anyway whatever the outcome of my results, what do you thing my chances are of this happening?
On a brighter note my SIL gave birth to a baby boy this week so I have had lots of cuddles with him, my heart melted when i saw hubby holding him, he adores him I know he will be a great daddy he really deserves it, I sometimes feel bad that I haven't been able to give him a child yet, but he is very supportive.
I haven't really had a read through yet so how is everyone? What is the latest news with you all?
Feisty I know what you mean had a serious smug fertility godess encounter the other day, she grinned smugly from ear to ear telling me how she is 43 and her partner is 50 and they had only been together 6 weeks when she fell pregnant, really pisses me off that does.
I don't want anyone to experience the struggle of infertility, the world would be a miserable place but it winds me right up, I have been with my hubby for 6 years and we brought a house got married did everything right and still nothing, How do you get pregnant by accident I just don't know how that happens :) Rant finished for now ;)
Wow Urchin just seen your post that is great news. If I ever have to have IVF and it looks like we might be heading in that direction I would deffo go the egg sharing route I only need 1 or 2 with a bit of luck. Good Luck looks like you might be getting a mega xmas pressie :)
I commented in your journal Urch - I'm so excited for you :happydance:

Back when I was 18 and ignorant of TTC trials and tribulations I figured that one day I'd donate my eggs - after all I had no plans to have children *shakes head*
Obviously it's not something I ever got around to. However, I do revisit that thought every so often now that I've been trying so long for my own (damn when that biological clock kicks in it sure ticks loudly).
I feel guilty about being reluctant to donate until I've had a child of my own, but by gosh I don't 'alf feel guilty about not doing it when I know there are people like Urch desperately waiting for egg donors.
I'm just not sure I'm strong enough to cope with knowing that someone might have a baby from my eggs when I'm still trying and waiting - and that feels mean in some ways.

But I do swear that if I am blessed with a safe pregnancy I am going to get my ass in gear and see about donating. I don't want something for nothing, I'm more than happy to pay it forward - are you listening Mother Nature?
Thanks my lovelies - we've been grinning from ear to ear
all evening- I'd been in a bit of a grump with Mr Urch cuz he'd thrown away the leftover pasta sauce from yesterday that I'd been going to have for tea ...
Then the phone call came in and miraculously grump-be-gone shazaaam!

MrsH it's definitely worth a go ... The results can always be forwarded
to the FS at a later date

FF Think we've all been there with the smugly pregnant - my most hated thing is the ones who moan about every little symptom they get. Yes, I'm sure being sick isn't nice - but there's a big difference between saying how you're feeling and starting up a constant drone the second you get a

Ash - I don't mind you asking at all. I have high FSH and low AMH indicating that I have few eggs left in my baskets and the ones I do have are likely hard boiled. Although I'm still ovulating my hormone levels would make me unlikely to respond to the IVF drugs, so it needs to be donor eggs
Thanks my lovelies - we've been grinning from ear to ear
all evening- I'd been in a bit of a grump with Mr Urch cuz he'd thrown away the leftover pasta sauce from yesterday that I'd been going to have for tea ...
Then the phone call came in and miraculously grump-be-gone shazaaam!

MrsH it's definitely worth a go ... The results can always be forwarded
to the FS at a later date

FF Think we've all been there with the smugly pregnant - my most hated thing is the ones who moan about every little symptom they get. Yes, I'm sure being sick isn't nice - but there's a big difference between saying how you're feeling and starting up a constant drone the second you get a

Ash - I don't mind you asking at all. I have high FSH and low AMH indicating that I have few eggs left in my baskets and the ones I do have are likely hard boiled. Although I'm still ovulating my hormone levels would make me unlikely to respond to the IVF drugs, so it needs to be donor eggs

Thanks for the response! I was just curious because I've been having trouble and I just wanted to see why other woman are getting donated eggs. I'm sorry to hear that's the case for you but having a baby even through donor eggs is still a miracle and is still very special!

Again, thanks for sharing!
@Urchin, Congrats hun...That is awesome news!!!! I am so happy and excited for you!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
@Fisher, I am sending out big hugs to you hun..... Sorry you are having a ruff time right now with TTC....:hugs::hugs:

I have pretty much given up on symptom spotting myself, I have had every symptom under the sun some months and than other months none at all...There is apparently no rhyme or reason to my monthly symptoms... I also dont think I am going to be one of those women that "just knows" they are pregnant, I am going to have no friggen clue because of how all over the place my symptoms always are....:wacko::wacko:

I also could never get into the tracking the CM stuff, I do know that when I ovulate i get the clear stretchy CM, but other than that the rest of the entire month it is just white clumpy crap.... I cant tell what the hell is going on down below by looking at CM, i have just never been able to make any sense of it...:wacko:

I am trying my hardest to not test early this month in my 2WW, at least I have been busy since my mom has been visiting so I have a pretty good distraction keeping my mom entertained and hanging out with her.... tonight , me, DH and my mom went to the casino, and lost most of our money... my mom was the only one who won like 30 bucks... I am not normally a big gambler but my mom loves it.... we played the slot machines...
Lol, again, I posted something in another thread that I thought would explain my situation. :haha:
I went to the hospital in June because I had SEVERE pain Memorial Day & hadn't had a period since January. I waited 2 weeks (stupid, I know, but no insurance at the time), then went in, and they diagnosed me with PID (Pelvic inflammatory disease).

Dr did so without even asking about my long cycles, or anything related to my periods. All he did was bloods to make sure I wasn't preggers and he did a pap (only because I wanted to, he let me decide whether or not to even have a pap).

He poked my stomach in the middle, when I said it hurt, he decided it was PID. (Even though I'm married, PID is usually due to an STD, and I had a clean STD test before I got married, MONTHS before I went to the ER!)

Then in Sept (my next period after June's), I almost went to the hospital because I thought the *supposed* PID was back ( was having bad pains again that didn't feel like the period pains I'd remembered from my teens) , but no, got the next day. I guess SEVERE pain just happens when I get my period.
I can't wait to get to a Dr about my periods bc I think the ER dr misdiagnosed me and sent me on my way ASAP bc I had no insurance.
Kia - don't beat yourself up over not donating eggs earlier ... they normally recommend that you wait until you have completed your own family before you become a donor. It is an invasive procedure and there's a chance that it can affect your own fertility. Most clinics want you to have had your own children already, so that if the drugs or the procedure mess things up, it won't affect your own family plans.
So, when you are done yourself, that's the time to think about it :hugs:

Ash, I have no qualms at all about donor eggs (apart from the cost and the wait!) my theory goes like this:
The donor provides the egg which contains half of the DNA my baby will need - this is only the blueprint. Every single cell in my baby's body I will have knitted myself using my own blood, flesh and bone - so this baby will be truly made by me. In the same way that if I built my own house with my own hands using an architect's drawings, I wouldn't feel like it was the architect's house - it would be mine, built by me, with hard work and love x

Usually they recommend egg donors if there is something wrong with your own e.g. genetically, you don't have any, or you don't respond to the drugs that make you produce a lot of your own eggs - which comes with high FSH levels

Well, i did an IC this morning CD27, just to check - and it was lilly white in the second stripe department... so it looks like there's nothing my end to stop us going ahead. Just need my period to start so I can start the countdown to my drugs :D
Urchin that is fantastic! With the fact that this lady persevered in calling you and that you almost didn't pick up I feel confident that it is going to take!!! :dance:

Kia I had selfishly never thought of donating my eggs until I read Urchin's story but I have to say now that this is a truly wonderful idea that I am keen to try once our family is complete. If I can help out another poor woman with fertility issues that has had to go through all the crap that we have then I would feel that this whole LTTTC mess has been worth it! Sad to say that I would never have thought of it before simply because the demand for it is not that well known.

Another day closer to that fertile time and I am hoping my cups arrive today so that I can have a bit of a practice. Not looking forward to it :sick: Although I would have no qualms about inserting it in someone else I am just so squeamish when it comes to doing it to me :wacko:
Oh don't worry about it feisty just get up in there ;-) there's no where for it to go but in the right spot :) plus - my experience with practicing was less than promising & it went in a billion times easier immediately after BDing.

AFM you'll all be very pleased to know I'm sitting waiting for DH to be ready for us to leave for the airport (HURRY!!!!) and I have not a pee stick on my person or squirreled away in my luggage. Not one. That's right - bask in my willpower for just a moment...

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