Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Wannabe You will be fine, Like I said I had a Laparascopy, Hysteroscopy and Dye, I f you want to ask me any questions then please feel free, I will be a 100% honest xx

Thanks MrsHowely.:flower: How soar where you after the procedure? Where did they make the incisions on your belly and how big were the cuts. How soar were you after?

I had my gall bladder out in a laparascopic surgery a little over a year ago, and my belly was pretty soar, it was tender when I would try to stand up, cough, laugh or sit down, etc... the pain meds were a god send though. I now have two small scars on the right side of my belly and a larger one at the top of my stomach right below my chest. In about one week I was alot better and in 2 I was just about back to normal. DH was really sweet and waited on me on hand and foot. So I guess I am wondering if the pain after is like my gall bladder removal surgery was. In that case I will already know what to expect I suppose.

I have been reading that after the hysteroscopy most girls feel just fine in only a few days since they just go in through the cervix and it doesnt require the additional cutting. Were your lady bits soar at all after this part??

Thanks in advance for sharing your story with me hun..:flower:

When I first came round the nurse asked me how my pain was on a scale of 1 to 10 mine was around 2 or 3 so she gave me some codeine and it was nothing after that, then I was being taken to back to the ward, I was going home 2 hours after that. The incisions are very small I have one inside my belly button which is about half an inch and another on the left side of my bikini line and that is just over 1cm it is so small and this one hardly bruised and I had no discomfort at all from it. All I can describe the pain as being is achey it is what I would imagine how you would feel if you had got kicked in the belly, it was bearable they gave me Diclofenac and Co-Dydramol but I didn't need it I just used Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. I also used Arnica which is good fro the bruising and drink pepper mint tea which is good for the deferred pain from the gas, but I didn't get any shoulder pain just a crampy feeling in my neck/shoulder but it lasted for an hour or so and that was it. As for the Hysteroscopy bit it didn't feel like anything had been in there IYKWIM, not like with the HSG when you feel crampy and a bit violated :blush:. It will be worth it and I am sure it will not be anywhere near as bad as having gall bladder surgery xxx

thanks for sharing hun!!!! I am glad that your surgery wasnt that bad and that you had a quick recovery!!! It definatly doesnt sound as bad as my gall bladder surgery was. The scars from that are very much visible to me today from it and the most painful incision was the larger one that i had to have at the top of my belly where they had to pull out my gall bladder. My gall bladder was inflamed and had stones in it so they had to cut a larger area to pull it out!! So it sounds like if i can handle the gall bladder surgery i can for sure handle both the laparascopy and the hysteroscopy!!! I am feeling better about everything as I am researching the procedures more and hearing pretty good experiences from you lovely ladies!!!:thumbup:
@Fiesty & MrsHowley, as far as the health insurance thing, it is true that we have much shorter waiting times here in the states. But affording health insurance is a challenge and if you dont have good health insurance you end up with alot of out of pocket costs. So I am not sure which is better. Of course if you are rich than it isnt a problem here in the states, or if you are lucky enough to have sn affordable really good health insurance plan than you are one of the fortunate people!!! Of course I am not rich and i have not so great health insurance so in conclusion it sounds like there are negatives and positives to both sides of the spectrum!!! Both health care systems need work though i think!!! :wacko:
Yes definitely, we are so fortunate here in the UK to have NHS and I would never take it for granted.
I just wish your guys would be more helpful with fertility Treatment for you ladies as I know a lot of health insurance doesn't cover it, It might not be life threatening but it is life enhancing and therefore people are happier and healthier. I suppose all these health care systems do need some work and we will never be a 100% happy, Wouldn't it be great if we were all rich and could all afford private care :) xx
Dodger: So sorry for your loss :(

MrsHowley: That's great :) I would be excited too! I absolutely love it when things finally start to line up :)

Baby: Awesome news!!! H&H 9 months!

Wannabeprego: I'm sorry that you had crap news :hugs: I would also vote for lap as well, might as well do it all at once that way you don't have to spread it out any longer than you have to. I know it's a rock and a hard place type of situation though, I'm having one myself and it's no fun :nope:

AFM: Called the insurance provider today and they cover 0% of infertility treatments, not sure about FS appts though.. I'll have to call tomorrow before I work. But seriously, that's like $500 out of pocket for the HSG, $110 for DH's SA tomorrow and those two things may not even be the problem! I mean awesome if it isn't but seriously? That's like I just flushed away rent for one month :cry: We just started being able to save money too.

This is my second to last month on Clomid, after next cycle I guess we're just NTNP from then on out until I can get my HSG done and hope that it goes well...

:growlmad: Why's everything have to be so hard?

@Skoer, Thank you for the kind words and support hun, you are so sweet!!!:hugs:

I am so sorry about your health insurance benefits. I wanted to ask you to clarify your health insurance coverage with your insurance plan and with your DR because my health insurance only covers the "diagnosis of infertility" but not the "treatment of infertility." The HSG is a diagnostic test that is used to diagnose infertility, it isnt actually treating your infertility, so it could very well be covered under your health insurance. My health insurance covered mine the same way it would cover an X-Ray and I ended up having low out of pocket costs. My health insurance also covered my office visits with the infertility specialist, because they billed it as "Diagnosing infertily", it isnt actually treating it. Please look into this further hun. My infertility Dr's office is very nice and they checked on my coverage with my health insurance and gave me a work up of how the testing I needed would be covered. Good luck hun, I hope they will cover the infertility testing for you!!:hugs:

I am going to have to pay for the IUI costs and medications myself though because my insurance wont cover the treatment of infertility at all.

My health insurance should cover my surgeries that i need though hopefully, the lap and hysteroscopy. I need to check on the out of pocket costs first before i can schedule it though. I just need to verify for sure that the insurance will cover the surgery for sure and how much out of pocket cost we will end up having before I can move forward to schedule it. I am nervous that insurance wont cover it and it will cost us a fortune though... Eeeekkkk...:wacko:

Ooooh thank you! I honestly didn't know there was a difference between the Diagnosis part and the Treatment part, i kinda thought it was all rolled up into one :shrug: I will definitely make sure to give my insurance another call and ask if they cover the Diagnosis part :thumbup:

@MrsHowley: I agree!! It is life enhancing and it makes us so much happier in the long run! Happy people = healthy people! But of course, they're all in it for the money :growlmad:
@Skoer, your Welcome!!! :flower: Please follow up with me and let me know how it turns out. Good luck!!!

AFM, I just got off the phone with the DR's billing office and they said that my health insurance should cover both of the surgeries that I need. These surgeries are considered medically necessary because I have the polyp and fibroid in my uterus and that is a medical problem, it isnt considered the treatment of infertility, so I am relived to know that!!! Of course it is more expensive to do both procedures and the DR's office was only giving me the costs for their surgeon and not for the facility charges for where I would have to have the surgery or the cost of the anethesiologist either. So once i schedule the procedure i would have to follow up with the facility and the anathesiologist to verify those additional fees. So my health insurance has a 350 dollar deductible and than plan pays 85% so my out of pocket costs for just the surgeon would be about $450.00 but adding in the deductible would be about 800.00, but that is the max dollar amount, it could be less than that. Now I just need to have DH do our tax return to make sure we will be getting enough $$ back to cover the costs of the surgery and once I know that I can move forward. My health insurance only pays a maximum of 3k per person per calender year for the diagnosis of infertility, but I am not sure if the surgeries would fall under this category or not, because the costs of the hysteroscopy ranges from 1,000 to 3,000, and the lap ranges from 1,500 to 3,000, but this is without any insurance coverage and it depends on how much work the DR has to do once they can get in there. So i will keep you girls posted once I take the next step about what happens....:thumbup:
hey wannabe- I think your results (in the circs) are pretty good ... a polyp, a fibroid and a possible blocked tube. All 3 are treatable, so get the ops done hon :thumbup:

I've come with NEWS! Exciting NEWS!

I had my second scan today and my lining is 11.2mm - anything over 8mm is good enough to move on with

Donor laydee also had her scan and is ready too.


Egg collection day is either Wednesday or Friday next week and transfer day will be Friday or Monday :happydance:

Donor co-ordinator said Friday was more likely for collection, but we should know on Monday.



hey wannabe- I think your results (in the circs) are pretty good ... a polyp, a fibroid and a possible blocked tube. All 3 are treatable, so get the ops done hon :thumbup:

I've come with NEWS! Exciting NEWS!

I had my second scan today and my lining is 11.2mm - anything over 8mm is good enough to move on with

Donor laydee also had her scan and is ready too.


Egg collection day is either Wednesday or Friday next week and transfer day will be Friday or Monday :happydance:

Donor co-ordinator said Friday was more likely for collection, but we should know on Monday.




Thanks hun!!!:flower:

WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome news hun!!!! I am so happy and excited for you!!!! GOOD LUCK to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dust: :dust::dust::dust:
Okay, so just got home from the fertility DR's and had the saline sonohysterography. It wasnt to bad, DH was able to be in the room with me. They also had a student nurse observing the process along with the DR and nurse that was assisting, so it was like 3 people looking at my junk and DH in the room as well. I asked DH after if he felt awkward and of course he did, LOL, but I was thankful he was there to support me and take away some ofmy fears. The worst part was when the DR was trying to find the right size speculum and had to change it to a smaller one and than had to switch the size catherter to a smaller one that was used to fill up my uterus with the saline solution. It was like a dull unpleasant cramping well they were doing this part and than i felt like I needed to pee. The cramps were like long unpleasant AF type cramps that just went on for a while and I did say ouch a few times, but it was alot less painful than the HSG was. Once she had the saline solution in and was done filling the uterus with saline the pain almost all went away. They used the dildo cam wand thing to do an ultrasound once my uterus was filled with saline.

So the DR saw the bump on the side of my uterus that showed up on the HSG X-ray and confirmed that it was a fibroid and she didnt seem to think it was going to be a problem, But she discovered a new problem, a polyp which is causing blockage and is definatly of concern on the inside of my uterus as well. She showed me on the computer screen and on a printed up picture of the sonogram as well. I am having some light spotting with pink and light brown blood after the procedure with some like chunky pieces of tissue type discharge as well, and I have on a pad on now. I have a little bit of cramping after the procedure but it isnt anything that I am not used to and is minimal.

So after the procedure was done DH and me met with the DR in an office to discuss our options. The DR wants me to have a hysteroscopy to have the polyp surgically removed and offered me the option to do a laparoscopy at the same time to try to reopen the one tube of mine that might possibly be blocked, which we discovered previously during my HSG. I will have to be sedated and under anethesia for both procedures.

The hysteroscopy is less invasive and has a quicker recovery time though, they can just go in through the cervix and into the uterus to cut away the polyp. If I do the laparascopy than I have to have incisions cut into my belly and it will be a longer recovery time, but it could unblock my other tube. I am undecided if I want to do the laparascopy at this time because I know it will be a more painful recovery, and I also know that i can still do the IUI with only one open tube, so it is not a necessary thing, But at the same time I know if I have 2 open tubes it will increase my chances of getting pregnant. So, I have a couple of things to think about, like how much will our out of pocket cost be after my insurance pays so I have to figure out how and when we would be able to afford one of the procedures or both of them.

I also am not thrilled with going through with the laparascopy since I dont know for sure if my one tube is blocked or not, or if it just spasmed during the HSG and that was why the dye didnt go through. I am not sure if there is a less invasive way to verify if the one tube is blocked for sure or not before I go and cut into my belly for this procedure or not??

So long story short, I am upset with the results because the thought of surgery is pretty scary. I am also shocked to know that all of this time me and DH have been TTC month after month to find out that our efforts were pointless because this polyp is causing a blockage in my uterus, so all of my tears and heart ache month after month were in vain. :cry: Than trying to be able to afford the surgery will push back our ability to have the IUI because the $$ we would of used to pay for that will most likely get eaten up by the costs of my surgery so now I am going to have to wait even longer.... sigh.. this is not the news I was hoping for girls....:cry:

Well at least I know what we need to do next, but I am trying to rap my head around the news that i just got still and psych myself up for surgery...ugghhhhhh....Blah....:wacko: I am not even gooing to worry about TTC now until I can do the surgery because it is pretty much pointless until than. So I guess I will be on a break from TTC for a while.... sigh....:nope:

Big hugs hun! hope you get your BFP very soon hun :hugs::hugs:
hey wannabe- I think your results (in the circs) are pretty good ... a polyp, a fibroid and a possible blocked tube. All 3 are treatable, so get the ops done hon :thumbup:

I've come with NEWS! Exciting NEWS!

I had my second scan today and my lining is 11.2mm - anything over 8mm is good enough to move on with

Donor laydee also had her scan and is ready too.


Egg collection day is either Wednesday or Friday next week and transfer day will be Friday or Monday :happydance:

Donor co-ordinator said Friday was more likely for collection, but we should know on Monday.




Great news huni!! Whoop WHoop :happydance::happydance:
Wanabeprego keep us posted and I hope everything goes well for you.

Urchin Yay Great news I am so happy for you, and hope all goes well.
Urchin: Awesome!! :yipee: So happy things are going good for you!

Wannabe: I will :)

SO! DH went in, did his thing- results should be back in 2-3 hours. Called clinic at 3pm NO CALLBACK, called at 430pm NO CALLBACK, called at 450pm NO CALLBACK, called at 5 "Call back during our business hours"

I've come with NEWS! Exciting NEWS!

I had my second scan today and my lining is 11.2mm - anything over 8mm is good enough to move on with

Donor laydee also had her scan and is ready too.


Egg collection day is either Wednesday or Friday next week and transfer day will be Friday or Monday :happydance:

Donor co-ordinator said Friday was more likely for collection, but we should know on Monday.




WAHOOOO!!! urch fantastic news!!!! so exciting:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Skoer - that's just bloody typical ... hope you get your news on Monday hon

I'm just having a chilled weekend - trying hard to relax and not start any DIY projects.
So far I have cleaned the kitchen and am just having a cuppa before I start on the sitting room

Oh yes, I really am this thrilling :D
Well fisher - my bathroom is absolutely furious.... but I'm hoping that Mr Urch will comfort it later :haha:

cheers dodger (am presuming you are referring to the baby-related news as opposed to my sparkly clean kitchen??? - although to be fair, that is pretty awe-inspiring too!)

so far this weekend i am doing pretty well at chilling (cleaning doesn't count!) Yesterday, after the cleaning we took the dogs out for a nice afternoon walk up the canal, then went to the pub for tea.

Today I'm not sure what the plans are; I'm awake at stupid o'clock as usual - but I'll leave Mr Urch til 9 ish before I start making noise in the bedroom...actually, I think today should maybe start with a bit of recreational strumpage - as I shall be on a ban from transfer day, and Mr Urch will be on a ban from 3 days before which means that *sound of tippety tapping on calculator keys* today could be our last opportunity for ages!
Think that's this morning's plans sorted :D
Hey it too late to join in on this thread?
My DH and I have been ttc our 1st since July 2009 :)

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