Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Wannabe I am so sorry you are feeling so low hun :hugs: I really do hope that as soon as you get your surgery done you get an instant :bfp: To try and help out your DH :spermy: have you considered putting him on the high lycopene diet? I had a patient that was LTTC and she swears by it, we also conceived the cycle we tried it. Plus if you aren't having surgery until March it would hopefully give enough time for it start working?

Thanks for the information on your ovulation and HSG, I am going to sit tight and wait until the 14th to test. I will then be a week late and I figure I should feel more confident in believing the test if it is a :bfn: I have had a tiny bit of cramping this afternoon so my guess is the HSG just made me ovulate late.


Thank you for the kind words and support hun...:flower: I will check out the diet you are talking about and tell DH about it. Right now I have him on these fertility vitamins from G&C and they did help improve his count and motility from the first SA that we did. We are out now and I need to make him go to the mall to buy some more though!!!

I was just thinking that maybe after I have the surgery I will be one of those fertile myrtles that get pregnant by just looking at a guy the wrong way and will get knocked up in the first month. Me and DH will end up with like 10 kids.... LOL.... A girl can dream right.. :haha::winkwink:
Well it's been 13 months since starting TTC and this may be my month. I've been having a cramping, pulling feeling on my right side in my lower abdomen all day and my chart looks like it never looked before!

FX'd ... I'll be testing in a few days!

This sounds promising hun!!! I really hope this is it for you!! I got everything crossed for you!!! Good luck and baby dust to you!! When will you be testing??? :test: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
If my temps are up I'm going to test within the next day or 2 and if they go down a significant amount I'm going to wait until January 13th because that's when AF is due ... so

Hopefully they'll keep going up! Then I'll be testing tomorrow or the next day!
AF the :witch: was supposed to show up on friday...and since she didnty I was feeling hopeful....BUT today she decided to rear her ugly head completely!![-(](*,), I am feeling angry and sad and confused and ........empty. I feel stuck. I was crying this morning after AF arrived and I walked out to great my husband and he could tell that something was wrong so he asked....I didnt know what to tell him....That I felt like I was a failure another month and couldnt get pregant.....or that I wasn't able to give him a baby this cycle. I know he would be mad that I am thinking and feeling this way but at this point I just can't khelp it. I knwo that he would be sad because I am sad, but I just couldnt tell him..SO I said nothing was wrong.

Awww, I am so sorry hun.. I am sending huge big hugs out to you!!!!! :hugs: :hugs: I have shed many tears as well when the :witch: shows up time and time again... We are here for you hun.. :hugs: :hugs:
2 years 3 months trying to concieve. new here. haven't been diagnosed with infertility yet but i am dreading the day i hear those words...
i am 34, new here still don't have the abbreviations thing down at all, not organised with tickers and no friends. :cry: just kidding.
day 20 of my cycle and waiting...

Thank you for your encouragement and your support in your previous post & welcome to the group!!!! :flower: It is very nice to meet you!!!:hugs:
I am 31 years old and will be 32 this year so I can relate to the feeling that the biological clock is ticking..... the best thing you can do is find a good infertility DR. Your OH needs to have an SA done to rule out any issues on his end if he hasnt already. I started my infertility testing in October of last year when it was approaching 2 years of TTC since my DH had a vasectomy reversal. I just assumed it was his low sperm count and was surprised when I found out about the growths on my uterus that need to be removed through surgery. My Dr had me do a series of infertility testing which needed to be done at certain times in my cycle. I had to do day 3 blood work to check my FSH levels, this indicates your ovarian reserve. Than I had to do a vaginal ultrasound which seemed normal with only a small fibroid seen on my ovary. Than i had to do an HSG to check my fallopian tubes to make sure they werent blocked. I ended up with one tube open and one tube possibly blocked or spasmed. The HSG X-ray showed a bump on my uterus so my fertility DR ordered a saline sonohysterography which revealed the fibroid which showed on the X-Ray and than a polyp which I need to have surgically removed. My Dr offered me a lap surgery with it to try to unblock my other tube too.

You should look into using ovulation predictor tests, (OPK's) to verify if and when you are ovulating every month. This can help you with timing sex with your OH and help increase your chances of getting pregnant. You can go on Amazon to get a pack of 50 ovulation tests for a pretty cheap price. I know alot of girls do temping too for ovulation, and I just never got into it, but many girls like doing it as well!! I also had blood work done to confirm that I ovulated.

So I know this sounds like alot of testing, I must admit it felt like a whole shit load, but I did do it over the course of like 4 months at my own pace. I was nervous, but it also felt good to finally get some answers. I can save myself some tears and heart ache now since I know I need surgery now at least. I hope everything will be alright with you though and that you can get your BFP soon hun!!! I hope that i didnt overwhelm you with to much information but I feel like information is power and the more you know the better off you will be in the long run!!! :thumbup:Good luck and baby dust to you!!! :dust: :dust:
Geekgirl: Welcome to the forum. I hope you find as much comfort and love as I have found here. I to was dreading going to FS not wanting to hear the words, but then hearing that there is really nothing keeping us from getting pregnant was a relief and a bit confusing. I am just trying literally to take it one day at a time. :thumbup: Good luck and baby :dust: to you!
Today's OPK looks great of course..sigh...

Well of coourse now that i know how high the odds are against us I am not going to get my hopes up or anything this cycle and I am not going to test early now that I know how slim our chances are until I can get the surgery. I got upset after :sex: with DH lastnight and started crying because I wasnt feeling sexy and didnt enjoy the :sex: at all since my brain is stuck on thinking about what is wrong with me and trying to psych myself up for surgery, which is of course scary. But, I was thinking how once I complete the surgery that me and DH are still facing the problem of his low sperm count. It is another hurdle to overcome still. So it was making me upset because the surgery doesnt gurantee I will get pregnant after because of DH's problem...sigh...

DH wants me to go back to work and job hunt now but I know that when you are new at a job most work places arent going to want to give you time off to have surgery and than time off to recover when you are new to a job. Than I would need time off to do IUI after that. I just think I should focus on getting pregnant right now. Although I of course know if I was working and we had extra money coming in it would make paying for all of this stuff alot easier...

I am sorry if I am beating a dead horse and going on and on about my problems girls.. I hope I am not driving you guys crazy.:wacko:..I guess I am having a harder time than I thought I would coming to terms with all of this and than not getting depressed about it, and than my sex drive is gone, the only reason why I had sex lastnight was because I was ovulating and even though I know our chances are like 1 in a million right now, i think we should still have sex just in case.... Crazier things have happened I suppose, but i refuse to get my hopes up this month and i refuse to shed any tears when the :witch: comes at the end of the month... sigh....
Ok, so I was bored and tried out this website... I took DH & my picture to create what our future baby will look like by morphing them together on this website...

Here is a link to the site if anyone is bored and wants to try it out...

here is a picture of what our baby girl and boy baby will look like, I am not sure why the one side of the face is indented in and what is up with the hairline, but for the most part it looks like our kid will be cute...:haha:
Hey wannabe - of course you should keep telling us how you are feeling ... there really is no point in a random group of internet strangers getting together to share a common experience, if we can't say what's going on for us

and right now, what's going on for you is painful ... so it stands to reason that what you are sharing is your pain. There are too many areas of your life where you have to put on the brave face; this isn't one of them :hugs:

Just thinking about your job situation - when I had my fibroid removed it was told that I couldn't try to get pregnant for 6 months (to allow for healing) but mine was a very big one and a big incision ... for smaller ones it might be less.
So, by the time you are ready to be applying for maternity leave you'd have been in a new job long enough

As for time off for an operation - they have to give it to you. Simple as. So, if you are thinking of changing jobs, I'd try to either do it now, or during the 6 months when medically you're not allowed to try for a baby (and please take this seriously - if your scar gives way, it ain't pretty!)

My news from today - it's GAME ON!
Egg collection and Mr Urch's contribution happen on Friday - and transfer will be on Monday (providing the weekend is good to the embies)
Oh, and the donor coordinator said we have to strump tomorrow, then no more strumping for some time. Mr Urch best fasten his seat belt is all I'm saying :blush:
Hey wannabe - of course you should keep telling us how you are feeling ... there really is no point in a random group of internet strangers getting together to share a common experience, if we can't say what's going on for us

and right now, what's going on for you is painful ... so it stands to reason that what you are sharing is your pain. There are too many areas of your life where you have to put on the brave face; this isn't one of them :hugs:

Just thinking about your job situation - when I had my fibroid removed it was told that I couldn't try to get pregnant for 6 months (to allow for healing) but mine was a very big one and a big incision ... for smaller ones it might be less.
So, by the time you are ready to be applying for maternity leave you'd have been in a new job long enough

As for time off for an operation - they have to give it to you. Simple as. So, if you are thinking of changing jobs, I'd try to either do it now, or during the 6 months when medically you're not allowed to try for a baby (and please take this seriously - if your scar gives way, it ain't pretty!)

My news from today - it's GAME ON!
Egg collection and Mr Urch's contribution happen on Friday - and transfer will be on Monday (providing the weekend is good to the embies)
Oh, and the donor coordinator said we have to strump tomorrow, then no more strumping for some time. Mr Urch best fasten his seat belt is all I'm saying :blush:

Thank you for the kind words and advice hun!!!:hugs:

I dont have a job right now so I would be starting a new job if I got one now and that was why I was leaning towards finishing up this surgery and the IUI process before i go back to work. but, i get what you are saying about the healing time after and not being able to start TTC again after the surgery for a little while until your body can heal. I think I was reading that based on the type of surgery i would need I would have to abstain from sex for like 2 weeks, but I would need to double check that with my DR, and of course once they get in there and operate they might find something unexpected so who knows...:shrug:

I am so glad to hear that everything is looking good and you will be taking the next step in the IVF process and getting closer to pregnancy!!! Tons of good luck and baby dust coming your way hun!! I Wish you all of the best hun!!! :dust: :dust:
Ok, so I was bored and tried out this website... I took DH & my picture to create what our future baby will look like by morphing them together on this website...

Here is a link to the site if anyone is bored and wants to try it out...

here is a picture of what our baby girl and boy baby will look like, I am not sure why the one side of the face is indented in and what is up with the hairline, but for the most part it looks like our kid will be cute...:haha:

Okay so once again I am bored with too much time on my hands so I redid the morph baby making thing with 2 pictures of me and DH when we were little kids and this time I think the pictures came out much better in comparison to the first pictures I did.. :haha: Once again i think the baby looks super cute, even though i know this is all just for fun and not to be taken seriously...:blush:

baby girl picture...

baby boy....
Well I admit I am finally making the transition over to the lttc forum. We have been trying since Oct 10. I did not expect to fall pregnant right away, but I never in my wildest dreams thought it would take this long. I had my first appointment with a fertility specialist in December where I found out that although my charts look like I ovulate every month, I actually dont. I guess the egg kind of gets stuck forming cysts. Anyways he prescribed a round of clomid. I am on CD15 and haven't ovulated yet.:cry: I am trying to take it a day at a time and stay relaxed, but I am getting very impatient here. All of our friends are pregnant or ttc their 2nd or 3rd baby and we are still working on #1. It is getting more and more difficult to stay positive. Anyways that is my story.
Welcome to the Newbies

Wannabe what beautiful babies you will have,I did that ages ago I have the picture saved somewhere I will post it if I can find it.
I too am having a bad day today, our IVF process started today, I am of course happy we are moving a long nicely but, It hit me today that it really is happening, had a bit of a cry, but I still feel like I am holding back, but I am scared if I start I won't stop. I too cannot help myself b'ding around OV even though I know I can't get pregnant naturally, it is so hard not to, the only thing I found that I don't do now...... is testing which is a bit of a relief.

Urchin what great news, I have everything crossed for you. I f the eggs are good enough will you be able ton have 2 transferred?? and would you want 2? xx
Well I admit I am finally making the transition over to the lttc forum. We have been trying since Oct 10. I did not expect to fall pregnant right away, but I never in my wildest dreams thought it would take this long. I had my first appointment with a fertility specialist in December where I found out that although my charts look like I ovulate every month, I actually dont. I guess the egg kind of gets stuck forming cysts. Anyways he prescribed a round of clomid. I am on CD15 and haven't ovulated yet.:cry: I am trying to take it a day at a time and stay relaxed, but I am getting very impatient here. All of our friends are pregnant or ttc their 2nd or 3rd baby and we are still working on #1. It is getting more and more difficult to stay positive. Anyways that is my story.

Welcome to the group!!!:flower: I am so sorry you are having a hard time with TTC, but all of us girls completely understand what you are going through and are here if you need to vent!!! :hugs: :hugs:Good luck and baby dust to you hun.. I really hope that the clomid ends up helping you out and that you can get your BFP soon!!! :dust: :dust:
Welcome w2bpg, I am sure you will find us a friendly bunch! LTTTC sucks and is unfortunately a place that none of us want to be, but think of it this way - because you have worked so much harder to get that baby you are going to appreciate it so much more then the families that conceive immediately :hugs:

Wannabe of course we want us to share how you are feeling hun, we are here to support you not just talk over the top of each-other :hugs: I can understand why you are aprehensive to work but I am with Urchin on this one. Even if you get your job and only keep it for a few months because of they are unhappy with the time off etc, you will still be better off as you will have the extra money to put towards your IUI/surgery and as you currently don't have a job you will just be as you are now :hugs:

MrsHowley you have every right to be upset, your dream of a normal, natural conception has been stolen from you and you are mourning it. But I promise you that once you get to the second trimester you won't care how you achieved your growing bump just that you achieved it :hugs:

Boo is driving me crazy! She has been so clingy with me over the last few days and she has taken to literally having to be attached to me or balancing on me at all times. She keeps climbing up onto my shoulder and then balancing on my boobs and it is hurting like hell! Because she is so tiny she is even trying to lay/balance on my arm whilst I am typing and my patience is wearing thin :wacko:
Welcome to the Newbies

Wannabe what beautiful babies you will have,I did that ages ago I have the picture saved somewhere I will post it if I can find it.
I too am having a bad day today, our IVF process started today, I am of course happy we are moving a long nicely but, It hit me today that it really is happening, had a bit of a cry, but I still feel like I am holding back, but I am scared if I start I won't stop. I too cannot help myself b'ding around OV even though I know I can't get pregnant naturally, it is so hard not to, the only thing I found that I don't do now...... is testing which is a bit of a relief.

Urchin what great news, I have everything crossed for you. I f the eggs are good enough will you be able ton have 2 transferred?? and would you want 2? xx

Thank you hun...:flower:

I hope you day starts to get better soon hun!!! :hugs: :hugs:Good luck with your IVF process!!! I am super excited for you hun!!! I got everything crossed for you and i am sending lots of good luck and baby dust your way!!! I hope you get your BFP soon!!! :dust: :dust:
Okay.. so my latest rant... This isnt referring to you lovely ladies on the B&B boards either.. this is directed to my family members and friends outside of B&B...

So i was talking to a few family members/ friends about my decision to do both surgeries or just the one, and I keep hearing this "Well if you really want a baby"....

And all i can think is ..well what the hell do you think I want.. DH &me spent like almost 6,000.00 on vasectomy reversal two years ago, and have been trying ever since to get pregnant, and i have been going through all of this lovely testing crap which is costing alot of money out of pocket , and I am doing it just because it is fun and my hobby.... Grrrrr... Of course I want a baby.. what a silly and dumb ass thing to say... okay, sorry rant over....

I think it is because I am the youngest in the family and everyone looks at me like I am still a kid... I reminded my mom that I am 31 years old and that my biological clock it ticking now... lordy.... I am not 20 anymore.... sigh....

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