Anyone LTTTC Number One?

nope Stuckin - never too late to join us; we're a friendly bunch - just jump straight in xx
Welcome to the gang stuckin - I hope your stay is short :flower:

Urchin enjoy the strump ;) xxx
Thanks for the warm welcome ladies.

We're actually taking a step back this cycle [pretty close to NTNP] but I can't stop

No clomid this month, though I have been doing the 150mg dose prior.
My thyroid is finally under control and my Hashimoto's isn't causing any problems, plus the metformin side effects are gone [oh thank all things holy!]

But DH leaves for deployment for a couple months smack dab the day after I'm supposed to ovulate so hopefully I can coerce him into goodbye sex!

He's also agreed to take the fertiliaid supplements, and today I was googling vaginal pH and how to make your "ahem" sperm friendly :)

Hopefully the non-medicated route works it's magic for us this month!
Wow you are super organised stuckin! Fingers crossed it pays off!

Ladies that have had a HSG, can you remember if you ovulated the same cycle and if you did was it normal or delayed? I think I am suffering an anovulatory cycle, no cramping, no spotting and the :witch: appears to be running late. Now before you all holler to test we only dtd twice before ovulation (or what I thought may be ovulation) and one was pretty much 'old' :spermy: and the other was quite a bit before my usual ovulation CD. Full rambly story is in my journal.

Oh and I refuse to waste my last test on the possibility of an anovulatory cycle, this test has been in the drawer for months and is symbolic of my steely resolve which I refuse to weaken :haha:

I didn't BBT or use OPK this month so literally have no idea whether I geared up for ovulation or just didn't have one.
The HSG shouldn't mess with your ovulation at all...which is why they won't do them after CD12 :)

I ovulated right on schedule after mine.

I did hear that lots of women get pregnant that same cycle they have their HSG!

And...FYI, I got pregnant last November and DH and I had only DTD once that month [he was in and out to training and such] Soooooo, anything is possible!
cheers dodger (am presuming you are referring to the baby-related news as opposed to my sparkly clean kitchen??? - although to be fair, that is pretty awe-inspiring too!

so far this weekend i am doing pretty well at chilling (cleaning doesn't count!) Yesterday, after the cleaning we took the dogs out for a nice afternoon walk up the canal, then went to the pub for tea.

Today I'm not sure what the plans are; I'm awake at stupid o'clock as usual - but I'll leave Mr Urch til 9 ish before I start making noise in the bedroom...actually, I think today should maybe start with a bit of recreational strumpage - as I shall be on a ban from transfer day, and Mr Urch will be on a ban from 3 days before which means that *sound of tippety tapping on calculator keys* today could be our last opportunity for ages!
Think that's this morning's plans sorted :D

Definitely on both counts. :) And oh yes! I love your morning plans! :D It's been over a week for us because of this stupid bleeding and it's driving me nuts. How long will your ban last?

Thanks for the warm welcome ladies.

We're actually taking a step back this cycle [pretty close to NTNP] but I can't stop

No clomid this month, though I have been doing the 150mg dose prior.
My thyroid is finally under control and my Hashimoto's isn't causing any problems, plus the metformin side effects are gone [oh thank all things holy!]

But DH leaves for deployment for a couple months smack dab the day after I'm supposed to ovulate so hopefully I can coerce him into goodbye sex!

He's also agreed to take the fertiliaid supplements, and today I was googling vaginal pH and how to make your "ahem" sperm friendly :)

Hopefully the non-medicated route works it's magic for us this month!

Welcome! I too have Hashimotos - or rather I tested borderline for it so they decided to start proactive treatment for it - and am on metformin as well. I am hoping that my thyroid will test out as being back in normal ranges when I have my follow up blood work done in the next month or so.

*hugs* Hope your ovulation hits when it's supposed to and I hope you catch that eggie and that your stay here is short! :)
Thanks for the warm welcome ladies.

We're actually taking a step back this cycle [pretty close to NTNP] but I can't stop

No clomid this month, though I have been doing the 150mg dose prior.
My thyroid is finally under control and my Hashimoto's isn't causing any problems, plus the metformin side effects are gone [oh thank all things holy!]

But DH leaves for deployment for a couple months smack dab the day after I'm supposed to ovulate so hopefully I can coerce him into goodbye sex!

He's also agreed to take the fertiliaid supplements, and today I was googling vaginal pH and how to make your "ahem" sperm friendly :)

Hopefully the non-medicated route works it's magic for us this month!

@Stuck, Welcome to the group hun!!!:flower: I remember seeing your posts before in the HPT gallery!!! Those vitamins do help with men's count and motility. My DH has been taking GNC vitamins and he saw improvements in his count and motility from his first SA to the second SA. Good luck and baby dust to you hun!! I hope you get your BFP soon!!! :dust: :dust:

This is a really great and supportive group of girls!!! I must admit that being a part of this group has helped me alot during my LTTC journey. I have been on other TTC threads before and have been left as the last girl on there without a BFP, and now many of my friends are making plans for the second pregnancy, and here I am still back at square one. Not that i am not happy for them, because I am, but i dont necessarily feel that they can relate and understand the pain of LTTC. It is wonderful to have friends that can understand where you are coming from and to chat with about what we are going through!!!:hugs:

A little bit of background about me, I am going on over 2 years TTC now and my DH had a vasectomy reversal from a 14 year old vasectomy, and has a low sperm count as a result. I recently started going for infertility testing (details are written in my signature) and had an HSG done and one tube was open and the other tube was maybe blocked or might of spasmed, and I had a bump on my uterus. I also just had a saline sonohysterography a few days ago as a result of the bump on my uterus that was seen in my HSG X-ray, and they discovered i have a polyp and a fibroid in my uterus. So I am going to be scheduling a surgery, a hysteroscopy to have the growths in my uterus removed and my DR offered me a laparascopy to open up my other tube, so I havent decided if I am going to just do the hysteroscopy or do both yet, I am only required to do the hysteroscopy at minimum to be able to move forward with our plans for IUI. Long story short I assumed our problems were just DH's low sperm count and am shocked to find out that I also am part of the problem as a result of the growths in my uterus. Part of me is glad that I know what the problem is but part of me feels inadequite knowing that I cant get pregnant without surgery. It will truly be a miracle if I do get pregnant after everything that my DH are going through, especially with all of the strikes against us both in the fertility department. I wish I had know about these challenges we would face sooner and I would of started the TTC journer many years earlier!!

I am still trying to come to terms with the news i learned last week and i am feeling pretty down and sad about it still. :cry: DH and me had :sex: yesterday morning and I couldnt really get into it because all i could think about was my uterus and the crap in there, and people's voices telling me "You got to clean it out" and thinking about the surgery, so long story short i wasnt feeling very sexy or like much of a women due to my inability to get pregnant... weird I know, but sometimes I cant really enjoy sex or get into it when I have stuff on my mind, it is like my mind is going like 100 miles a minute and an out of body experience.. guys are lucky though because they always get off everytime... us women's bodies are to dam complicated when it comes to having an orgasm.... :wacko:
Wow you are super organised stuckin! Fingers crossed it pays off!

Ladies that have had a HSG, can you remember if you ovulated the same cycle and if you did was it normal or delayed? I think I am suffering an anovulatory cycle, no cramping, no spotting and the :witch: appears to be running late. Now before you all holler to test we only dtd twice before ovulation (or what I thought may be ovulation) and one was pretty much 'old' :spermy: and the other was quite a bit before my usual ovulation CD. Full rambly story is in my journal.

Oh and I refuse to waste my last test on the possibility of an anovulatory cycle, this test has been in the drawer for months and is symbolic of my steely resolve which I refuse to weaken :haha:

I didn't BBT or use OPK this month so literally have no idea whether I geared up for ovulation or just didn't have one.

When I had my HSG I ovulated super early, on CD 10.. Which I have never done before since I started tracking my ovulation. I usually ovulate on CD 14, 15 and one time I did on CD 20. I also had a super short cycle the month I had my HSG. I had one friend that is a nurse and asked a DR she works with if the HSG can make you ovulate early and her DR friend said that yes it could. When I asked my infertility DR she said that , No, the HSG wouldnt make me ovulate early and that I was just having a shorter cycle. Although I have had cycles the same length as the one I had the month of my HSG and I never ovulated as early as CD 10 before. So I am not sure what to think, but based on my experience i think the HSG made me ovulate earlier...:shrug: i would of missed my OV during the month of my HSG if I didnt do an OPK earlier than normal, and I would of assumed i didnt OV that cycle at all if I wasnt paying attention....

I have also heard of ladies getting pregnant after their HSG as well since it can clean out minor blockages in your tubes that might of been preventing the sperm from meeting the egg before, so I hope that is the case for you hun!!! Good luck and baby dust to you!!! :dust::dust:

AFM, since I now know that I need surgery to clean out the crap in my uterus I am going to forget about TTC until I can do the surgery, I had very little hope of getting a BFP before due to DH's low sperm count and once i found out I needed surgery my hope for a BFP is like a negative 100.....:nope: So now i guess we are NTNP. I am guesstimating that I will be able to do the surgergy in March, the big thing is waiting on our tax refund because that will be how i pay for the out of pocket costs.....
Wannabe, I am sorry you are having a hard time, but I do know how you feel, I had a terrible time I was distraught when I found out my Fallopian Tubes were knackered, But at least you can be fixed by surgery. I know how hard it is I really do. I think I was grieving in a sense, I always thought that no matter what I went through I would be able to conceive naturally, turns out not. But whatever we go through we can deal with it, and in a few short week you will be looking forward to having the surgery and getting it all over and done with and once you have got your head around it all. I promise you will feel better in time xx
@Mrshowely, thank you so much for the kind words and support hun... you are so sweet...:hugs: :hugs:

And of course I did an OPK, although i dont know why I even bothered.. sigh.. but like clock work I am OV'ing on my usual CD 14.... I guess I feel better knowing I OV okay and checking to make sure I am means I have one positive thing on my side in this mind boggling fertility LTTC crap....

My OPK pic.....

Wannabe I am so sorry you are feeling so low hun :hugs: I really do hope that as soon as you get your surgery done you get an instant :bfp: To try and help out your DH :spermy: have you considered putting him on the high lycopene diet? I had a patient that was LTTC and she swears by it, we also conceived the cycle we tried it. Plus if you aren't having surgery until March it would hopefully give enough time for it start working?

Thanks for the information on your ovulation and HSG, I am going to sit tight and wait until the 14th to test. I will then be a week late and I figure I should feel more confident in believing the test if it is a :bfn: I have had a tiny bit of cramping this afternoon so my guess is the HSG just made me ovulate late.

Well it's been 13 months since starting TTC and this may be my month. I've been having a cramping, pulling feeling on my right side in my lower abdomen all day and my chart looks like it never looked before!

FX'd ... I'll be testing in a few days!
AF the :witch: was supposed to show up on friday...and since she didnty I was feeling hopeful....BUT today she decided to rear her ugly head completely!![-(](*,), I am feeling angry and sad and confused and ........empty. I feel stuck. I was crying this morning after AF arrived and I walked out to great my husband and he could tell that something was wrong so he asked....I didnt know what to tell him....That I felt like I was a failure another month and couldnt get pregant.....or that I wasn't able to give him a baby this cycle. I know he would be mad that I am thinking and feeling this way but at this point I just can't khelp it. I knwo that he would be sad because I am sad, but I just couldnt tell him..SO I said nothing was wrong.
:hugs: Let it all out hun, don't feel bad for feeling this way it is completely normal. Try to focus on all the positive things in your life and have some really self indulgent days including lots of alcohol and chocolate :hugs:

Ash yay, keeping it all crossed! :dust:

Well the bad news is we are out completely :cry: Had a quick scout on the internet and there are loads of women that had severely delayed ovulation after HSG. As we only dtd a few days before what I thought would have been ovulation. Bugger!
Thanks for the warm welcome ladies.

We're actually taking a step back this cycle [pretty close to NTNP] but I can't stop

No clomid this month, though I have been doing the 150mg dose prior.
My thyroid is finally under control and my Hashimoto's isn't causing any problems, plus the metformin side effects are gone [oh thank all things holy!]

But DH leaves for deployment for a couple months smack dab the day after I'm supposed to ovulate so hopefully I can coerce him into goodbye sex!

He's also agreed to take the fertiliaid supplements, and today I was googling vaginal pH and how to make your "ahem" sperm friendly :)

Hopefully the non-medicated route works it's magic for us this month!

@Stuck, Welcome to the group hun!!!:flower: I remember seeing your posts before in the HPT gallery!!! Those vitamins do help with men's count and motility. My DH has been taking GNC vitamins and he saw improvements in his count and motility from his first SA to the second SA. Good luck and baby dust to you hun!! I hope you get your BFP soon!!! :dust: :dust:

This is a really great and supportive group of girls!!! I must admit that being a part of this group has helped me alot during my LTTC journey. I have been on other TTC threads before and have been left as the last girl on there without a BFP, and now many of my friends are making plans for the second pregnancy, and here I am still back at square one. Not that i am not happy for them, because I am, but i dont necessarily feel that they can relate and understand the pain of LTTC. It is wonderful to have friends that can understand where you are coming from and to chat with about what we are going through!!!:hugs:

A little bit of background about me, I am going on over 2 years TTC now and my DH had a vasectomy reversal from a 14 year old vasectomy, and has a low sperm count as a result. I recently started going for infertility testing (details are written in my signature) and had an HSG done and one tube was open and the other tube was maybe blocked or might of spasmed, and I had a bump on my uterus. I also just had a saline sonohysterography a few days ago as a result of the bump on my uterus that was seen in my HSG X-ray, and they discovered i have a polyp and a fibroid in my uterus. So I am going to be scheduling a surgery, a hysteroscopy to have the growths in my uterus removed and my DR offered me a laparascopy to open up my other tube, so I havent decided if I am going to just do the hysteroscopy or do both yet, I am only required to do the hysteroscopy at minimum to be able to move forward with our plans for IUI. Long story short I assumed our problems were just DH's low sperm count and am shocked to find out that I also am part of the problem as a result of the growths in my uterus. Part of me is glad that I know what the problem is but part of me feels inadequite knowing that I cant get pregnant without surgery. It will truly be a miracle if I do get pregnant after everything that my DH are going through, especially with all of the strikes against us both in the fertility department. I wish I had know about these challenges we would face sooner and I would of started the TTC journer many years earlier!!

I am still trying to come to terms with the news i learned last week and i am feeling pretty down and sad about it still. :cry: DH and me had :sex: yesterday morning and I couldnt really get into it because all i could think about was my uterus and the crap in there, and people's voices telling me "You got to clean it out" and thinking about the surgery, so long story short i wasnt feeling very sexy or like much of a women due to my inability to get pregnant... weird I know, but sometimes I cant really enjoy sex or get into it when I have stuff on my mind, it is like my mind is going like 100 miles a minute and an out of body experience.. guys are lucky though because they always get off everytime... us women's bodies are to dam complicated when it comes to having an orgasm.... :wacko:

first off it's completely natural for your mind to be travelling somewhere else while you and your OH are having sex considering the situation. it's not something to be taken lightly. sorry you're going thru this. the important thing is that you found out and are going to take care of it.
also i can relate to the loss of time- wish i knew sooner deal. sucks.
we lost almost two years because i trusted my first doctor "diagnosis".
- oh my last doctor recommended wellman conception for my husbands minor motility prob but we haven't been for a new spermodiagram yet so i can't give details on results. all i know is that they give him strange dreams and he gets really horny. more so than usual. haha. but enough about me.
sorry about my randomness. :wacko:
2 years 3 months trying to concieve. new here. haven't been diagnosed with infertility yet but i am dreading the day i hear those words...
i am 34, new here still don't have the abbreviations thing down at all, not organised with tickers and no friends. :cry: just kidding.
day 20 of my cycle and waiting...
Welcome! :) I have found much support from the LTTTC forum and it's nice that people actually relate.

:hugs: I really hope your stay is short

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