Anyone on Clomid?

ellie mary... that sounds like great news!!! I know what you'll be doing for those 30 hours haha!!

and hope who... hang tight girl... the TWW is the WORSE!! isnt it!!

I can say... this is my very first month on Clomid took it from CD 3-7 and I had pretty much zero side effects...beside one 5 min episode of seeing spots...other than that nothing really... and I havent gotten any O cramping...wish I would, as I have never had it before : ( and have heard that I should really feel it if I am taking Clomid. I should be Oing any day now... my last cycle was kinda late like CD16 but I usually O any where starting on CD 13...shouldnt I be feeling somehthing by now ?

Thanks ttc1st - The TWW is horrible :wacko: If AF is coming she will be here on Saturday or Sunday, depending on if I Oed on my first peak day or my second. It actually wasn't that hard of a wait this time... until yesterday when my CM increased and now I am very concerned about AF.

Maybe you are having a longer follicular phase. Thats the phase that starts the first day of your LMP and continues until ovulation. I have Oed from as early as CD 9 and as late as CD 20 (and everything in between) :shrug: If you don't have the CBFM I highly recommend getting one. I use to use the cheap disposable strips and there was just too many questionable days. I like the CBFM because it normally gives me a heads up that O is near by. If you are ovulating you should feel something though I guess it is very different for each of us. Good luck!!! I am sure you will O soon.
I am a total newbie to all of this... but I really need a cycle buddy or 2 or 3 lol.
My hx.... married for 3+ yrs NPNT for the first 2, never been on BC and usually have totally regular cycles. DH and I finally got a BFP last Feb that lasted for 3 whole days, ended in a very painful miscarriage. Nothing but month after month of BFN's and wonky cycles since! I am becoming very obsessed with ttc (which is :( but the truth). I finally got fed up last month after a 36 day cycle and went to the Doc. Started clomid 50mg CD 5-9 on Nov 27 and eagerly anticipating a month of BDing till we drop! And, hopefully a BFP by Christmas Day :) Any advice or tips or encouraging words would be super!
hey Abs, I am new to this Clomid myself, took my first dosage this cycle of 50 mg from CD3-7 and I am waiting on my O...should be any day now. I didnt get any weird symptoms from the Clomid and am waiting for some O pains, as I have never had them before.

hope who... yes I do have the CBFM :) this is my 5th month on it.... my first peak day so far has been on CD13 and my latest was CD15... (that was my last cycle actually)hoping O's not delayed any longer with this Clomid because my CD18 I am leaving on vacation without my DH!!! yikes

did you find the CBFM started you right on highs since you've been taking the Clomid ? I have heard since Clomid raises your estrogen, and the CBFM turns high once it detects estrogen, that it may not be good to use the CBFM while on Clomid ? whats your thoughts, or basically have you gotten lows then moved to highs on the CBFM while on Clomid ?
hey Abs, I am new to this Clomid myself, took my first dosage this cycle of 50 mg from CD3-7 and I am waiting on my O...should be any day now. I didnt get any weird symptoms from the Clomid and am waiting for some O pains, as I have never had them before.

hope who... yes I do have the CBFM :) this is my 5th month on it.... my first peak day so far has been on CD13 and my latest was CD15... (that was my last cycle actually)hoping O's not delayed any longer with this Clomid because my CD18 I am leaving on vacation without my DH!!! yikes

did you find the CBFM started you right on highs since you've been taking the Clomid ? I have heard since Clomid raises your estrogen, and the CBFM turns high once it detects estrogen, that it may not be good to use the CBFM while on Clomid ? whats your thoughts, or basically have you gotten lows then moved to highs on the CBFM while on Clomid ?

Abs -I am also new to Clomid, 50 mg from CD5-9. I just completed my first cycle and we are now at the end of the TWW, 2 or 3 more days before testing. I want to officially miss AF so I don't go crazy with the testing. I had quite a few symptoms on clomid but nothing unbearable. I'm very sorry to hear about the MC. Good luck with the BFP by Xmas.

ttc1st - My CBFM appears to be working as usual even with this round of clomid. I got 1 low day and 7 days of high before I hit peak but I very greatly from month to month. A coupole of months I went straight from low to peak and one month I got 10 days of high before peak. My FS said to continue using the CBFM on the clomid and BD for 3 days once I hit peak so my thoughts are that it's ok. I am so ready for this TWW to be over...
Have any of you had the HCG injection to provoke ovulation? I had it last night and had a positive on an Amazon cheapie OV strip test for the first time ever this afternoon. Do you think it is because of the hormones from the injections or because of ov?
I've been having funny twinges on and off this afternoon so think that my ovaries are hopefully gearing up to release at least one of those lovely follicles. I'm going to have an HCG blood test 10 days after ov so I will have a shorter tww.
Hopewho, I think you're right to hold off on testing. With DS I tested on cd35 and had a nice strong positive. Fingers crossed for you.
Abs, welcome to the thread. I was really nervous about starting Clomid, but it has been absolutely fine and I was on 100mg. So sorry to hear about your mc.
Tigerlilly, I am so sorry for your MC. I have been reading this post for a while and I wanted to pop in and say sorry.

I also have a question... I am on my first round of clomid. I have a 28 day cycle and surge around noon on day 14. every month. It is kind of crazy. Anyhow, I am 34 and have been ttc for a while and so my dr put me on 50 mg clomid. I have no known health issues. I took it days 3-7 and felt no side effects other than a crampy left ovary. I surged on day 14 and went in for an IUI on days 14 and 15 (wednesday and Thursday (thanksgiving). Still no side effects. The on Sunday cycle day 18 (4dpo) I became really moody, like SUPER bad and it has lasted ever since. I have had a persistant headache, I am snappy and cranky and my face has broken out!

My question: can these be super delayed side effects of clomid? It started 2 weeks after I took the first pill! Since it started on 4 or 5 dpo, I think it is too early in my 2ww to be a 'sign' so the only thing I can think of is the clomid?

Thanks for your thoughts!
Tigerlilly, I am so sorry for your MC. I have been reading this post for a while and I wanted to pop in and say sorry.

I also have a question... I am on my first round of clomid. I have a 28 day cycle and surge around noon on day 14. every month. It is kind of crazy. Anyhow, I am 34 and have been ttc for a while and so my dr put me on 50 mg clomid. I have no known health issues. I took it days 3-7 and felt no side effects other than a crampy left ovary. I surged on day 14 and went in for an IUI on days 14 and 15 (wednesday and Thursday (thanksgiving). Still no side effects. The on Sunday cycle day 18 (4dpo) I became really moody, like SUPER bad and it has lasted ever since. I have had a persistant headache, I am snappy and cranky and my face has broken out!

My question: can these be super delayed side effects of clomid? It started 2 weeks after I took the first pill! Since it started on 4 or 5 dpo, I think it is too early in my 2ww to be a 'sign' so the only thing I can think of is the clomid?

Thanks for your thoughts!

My gynaecologist said no, that the side effects only occur when you are taking the tablets. Hope that helps. Fingers crossed for you. When are you testing?
tcc1st: you have a cbfm. I need some help. I turned mine on at 9pm by mistake and then the next day I turned it on at 6 am and its not working now it wont ask me to test and I dont know how to fix it do you know what I should do???
Tigerlilly, I am so sorry for your MC. I have been reading this post for a while and I wanted to pop in and say sorry.

I also have a question... I am on my first round of clomid. I have a 28 day cycle and surge around noon on day 14. every month. It is kind of crazy. Anyhow, I am 34 and have been ttc for a while and so my dr put me on 50 mg clomid. I have no known health issues. I took it days 3-7 and felt no side effects other than a crampy left ovary. I surged on day 14 and went in for an IUI on days 14 and 15 (wednesday and Thursday (thanksgiving). Still no side effects. The on Sunday cycle day 18 (4dpo) I became really moody, like SUPER bad and it has lasted ever since. I have had a persistant headache, I am snappy and cranky and my face has broken out!

My question: can these be super delayed side effects of clomid? It started 2 weeks after I took the first pill! Since it started on 4 or 5 dpo, I think it is too early in my 2ww to be a 'sign' so the only thing I can think of is the clomid?

Thanks for your thoughts!

My gynaecologist said no, that the side effects only occur when you are taking the tablets. Hope that helps. Fingers crossed for you. When are you testing?

REALLY??? your gyno said this? I have been scouring the web and only find message boards.. not legit info. I haven't called my doctor about it, I just figured... hmmm... well that makes me a little more excited! I am pretty melancholy today, as opposed to being super cranky. I just don't have any other symptoms and thought for sure this cycle was a bust.. maybe there is hope! I don't know if I will test. My cervical mucus turns brownish the cd27 (next wednesday) so I always know my period is coming. I may wait it out. With all these crazy emotions, I don't know how I would react to a BFN, even if it is expected!

Thanks for replying to me! and the fingers crossed (for you too!)!
tcc1st: you have a cbfm. I need some help. I turned mine on at 9pm by mistake and then the next day I turned it on at 6 am and its not working now it wont ask me to test and I dont know how to fix it do you know what I should do???

Addie - I know you asked tcc1st but I know the answer to this, hope I am not stepping on anyones toes. Your CBFM will only ask you to test within a 3 hour window (either direction) so if you set it at 9AM it will only ask you to test between the hours of 6AM and 12PM - turning the CBFM on outside of that window it will not ask you to test and you will have to wait to test until you are within that time frame. There is nothing wrong with your monitor. :thumbup:
Have any of you had the HCG injection to provoke ovulation? I had it last night and had a positive on an Amazon cheapie OV strip test for the first time ever this afternoon. Do you think it is because of the hormones from the injections or because of ov?
I've been having funny twinges on and off this afternoon so think that my ovaries are hopefully gearing up to release at least one of those lovely follicles. I'm going to have an HCG blood test 10 days after ov so I will have a shorter tww.
Hopewho, I think you're right to hold off on testing. With DS I tested on cd35 and had a nice strong positive. Fingers crossed for you.
Abs, welcome to the thread. I was really nervous about starting Clomid, but it has been absolutely fine and I was on 100mg. So sorry to hear about your mc.

Thanks Ellie - Last month I casually took one test at 11DPO and when it was BFN I became obsessed with getting a BFP so I started testing like a junkie :dohh: I spent a lot of unnecessary money on tests and stressing myself out thinking I was just testing too early. This month I am just trying to stay calm.

I had the HCG scan but not the injections, sorry I am no help on the subject.
Tigerlilly, I am so sorry for your MC. I have been reading this post for a while and I wanted to pop in and say sorry.

I also have a question... I am on my first round of clomid. I have a 28 day cycle and surge around noon on day 14. every month. It is kind of crazy. Anyhow, I am 34 and have been ttc for a while and so my dr put me on 50 mg clomid. I have no known health issues. I took it days 3-7 and felt no side effects other than a crampy left ovary. I surged on day 14 and went in for an IUI on days 14 and 15 (wednesday and Thursday (thanksgiving). Still no side effects. The on Sunday cycle day 18 (4dpo) I became really moody, like SUPER bad and it has lasted ever since. I have had a persistant headache, I am snappy and cranky and my face has broken out!

My question: can these be super delayed side effects of clomid? It started 2 weeks after I took the first pill! Since it started on 4 or 5 dpo, I think it is too early in my 2ww to be a 'sign' so the only thing I can think of is the clomid?

Thanks for your thoughts!

My gynaecologist said no, that the side effects only occur when you are taking the tablets. Hope that helps. Fingers crossed for you. When are you testing?

That is what my FS told me as well - that I may have slight effects the day after but pretty much when the tablets stop the effects stop.
After ttc for 13months without bfp i have to start taking my first round of clomid 50mg today cd2 hope thats okay, i hope the effects will not be much cos i normally have painful ov on cd11 or cd12 but i pray to get my bfp this time.
HopeWho: Thank you for your reply. I am turning in on in the window so I think its broken??? I set it for 6 am after my mistake and I turn it on daily at 6am??

Question: My temp chart on fertilityfriend says I ovulated day 12, and my OPK says I am ovulating in the next 24 hours (day 14) it had a smiley face today. SOOO did I ovulate twice or what is going on. I know on Clomid that is possible.
HopeWho: Thank you for your reply. I am turning in on in the window so I think its broken??? I set it for 6 am after my mistake and I turn it on daily at 6am??

Question: My temp chart on fertilityfriend says I ovulated day 12, and my OPK says I am ovulating in the next 24 hours (day 14) it had a smiley face today. SOOO did I ovulate twice or what is going on. I know on Clomid that is possible.

Hi addie - I hope I am helping and not making this more confusing for you. The day you started AF you have to hold down the M button to set as day one. What time did you set day one? If you set it at 6AM then your testing window would be 3AM to 9AM. If you set it at 9AM then your testing window will be between the hours of 6AM and 12PM. You can turn it on any time during that window. You do not have to test at 6AM but you could if you wanted to, provided the monitor is asking you to test and that time is within the 3 hours of the time you set your monitor. It will not reset by turning it on at a different time, to reset you have to hold down the M button again so I am not sure if that is your concern but that is what it sounds like you are saying when you said "I turned mine on at 9pm by mistake". The monitor will usually start asking you to test on CD9, then it will ask you for up to 20 days in a row. It asks in cycles of 10 days or 20 days. In the beggining it will ask you for more and it stores your data for up to 6 months. Eventually it learns your cycle and it will stop asking for so many tests. Once you hit peak you can stop testing even though it will continue to ask you to test. It will stop asking once it hits 10 or 20. I hope this is the information you need, I will try to answer best I can. I'm sorry I don't chart so I don't understand how that works perhaps someone else could better answer that question for you. I know I personally would go with the OPK because that is reading the current hormones from you whereas the fertillity chart is calculated another way with room for error. You can ovulate twice but I am not sure how far apart from one to the other is normal. Good luck. :flower:
HopeWho: Thank you for your reply. I am turning in on in the window so I think its broken??? I set it for 6 am after my mistake and I turn it on daily at 6am??

Question: My temp chart on fertilityfriend says I ovulated day 12, and my OPK says I am ovulating in the next 24 hours (day 14) it had a smiley face today. SOOO did I ovulate twice or what is going on. I know on Clomid that is possible.

Hi addie - I hope I am helping and not making this more confusing for you. The day you started AF you have to hold down the M button to set as day one. What time did you set day one? If you set it at 6AM then your testing window would be 3AM to 9AM. If you set it at 9AM then your testing window will be between the hours of 6AM and 12PM. You can turn it on any time during that window. You do not have to test at 6AM but you could if you wanted to, provided the monitor is asking you to test and that time is within the 3 hours of the time you set your monitor. It will not reset by turning it on at a different time, to reset you have to hold down the M button again so I am not sure if that is your concern but that is what it sounds like you are saying when you said "I turned mine on at 9pm by mistake". The monitor will usually start asking you to test on CD9, then it will ask you for up to 20 days in a row. It asks in cycles of 10 days or 20 days. In the beggining it will ask you for more and it stores your data for up to 6 months. Eventually it learns your cycle and it will stop asking for so many tests. Once you hit peak you can stop testing even though it will continue to ask you to test. It will stop asking once it hits 10 or 20. I hope this is the information you need, I will try to answer best I can. I'm sorry I don't chart so I don't understand how that works perhaps someone else could better answer that question for you. I know I personally would go with the OPK because that is reading the current hormones from you whereas the fertillity chart is calculated another way with room for error. You can ovulate twice but I am not sure how far apart from one to the other is normal. Good luck. :flower:

Addie - Click on this link:

You can find answers to many questions you may have about the CBFM... or you can go to and search for clear blue easy fertility monitor instructions - this link will be like the 4th result. :thumbup:
I'm on 50 mg of Clomid last pill was taken 11/23/2010. I really don't know if I've ovulated or not. I'm so very confused because all my OPKs have been negative, but I've been having extremely bad cramping on both sides. The pain was worse on CD 14 when I I ovulated, but I wasn't testing then.
Hi ladies. Thank you all for the help. I turned it on at 9pm saw I made a mistake and so reset it with the M button at 6am the next day and still not asking for tests. It only says day 6 so I will see after day 9 if it asks and go from there. Again thank you so much for the assistance! :flower:
Hi ladies. Thank you all for the help. I turned it on at 9pm saw I made a mistake and so reset it with the M button at 6am the next day and still not asking for tests. It only says day 6 so I will see after day 9 if it asks and go from there. Again thank you so much for the assistance! :flower:

You are very welcome, good luck. :happydance:

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