Oh I also took my temp 30-40 min after I usually do???
hi ladies, may i join u guys?
i did my first round of clomid with iui this cycle. i am officially 1dpo. however, i am still getting what seems to be positive opks on the ICs. but my cramping stopped on friday morning. so i am not sure if the trigger shot is causing false positives.
my ultrasounds numbers looked greatand my donor SA are about average. i have no known problems getting pregnant - i am gay and this is my first time trying.
i am also trying to remain grounded and know that it is out of my hands now.
i am sorry for those of you who've had failed cycles and i wish u the best for the next one![]()
hey addie... this is just my 2nd month temping... so I am sorry I am not a good person to ask, I actually do not know if temping will work for me becaue I have random spikes some days due to headaches... and this month I got a huge temp spike on thursday AM, but CBFM in morning was still just high, and an afternoon OPK was negative.... but then thursday night I got a +OPK... and FF is showing that is the day I ovulated... because that is when it saw my first temp spike...and to be honest I really dont believe at all that that is the day I Ovulated. ... doesnt really should right huh? I think I did on Friday....mostly because my first +OPK was thursday night (10pm) and CBFM was peak on Fri and Saturday...and I also for the first time ever got some major O pain on Friday evening from 6-9... so really think that my temping this month is not truely showing when I O'd
welcome cranberry... yep theres a bunch of us on here that are on our first cycle of Clomid... I am officially in the TWW. and go to my first visit with a FS on Monday, (my clomid script came from my OB/GYN) and I am thinking the FS will be suggesting IUI for me as well. so I am interested as well in the questions Hope who was asking. when people say trigger shot is that the hsg? and thats what makes you Ovulate correct? so they can do the timing of the exact IUI procedure right ?
so hope who... what days you taking the Clomid this cycle, will it be the same days as your last cycle. And are you working with a FS or just OB/GYN so far?
I hate FF and temping....
so question for ya girls... now when you get O cramping... does that mean 1)you are Oing right then and there, 2) you have already O'd, or 3) you are just about to O??? anyone have a answer to this ?
this is my first month on Clomid, and the first time EVER I finally felt some O cramping (at least I think that is what it was) kinda felt like a "Water crap" a little bit of an upset stomach, or perhaps you had to go to the "bathroom"... now this was Friday pm and it lasted from 6pm-9pm.. so I think this is when I was Oing ... but....
for temping I got a spike on temps Thursday AM, and my temps have stayed up so FF put down my O date as Thursday....BUT I didnt even get my 1st positive OPK until Thursday evening, and my first peak on my CBFM until Friday AM... so just because I got my first spike on temps on thursday FF put my O date there... I dont get it... anyone, anyone ??
hi ladies, may i join u guys?
i did my first round of clomid with iui this cycle. i am officially 1dpo. however, i am still getting what seems to be positive opks on the ICs. but my cramping stopped on friday morning. so i am not sure if the trigger shot is causing false positives.
my ultrasounds numbers looked greatand my donor SA are about average. i have no known problems getting pregnant - i am gay and this is my first time trying.
i am also trying to remain grounded and know that it is out of my hands now.
i am sorry for those of you who've had failed cycles and i wish u the best for the next one![]()
Hi cranberry, I'm still doing just the clomid so I am currious about where you are (iui) because I could be there too by February. So you took clomid then they took the donor sperm, cleansed it and inserted it into your cervix? Is this right? What are the trigger shots, at what point do you have to take them (before - during or after the cleansed sperm has been inserted) , how many shots do you have to take and how do they make you feel? Did you start with iui? You mentioned you had known doner sperm and in your signature it looks like you tried clomid without iui. Im wondering if there was a step between the clomid and the iui. Sorry for so many questions, I am just currious because I am not far from iui.
Good luck![]()
Hi cranberry (I am a lesbian!) This is my 4th IUI, my first on clomid. My wife tried first. She has had... 7 IUI's and 4 ICI's - all BFN. So now it is my turn.. In total we have been trying, with no heath concerns and in 'perfect health' for 16 months. It has become pretty discouraging - hence, the clomid. About the pos OPK, I was told by my doctor that I shouldn't test for 4-5 days after my IUI because clomid can cause false positives on the OPK's. I have a very regular 28 day cycle and always surge around noon on day 14. I was pretty nervous because I read horror stories about how some people don't detect a surge while on clomid but 11:35am on day 14, there it was! I would hold off on testing until you are a few days out. Do you know when you typically surge? If you have no health issues, it will probably be around the same time. Good luck!
Hi cranberry (I am a lesbian!) This is my 4th IUI, my first on clomid. My wife tried first. She has had... 7 IUI's and 4 ICI's - all BFN. So now it is my turn.. In total we have been trying, with no heath concerns and in 'perfect health' for 16 months. It has become pretty discouraging - hence, the clomid. About the pos OPK, I was told by my doctor that I shouldn't test for 4-5 days after my IUI because clomid can cause false positives on the OPK's. I have a very regular 28 day cycle and always surge around noon on day 14. I was pretty nervous because I read horror stories about how some people don't detect a surge while on clomid but 11:35am on day 14, there it was! I would hold off on testing until you are a few days out. Do you know when you typically surge? If you have no health issues, it will probably be around the same time. Good luck!
Hope, I am sorry this wasn't your month. Did you have any negative side effects from the clomid? I tested today, stupidly, and it was a BFN. I have a huge presentation in Wednesday, the day my period is due and so I tested (11dpo today) in preparation for the negative... but I was still pretty bummed. I have no symptoms other than being a raging crank (I have had way moer 'symptoms' in pervious months - all resulting in BFN's). I have been in a bad mood for 7 days and I am NEVER in a bad mood!My bbs started at ache today (right after I POAS) which usually happens around 9dpo... sigh. I am not feeling too positive.
Addie, I am sorry I can't help - I don't chart so I don't have any idea but I hope you get it this month!!
hi ladies, may i join u guys?
i did my first round of clomid with iui this cycle. i am officially 1dpo. however, i am still getting what seems to be positive opks on the ICs. but my cramping stopped on friday morning. so i am not sure if the trigger shot is causing false positives.
my ultrasounds numbers looked greatand my donor SA are about average. i have no known problems getting pregnant - i am gay and this is my first time trying.
i am also trying to remain grounded and know that it is out of my hands now.
i am sorry for those of you who've had failed cycles and i wish u the best for the next one![]()
Hi cranberry, I'm still doing just the clomid so I am currious about where you are (iui) because I could be there too by February. So you took clomid then they took the donor sperm, cleansed it and inserted it into your cervix? Is this right? What are the trigger shots, at what point do you have to take them (before - during or after the cleansed sperm has been inserted) , how many shots do you have to take and how do they make you feel? Did you start with iui? You mentioned you had known doner sperm and in your signature it looks like you tried clomid without iui. Im wondering if there was a step between the clomid and the iui. Sorry for so many questions, I am just currious because I am not far from iui.
Good luck![]()
hi hopewho, no prob on the questions.
i used a known donor who had to go in last month to get tested, then have his stuff collected and stored for me to use in upcoming iui cycles. some women who are using their partners as donors will have the sperm collected on the day of the iui. i don't have that luxury though. so they store it and thaw it on the day i am going to use it.
however, i also do home insem with the known donor using fresh sperm.
i did one cycle last month without drugs or intervention from the clinic. this cycle was the first with clomid. in my signature you can see that i took it on cd3-7. after this i got an ultrasound on cd12 to see if the follicles were ready. they were great so they gave me a single shot that causes one to ovulate 12-36 hours later. i then get the iui 24 hrs after the shot. i didn't detect any symptoms from the shot but i had headaches the next day.
other folks take multiple shots for other purposes (i think to grow the follicles - the same thing clomid does) but in my case i only needed clomid and one trigger shot.
hope that helps.
Well guys I'm having a bitter sweet moment... On 8DPO that was Tuesdat I had a HCG and progesterone level done it came back negative for HCG at less than 1. my progesterone level was only 22. So I was sad but just figured we would do IUI this month. I had a problem with my bladder so I had a CT done thinking I was safe. Well today AF did not come so I thought I would just test and I got my BFP!!!! But now I'm freaking out thinking why did I implant late? Did the CT screw anything up? and my progesterone level seems low.... I'm so worried I wasnt to be happy about my BFP but after my last one I MC a week later so I'm just praying things go ok![]()
We used a soft cup for 2 of the cycles. It was a little messy but once it was in it wasn't a problem. I heard they help! We do IUI's so it goes right in the cervix so there is no need anymore.
Hopewho - thanks so much... I'm a chronic worrier so I will try. it is just very hard after 2 MC and a son that was born with anomilies.. But I'm praying God has blessed me this time. I'm going to ask for another HCG and progesterone tomorrow morning... So I'm just going to pray pray pray.... I'm sorry to hear things didn't work out for you this time... But I have a feeling December will be your monthI will keep you in my prayers..