Anyone on Clomid?

Tigerlilly, I am so sorry for your MC. I have been reading this post for a while and I wanted to pop in and say sorry.

I also have a question... I am on my first round of clomid. I have a 28 day cycle and surge around noon on day 14. every month. It is kind of crazy. Anyhow, I am 34 and have been ttc for a while and so my dr put me on 50 mg clomid. I have no known health issues. I took it days 3-7 and felt no side effects other than a crampy left ovary. I surged on day 14 and went in for an IUI on days 14 and 15 (wednesday and Thursday (thanksgiving). Still no side effects. The on Sunday cycle day 18 (4dpo) I became really moody, like SUPER bad and it has lasted ever since. I have had a persistant headache, I am snappy and cranky and my face has broken out!

My question: can these be super delayed side effects of clomid? It started 2 weeks after I took the first pill! Since it started on 4 or 5 dpo, I think it is too early in my 2ww to be a 'sign' so the only thing I can think of is the clomid?

Thanks for your thoughts!

My gynaecologist said no, that the side effects only occur when you are taking the tablets. Hope that helps. Fingers crossed for you. When are you testing?

REALLY??? your gyno said this? I have been scouring the web and only find message boards.. not legit info. I haven't called my doctor about it, I just figured... hmmm... well that makes me a little more excited! I am pretty melancholy today, as opposed to being super cranky. I just don't have any other symptoms and thought for sure this cycle was a bust.. maybe there is hope! I don't know if I will test. My cervical mucus turns brownish the cd27 (next wednesday) so I always know my period is coming. I may wait it out. With all these crazy emotions, I don't know how I would react to a BFN, even if it is expected!

Thanks for replying to me! and the fingers crossed (for you too!)!

What cd are you at the moment?
After ttc for 13months without bfp i have to start taking my first round of clomid 50mg today cd2 hope thats okay, i hope the effects will not be much cos i normally have painful ov on cd11 or cd12 but i pray to get my bfp this time.

Really hope it works for you. Don't worry about the effects. I took 100mg this month and have only had very slight cramping for ov.
I'm on 50 mg of Clomid last pill was taken 11/23/2010. I really don't know if I've ovulated or not. I'm so very confused because all my OPKs have been negative, but I've been having extremely bad cramping on both sides. The pain was worse on CD 14 when I I ovulated, but I wasn't testing then.

My gynaecologist told me that she doesn't rate ovulation tests. She reckons that for some women they just don't work. I'd listen to your body, if you were cramping on cd14, assume that's around when you ovd.
Another positive OPK today and more cramping ( I do agree that opks do not work for all people so do not worry. I didn't get a positive one last month and I Ovulated)

! I am excited and hopeful. We tried the day be4 Ov, the day of and we will try today! :happydance: Hope that does the trick! I have such a hard time in the 2ww it takes forever. I will be in Florida when I am able to test I hope I can just relax till then and not let it ruin my trip and holiday if it does come back neg. Hopefully it will be pos tho. I see my doctor Tuesday but that will be 2 early to tell if I am pregnant he is just testing to see if I ov. ORR can he give me an inner ultrasound and possible see something that early on??????

Anyone get a BFP this week. I love reading success stories.:flower:
hey addie/hope who...

sorry just catching up on this thread... and hope who has exactly the same answers I would have given you on the CBFM, but I am afraid this late in the cycle you trying to "reset with the m button" may not actually work, If I were you I'd go by the Opks that you are using.

I as well use OPKs and the CBFM, since the CBFM needs first morning urine, I am always afraid I will miss my once I hit high on my CBFM I always do OPKs in the afternoons/evenings... and pretty much every cycle, I do catch a posititive OPK in the evening, and the next day I get my peak on the CBFM....

Example for me... last night got my first +OPK this am first Peak on CBFM.... and my temps are crazy, dont think I can go by them... they started rising yesterday? weird... I dont think I am a good candidate for temping, and I dont get CM or O pains, so I have to go by my "sticks"....

ok so for me, my first month on Clomid.. no side effects, and no delay on O. I did get some bad FSH values this month, and hubbys SA is not the best, so have my first appointment with a FS on Monday (clomid was prescribed by my OB/GYN) keeping positive!!!
Tigerlilly, I am so sorry for your MC. I have been reading this post for a while and I wanted to pop in and say sorry.

I also have a question... I am on my first round of clomid. I have a 28 day cycle and surge around noon on day 14. every month. It is kind of crazy. Anyhow, I am 34 and have been ttc for a while and so my dr put me on 50 mg clomid. I have no known health issues. I took it days 3-7 and felt no side effects other than a crampy left ovary. I surged on day 14 and went in for an IUI on days 14 and 15 (wednesday and Thursday (thanksgiving). Still no side effects. The on Sunday cycle day 18 (4dpo) I became really moody, like SUPER bad and it has lasted ever since. I have had a persistant headache, I am snappy and cranky and my face has broken out!

My question: can these be super delayed side effects of clomid? It started 2 weeks after I took the first pill! Since it started on 4 or 5 dpo, I think it is too early in my 2ww to be a 'sign' so the only thing I can think of is the clomid?

Thanks for your thoughts!

My gynaecologist said no, that the side effects only occur when you are taking the tablets. Hope that helps. Fingers crossed for you. When are you testing?

REALLY??? your gyno said this? I have been scouring the web and only find message boards.. not legit info. I haven't called my doctor about it, I just figured... hmmm... well that makes me a little more excited! I am pretty melancholy today, as opposed to being super cranky. I just don't have any other symptoms and thought for sure this cycle was a bust.. maybe there is hope! I don't know if I will test. My cervical mucus turns brownish the cd27 (next wednesday) so I always know my period is coming. I may wait it out. With all these crazy emotions, I don't know how I would react to a BFN, even if it is expected!

Thanks for replying to me! and the fingers crossed (for you too!)!

What cd are you at the moment?

Today I am cd 23 of a 28 day cycle. How are you doing?
Thanks for the welcome and responses.... I finished my clomid on wednesday and got a very faint OPK+ line thursday already!!! I O'd last cycle on day 24 so I like this month much better!! And holy HOT flashes, mine are out of control (it's cold where I live and I was driving with the AC on yesterday and I've woken up in bed soaked a few nights...) other than that, nada for side effects! I can already feel my O starting, a little twinge in my left ovary :happydance: Gonna start baby dancing today :winkwink: wish us luck:thumbup: Bring on the dreaded 2WW.
I'm on 50 mg of Clomid last pill was taken 11/23/2010. I really don't know if I've ovulated or not. I'm so very confused because all my OPKs have been negative, but I've been having extremely bad cramping on both sides. The pain was worse on CD 14 when I I ovulated, but I wasn't testing then.

My gynaecologist told me that she doesn't rate ovulation tests. She reckons that for some women they just don't work. I'd listen to your body, if you were cramping on cd14, assume that's around when you ovd.


I'm pretty sure I O'd cd 14 because the cramps were pretty bad. :happydance:

I guess I'm 4 dpo now. I can't wait to test.
Well I cracked, I just couldn't help myself. This morning at 6AM I woke (second morning in a row) because my bb felt HUGE. At that moment I was convinced that I am pregnant. I even said a quick prayer to thank God.

I had to wee pretty bad and a test on hand so I cracked and took the test. I am 12DPO and it was negative. I believe that means I only have a 12.3% chance of actually being pregnant. :cry:

I have felt like AF is coming a couple of times due to increased CM but it kept going away.

AF should be here tomorrow or Sunday and we will just have to try again with a second round of clomid but I am feeling pretty sad right now. I did a google search on 12DPO negative HPT but pregnant and there were a couple of women who tested negative at 12DPO and went on to get a BFP after AF was due but it looked like most women got a BFP or at least a faint line by 12DPO.

I could really use some possitive energy right now if anyone has some to spare.
Hopewho: Do not give up hope just yet. Some people do not get positive till AFTER a missed period.Some doctors actually tell you not to test till a week after a missed period. I read about a girl on here who didn't get a positive till 18dpo. Not even a faint line. You never know so just keep thinking positive thoughts and I will cross my fingers for you!!!!
HEY there hope who... sorry you are blue... big hugs to you... that darn AF likes to ruin everyones day huh!!! you say this is only your first month on Clomid right? so if she does get you, you certainly still have an advantage because you get to take Clomid again next month. We have to stay super positive, from everything that I have read on line, it is miraculous that anyone ever gets pregnant, there are a zillion different things that have to line up just "so" in able to conceive, and the months that we dont, our bodies just know that we were not able to carry that month, so have to look foward to trying again next month, and just make sure we do everything we know to do to help the process along, eat well, exercise, take our supplements, make sure we are knowing when we are Oing and then BD on the right days...... p..s this is all the things I tell my self each month... not sure if will help you, sometimes it helps me!
Well I cracked, I just couldn't help myself. This morning at 6AM I woke (second morning in a row) because my bb felt HUGE. At that moment I was convinced that I am pregnant. I even said a quick prayer to thank God.

I had to wee pretty bad and a test on hand so I cracked and took the test. I am 12DPO and it was negative. I believe that means I only have a 12.3% chance of actually being pregnant. :cry:

I have felt like AF is coming a couple of times due to increased CM but it kept going away.

AF should be here tomorrow or Sunday and we will just have to try again with a second round of clomid but I am feeling pretty sad right now. I did a google search on 12DPO negative HPT but pregnant and there were a couple of women who tested negative at 12DPO and went on to get a BFP after AF was due but it looked like most women got a BFP or at least a faint line by 12DPO.

I could really use some possitive energy right now if anyone has some to spare.

Hi Hope,

Have you seen this website? It gives actual data of BFP by dpo's. I don't know if I explained that correctly :) but check it out. You can choose 12 dpo and see the % of women who get strong pos, neg, faint pos, etc.

Try to stay positive - you aren't out yet! I am 10 dpo (and my first round of clomid too!) this morning and got up and ran to the bathroom and pee'd super fast so I wouldn't be tempted to test! It is so hard. I hope you are one of the 20%! (if you go to the site, that will make more sense!)
addie, ttc1 and quinny - thank you all so much. Your words really do make me feel better.

I am thoroughly confused right now. This may be tmi but if you can't talk about it here than where is it appropriate? So last night around 10:00pm I felt like I was leaking. Every 10 minutes or so I would run to the bathroom expecting to see AF. Around 11:30pm there was a little blood on the paper. The blood was dark brown and not bright like I normally get when AF is here but I still think it's over. I told my husband it wasn't our month. Then at 5:00 this morning I woke with horrible night sweats. This has never happened to me before (unless I am sick with the flu/cold). I had to wee so I went to the bathroom and removed the protective lady item :blush: (trying to not sound so gross) and there was more dark blood, not a lot but more than what I would think normal for implantation bleeding based on what I have read about it. I decided to chance it and go back to bed without replacing the protective item and this morning I went wee and there was no blood when I wiped. I'm trying not to read to much into it but I just don't know what to think. :shrug: I know all I can do is hold on for the ride to see what happens next but I am so confused. I don't ever spot before my AF (only twice in the past 14 months). This is normall for me; My AF shows with a little bright pink, slightly transparent blood on t paper and each time I go wee the amount continues to increase and become less transparent (the two times I did spot it was light pink and AF followed within hours). But I also know AF plays tricks on the vulnerable.:growlmad:

I will keep you ladies posted but I just don't know what is happening right now.:shrug:

quinny - I don't see a website listed in your thread but I would love to go look at it.

Thank you all for letting me whine and trying to help me through this time. I will be better tomorrow and I cannot wate to see all of our BFP posted very soon.

Thanks again :hugs:
Well I cracked, I just couldn't help myself. This morning at 6AM I woke (second morning in a row) because my bb felt HUGE. At that moment I was convinced that I am pregnant. I even said a quick prayer to thank God.

I had to wee pretty bad and a test on hand so I cracked and took the test. I am 12DPO and it was negative. I believe that means I only have a 12.3% chance of actually being pregnant. :cry:

I have felt like AF is coming a couple of times due to increased CM but it kept going away.

AF should be here tomorrow or Sunday and we will just have to try again with a second round of clomid but I am feeling pretty sad right now. I did a google search on 12DPO negative HPT but pregnant and there were a couple of women who tested negative at 12DPO and went on to get a BFP after AF was due but it looked like most women got a BFP or at least a faint line by 12DPO.

I could really use some possitive energy right now if anyone has some to spare.

Hi Hope,

Have you seen this website? It gives actual data of BFP by dpo's. I don't know if I explained that correctly :) but check it out. You can choose 12 dpo and see the % of women who get strong pos, neg, faint pos, etc.

Try to stay positive - you aren't out yet! I am 10 dpo (and my first round of clomid too!) this morning and got up and ran to the bathroom and pee'd super fast so I wouldn't be tempted to test! It is so hard. I hope you are one of the 20%! (if you go to the site, that will make more sense!)

I think I found it... is this it?
Well I cracked, I just couldn't help myself. This morning at 6AM I woke (second morning in a row) because my bb felt HUGE. At that moment I was convinced that I am pregnant. I even said a quick prayer to thank God.

I had to wee pretty bad and a test on hand so I cracked and took the test. I am 12DPO and it was negative. I believe that means I only have a 12.3% chance of actually being pregnant. :cry:

I have felt like AF is coming a couple of times due to increased CM but it kept going away.

AF should be here tomorrow or Sunday and we will just have to try again with a second round of clomid but I am feeling pretty sad right now. I did a google search on 12DPO negative HPT but pregnant and there were a couple of women who tested negative at 12DPO and went on to get a BFP after AF was due but it looked like most women got a BFP or at least a faint line by 12DPO.

I could really use some possitive energy right now if anyone has some to spare.

Hi Hope,

Have you seen this website? It gives actual data of BFP by dpo's. I don't know if I explained that correctly :) but check it out. You can choose 12 dpo and see the % of women who get strong pos, neg, faint pos, etc.

Try to stay positive - you aren't out yet! I am 10 dpo (and my first round of clomid too!) this morning and got up and ran to the bathroom and pee'd super fast so I wouldn't be tempted to test! It is so hard. I hope you are one of the 20%! (if you go to the site, that will make more sense!)

I think I found it... is this it?

HA!! I totally forgot to add the site! Sorry!! The second link in green heading bar is "Pregnancy test stats".
:nope: Well... it is officially not our month to begin our journey as parents. Unmistakably AF has arrived. Thanks again for the positivity addie, ttc1st and quinny and good luck on your BFP. On the bright side the tww is officially over for my husband and I and now we can move on to our second chance with round 2 of clomid.
Hi HopeWho: I am sorry that this was not your month. Good luck on your next round of Clomid it will happen for you very soon!
oh darn it hopewho....

i know "its easier said than done" but try to keep positive.... starting out a new month... and back to the drawing board... :( damn it, it happens to all of us and it does bite......I just tell my self it will happen, it WILL happen, IT WILL HAPPEN!!!! so same to the rest of ya girls!!!!

hugs to all!!!
hi ladies, may i join u guys?

i did my first round of clomid with iui this cycle. i am officially 1dpo. however, i am still getting what seems to be positive opks on the ICs. but my cramping stopped on friday morning. so i am not sure if the trigger shot is causing false positives.

my ultrasounds numbers looked great :blush: and my donor SA are about average. i have no known problems getting pregnant - i am gay and this is my first time trying.

i am also trying to remain grounded and know that it is out of my hands now :coffee:.

i am sorry for those of you who've had failed cycles and i wish u the best for the next one :flower:
HI. So my temps were staying hight after O and then today it dropped a LOT. I am not sure if it is because I kept getting up in the middle of the night and then jumped up when my alarm rang and took my temp and that shook my body temp or what? Look at my chart do u think this dip in temp is really telling and I didn't get pregnant this month or can clomid mess with ur temps or did my behavior last night change things?? Im a bit upset by the drop in temp. My chart is below if you click on it you can see. :cry:

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