Anyone on Clomid?

Hi i was on clomid but lost track of ovulation dates, i was all over the place. Im now just over 10 weeks pregnant, good luck and fingers crossed, i know how you feel. x:flower:

Congratulations, Lindsay! You must be close to your scan date soon.

Yes i had an early scan at 8 1/2 weeks as i had spotting and i was so pleased to see our baby wriggling arround and had a really strong heartbeat. im 3 months this sat 10th dec and am so excited. My next scan is on the 20th dec for my late 12 week scan, as they were really busy and i will then be 13 1/2 weeks.:happydance:
I wish everyone on clomid the best of luck, i know to some people you might feel its never going to happen for you but it will. xx:winkwink:
I hate FF and temping....

so question for ya girls... now when you get O cramping... does that mean 1)you are Oing right then and there, 2) you have already O'd, or 3) you are just about to O??? anyone have a answer to this ?

this is my first month on Clomid, and the first time EVER I finally felt some O cramping (at least I think that is what it was) kinda felt like a "Water crap" a little bit of an upset stomach, or perhaps you had to go to the "bathroom"... now this was Friday pm and it lasted from 6pm-9pm.. so I think this is when I was Oing ... but....

for temping I got a spike on temps Thursday AM, and my temps have stayed up so FF put down my O date as Thursday....BUT I didnt even get my 1st positive OPK until Thursday evening, and my first peak on my CBFM until Friday AM... so just because I got my first spike on temps on thursday FF put my O date there... I dont get it... anyone, anyone ??

When you feel ovulation pain (not everyone does) you can feel it before, during or even just after ovulation, and many other kinds of cramps or twinges can be mistaken for it, so it is not a good indicator for pinpointing ovulation on a particular day. It provides an additional clue, like other secondary fertility signs. Ovulation pain can not be used as a primary indicator for pinpointing ovulation. It is best to look at all signs and the "big picture" when interpreting your chart. <-- I got this from

Thanks, Hopewho. I have always wondered about that!
Thanks quinny :flower:.... Anyone else know about temping.

Sorry, Addie. I don't temp either. With DS up for the toilet throughout the night, I'm sure I wouldn't get accurate readings & it would just be something to drive me mad! Hope you get your answers soon.
Well guys I'm having a bitter sweet moment... On 8DPO that was Tuesdat I had a HCG and progesterone level done it came back negative for HCG at less than 1. my progesterone level was only 22. So I was sad but just figured we would do IUI this month. I had a problem with my bladder so I had a CT done thinking I was safe. Well today AF did not come so I thought I would just test and I got my BFP!!!! But now I'm freaking out thinking why did I implant late? Did the CT screw anything up? and my progesterone level seems low.... I'm so worried I wasnt to be happy about my BFP but after my last one I MC a week later so I'm just praying things go ok :( :)

Congratulations on your BFP! That's so great. :happydance: I can understand why you must be nervous, but try not to worry. Just take it easy and then you're doing everything possible to help your bean stay sticky.
Hi i was on clomid but lost track of ovulation dates, i was all over the place. Im now just over 10 weeks pregnant, good luck and fingers crossed, i know how you feel. x:flower:

Congratulations, Lindsay! You must be close to your scan date soon.

Yes i had an early scan at 8 1/2 weeks as i had spotting and i was so pleased to see our baby wriggling arround and had a really strong heartbeat. im 3 months this sat 10th dec and am so excited. My next scan is on the 20th dec for my late 12 week scan, as they were really busy and i will then be 13 1/2 weeks.:happydance:
I wish everyone on clomid the best of luck, i know to some people you might feel its never going to happen for you but it will. xx:winkwink:

Such great news :happydance: and thank you for the words of encouragement.
As im just off depo and probs gonna have to wait about a year for AF to return, would clomid be any good to me?? does it have to be prescribed by a doctor?? and also is it atall harmfull or have any effect on the baby or pregnancy???
As im just off depo and probs gonna have to wait about a year for AF to return, would clomid be any good to me?? does it have to be prescribed by a doctor?? and also is it atall harmfull or have any effect on the baby or pregnancy???

I don't know if it'll help coming off depo. I've never been on it. Clomid basically makes you ov. You have to have it prescribed & generally GPs won't give it to you until you've been trying for over a year. Don't think it can have a harmful effect on a baby or pregnancy, only if you take it inadvertently when pregnant. Good luck.
Ok, girls, I have a question about timing of blood tests. I had the HCG injection to provoke ov on cd15. I then had a +ive ov test on cd16, 17 & 18 with cramping on cd16.
My gynaecologist has told me to go for a progesterone blood test on either cd21 or cd22, but I thought that it was supposed to be 7 days after ov, which would be cd24.
She also told me to go for an HCG blood test 11 days after ov. Should I go on cd28 then? I normally have 31 day cycles.
@ Ellie - I was actually on DEPO for many years... Most docs will make you wait a few months to see if you start naturally but if not they will give you a med sometimes clomid to stimulate that my OB offered a few different things back then but I turned them down bc I was not ready for baby at that time. So to answer your question yes clomid will help stimulate AF and OV.
I am armed with round two of clomid to be taken cd5-9. I hope this is our month.
GOOD LUCK HOPEWHO! I am going to my doctor tomorrow for blood test to confirm ovulate. It will be 2 early to see if I am pregnant so I was a bit sad about that. I am only 4dpo so he wont be able to tell. This is the longest 2ww ever!
Hi ladies ,
How is everyone doing i just finished my first round of Clomid yesterday cd6 i will go in for hsg tomorrow,and later for 21days blood test on Cd21. I need this BFP soon.
First cycle of clomid and I am out. Not only out but I may have to take the next cycle off. Da*% clomid. Yesterday was 12 dpo and I have had this nagging swollen feeling in my left ovary every since CD11 or so. The feeling started a few days before ovulation and then kind of lingered. I ignored it, it wasn't bad (at all, just didn't feel right) but finally yesterday I sucked it up and went to the dr who confirmed my ovary is swollen. Awesome. I have never had a problem in my life :( I read that it is fairly common with clomid, to cause cysts, but was 'assured' it wouldn't happen to me, because of my super regular, 28 day, surge at noon on day 14, cramp free menstrual cycle, by my ob/gyn, my fertility doctor and my acupuncturist.. but alas.. they were wrong. I have to go in for an ultrasound today to see if I need to take a month off or surgery. And they did an HCG blood test and confirmed I am not pregnant. Now I am left with a long list of questions...Why did I screw around with hormones!? I was so worried about the possible side effects I deliberated for hours the morning of the first it worth it? (and most importantly...will I be (stupid enough to) do it again? probably...) ugggg..... Good luck to everyone else!
First cycle of clomid and I am out. Not only out but I may have to take the next cycle off. Da*% clomid. Yesterday was 12 dpo and I have had this nagging swollen feeling in my left ovary every since CD11 or so. The feeling started a few days before ovulation and then kind of lingered. I ignored it, it wasn't bad (at all, just didn't feel right) but finally yesterday I sucked it up and went to the dr who confirmed my ovary is swollen. Awesome. I have never had a problem in my life :( I read that it is fairly common with clomid, to cause cysts, but was 'assured' it wouldn't happen to me, because of my super regular, 28 day, surge at noon on day 14, cramp free menstrual cycle, by my ob/gyn, my fertility doctor and my acupuncturist.. but alas.. they were wrong. I have to go in for an ultrasound today to see if I need to take a month off or surgery. And they did an HCG blood test and confirmed I am not pregnant. Now I am left with a long list of questions...Why did I screw around with hormones!? I was so worried about the possible side effects I deliberated for hours the morning of the first it worth it? (and most importantly...will I be (stupid enough to) do it again? probably...) ugggg..... Good luck to everyone else!

I'm so sorry to hear about your problems. I hope that the medical professionals can give you some answers. :hugs:
hey ellie... I as well thought the progestrone test should be done 7 days after ovulation... but my first visit with the FS yesterday said he wants to do day 24.. regardless of when I ovulated? hmmm so I would just go with what your Dr is asking of ya I guess : ) I know I will.

addie... hoping you get some good numbers on your progestrone!!!

gift mum... good luck to you !!!

quinny... gosh how AWFUL...I (like you) am pretty much super regular... 26 day cycle.. OV appx day 13 etc etc every single month... and I was worried as well taking my first round of Clomid this month... so far I have been ok dont appear to be any problems, but I am soooooo sorry you have to go through this... please let us know what your ultrasound came back with today.

Hopewho&#8230; looks like my visit with the FS yesterday told me to do my Clomid this cycle day 5-9.

SHANNALYNN and Lindsaay &#8230;. Congrats to you girls!!!!! giving the rest of us Clomid girls some hope!!!!

Cranberry thanks for all the info&#8230; how you doing ?

As for me girls&#8230; went to my very first FS visit yesterday&#8230; (my Clomid was prescribed by OB/GYN) and I was going to take that for 3 months and if didn&#8217;t work THEN go see a FS&#8230;.but in the mean time I got kinda bad results on hubbys SA and my CD3 blood work&#8230; (FSH was high) so I scheduled an appointment with a FS, and yesterday was my first visit&#8230; WELL.. gonna try to make this short&#8230; BUT&#8230;

first of all Loved Loved my Dr... he was quite amused by all the info I already had for him... he didnt have to waste his time on me telling me what FSH is, and how to time Sex etc... I already had that all figured out.... he chuckled at me more than once.

So he said...if we are not pregnant already this month... next cycle he wants me to continue on the Clomid... said my results from my blood from this month shows that I absolutely responded great to the Clomid... (great news) and then he wants to run 2 tests on me... first one is like an HSG but is one with Saline its called a sonohysterogram,
the HSG one is with Iodine, but this one is with Saline, and they do an internal scan (I think) and flush saline through to see if your tubes are open, and if there are any fibriods etc... then the same week he wants to do a Postcoital, which is a test that me and hubby has to have sex, then 2-4 hours later I go into the office and they take a sample of my CM to see if the spermies are mixing well and penetrating. Sounds interesting huh? and from these results of these 2 tests we will take it from there.... oh and the best news yet... He is not TOO concerned of hubbys SA results... he said sure they are low, but they are THAT low... Hubby was certainly happy to hear that... he also said at this point he doesnt even think hubby has to go to urloogist yet!! nice huh? so lots of great news..some testing coming up next cycle... and hubby has agreed we can do IUI if need be... but that wouldnt be the next cycle it would probablly be the one following... YAYAYA!! HOPEFULLY I dont need all that though!!!

OK SO tomorrow I am off out of state for a Christmas Visit with my family&#8230;. So may not be on here for a while, but I&#8217;ll try to keep track of the thread on my iphone to see how all you girls are doing&#8230; little hard to respond on there, but I can definitely try to keep in the loop by reading&#8230; good luck to all ya girls&#8230; HOPEFULLY THIS WILL BE OUR MONTH, AND MAYBE WE&#8217;LL BE ABLE TO GET THAT BFP before Christmas!!! Anyone with me ?!?!?!?!?!
I am sorry to hear about that QUINNY. I was worried as well and do not think I will take clomid more than 3 times (this is my 1st cycle)

I am going for the 21st day test to see if I ovulated however today is day 20 not 21 I could not go on the 21st day will that change things. OPK said I ovuated 4 days ogo or 5. Also will the numbers indicate if I over ovulated or if only one egg was present???

Thanks ladies!:flower:
Thanks ttc1st@40.

I hope that your tests all come back well for you. It helps to know that you're being monitored, I think.

My gynaecologist mentioned the saline test, too.

Enjoy your Christmas trip.

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