Anyone on Clomid?

lol--thanks girlies---not going to take the EPO this month just to be on safe side---im taking my 1st tablet now in a few hours.....50 mg- (2-6) wish me

Good luck Brill! Since EPO helps with CM, will you do the Robitussin instead?
OHHH HopeWho... I am really really really sorry. I know hardly anything said could make you feel better... just hope you bounce back quick sorry girl. So did AF end up showing as well ?

Hi ttc, AF started about an hour ago. :hugs:
hi im steff ive been trying to concieve for 2 years on same boat!

when i first started they had me on 50mg of clomid and didnt work
i have been upped to 100mg and finally ovulated for first time last month woohoo,
so i started on the 25 november took my clomid day 2 til 6 and now on cd 43
and no sign of af and im not sure if could still be in running for bfp as i had bfn few days ago
i called the gynie and today had a scan said the lining thick?what does that mean?good?bad?
plus took bloods and ive to phone tomoz for bloods result i duno what to think any help out there id be really grateful thanx :dust: to all

thanx steffttc xxx
lol--thanks girlies---not going to take the EPO this month just to be on safe side---im taking my 1st tablet now in a few hours.....50 mg- (2-6) wish me

Good luck Brill! Since EPO helps with CM, will you do the Robitussin instead?

thanks tigerlillies:hugs:---just after taking my 2nd tablet 3......boobs tingly a bit today and felt a tad depressed.....dont know if its the clomid or

i am def going to take robitusson and grapefruit.......:happydance:xxx

hi steff---gd luck anyhow, dont really know the answer for you....just fingers crossed......has this ever happened before?
hey no this has never happened before and im usually on time so thats why im confused,just wanted to know if anyone else had been through this :( i have to phone them tomorrow not to far away just have to be patient and wait!thanx
best of luck and keep us all updated on what they say.. i hope u find the answer
Oh Hope!! I am so sorry!! I have been MIA - I got my BFN on Monday (5th IUI, 2nd round of clomid) and I was a mess. :( I couldn't stop crying for 3 days.. I was avoiding all things 'baby' and I am finally feeling better and came on here to catch up and I have now just read everything since New Years and my heats breaks for you.. Poor Hope... I can't even imagine..

I start my third round of clomid today (100mg).. I can't tell if I am excited or scared or what.. I never imagined it would take this long to conceive and I am losing faith it will ever work..For those of you who moved up to 100mg - were your side affects more severe?
Brill, sounds like a plan, I never thought of grapefruit before! Good luck!

ASM, I'm officially on the TWW. I really hope this works b.c financially we'll have to take a break for a couples months other wise due to all the bills I racked up with 2 MC and going to a specialist.

last motook bloods and ive to phone tomoz for bloods result i duno what to think any help out there id be really grateful thanx :dust: to all
thanx steffttc xxx

Sounds promising! The blood work will be the best answer to set your mind at ease. Keep us updated and goodluck!

Oh Hope!! I am so sorry!! I have been MIA - I got my BFN on Monday (5th IUI, 2nd round of clomid) and I was a mess. :( I couldn't stop crying for 3 days.. I was avoiding all things 'baby' and I am finally feeling better and came on here to catch up and I have now just read everything since New Years and my heats breaks for you.. Poor Hope... I can't even imagine..

I start my third round of clomid today (100mg).. I can't tell if I am excited or scared or what.. I never imagined it would take this long to conceive and I am losing faith it will ever work..For those of you who moved up to 100mg - were your side affects more severe?

Sweetie, I'm so sorry, how heartbreaking. I really wish you all the luck this month! :hugs:
Thanks quinny and Tigerlilies. I can honestly say I did not realize how hard it would be. I was one of those women who thought, it's so early why are you so upset or at least it was before the baby had a heart beat. But the fact of the matter is, until you have experianced this you have no right to say things like that. So even though I never said it to anyone (it was only a thought) I would like to apologize to all the women who have experianced this loss. I was wrong. It is extreamly hard. Everyone will feel something different but a baby is a baby no matter how small and when you want to be a mom so badly and have already planned your future around one it hurts to have it taken away.
I cried for two days and even today it takes every ounce of strength to keep from crying. It hurts and we have every right to feel what we feel.

Good luck to everyone and I hope this next round of clomid is successful for me too.

quinny stay positive with me hun. We have to project positive thoughts to the powers that be. It will happen, it will happen, it will happen.
hi tigerlilies--yes grapefruit is supposed to help with cm......sorry to hear about all them bills--we dont know how lucky we are over here to get health care free--we take it for granted.....hope u get your BFP this

quinny and hopewho--im sorry about both of your losses--its just not fair :( xx
Thanks brillbride. Your right it's just not fair, but I have to believe everything happens for a reason, even if the reason does not make sense. It will happen, of that I am sure, I just have to wait for it to be my time. Thanks again and good luck to you as well.
Thanks Brill, but I did not get pregnant. I am just worn through with all the negatives. We (I am a lesbian) have been trying for 1.5 years and the negatives are starting to get to me. My wife (7 failed IUI's) and I (5 failed IUI's) have been trying off and on, which has been really nice since it is possible to take a TTC break (while the other is trying) and not feel all the pressure, but if you can imagine 2 women in the house both aching to be moms... you can begin to get a picture of the hormonal insanity around here! HA!! It is crazy!!!! :) In a way it is absolutely wonderful because we totally understand what the other is going through but it is also really difficult because, we totally understand the heart break. And we never thought it would take this long! I mean we have 4 ovaries!! Come on!! ;) We tried together this last cycle, we ovulated 3 days apart, hoping one of us would get it, but we, shockingly, got our BFN on the same day (Monday) and so this week has been especially difficult because there are 2 weepy women in the house and no one to hold it all together! K is taking this month off, to regroup. Since she has had 7 IUI's she can finally access her fertility health insurance. Her next step is IVF but needs an emotional break before starting.

Thanks for the encouragement, Hope. You inspire me. You are clearly a very strong person to be so positive after your recent experience. Thanks getting me out of my funk. 3rd clomid cycle, BRING IT!!
Thanks Brill, but I did not get pregnant. I am just worn through with all the negatives. We (I am a lesbian) have been trying for 1.5 years and the negatives are starting to get to me. My wife (7 failed IUI's) and I (5 failed IUI's) have been trying off and on, which has been really nice since it is possible to take a TTC break (while the other is trying) and not feel all the pressure, but if you can imagine 2 women in the house both aching to be moms... you can begin to get a picture of the hormonal insanity around here! HA!! It is crazy!!!! :) In a way it is absolutely wonderful because we totally understand what the other is going through but it is also really difficult because, we totally understand the heart break. And we never thought it would take this long! I mean we have 4 ovaries!! Come on!! ;) We tried together this last cycle, we ovulated 3 days apart, hoping one of us would get it, but we, shockingly, got our BFN on the same day (Monday) and so this week has been especially difficult because there are 2 weepy women in the house and no one to hold it all together! K is taking this month off, to regroup. Since she has had 7 IUI's she can finally access her fertility health insurance. Her next step is IVF but needs an emotional break before starting.

Thanks for the encouragement, Hope. You inspire me. You are clearly a very strong person to be so positive after your recent experience. Thanks getting me out of my funk. 3rd clomid cycle, BRING IT!!

Like everyone else I have my own moments of pure weakness but I am going to fight to the very end and I hope everyone else is with me!!! Iv'e learned that it is okay to have these moments. We have to deal with it the best we can and allow ourselves to feel and heal. Let those with strength be your rock and when you can, return the favor. Good luck to you and your partner, you are lucky to have eachother to lean on. I can imagine the emotions that are a constant in your household. I'm a designer and I am the only straight person on my team. There are 7 lesbians on my team and I see the extra obsticles that have nothing to do with fertility that you have to deal with as we wait for the world to catch up and except. So you are a LOT stronger than you feel at this moment. Hang tight and what will be will be. I really really wish you the best of luck!!!
Thanks Hope! luckily I live in Boston and everyone is really accepting up here. The church right next to my house is flying a big rainbow flag.. when I say everyone, I mean just about everyone! We both look really (REALLY) 'straight' so the only issues we have run into have had to do with amazingly rude and ignorant statements from guys.. you can only imagine what they say.. ug.. but it is few and far between so I can't complain. We were legally married 2 years ago and our guest list was over 250 people, including everyone in my office and all of our close and extended families. We both come from very traditional Irish catholic families.. It still overwhelms me to this day to watch the video and see all of the support. Our wedding (complete with 2 big white dresses) was 2.5 hours away from our home, on a friday afternoon. At the time I didn't think we would get even a fraction of our guest list but there they all were.. it still amazes me.

I see you are in Texas, I can't imagine what it is like down there, I am sure it is a totally different experience. TTC has been the biggest challenge for us mostly because donor sperm is so expensive. So far it has cost us $60,000 out of pocket. I think the financial stress is becoming a factor in our loss of faith.. but we are still finding a way without going into debt so.. we keep going. Here's hoping this is the one!

Tigerlilly, is that the trigger? I am not using it. I ovulate on my own, but there is a question about their maturity so I am on clomid. I was told to try 4 rounds and then move on but since it is all out of pocket, 'moving on' makes me pretty scared. I have to have 7 more failed IUI's before health insurance will consider me a 'problem' and when I think of what that would cost, especially if I have to move onto injectables.. I feel woozy :) That said, I am pretty much an expert on IUI's! So if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask!
Thanks Hope! luckily I live in Boston and everyone is really accepting up here. The church right next to my house is flying a big rainbow flag.. when I say everyone, I mean just about everyone! We both look really (REALLY) 'straight' so the only issues we have run into have had to do with amazingly rude and ignorant statements from guys.. you can only imagine what they say.. ug.. but it is few and far between so I can't complain. We were legally married 2 years ago and our guest list was over 250 people, including everyone in my office and all of our close and extended families. We both come from very traditional Irish catholic families.. It still overwhelms me to this day to watch the video and see all of the support. Our wedding (complete with 2 big white dresses) was 2.5 hours away from our home, on a friday afternoon. At the time I didn't think we would get even a fraction of our guest list but there they all were.. it still amazes me.

I see you are in Texas, I can't imagine what it is like down there, I am sure it is a totally different experience. TTC has been the biggest challenge for us mostly because donor sperm is so expensive. So far it has cost us $60,000 out of pocket. I think the financial stress is becoming a factor in our loss of faith.. but we are still finding a way without going into debt so.. we keep going. Here's hoping this is the one!

Tigerlilly, is that the trigger? I am not using it. I ovulate on my own, but there is a question about their maturity so I am on clomid. I was told to try 4 rounds and then move on but since it is all out of pocket, 'moving on' makes me pretty scared. I have to have 7 more failed IUI's before health insurance will consider me a 'problem' and when I think of what that would cost, especially if I have to move onto injectables.. I feel woozy :) That said, I am pretty much an expert on IUI's! So if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask!

It's nice to hear how supportive your community is. Yes Texas is different (at least the areas immediately around me. There are small pockets where it is widly excepted and others where it is not. It is becoming more excepted with each passing year especially in the larger citys like Houston, Dallas, Austin and San Antonio. I can see how financially things could be concerning. If I have to move to an IUI after this next round of clomid I am sure I will have tons of questions for you. I hope this is your month!!! :thumbup:
Yeah, it's a trigger shot, I had my first one Tuesday evening and you're suppose to O 24-36hrs later which would have ended Thursday morning, but Friday morning I started getting intense twinges in my uterus, I had to be ginger with sitting down and getting up. It felt like my tendons in my pelvis were being pulled on simultaneously. It finally eased up a couple of hours ago. Twice before I've felt what I was confident was O pains but they were nothing like this and I was just curious if it could have been from the trigger shot even though it was 60hrs post injection.

I'm exhausted with the $3,500.00 I spent last year with my MC's and the fertility clinic, I couldn't imagine investing so much. You're very patient! Have you and OH discussed adoption as a possibility?
HI quinny---that is so frustrating on you both--i think things are bad if I get a BFN and for the two of you to be going through this. (ya poor things)....odds are that one of you will get pregnant soon.... by the way--your wedding sounds class!!!

Question: just after taken tablet 3 (50mg--cd4) is it normal to feel twinges on right ovary from time to wee bites/ nips?? just wondering..... i know i ovulated on left side last month as i had a scan....
You are all so sweet!! This is the first board I have ever disclosed I was a big ol lesbo on! I have always been worried that I might ruffle feathers. Thanks for being so kind!

Hope - I pray this is your cycle too. How long is your cycle? What day are you on? we are sort of cycle buddies, I think!

Tigerlilly, I am sorry for the pain, are you feeling better? Is this your first trigger? So exciting you are in the 2ww!! What dpo are you? and how long is your cycle? I hope, hope, hope this is it for you! When you said MC, I am sorry for not understanding but does that mean miscarriages? If so.. I don't know what to say except..oh my. I am so sorry.

Brill, I am not sure what that would mean but if I had to take a semi-educated guess, I would imagine it was from the egg maturing?! But also keep in mind, this is your first clomid cycle (am I right?) and you might be hyper sensitive to your body right now. I felt that way in my first clomid cycle.. I had awful weird pains in my left ovary and so I pretty much demanded an ultrasound after my BFN. How dumb did I feel when they say nothing on my left ovary but a cyst on my right?!! and said maybe I had gas!??! HA!!! embarrassing!! that moment, i decided to try and relax about the whole 'hyper ovulation'/cyst clomid stuff. I say deep breaths but if it gets bad.. call your doctor. What day are you on? Have you ovulated? One thing no one prepared me for was spotting during ovulation. I never spot. Not once in my life and so when I got this bright red spot on the toilet paper, I nearly passed out.. but my doctor said it is common while ovulating - figured I might pass it along in case it happens to you!

Fingers crossed for the two of you!! (for all of us!!)

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