Anyone on Clomid?

Thanks quinny, you're very sweet! Yeah, the MC is miscarriage, I had one at 6wks, 11wks, and a chemical pregnancy (had my period a week after a bfp). The dr's put on the clomid b.c they believe my eggs weren't maturing enough before being released, this was my second round of it but my first of being 100mg, I did 50mg last time. The trigger is only suppose to be used if my hormone levels weren't where they should be when I'm about to O, I did blood work, and they told me to do the shot but they didn't actually tell me if my hormones weren't what they should have been. Really don't like being kept in the dark, I think dr misunderstand how much research desperate women do and figure we wouldn't understand or something. Oh, I am feeling better, thank you. By the time I got home from work it was completely gone but then we didn't end up having sex and now I'm wondering if I missed the opportunity to have fraternal twins or maybe that was the real O day. See, I was really tender Tuesday, CD12, so I initially thought I O'd then or Wednesday. So thinking positively that we didn't screw up and to be conservative, I'll go with Wednesday and say I'm 3dpo.

Brill, I'm with quinny, don't worry about O early. Clomid will speed up the maturing process but it won't be that early! I used to temp, and always had a drop and spike around day 11 or 12, and with the clomid that hasn't changed. I don't know if anyone else who is regular can vouch that their normal O day didn't really change all that much but that's my experience. Best I can offer is start using OPK three days after your last clomid pill.
I totally agree. I always surge on day 14 between noon and 2pm and it hasn't changed (even the time frame!) since I was put on clomid. The first month I was on clomid I did about 8 OPK's a day, every time I felt a twinge but there it was on day 14 - like always! I can't believe the amount of miscarriages you have had!! How awful! You know, you think you have it bad i.e. spending boat loads of $$ trying to get knocked up and then you hear someone else's story and suddenly things slip back into perspective.. Thanks for sharing. I am glad you are feeling better, Tigerlilly. I totally know what you mean about being kept in the dark.. I am slightly obnoxious when I get a hold of my doctor.. I always end up apologizing but if you don't advocate for yourself, I have found the hard way, you will end up home on google and lord knows what you will freak yourself out about. What is done is done and it sounds like you listened to your body, which is the best thing you can do. Now relax and be positive.
Thanks very much Quinny and Tiger for all the info... this past while I have been getting positive opk cd 11/ has been early but last month i got a positive opk for 3 days in a row (real dark) and dont think i ov until day 15 because i had my 1st temp rise on cd 16. Its just so hard to know when your timing to BD--- my cycles vary by a day or so each month.... its hard when you are trying to build up the spermies and your going for it every day round ov time

anyhow--have had no more twinges --thank god and touch wood!!

Quinny-- what happened when you got a cyst? was it just left alone? had u to stop taking clomid or what? thanks..... yes--this is my 1st time on clomid....

P.S. I also do loads of OPKS each day coming up to ov!!
@ quinny

I am never sure how long my cycle is until I O. Sometimes it is 28 days, sometimes 35 and I have hit every day in between. The length between AF and O for me are different each month but from O to AF are always 14 days.
Last month was a 28 day cycle and the month before was 29 days. I think they were closer together due to the clomid. I will know for sure if I get 28 or 29 days on this cycle.

Right now I am on day 3.

Monday I am going to see the FS to get another HCG blood test to make sure my level has returned to 0 and to get an ultra sound to make sure all the remnants of my miscarriage have been eliminated or dissolved by my body and to make sure there are no cysts. Monday will be day 5 for me so if I get a clean bill I will get a prescription for clomid and start that day.
HI quinny---that is so frustrating on you both--i think things are bad if I get a BFN and for the two of you to be going through this. (ya poor things)....odds are that one of you will get pregnant soon.... by the way--your wedding sounds class!!!

Question: just after taken tablet 3 (50mg--cd4) is it normal to feel twinges on right ovary from time to wee bites/ nips?? just wondering..... i know i ovulated on left side last month as i had a scan....

Hey brill - I have compleated 2 rounds of clomid and on both cycles I had tons of twinges on mostly my right area and sometimes on my left.

I have not asked my FS specifically about the twinges but based on what I was told the clomid would do for me I have a theory.

I was told the clomid would stimulate my ovaries and make them more active. That they would produce more eggs than a cycle on my own. One egg in each ovary would be the strongest and continue to grow until it was right to be released but all of the other eggs would not make it. It is my oppinion that because your ovaries are more active and producing more eggs than normal your ovaries are going to be a bit swollen and multicystic causing some discomfort and twinges.

I do think twinges are a normal thing to feel on clomid.My twinges were uncomfortable but not painful. However you should absolutely mention your twinges to your Dr because it is possible for you to be "over stimulated" and that can be dangerous.
Thanks very much Hopewho----il be keeping a note of the twinges for the doctor---have had none today.. I like your theory. I just hope the egg (or eggs) is caught properly this month!! lol...
hi everyone :happydance:
im now on my 3rd cycle of clomid days 2-6 i and due for :af: friday and hope it dont come .
i have been feeling sick for the last wk mostly at night i have also had back pain and adomanal pain a little also lots of gas and i have very sore and itchy nipples i was lust woundering if that is the clomid thats causeing the really sore and itchy nipples i have had it for the last couple of days i didnt have it for the last 2 cycles this cycle is differant to my last 2
i hope i get my :bfp: soon.

cycle 1 :bfn:
cycle 2 :bfn:

hope all you women get ya :bfp: soon and im sending ya all lots of baby dust. :dust: :dust: :dust:

woooo this thread has been active the last several days...will take me a while to catch up...

hows everyone holding up.

I really do like this thread and all ya girls on it... but unfortnately I am not anymore a "Anyone on Clomid" gal : (

since my FS believes it had a bad effect on me and does not want me taking it any more. Gosh I do want to trust him. My first cycle on Clomid was 50 mg under by OB/GYNs care, so I had no scanns or blood work. And this past cycle is when I started with a FS and he up'd me to 100mg with scanns... and as I think you girls may remember, I had a post colital and they couldnt find any CM and also my lining showed pretty thin (6.9) so FS said this was because of Clomid and he would not want me to use it any more. So I have two choices either go back to trying on my own with only a %1 chance of conceiving (as he said) or move on to injectables with timed bding (or perhaps a IUI...but hubby hasnt given in to that yet) but a injectable cycle for me would run me $3000, because once I move to injectables I naturally would have to get tons of blood work and u/s etc... and those will not be covered by my insurance. and if I add in a IUI to up our chances...that is only $275..but hubby hasnt agreed yet. I figure if he does give in and we dish out the $3K why not just pay $275 more... he doesnt see it that way...he still thinks this should all happen natrually!! UGHHH.... oh girls... I wish this would be easy... but i really really really think if we dont go this round NOW I will never have a baby... Dr said I really only about a year to get pregnant, and if I go back to trying naturall with a %1 chance, I just dont see it happening !! gosh I am sooooo upset :(

woooo this thread has been active the last several days...will take me a while to catch up...

hows everyone holding up.

I really do like this thread and all ya girls on it... but unfortnately I am not anymore a "Anyone on Clomid" gal : (

since my FS believes it had a bad effect on me and does not want me taking it any more. Gosh I do want to trust him. My first cycle on Clomid was 50 mg under by OB/GYNs care, so I had no scanns or blood work. And this past cycle is when I started with a FS and he up'd me to 100mg with scanns... and as I think you girls may remember, I had a post colital and they couldnt find any CM and also my lining showed pretty thin (6.9) so FS said this was because of Clomid and he would not want me to use it any more. So I have two choices either go back to trying on my own with only a %1 chance of conceiving (as he said) or move on to injectables with timed bding (or perhaps a IUI...but hubby hasnt given in to that yet) but a injectable cycle for me would run me $3000, because once I move to injectables I naturally would have to get tons of blood work and u/s etc... and those will not be covered by my insurance. and if I add in a IUI to up our chances...that is only $275..but hubby hasnt agreed yet. I figure if he does give in and we dish out the $3K why not just pay $275 more... he doesnt see it that way...he still thinks this should all happen natrually!! UGHHH.... oh girls... I wish this would be easy... but i really really really think if we dont go this round NOW I will never have a baby... Dr said I really only about a year to get pregnant, and if I go back to trying naturall with a %1 chance, I just dont see it happening !! gosh I am sooooo upset :(

WOW ttc, I am very sorry to hear the situation you are facing. I wish it was easier for you too. I also do not think you need to leave this thread unless you are ready. With or without clomid your struggle is the same as ours. I hope you decide to continue with this thread. I really wish I had a magic answer that could make you feel better. I will pray for your hubby to give in regardless of his beliefs. Sometimes nature needs a little help. If it didn't there would be no need for hospitals, doctors or medicine. Have you tried reasoning with your hubby? Like... does he get a flu shot or take medicine when he feels sick? Perhaps if you can point out areas that he does not take the natural route he may see it a bit differently. :hugs: Good luck!!!!!
Oh TTC@40, I'm so sorry, that's a lot of stress to be under. My coworker went through the same thing with her husband, him thinking if it didn't happen naturally then it wasn't meant to be. It took his mother dying and realizing she didn't get a chance to see her grandchild or at least her DIL PG before she died to get him to consent. It's not like you're selecting the genetic details that you want your child to have. I wish I could come up with something that would really enlighten him but I just don't know what to say. I know we would adopt after we tried everything that we could but I'm with you, doing everything I could includes in vitro. The best I could offer is to ask for guidance for you and DH to be to do the right thing. Good luck sweetie and please keep us updated!
Hi everyone!
Wow, this thread has been super busy whilst I've been away on holiday!
Hopewho, I'm so sorry about your MC, I hope that your blood tests & scans give you the all clear. You're right, it doesn't matter how early on you are, a MC is still very upsetting.
TTC1st I hope that the injectables work for you and that you can talk your husband round. Is there some literature you could give him to read that might make him see it as just giving nature a helping hand?
Quinny, I'm keeping everything crossed for you that it works out. I can't imagine living in a house with two of me when AF arrives!
Well, I'm on cd25 of a 31 day cycle. I haven't taken Clomid this month as I wasn't at home to have the scans and blood tests at the right times. We were really distracted with all of the Christmas & New Year festivities so that was good. I'm not sure whether I'm feeling hopeful this cycle or not. We only BD 3 times around the fertile window & I didn't do any OPKs so I'm not sure if I even ovd. We'll see!
Happy New Year, everyone! Let's hope that 2011 is the year that we all get our much longed for BFPs
Watch Ellie, this will be the month you did get PG with the least amont of effort in planing and medical assistance!
Tigerlilies, I do hope so! Been ttc #2 for over a year now and I feel so broody!
How are you doing?
Good news!!! I have the all clear!!! Today is CD 5 for me and I took clomid pill one at 2:00.

So I have been hearing it is easier to become pregnant after you have been pregnant once. shannalynn I believe you also told me this. Has anyone here or anyone that you know of conceived the month after an early miscarriage or should I just go ahead and plan for a BFN?
Awww hope I am sorry for your loss :hugs:

Please don't prepare for a :bfn: as anything is truly possible. You are apparently more fertile for 5 cycles (I think) after a loss so you have plenty of time!

I miscarried end of October and after bleeding stopped early November I had 3 days of spotting early december and started taking my clomid. I ovulated but :bfn: I am just focusing on the fact that my lining was probably not in the best condition due to only spotting before and so have everything crossed for this month.

Wishing you all the best of luck! xxx
Ellie, I'm doing alright, down South in the States they can't handle snow (originally from the Northern States), we have four inches now so no work for me which is nice, got some little stuff done that I didn't get to during the weekend. Can't wait for the 2WW to be over! The 16th would be testing early for me, should really wait until the 19th, but I know I won't!

Hope, I've heard of plenty of other girls on BnB who had an early MC or a chemical and went for it right away and got PG right away so ya never know! FX'd for you!
Awww hope I am sorry for your loss :hugs:

Please don't prepare for a :bfn: as anything is truly possible. You are apparently more fertile for 5 cycles (I think) after a loss so you have plenty of time!

I miscarried end of October and after bleeding stopped early November I had 3 days of spotting early december and started taking my clomid. I ovulated but :bfn: I am just focusing on the fact that my lining was probably not in the best condition due to only spotting before and so have everything crossed for this month.

Wishing you all the best of luck! xxx

Thanks Feisty, good luck to you as well. :hugs:
Ellie, I'm doing alright, down South in the States they can't handle snow (originally from the Northern States), we have four inches now so no work for me which is nice, got some little stuff done that I didn't get to during the weekend. Can't wait for the 2WW to be over! The 16th would be testing early for me, should really wait until the 19th, but I know I won't!

Hope, I've heard of plenty of other girls on BnB who had an early MC or a chemical and went for it right away and got PG right away so ya never know! FX'd for you!

Thanks Tigerlilies, gosh I hope so. Good luck on the 16th or 19th whenever you test.
Tigerlilies, the last day of our cycles must be on the same day. Mine is 16th January. I'm not sure about testing as I was so upset last month. I could have the HCG blood test again this cycle, like I did last, but I just don't know whether I can put myself through reading that definitive negative result again. Have a few days to decide, I guess.
Feisty, Hope & Tigerlilies, I hope that your little angels help you get your BFPs.
Good morning!

So nice to see you back, Ellie! Here's hoping this month will be it! No stress, no drugs.. sounds like heaven ;) Good luck testing!

TTC - I am sorry about the difficulties you are having. I wish I knew what to say to make it better. Do you think your husband would agree to talk to someone so you could get to the root of the problem? I know my best friend's husband had a hard time with the 'donations' for the IUI at first but after a couple of times, he got used to it and can now laugh about the whole situation. They have the most beautiful baby boy I have ever seen.. thank god he was able to work through it. I hope you find a way to continue that suits both you and your husband. I really hope you continue this board and let us know what is going on. Clomid or no, we are all in the same boat.

Hope, YAY!!!! Congratulations on the test results!! Are you on clomid 50 or 100? I have heard quite a few stories about women getting pregnant right after a loss. I hope you have the same story to tell in a few weeks!!

Tigerlillies - good luck testing!!! This is going to be someone's month, I can feel it. We have had too much bad news - its time to get this board moving!

Brill - My cyst went away on it's own. it was really small (less than 2mm- the tech missed it, it was so small but the radiologist saw something) and didn't stop me from taking back-to-back clomid cycles. I just had another scan and it is under 1mm now and was told not to worry about it!

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