and now my update 
I am cd9, I will take my last clomid 100mg tonight. (this is my first time on 100) I haven't been feeling too hot. I am unbelievably exhausted. like ohmygod. I could put my head down on my desk and snooze until friday. And my body is uncomfortable and achey(though it could be the 5 pounds I have gained on clomid..) and I have had small but annoying floaters and a headache and weepy. 2 nights ago I choked back full blown sobs while watching Grey's Anatomy, yesterday I cried in the car on the way home last night to a sappy song and then when I got home, I got so frustrated with dinner and decisions I ran to bed and cried like a 2 year old. Poor K came in and asked what was wrong and I had to laugh at myself.. I was just frustrated.. Here's hoping it means I have enough in me to work this time!!
I think I will be going in for my IUI's on Sunday and Monday!! YAY!!! Which (fingers crossed) will be excellent timing since we are about to get walloped with a snow storm and then Monday is a holiday so K can come with me!!
Fingers crossed we get all sorts of BFP in here this month!!

I am cd9, I will take my last clomid 100mg tonight. (this is my first time on 100) I haven't been feeling too hot. I am unbelievably exhausted. like ohmygod. I could put my head down on my desk and snooze until friday. And my body is uncomfortable and achey(though it could be the 5 pounds I have gained on clomid..) and I have had small but annoying floaters and a headache and weepy. 2 nights ago I choked back full blown sobs while watching Grey's Anatomy, yesterday I cried in the car on the way home last night to a sappy song and then when I got home, I got so frustrated with dinner and decisions I ran to bed and cried like a 2 year old. Poor K came in and asked what was wrong and I had to laugh at myself.. I was just frustrated.. Here's hoping it means I have enough in me to work this time!!
I think I will be going in for my IUI's on Sunday and Monday!! YAY!!! Which (fingers crossed) will be excellent timing since we are about to get walloped with a snow storm and then Monday is a holiday so K can come with me!!
Fingers crossed we get all sorts of BFP in here this month!!