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anyone out already this month... and testing in June???

Hey again ladies!!

Well I am very much excited for this month ahead!!!
I'm currently on cycle day 8!!!
Not too sure when I'll ovulate...I have an iPhone app that has projected my next period to start 14th June...so this is my official test date... ( it goes by average cycle length, and at the moment it thinks I'm on 32 day cycle length, i don't think I'm that long...but hopefully it won't matter and I'll get my bfp this month hehe)

So since cd4 we have bd every day,( sometimes twice a day) ....this will be the first month since stopping bcp that we will have no interuptions ( ie hubby being away for work, me being away for work etc.....) and we are planning on taking full advantage of it!! We are loving all the love making!! I know it sounds strange,,,but we both just feel this is our month....I've never had that feeling before,,neither has DH...this feels like it!!! And I have a strange sense of calm!!!

It hasn't all been plane sailing tho...when I got back from holiday I had to break the news that my husbands cousin is pregnant!! He told me another friend who we are going to stay with next week is pregnant also..and another close friend has just announced her pregnancy.....well I BROKE down....walking around asda crying.... Hubby made me feel a lot better.....I did need to let this emotions out however strange they were....but I feel good now and looking forward..

I'm sorry for the ramble....
Baby dust and positive vibes to everyone!!!!

It seems like when you really want to be pregnant everyone else around you is falling pregnant so easily...Pain in the butt!! my friend announced today that she is pregnant also that makes it 5 people total who have got pregnant between january and now!!!! i just think to myself why did it happen to me...? why did we lose our lil ones and other women have healthy pregnancies??? urgh...i was really upset for like an hour then i snapped out of it...Come on ladies june testing is gona be great for us all!!! btw im having mild cramping and have been since tuesday...but no ewcm...very lotiony... i dont know if ive ovulated or not and im not going to stress about it me an my OH have been bd everyday though...well minus the one and only ewcm day...well fingers x'd for us all...good luck senidng lots of baby dust and positive thoughts all your way x
Hello ladies, some I know from the may thread, others 'hi'.
I am now out of my limbo land and on cd1, it's great to be able to say what day I'm on!!
Am super excited about this month, I have soy for cd2-6, I have cough mixture for cd10- o, I have lots of opks and I have a holiday booked for my fertile window-got to catch this egg!!!
I am due to test June 20th, can you add me to the list please.
Good luck ladies, I look forward to sharing this journey with you.xxx
OOOOh, Cornish! I'm so envious you are going away during your fertile window. DH and I have been trying to do the same thing, but stuff always gets in the way! I'm sorry AF got you, but glad you're here to join us for some major BFPs this month!
Hello hjo, I was actually happy she arrived! Got results back to say hcg was under 4 so just been waiting! Hol is great timing, was booked ages ago for ds 3rd birthday, really looking forward to relaxing and getting on with dtd.
How are you getting on?x
Aww Cornish I'm sorry you went through that! But glad your feeling positive about the month ahead!!

We just had a wee bd session this morning, going to movies tonight then dinner and home for some more loving! Hehe!

Cd9 today...just hoping I ovulate soon...haven't decided wether or not to use opks, the only thin I'd like to do it for is so I can count dpo, as if we are bd everyday I'm hoping we catch the egg, but I would love to be able to count the dpo! Lol OR maybe it's better not to know?! Hehe

how's everyone doing today?
My af signs have gone ladies so I'll be joining you in a few days it seems. Babybaba, not knowing o day has driven me mad this cycle!!!
I might be with you ladies on not knowing what dpo i am on this month...
this is what i got this morning....
after this yesterday...

is it possible i missed my surge? I didnt test again yesterday because i usually have a fade in pattern... yesterday i had SERIOUS EWCM, SERIOUS O pains. I was also sick with alow grade temp 99-100. Could my o have been delayed because i was sick?? my temp this morning was 98.36... def not a fever and def higher than my other temps... ughhhhhhh this is so frustrating. Enough about myself...

Hi cornish!!!! You are going to test the day before my birthday!!! Has to be lucky!!! ;) SO exciting that you will be away during your fertile time! I will be away during the 2ww.

patiently- I know what you mean about everyone getting pregnant. It seems like my mc caused everyone around me to start ttc! WTH!!!!

babybaba- USE OPKS!!! I would be nuts without them. Well i am nuts with them right now so i guess whatever feels right...lol Have fun tonight! ;)
Very weird...took another OPK last night and it was not a dark as the AM one I took, so I took another this morning and it was super faint again! I know I haven't had my surge because the "dark" one yesterday still wasn't positive.

Any of you ever had OPKs that get dark (almost but not quite positive) then fade out again before getting to the definite positive stage? Or could I have had my surge and just missed it with the tests???
i think we may have missed it, because the month i got pregnant i had a VERY SHORT surge. It was def positive at like 8 am then gone by noon.
Hey julianasmommy, I would test again tomorrow or maybe this evening to see if it gets any darker?

I think you've convinced me, I'll use opks to ge a better idea of when I o, not worried this cycle about missing it, as we are bd everyday :D but it will be useful to count the dpo! And SyMPTOM SPOT!!

So glad to be going through this with you lovely ladies! Xoxo
I think I may be out...I just POAS even though AF is not due for 7 days, but it was the "test 6 days early" kind and it was absolutely BFN. I'm pretty sure I ovulated on the 12th or 13th, so it should have detected it by now...my other pregnancies were detected early as well, so I'm probably out for May and in for June.
you have to symptom spot!!!!!! ;) That my main concern with me thinking i missed my surge... am i 1 dpo today?! :rofl: i wish.

WE are glad to be going through this journey with you too ;)
LadyKate your not out until AF shows but we would LOVE for you to join us! But we would also LOVE if you got your :bfp: and didn't join us! :) Once you know when/ if you will test let me know and i can add you .
@JulianasMommy: Well, you may be right about us mssing it...Coach and I might just be BDing for a boy in that case (the closer to OV you have sex the greater your chances for a boy, or so I've heard) LOL I did get my OV pains early this week too...yikes! I'm going to keep testing though, just in case! :winkwink: I hope if we missed the surge that we at least won't miss the egg. Fingers crossed for both of us!!!
JM and Mercedes... I'm in that boat too with OPK! :dohh: yesterday morning was dark line, almost positive then last night was barely there :wacko: have taken two today ( nothing like feeding the POAS addiction :haha:) and had strong but not positives. Hopefully I'll get my positive tomorrow like previous two cycles :thumbup:

Lady Kate...wait for AF, certainly not out yet, some ladies on May thread got their BFP at 12 DPO.

Everyone else, happy days for me until I get to about 3 DPO :rofl:

Hey ladies..new to the scene..TTC after hubby havinbg a vas reversal in mid April..we have a 16 and 10 year old at home and we r foster parents to a 10 month old...I lost identical girls to twin to twin transfusion syndrome in 1999...looking forward to trying again after 9 years..
JulianasMommy- Definitely possible that you missed your surge. I would test again tonight and over the next few days just to be sure, until FF confirms ov. Good luck!

I'm considering skipping OPKs this cycle in an effort to reduce the stress of TTC. The last few months my stress level has been through the roof. I'm not sure if not knowing when I oved would drive me even more crazy, though, lol. I do get my progesterone level checked so I will know if I oved, just not when.

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