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anyone out already this month... and testing in June???

JM, 17 looks like your positive :thumbup: get :sex: doesn't bother me you putting up your pics

Hey Cornish, glad you're out of limbo :thumbup: :hugs:

Babybaba, please give me some of your positivity :flower:

Hope everyone else is doing ok?

AFM, still no positive OPK so have a feeling I'm going to have a screwy cycle :grr: it's just stoooooopidness :wacko:

JM: that's for sure a positive! Woohooo! Glad you DTD last night and covered your bases! Well, I'm back to holding my pee so I can do my first OPK of the day. I've been getting some watery CM like babybaba, so i def. Think o is right around the corner! DTD this morning (ugh, I hate morning sex) because DH loves it. I took one for the team. :)
hahaha mrs hjo!!! Good on you for taking one for the team!!! Hehehehe love it!!!

Ohh good to hear about the watery cm, makes me feel normal!! Hoping it's a good sign for us Hun!!

well its back to work for me tomorrow....just another manic mondayyyy!!!!! Lol
I'll be bringing my opk with me to do a sneaky test in work!! Hahaha

JulianasMommy- 17 is definitely positive! Keep up the BDing- catch that eggy!
thanks ladies. I just took another and it is still dark but a little bit lighter. I think i am going to go get a uti test strip tomorrow and try to get antibiotics before i find out if i am preg or not... then i give up. If i dont conceive this month i think i am taking a break. It is too much. :cry:
thanks ladies. I just took another and it is still dark but a little bit lighter. I think i am going to go get a uti test strip tomorrow and try to get antibiotics before i find out if i am preg or not... then i give up. If i dont conceive this month i think i am taking a break. It is too much. :cry:

I know it's hard Tccal but it's a miracle we got pg in the first place considering all the battles those spermies had to go through to get to the egg. you are doing everything you can, Try keep positive but take a break if you need.
How long have you been Tcc this time?
I hope you get ur bfp.
And might I add you are a stunning woman!
I havent been trying at long at all!!! Thats what makes me feel so dumb... I just dont think i can handle another loss...especially if it would be my fault. I dont understand if you have a uti and NO SYMPOTOMS! How are you supposed to know? I wish I had the innocence of a pregnant woman who has never miscarried. Thank you for keeping positive for me ! :hugs: I don't know what i would do without the women on this site. I told my hubby tonight that i feel like i will get pregnant again but will lose it again and do you know what he said............ " Well then we will have one awesome little girl" It was so sweet but it hurt at the same time. She is in this stage where she LOVES little babies and it breaks my heart that i haven't been able to give her one yet... Sorry for rambling just needed to vent. Thank you SO MUCH for the compliment! You made my night! ;)
that fear is in us all that no matter what we do it will happen again. You did nothing wrong and it may not have been the Uti you never know. We always try to blame ourselves, you've seen my thread about the antibiotics killing both my babies. Any reason is better than no reason. I hope you get ur baby soon xx
That is so sweet of your husband, atleast he understands and is supportive
JM, miscarrying would never be your fault. You did nothing to cause it. And I completely understand you being scared about it happening again... we all are. But we all want a baby more than life itself and we will do anything to get that, even if it's painful. All I want is to be a mommy, and I will endure anything to get there. And it's true what your husband said, you are extremely lucky to have such a beautiful daughter. Don't let it hurt you.. he's just trying to be supportive because he realizes how upset you are. Don't give up! We are here for you!

Still negative OPKs this evening. Not even the slightest line like it's coming. I'm beginning to think this batch of strips is defective or I will ovulate late or I may not ovulate at all... I'm all upset and worried. Hoping tomorrow brings a bit of a line forming... Technically I'm still not due to ovulate for another 2 or 3 days, but I thought I'd at least have a line start to fade in by now.

Have any of you had absolutely no line at all one day, then a strong line the next?

Oh well, tomorrow is another day I suppose.
Jm, ttc after a loss is hard, no matter how long you've been trying. Me and Holly often used to talk about wanting that innocence bk, wouldn't it be great!
That opk looked really great, thanks for sharing them, now I know what to look for! I do hope all the ladies here get their well wanted bfp's.

Afm I'm cd2 and just taken my soy. Af is being horrid!x
morning all....well according to dates its ov day for me....still no positve opk yet though the line was defo darker today....had a few twinges last night,ewcm saturday & a dip in temps this morning... we DTD every night but Saturday (DD had friends over - grrrr!!) so im keeping positive....NOT looking forward to the 2WW as i have my BFF new daughters christening this weekend:dust::dust::dust: xx
Sorry you are having such an awful AF, Cornish. :( Hope it subsides soon for you.

Hi Moonbeam! Sounds like O to me. Glad you had all your bases covered Don't worry about Saturday. If you DTD yesterday and again today, you're great!!!
Ahhh ewcm today!!! Soooo excited!!! Texted hubby, had to stop myself from saying "honey i have ewcm wooo" so just stuck with"honey we are entering our fertile days"

hahaha deary me! He texted back "rarrrghh can't wait to pounce on you when I get home!xo"

I think o is just around the corner! I knew my tickers must be wrong! But il keep opking so I have an o date! :)

how's everyone else doin today?
ok something weird happened and i have to retype this... HJO i have heard of women's opk's being stark white then they are blaring the next day! FX! Have you ever ovulated late?

Cornish- so sorry the witch is ...being a witch :(

Moonbeam - you go girl dtd everynight!!!! I think you are doing an awesome job !!!

Well i got my POSITIVE opk today...DEF POSITIVE. I cant post a pic if y'all would like me too. We dtd last night but TMI WARNING... dh :blush: did his business and i was so into it i kept going... yikes. Hope i didn;t knock out some swimmers and hopefully that pushed them back in there? Anyway, afterwards i started crying. Not like I'm so sad crying but i definitely couldn't hold it in. I felt happy, relaxed, and started crying... I'm so weird. LOL He was like " whats wrong, why are you crying? did i hurt you?" I was like " no, I dont know why im crying" :rofl:

Well I had a big temp drop this morning. I have loads of watery CM (it's just pouring out), I'm bloated (normal around O), and hormonal (normal around O)... BUT took my OPK this morning, and still STARK WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF?!?!?!?! I'm getting really antsy now wondering if I have a bad batch of OPKs from earlypregnancytests.com. Getting very worried. Yes, I have ovulated late before (the month I got pregnant, I didn't ovulate until CD18), but generally my cycles are short and I O around CD14 or CD15. Today is CD13. It's just weird because I have all the O symptoms but not positive test. Maybe I'm just getting more pre O signs this time earlier?

JM: Some things you read say that you orgasming helps the little swimmers get where they need to go. Some also say it's better for you to orgasm to help the BOY swimmers along and you have more chance to get a boy. :)
HJO - If I am remembering correctly, my OPK was a bunch of blanks then two darks than blank again. I remember the days leading up to the first dark strip (was my first and only opk because I didn't know they existed) I was just sure I was infertile then I got that dark pink line and I cried and called DH and my mom and my sis. LOL!

JM - Please don't loose hope. You inspire me to stay positive through all this mess. I am petrified for another MC and I am a worrier by nature so I don't know how I will do this time. I am just going to take it one day at a time and make decisions later...(like how many times am I willing to put my body through MC before giving up...)

I don't know if I am calculating correctly but my cycle is 24 days long. I got my two dark lines on days 13 & 14 last time. I didn't use an opk the first AF after my MMC so I don't know if it has changed. SOOOOO I think my new test date will be June 13? My OV app on my phone says I need to B/D from May 25-31 and I did get an opk for this round. Weeeeee

P.S. I don't know what the difference is between "surge" and O *blush*
JM- I think everything you're feeling is totally natural. I have felt the same way... I told my husband several days ago that if I'm not pregnant this month, I just give up. And he asked, "So are you telling me that you would rather not have a baby at all than have to go through the pain for a short time? Do you think all the tears and pain won't be worth it when we're holding our baby?" That made me really stop and think. It's SO hard now, and I'm SO tired of crying and tired of the heartache and feeling like I've done something wrong to deserve all this, but I WILL get that BFP and will have a healthy baby, and when that happens all the pain and heartache will only be a memory in the past and totally worth it. :hugs:

MRS_HJO- I don't usually have a fade in pattern over several days with OPKs. I usually always have a visible line, but they will go from definitely negative one day to very close to positive but not quite the next, and then definitely positive the next.

LWood- Your LH surge is what OPKs pick up telling you that you are about to ovulate; it's what triggers ovulation. I hope that explains it for you. :flower:
I want a boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Well maybe if you o late again you will get pregnant again!!! :) :) :) Maybe you did get a bad batch or they arent sensitive enough... i have had great luck with Answer midsteam test. I love them. They show CLEAR positives. Mine is on my page if you want to see... https://www.babyandbump.com/ttc-journals/618538-please-jesus-bless-us-another-blessing-2.html

lwood- I will change your date. :) Yay for opk's! I LOVE THEM! The difference (I THINK) is you get your surge before you actually ovulate. Like i got my surge today so i will probably ovulate in the next 24-36 hours. :happydance:
Thank you so much for your encouraging words lwood and wanting and mrs hjo. :hugs: This is why i can go on, because of ladies like y'all<~~ in my Texas accent. :)

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