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anyone out already this month... and testing in June???

JM - Yay! :thumbup: Congrats on your OPK! I know how exciting that can be!

HJO - I feel like we're in the same boat....I'm currently on CD17 with no ovulation and I've been testing like 3 or 4 times per day! :nope:

This is my first full cycle after my mmc in March and before that I had perfect 28-29 day cycles and always ovulated on cd 15 or 16. Now I'm so sad and worried that my cycles are messed up and I have no clue when, (of if), I will ovulate. I'm just so frustrated and impatient, I feel like emotionally I've recovered, (as much as you ever can) from my loss, but still feel a huge piece missing. We are trying for our first and want to be parents so badly.... :cry:
JM: I went out and bought some answer opk test strips, thank you! Just waiting for my pee to store up so I can take one! And awesome that you are just about to ovulate, JM.... It appears you may get your wish and have a shorter cycle this time around!!!!!!
Rachel: keep testing! The same thing happened to me the month I conceived... No positive until CD 18. Don't give up! Your cycles are probably just off because of the mc. And i completely understand that you are feeling overwhelmed by TTCAL. Its hard for us because we don't even have one baby to love and want to be mommies so so bad. Keep me posted!
hjo- I will! :) I wasn't getting a surge until cd 21. yay! I'm glad you bought some, because they are awesome.
rachellie- :hugs: thats how i felt before i had my daughter. We got pregnant right away off the pill then i mc and it took me 8 months to get pregnant with her. I thought i was infertile, but i got pregnant with an uncomplicated pregnancy and she is amazing. It will happen for both of y'all. God has a plan for each and every one of us. I have to remind myself of that often, but He does. Rachellie- are you using pre seed or anything?? How about you mrs hjo???
Yes, using preseed! I'm on top of it JM! Laying with my hips elevated after sex as well for at least 30 minutes. It could be very possible you have me your long cycle this time around and you got my short one! Thanks a lot! :)
LOL sorry! ;) They will probably be crap again next month so don't worry :)
Yes, it is possible to ovulate without ever seeing a positive OPK (or peak reading on your fertility monitor). OPKs are designed to detect the surge of luteinizing hormone in your urine. This is the last hormone to peak before ovulation and the hormone that is responsible for triggering the rupture of the ovarian sac. LH needs to surge in order for ovulation to occur, but in some cases, the pattern of your surge and the time you test (if you do not manage to capture the surge when you test) will not let you see a positive result. If you have a sharp LH surge, for example, you may take one test before your surge is detectable by your kit and another test when your LH has already begun to trail and is no longer detectable by the kit. Whether or not you see a positive OPK result, it is recommended to keep on having intercourse until ovulation is confirmed by a clear and sustained thermal shift and ovulation is detected on your chart.<~~~~ from fertilityfriend
(Really dumb here) So why does my O tracker app tell me to B/D like 5 days before O??
'sigh I should really know more about my body but I was so naive in thinking B/D=BFP=fun happy pregnancy...

Rachellie: I can totally relate...

Wanting: Thank you for that whole post. Made me tear up.
because sperm can live for 3-5 days and it is best to have them in there waiting for the egg since the egg only live for like 12 hours. Hope that helps!
@JM: Thanks for all that info!! :thumbup: And way to go on you positive OPK!

TMI warning: I still haven't seen my surge but this is (supposedly) one of my best days to BD. Trouble is we've BD'd so much the last few days, I'm kinda sore "down there" and wayyyyy sensitive! :blush: I know I need to rest from it but so afraid of missing the egg...and Coach is afraid of hurting me. Gah! Maybe we need to call it a day for this cycle? :dohh: I'm despairing!
Okay....after all my boo hoo-ing about not ovulating, I got my strong opk tonight! :haha: we had bd'd yesterday and tonight, so in think our timing will be good.

Thanks for all the support girls. :hugs:

Jm- yes, we are using preseed....and Im taking a pre natal, vit b6, and baby aspirin.

How's everyone else doing?
good luck everyone, sounds like your all doing all you can to catch that egg. lots of bding around the world tonight.
I wish I'd done some opk's would have made this month a little easier my cm is going in circles, if I fall this month by my cm I should have about 3-4 babies!!!!!
So who is in the TWW now??? I have officially put my self there as it is 2weeks until it's been 6 wks since my dnc. which is when I got my af after last mc. I hope that makes sense.
Hi ladies, can I join in?? Currently CD4 and assuming a 32-33 day cycle, AF will be due around 22 June so will aim to test around then. Trying to avoid testing before AF is due though - will see how I go this month.

Have been lurking around a bit the last couple of months as the first month after 1st AF post MMC really hit me hard. Finally feeling like I am back in the game again this month and hoping for a BFP. I am back temping and taking my prenatal vitamins.

hey everyone.....feel a bit rubbish this morning,still havnt had positive opk:shrug: & after BDing most of the weekend OH fell asleep whilst i was watching glee last night...didnt have the heart to wake him so let him sleep.
worried we may have missed 'the night' as my ov pains were fairly strong. guess its in the lap of the gods now...AAAARRRGHHH the dreaded 2 WW:help: Hope everyone is still feeling positive this month...xx
mercedes- did you dtd??? I think you should be ok if you have been dtd everyday, you should still be covered if you skip one night. :)

rachellie- yay!!!!!!!!! :happydance: So it went from start white to positive? :)We used preseed every bd, baby aspirin, prenatals, and dh is taking vit e

justwaiting- i think i am in the tww, but im not sure. I had a big ttemp rise this morning but my opk is still positive?

Hi MsJMouse! I will add you!!! :)

moonbeam i know how you feel.... i feel like if i already did ovulate... there is nothing else we can do ...but wait... ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Thank you JM!

So are all us ladies going to join the same TWW thread or do we part ways here? :(

I am worried about stress level... I may need to wait till tornado season is over!
im not sure if im in 2ww yet though as not had positive opk??? grrrrrrrr
it was darker today but not as dark....gonna just pounce on OH later just to be sure ha ha ha x
Good morning, (for us in the US), ladies!

I've attached my OPK from last night - it's a positive, right?

For those girls who are still waiting for a positive OPK, just keep testing. Mine were stark white for what seemed like forever and then, all in one day....went from a light test line to darker to a strong positive. I guess I'll ovulate today, so that puts me at testing on June 7th. :haha:

Hope everyone else is doing okay....here we go 2ww....we're in it together!


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Good morning, (for us in the US), ladies!

I've attached my OPK from last night - it's a positive, right?

For those girls who are still waiting for a positive OPK, just keep testing. Mine were stark white for what seemed like forever and then, all in one day....went from a light test line to darker to a strong positive. I guess I'll ovulate today, so that puts me at testing on June 7th. :haha:

Hope everyone else is doing okay....here we go 2ww....we're in it together!

well my opk test was darker today but not a defo positive,will do another later to be sure...im hoping to test 6/7th june also xx

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