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anyone out already this month... and testing in June???

HJO, I am pretty sure the fertility test tells you if you still have eggs left...
Oh! LOL! Well, it wasn't a very dark positive, should I be concerned?! :dohh:

You guys are sooooooo right! That's what I get for just peeing on something without reading any kind of directions! Thanks, just found this on their website:

Understanding Your Ability to Get Pregnant

The FIRST RESPONSE® Fertility Test for Women is an accurate test of FSH level to assess ovarian reserve (egg quantity and quality) – one of the leading single indicators of a woman’s ability to get pregnant.

Every woman is born with all of the eggs that she will ever have. Each month one or more eggs will mature in the ovaries in preparation for ovulation. As the eggs mature and are released over time, the number of eggs, which is a measure of a woman’s fertility potential, decreases.

Follicle Stimulating Hormone, (FSH), is one of many hormones that your body uses to regulate your menstrual cycle and to control the maturation of your eggs. FSH signals the ovaries to mature one or more eggs for ovulation each month/cycle.
If your ovarian reserve (eggs) is low in quantity or quality, your pituitary will produce higher than normal FSH levels early in the cycle, trying to stimulate your ovaries to produce a mature egg. In other words, when your quantity or quality of eggs (fertility potential) is low, your FSH level may be high.
Therefore, knowing your FSH level on Day 3 of the menstrual cycle can be helpful in finding out if you are able to get pregnant.
FSH level assesses ovarian reserve, one of the leading single indicators of a woman’s fertility potential and now it is possible to gauge your fertility potential through a simple at-home test with over 95% accuracy.
Can I join? I would like to test on June 13th...I've got my fingers crossed that this is our month...this is my 3rd cycle TTC after my MC in February...My OH has been on medication that interferes with his sex drive for the past few months...he is finally off of it, and his drive came back with a vengence so hopefully his :spermy: do too :)

I had a really rough time this weekend...I met a girl at a camp fire that was pregnant and due Sept 20th....Same time I would have been...it was really hard :( Its just so hard..I go from being fine one moment to be a sobbing mess the next...

Well hopefully this thread is lucky...Lots of :dust: for all the ladies in this thread!!!
Hey Skeet! I will add you! :) I know how you feel i have a mutual friend who is due 2 days after i would have been..... :hugs:
Oh and Mrs_HJO i wouldn't worry about the fertility test, you only take them on CD3 :)
Hi Skeet welcome.

I'm going to start it any symptoms yet for those ladies testing early June. I'm not a really symptom spotter but it never hurt and since I don't know when or where af it could be interesting.
I have pains in my lower abdomen, more sensitive boobs and thats about it.

It is so hard whne ppl around you ar due on your dd both times i feel pg i feel with a friend as well they both got to keep their babies.
JM: i wasn't offended you ladies haven't offended me at all...i still would like my test date up...i just wanted to know if i could delete myself off of the entire forum in the future...i didn't want to be removed from the thread
justwaiting.... yay for symptoms!!!!!! :happydance:

patiently- Sorry i misunderstood. When was you testing date again ??? The 11th????
HJO, Congratz!

Rachellie, I'm jealous! Have a blast!

Shondra, I am in Arkansas as well! How are you holding up in this crazy weather?

JM, have fun with your 2 DPO gas/flatulence (On your ticker LOL)

Tonight I am going to dye my hair & drink a Pepsi because tomorrow I am officially TTC again! Praying I don't stress myself out. With all these tornadoes, workers building an addition to my house (so I can have a nursery!) and my job... ugh FXed!

We have been surviving, it has been crazy at times. Where we are located we seem to be missing most of the craziness. Hope things have been avoidable where you are as well.
Jullianas- I also have a very close friend that would have been 2 weeks behind me...I"m just thankful this is her 4th so she doesn't gloat or talk about her pregnancy too much...shes very sensitive to my feelings which is nice.

I think I'm going to break down and buy an ov kit this month....and suggestions or hints??
Af arrived arrived, so i wont be testing on 3rd now :( xxx
:hug: so sorry hun...you think you will get a test this month in late june?
skeet- i usually suggest answer but they have kind of been sucking for ladies this month so idk?? Thats what i use though

mummymarsh- so sorry... :hugs: LAte june?

Here's is a picture of my OPK from this morning:


The surge is definitely on it's way down. SO, what I'm trying to figure out is if that means ovulation has already happened (overnight), or it could still be happening even though the OPK is negative. Any thoughts my OPK experts??? Let me also mention my chart in my siggy... The temp is higher today, but still not above 98.0... Thoughts my charting experts? THANKS LADIES!!!
Can I join you?
I am waiting for AF to come today. I stopped taking my progesterone a few days ago and so now just need her to come in her glory!

It means I will be testing at the end of June.

I have had 4 early m/c in the last year or so of ttc, but they were all last year. We have not been pregnant at all this year and the negative tests over and over are taking their toll.

Here's is a picture of my OPK from this morning:


The surge is definitely on it's way down. SO, what I'm trying to figure out is if that means ovulation has already happened (overnight), or it could still be happening even though the OPK is negative. Any thoughts my OPK experts??? Let me also mention my chart in my siggy... The temp is higher today, but still not above 98.0... Thoughts my charting experts? THANKS LADIES!!!

I read something about opk's once that has helped us catch the surge on those strip tests. You should pee on them at about 2pm. For some reason it is that time of day that the surge generally happens... i am not sure if that is helpful to you.

I usually get a negative like that before and after the surge, so if you have been testing I would say its coming. Also, the surge indicates that the egg is going to be released in 12-48 some say 72) hours so as long as you cover your bases in terms of bd'ing most nights around your fertile time, you are in a great position to catch the egg.

Good luck!
We are happy to have you croydngirl!

HJO- i am no expert but i think maybe you are catching it on its way down?? Ovulation could have happened last night or today???
Yeah, it's coming down off the positive from yesterday... I know some women get positives for multiple days... I only got a positive yesterday, so I just didn't know if that means I have already ovulated now that the surge is on it's way down.
i have my first symptom even though it is WAY TOO early... I took a nap today at 10 AM! I NEVER take naps, and i woke up with a HORRIBLE headache . I hate the 2ww.

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