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anyone out already this month... and testing in June???

Hello everyone I'm out already this month I ovulated really early. I haven't been on because I'm away and have no internet. But I hope everyone's doing well x
skeet i'm not sure. These things scare me. Maybe you can start a round of antibiotics and it wont hurt to still try???? Maybe call your doc

Thanks, I'm going to the clinic today to get checked out. My doctor put me on daily antibiotics before my mc when I was on bc...I know he choose these ones because they were the least likely to interfere with my pill...however I havent taken them since because when i was at my OB appts while I was pregnant she said they werent the best ones and to try and get on a different daily one.
Having one of those really impatient days.... ugh 7 dpo ov is so hard, right in the middle. Can't throw too big of a fit...too tired!
I wish my hubby would quit smoking....

He quit the day we found out we were going to have triplets. He also started going to church with me. Thankfully he didn't quit these new habits once we lost the babies...
hi do u mind if i join in?my af is due the 20th but i will test on the 19th as its fathers day
Hey everyone,

sorry I haven't posted in a few days,
I really don't know WHAT is going on with my body!!

I'm only cd 15, and for the past 5days my breasts have felt like they are burning! According to my ticker I shouldn't even have ovulated yet? I have been using opks but only for last 3/4 days, today I had a negative opk, but it was pretty dark just not dark enough, also for the past 3 days I hve been really crampy, but last night te cramping was focuse on my left side!

Arghhh it's so frustrating not knowing if I've Od or not!
I've had ewcm for past 2 days, combined with cramping on left side and nearly positive opk would lead me to believe I'm just about to ovulate?

But it's the burning tingling sensation in my breasts that is throwing me off?!
So either I Od super early or I'm gonna o any day now!

What do you think?
I'm so confused!!

Babybaba: hi were in a similar situation. well from what you have explained i think its possible you could've ovulated last night as you had the cramping on one side and ewcm...it could just be that you may have missed your surge peak...as you tested once a day...good luck hun hope you get your bfp this month along with all the other ladies testing in june.

I think i may be out for june testing last night i had some major AF cramps for a few minutes!! but it wasn't like my usual O cramps they were on both sides too, today i have had a few cramps but nothing too bad...also my breasts have been really tender on the sides for 5 days now...which is odd since i usually get sore bbs after i O and usually on cd 33. Im only on CD 28 and have been having sore bbs since CD 22. i wish i used opks this month now so i would know where i was in my cycle i chose not to so i could have a stress free month but now the not knowing is doing my head in...last week i had no cm and yet for the past week i have had watery cm, i dont know if this means i am going to ovulate or if i have already argh im so mad at myself...i dont know where i am in my cycle but i did cheat and took a first response hpt yesterday and it was negative so i don't know what to think...i wasnt meant to test until june 11th as this would be the day of my expected period if i had a 40 day cycle...i just feel so frustrated and lost right now it feels like i'm obsessing, what do you guys think? sorry for the moaning i just needed to vent...good luck to all x
Hey patiently! Thanks for the reply Hun!! Yeah I think I'm Ovulating today or tomorrow, still crampin on left side, so hoping I'll catch the egg! Hehe

I know how you feel hun about not knowing where you are in your cycle! I HATE not knowing, on the other hand sometimes not knowing creates less stress, as there is less pressure to dtd and then if you don't dtd when you think your ovulating it is crushing!!
I've heard that watery cm can be fertile cm too.... Plus the fact you've had sore boobies is a good sign Hun!! And cramping is sign of pregnancy too!! Your not out till the witch comes!! Crossing everything for you Hun! If you still have watery cm I still keep dtd!!
Thank you for replying Babybaba...i feel optimistic that you will catch the egg...it really is frustrating not knowing i think more its worst then being in the know if i am honest. well if i am ovulating now i have missed my fertile window by a long shot as i haven't dtd all week..im just so tired after work. Really hoping for a bfp...!!!
Gl ladies! I have had SUPER sore boobs at o time the last two months but not this month... they hurt so bad the last two months that DH couldn't even touch them!
I know patiently it's so frustrating not knowing I thinkni might start temping next month...( hopefully won't need to tho praying for that bfp! ) hehe
any chance you could dtd today? Couldn't hurt to try?

I think you have great signs and symptoms tho! So it's still looking good!! As I said it's not over till af comes!! So your still in with a chance Hun!!

JM - it's really reasurring to know others have had sore boobs before and around ovulation! Honestly I never knew it was possible, I thought you could only get symtpoms like that after O! As I've never had it before...still mild cramping on left side for me! Wonder why some months you had sore boob and this month you havnt? Ohh the joys of tcc lol?!!

How is everyone doing today?
I was wondering the same thing!!! Why not this month?! Maybe because God knew i couldnt take it. They would hurt from o all the way to AF and i thought i was pregnant/
HI LADIES ok well last night after i came off of here i done a FR EPT and there was the faintest of faintest second line...i couldnt sleep at all last night and this morning i rushed to the chemist and brought another...i wanted to use FMU but i couldn't hold it this morning so i pee'd in a cup and went to the chemist quickly...i dipped the test in the pee and after 2 mins a very faint but darker than last night second line came up again...im soooo confused i think i may be pregnant but i will test again tomoro to be sure...im going out of my mind i can't stop thinking...i know i just need to be positive!!! sending lots of baby dust to all...really hope i have a sticky bean and the line gets darker x x
patiently I hope this is ur bfp, they do say a line is a line. keep us updated u maybe our first bfp. i'm so excited for u
Wow patiently that is wonderful news!!! I'd say that's your bfp Hun! Plus you have all the symptoms to go with it!! Yay congratulations honey!!! And the first bfp of this thread!! Wooop!!!

thank you ladies i really hope so too!!!! need to relax though my mind is just thinking and my heart is just racing...i will keep you updated good luck ladies too...i really hope this one is a sticky one x x

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