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anyone out already this month... and testing in June???

well ive not been around much for a couple of days & i see we have 2:bfp: yay congrats fizzio & patiently!!!!!
im 7dpo & have tender boobs,creamy cm & low cramping....maybe all in my head but only time will tell eh??
hope everybody is keeping sane until testing :hugs: xx
Congratulations to the 2 :bfp: s!!!!

Just to give you an update on my situation....So despite the UTI ...I managed to DTD several times this weekend...lol OH had no idea what was going on..lol I even woke him up in the middle of the night!! ...Not really sure if my ticker is right or not since i still with held from using OPKs, but I did have ewcm Sunday morning so I made sure to wake up my OH ...lol

Good luck everyone this month...lot of :dust: to everyone!! Hopefully we have a really lucky thread on our hands!!!
Hey everyone, hope everyone is feeling good today! Any symptoms yet! Hehe

well my mum called to the house and said "wow your boobie look massive" hahaha I'm taking that as a good sign!! Plus they are still hurting! Ohhhh just wish I could make the 2ww go quicker!!

Good morning beautiful ladies!! Congratz on the BFPs! JM love your new photo!

I think my OPK is crap because even the control line is light... I am just going to continue to DTD the rest of the week and see what happens. Trying not to put too much pressure on myself...
Hey lwood- i think you have a good idea there...i think if I haven't got my bfp this month I might give up on opks for next month....
As I had a positive on Thursday, and thought I felt O on Friday...
WELL I just got another positive opk there now....mmm....don't know what's going on!!
But I have no ewcm....:(

Babybaba, I am using the same brand of test as I did last time (Answer) and it def didn't look like this one but per my ticker and my phone ap and per my last OPK, tonight or tomorrow should be the day. I have a small bit of CM right now... I may check twice a day now like most of you are already doing.
Congratulations to the bfps 2 already!!!! Well im think even though the witch got me early i will have a 2nd shot at june so can i be added again for the 29th thats if i have a normal month this month! hows everyone? any symptoms? x
thanks Lwood! :) Well i am leaving for Florida in a couple of hours!!! So i will probably check in the next 2 days but after that i wont be back until the 8th... GL ladies!!! Hope to come back to alot of :bfp: s XOXOXOXO
hello ladies its been a few days so im here to update everyone...where do i start?
ok so i took a home pregnancy test yesterday morning and it was a BFP! i was sooo happy, this morning i experienced some brown spotting so i went into A&E to see what was going on, they took a urine sample and it came up positive so i done some bloodwork, the results were that my progesterone was at 50 which is high and my hcg level was quite low so she said it is probably early signs of a mc...my breasts are still sore and i am lightly spotting...i have to do a pg test in a week and see what the results are though the dr did warn me that it will probably be negative...

I dont know what to think anymore...im no tired of the heartache...and to top it off my OH didnt even want to come to A&E with me and he's saying he needs some time alone...wtf...excuse my language but im so hurt right now not only may i lose my baby but im gonna lose my OH in the process too...i really love him but sometimes his ways are so selfish...and now he wants time apart...these days we hardly see each other because of our work pattern he has time to see friends but if i want to spend time together it is fairly brief...im so lost right now...I just think what have i done that was so wrong in my life that i deserve all this negativity...sometimes i feel like i just can't go on anymore the only thing that keeps me going is the thought of having a little baby, but i can not go through how im feeling right now again...i just feel so lost and like i have no purpose...I love my OH dearly but i cant force him to be with me so if he wants to leave i have to let him...i want to be with him i want to have kids with him but how will that be a possibility if he goes...im sorry for going on but im in tears and in bits...words csnt even describe how low i feel right now...im sorry to put a damper on this thread ladies but i dont know who else i can confide in...
Alright, girlies, I'm ready to jump in the game! I'm cd11 today, and have gotten the OK to try this cycle from my RE. I got a faint line on an OPK today, so I'm hoping for a positive in the next couple days.
Patiently - sorry to hear that the test results in A&E don't sound so great and that your OH is not being very understanding :hugs: Take care of yourself.
Hey girl next door!!! Enjoy all the bd!!! And welcome!!! I can't wait till people start testing and we get some more bfp!! There's been 2 already and we aren't even in June yet!! It's a good sign!! Hehe

How's everyone else feeling??

I do think I'm going mad....I think I either o realllllly early in the cycle or in the last few days....I think I'm gonna give up on opk as they just confuse me....lol!!
But really my boobs have been achey since cd 10....gradually getting worse.....that's what's making me think maybe I O'D early?!?! Arghhh lol.....of course I've tested already and bfn....but seeing as I've no idea when or if I've even ovulated I'm slowly going crazy!! Hehehe...just gotta wait it out I suppose....

Crazy lady alert!!! Lol

Baby dust!!
Hey patiently...only just saw your post...
I'm so sorry you are going through a rough time,,,,

Please try and not stress too much ( I know easier said than done) but please just try and rest....see what happens in the next week or so...every things gonna be ok...
Your oh is probably just afraid and (obviously) not dealing with this very well...that's not your fault how he chooses to behave,,,so try and let it go for now and get through this next week...

After things have calmed down have a good chat with him,,,,I know yous will work things out ( if you want to)

I'm so sorry your going through this honey....just want to say I'm thinking of you.....and praying that everything will work out....just concentrate on yourself for now..rest...movie..chocolate!!
Patiently...I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through a difficult time. I had a miscarriage in Febraury so i understand the pain of everything you are going through...I too also bled for a week before the doctor confirmed that I was miscarrying.

My OH also responded horrible...he came with me to the appt with the DR ..as soon as we got the message he asked my if my mom could drive me to my D&C because he had a lunch date with a girl from work he didnt want to miss ( not to mention it was a girl that he has had previouse relations with before me)...he told me he would be back up to see me that night...then when the time came, he told me he was going to go play hockey with his bf which was also going through a hard time.....I absolutley snapped and pretty much told him that if he couldnt be there for me now..then I cant count on him for anything...he did come back to be with me and appologized up and down for not being there claiming he didnt realize how hard i was taking this ( which was crap cause i was in hysterics when he left me at the hospital)

After a few days of stuff calming down, he admitted to me that he was in a lot of pain himself and didnt know how to handle me...he seemed to think everything he said made me cry more and that he felt that the MC was more from his sperm not being good, and nothing to do with me and he felt guilty to look at me.

This whole TTC to conceive business is stressful on many couples and puts pressure on the relationship.. I really hope that you two can work this out and sit down and talk when you both have calmed your nerves...also just to give you a heads up I dont know if this is your first mc or not ( fingers crossed that its not an mc at all) but if it is..your hormones will be completely out of whack leading up to it and even after it...and the depression ( similar to post partum) can be hard to take...if You need to chat at all feel free to message me.

:hug: to you and I will pray all the best for you...please take care of yourself and put your feet up and relax....anything that needs to be done can be done another day
Patiently, I'm sorry I don't have anything to say to make you feel better. I pray for the best for you. Please vent here any time...
hello ladies its been a few days so im here to update everyone...where do i start?
ok so i took a home pregnancy test yesterday morning and it was a BFP! i was sooo happy, this morning i experienced some brown spotting so i went into A&E to see what was going on, they took a urine sample and it came up positive so i done some bloodwork, the results were that my progesterone was at 50 which is high and my hcg level was quite low so she said it is probably early signs of a mc...my breasts are still sore and i am lightly spotting...i have to do a pg test in a week and see what the results are though the dr did warn me that it will probably be negative...

I dont know what to think anymore...im no tired of the heartache...and to top it off my OH didnt even want to come to A&E with me and he's saying he needs some time alone...wtf...excuse my language but im so hurt right now not only may i lose my baby but im gonna lose my OH in the process too...i really love him but sometimes his ways are so selfish...and now he wants time apart...these days we hardly see each other because of our work pattern he has time to see friends but if i want to spend time together it is fairly brief...im so lost right now...I just think what have i done that was so wrong in my life that i deserve all this negativity...sometimes i feel like i just can't go on anymore the only thing that keeps me going is the thought of having a little baby, but i can not go through how im feeling right now again...i just feel so lost and like i have no purpose...I love my OH dearly but i cant force him to be with me so if he wants to leave i have to let him...i want to be with him i want to have kids with him but how will that be a possibility if he goes...im sorry for going on but im in tears and in bits...words csnt even describe how low i feel right now...im sorry to put a damper on this thread ladies but i dont know who else i can confide in...

Patiently I am so sorry but try not lose hope just yet. I have heard HCG levels can sometimes not be accurate way of telling. When I was 4wks last time my HCG was 240 this other ladies HCG was in the thousands but both with in the range. Try keep positive until you know for sure. I have everything crossed for you and wish I could give you a big hug.
I hope your OH comes around and supports you, don't you ever think this is your fault and that you can't go on. We are all in this together and at times I also think that my OH would be better of without me he could have a healthy baby with someone else. It's so easy to blame yourself and feel like a failure but you are not. Your OH may just need time away from you because he is hurt and upset and doesn't want you to see how hurt he is. Truly selfish time to do this and he SHOULD be there to support you no matter what. Do you have anyone else to turn too? Maybe once this all over which ever way it turns out, some councelling for you two to help you come together rather than him running away.
I'm so sorry your going through this I wish there was someway I could take your hurt away. we are all here if you ever need to talk. XOXo
Thank you all so much for your encouraging words...(skeet9924) if this is a mc it will be my second one this year i had one three months ago in february so i just fell numb right now....just what have i done to deserve this...it seems that everytime i feel like im progressing in life i take ten steps back...there are 5 women who have just announced their pregnancies in work...and i just feel like i cant go back...i dont really talk to my family or friends about it as they have never been through it so they dont understand what it feels like...My sister asked if i was ok and when i told her that i was upset she started to get annoyed and told me just not to stress...its not that simple...i feel like i cant do anything anymore...is it that im just not meant to have a baby...and it pisses me off that dr's don't do testing until after your third mc....i pay taxes like everyone else and yet they wont tell me why i cannot sustain a pregnancy...This is ridiculous...i want to try and be positive but im still having brown discharge...to be honest its not noticable when i wipe...but if i use my fingers to check my cm its there(sorry tmi) the dr checked my cervix and said it was closed but that i will probably start to bleed soon...

I love my OH but he's like a child sometimes i do have a go at him but its only because the things he does are immature for his age...i know we're both only 23 but he doesnt make an effort like he used to...i dont think he's supportive at all....when i had my 1st mc he went drinking with his friends then came back and had an argument with me...i know he's hurting too..but hurting each other in the process is not helping anyone...the day before i started spotting he ignored my phonecalls all day and we had a huge row about it...i know he ignored my calls because at times his phone was busy then when i'd try and call straight after he wouln't pick up. He said he needs some space...but i thought were having a baby this is what we both want so how could you want space...i dont know where i stand with him but were meant to lean on each other during these times but its like were against each other...i just feel in limbo...in sex ed they make you think that you can have a baby with a snap of your fingers but to me now i have lost the innocence of pregnancy and i see it as a medical procedure...i just want my baby x x x
oh patiently im so sorry i wish there was something i could say...i doubt the stress of your OH is helping matters..i think you should just try & concentrate on yourself for the time being..my prayers are with you xx

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