hi girlies hope your having a nice weekend...
so Irish... little story for you... not sure if AF showed up full force for ya or not, but….my friend who is 4 months preg, said she did her first round of Clomid, then come the week before AF was due she got ALL AF signs, bloating cramping and then a BFN, then 2 days of spottinng and on 2nd day spotting stopped, and she tested and got her BFP!!! so long story short... is "its not over until the FAT LADY sings" !!!
Leeze-yep I may have to start pulling some "tricks" now too.. and some lingerie may be in my very near future.. this timed bding unfortunately is getting less and less intimate, I am starting to feel bad for my new hubby (we have only been married since june) so already bding is starting to feel more like a job than us being intimate... I know there is a job to be done here..but I dont want to take all the joy out of our "making love" ya know what I mean ?
Chrysmum..I have just recently been thinking the same thing as you... I dont know if it is just my mind playing tricks on me but I really do believe that my menstrual symptoms have increased since TTC, I have never been so crampy and moody before all this TTC
Bann-will this be your first month on Preseed? this is my first month on Conceive Plus (another brand of miracle lube) and I just love the feel of it, and the idea of in as well to help with the swimmers..also I really do love my CBFM, I soooo needed it to really learn my cycle days...p.s. hows your new promotion ?
FutureNu..so just starting out again on this TTC journey…hope its not a long one for ya…that’s nice that you were able to get some assistance with fertility treatments with your first child. Where I am.. US/Pennsylvania, virtually nothing that involves a Fertility Specilist is covered by insurance. I did get a script for Clomid from my OB/GYN but that is the extent he can go with out referring me to a FS. I will try that next month if AF gets me this month.
So now for an update on me...I finally got my peak on my CBFM yesterday… which is a few days later than what I have been the last couple months…but anyway this month I really wanted us to try to stick to the SMEP so last week I had told hubby… the “deal” we are going to do every other day then 3 days in a row. So we were doing the every other day… then since I thought Thursday evening is when I’d get my OPK, we started on Thursday the 3 days in a row deal…So plan was (thurs-Sat) so we started BD on thurs, but still not +opk, then did Friday anyway.. hoping the +opk would come Fri, but it did NOT… !!
but now that I only hit my peak yesterday (saturday) we have to go 3 days in a row from Saturday…(which would now mean sat-mon) yikes... so in theory that would have us going every night thrs-mon... he is not a happy camper now... getting a little frustrated with me….literally said… “ I am not a machine” and I doubt he will keep to the plan cause now that would make 5 days in a row…and I really do understand this is getting to be too much for him… BUT this month I really really really wanted to be super confident we did “EVERYTHING” RIGHT…and the 3 days in a row after a positive opk was something I really wanted to be sure we did this cycle…I have to really pull some magic to make sure we BD tonight and tomorrow… wish me luck girls.