Anyone over 45 TTc ?buddies needed <3

hopin&paryin, I'm so sorry you and your BF broke-up. Don't loose your faith, sometimes the universe reserves the best for last, you never know what could be just around the corner for you. I hope you are feeling better today. hugs
Ladies i wish i had better news but i lost the little bean yesterday 5 wks 3dys but not giving up will keep going and use the progesterone cream right after ov instead of a little later - keep going and we will all get there eventually.
Loking up and forward no good getting upset its not gonna change it so on we go to another playful try !! xx
Ladies i wish i had better news but i lost the little bean yesterday 5 wks 3dys but not giving up will keep going and use the progesterone cream right after ov instead of a little later - keep going and we will all get there eventually.
Loking up and forward no good getting upset its not gonna change it so on we go to another playful try !! xx

Trying - I am so sorry about your loss... I love your attitude!! :)
I'm going to see my ob/gyn this afternoon for my yearly check up. I had my tubal reversal back in August, so we've been diligently trying to conceive for the last six months. I think I am going to ask for an HSG to make sure my tubes are clear and hope like hell my insurance will pay for it. I'm also going to discuss my ever shortening luteal phase.

Is there anything else I should ask about? He's already referred me to an RE, but since my insurance doesn't cover infertility, it's not really an option at this time.
babygriffin - I have called and requested an appointment with my dr - since she is a family dr she might refer me to a ob-gyn...i don't know...but I am going to ask about getting some progesterone for after I ovulate... I have short cycles (23 days) and my LP is short too - AND I spot for about 3-5 days before my AF really starts...pointing to hormone levels are off... that is what it seems anyway - I guess she will tell me

I went to the FE - it wasn't a great experience and hubby and I decided we would go natural with God and if it happens it happens...
tryin, I'm so sorry, I really hope for a different experience for you soon. LOVE the attitude! good things will come!
Sorry - I've not been here for ages, but the first thing to say is a :hugs: for Tryin'. Such sad news.

I've finally arranged blood tests with my doctor, but now, of course, I'm nervous about what the results will be. She was very keen to do a AMH test but I really only wanted her to check my hormones to make sure they were balanced.

I've had a lot of stuff going on this past month and I'd missed a period. So depressing to do that and get a BFN. But my cycle's back on track now, I hope, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll ovulate OK. Am I the only person who talks to their ovaries? :D "Come on! A nice healthy egg, please. You can do it - I know you can" That kind of thing!
babygriffin - I have called and requested an appointment with my dr - since she is a family dr she might refer me to a ob-gyn...i don't know...but I am going to ask about getting some progesterone for after I ovulate... I have short cycles (23 days) and my LP is short too - AND I spot for about 3-5 days before my AF really starts...pointing to hormone levels are off... that is what it seems anyway - I guess she will tell me

I went to the FE - it wasn't a great experience and hubby and I decided we would go natural with God and if it happens it happens...

I had that spotting too. It was bad about a year ago, but Vit B6 and Vitex seems to have stopped it. I used to spot for about 4 days before my period started. This month it was one day, other months it's been no days at all. I found that the VitB6 and Vitex also extended my luteal phase. My cycles were 23- 25 days but are now longer (26-31). I think hormonal imbalances are pretty common as we get older. Still annoying and frustrating though.
I saw my ob/gyn this past Friday. He wants us to attend an infertility seminar done by a local specialist group and once I start my next cycle, I'm to go in and have blood drawn for another AMH(.18 5 months ago) and FSH(very good last year), plus thyroid and some other tests. After we get those results, we'll set up the HSG.

I really hope we got a good egg this cycle and when I go back it's with a BFP instead. I'm CD16/1DPO today, so please cross your fingers and send me good vibes that we get our baby this time.
Delphi, good luck with your blood tests. It's so unpredictable every time. I had mine done 7 months ago and I'm holding on to those results, I confess I'm afraid to see what it is now but my RE has not requested new ones and I'm glad :)
When do you get them back?

BabyG, fingers crossed for you!i feel the same, every month I hope I get that BFP just so I don't have to do IVF :(
Hi BBbliss :)

Thank you for the good luck wishes. I must admit I'm very nervous - particularly about the AMH. I mainly asked for tests in case I had a hormonal imbalance. I thought it would be good to know for sure rather than to guess, but my doctor wanted to do a fertility screen.

She wants to do the tests on CD21 so that's not until early Feb, then I have no idea how long I'll have to wait for the results. I'm guessing a week maybe.

I'm my usual mix of positivity and worry :D If there's a possible baby to be made, I'm going to try darn hard to make it!

(That sounded like I'm BDing all the time! :haha: I just meant I'm determined to try everything to see if I can tweak my chances and get things right to conceive and I'm not going to give in without a fight)

Did you find a better specialist? How are things going for you? I've not been here so much recently (busy at work) so sorry if I've missed an update from you. I hope all's well with you.
Delphine, that's the spirit! I feel the same way, I'm willing to try try try. I think it will be good to know where you stand with your hormones, you'll see. If they want to do CD21 I think it's so they can test your progesterone. I never had mine done but I hope having my temps up consistently after o is a sign its all working well. I think I'm 4dpo but this month it's been hard to temp, I just got home from a business trip and waking up at odd hours. I'm trying not to think about it.

Well, I sat down with my RE and we are going to go ahead with IVF, that is if I don't get BFP before ;) they still want to run a couple of tests and that's putting us to start treatment in March. I initially was bummed and wanted it sooner, but you know what, that way it gives my body another cycle to try for a miracle on its own. My DF has been taking his vitamins for over 3 months now so I hope it has done something to his sperm.

Let's keep our fingers crossed. I'm thinking of you too :)
I can't remember if I told you guys that I'd been really sick from about a week before Christmas(first strep, then upper respiratory, then flu, then a stomach virus. Anyway, I was on antibiotics, pain meds, steroids, phenergan, lomotil, and cough syrup. I've been "well" for about two weeks. Then yesterday at 3DPO, I developed a horrible headache that was present from the time I woke up until I went to bed last night. It was accompanied by nausea and diarrhea. Today I feel mostly fine again. I have a little bit of cramping in my back and a waves of nausea off and on. I don't know if I'm sick again or these are just TWW phantom symptoms.

Do you ladies think that all of the meds I was on for the last month could have hurt my cycle? I just know I'm so sick of being sick and you would think with all of my supplements, I'd have built up some kind of decent immunity.
Sorry for the whining. I just really don't have anyone else to talk about my worries with.
Delphine, that's the spirit! I feel the same way, I'm willing to try try try. I think it will be good to know where you stand with your hormones, you'll see. If they want to do CD21 I think it's so they can test your progesterone. I never had mine done but I hope having my temps up consistently after o is a sign its all working well. I think I'm 4dpo but this month it's been hard to temp, I just got home from a business trip and waking up at odd hours. I'm trying not to think about it.

Well, I sat down with my RE and we are going to go ahead with IVF, that is if I don't get BFP before ;) they still want to run a couple of tests and that's putting us to start treatment in March. I initially was bummed and wanted it sooner, but you know what, that way it gives my body another cycle to try for a miracle on its own. My DF has been taking his vitamins for over 3 months now so I hope it has done something to his sperm.

Let's keep our fingers crossed. I'm thinking of you too :)

Thank you :hugs: Your ovulation chart is beautiful :) Don't worry about the temping. When I first started I never missed a single day, but now I don't stress about it (unless it's around mid-cycle) because, hey, we're not perfect and sometimes we deserve a break.

I think March is a good time to start IVF :) As you say, it gives you that little extra time. Also, I'm thinking about Spring and Easter and new life :) Plus your DF's vitamins will have had that extra chance to do their job. Every little thing helps. Even a tiny improvement is a positive thing.

I asked my doctor to check all my hormones and she said she'd do a 'full screen'. She did seem a little obsessed with my AMH, which was frustrating, because I felt like saying "Look! I know it'll be cr*p, so why depress me?" I asked for blood tests to check that my hormones were all in balance. The AMH I can't change, but I'd be really annoyed if there was some hormone imbalance that was stopping me conceiving, and that could have been sorted easily. I was also a bit annoyed she said I couldn't have any Clomid "because I was ovulating". At this stage, any (moderate) help would be welcome as far as I'm concerned. I even googled mini IVF today!

And as for miracles - I pray that there'll be lots of those in 2014 :dust:
I can't remember if I told you guys that I'd been really sick from about a week before Christmas(first strep, then upper respiratory, then flu, then a stomach virus. Anyway, I was on antibiotics, pain meds, steroids, phenergan, lomotil, and cough syrup. I've been "well" for about two weeks. Then yesterday at 3DPO, I developed a horrible headache that was present from the time I woke up until I went to bed last night. It was accompanied by nausea and diarrhea. Today I feel mostly fine again. I have a little bit of cramping in my back and a waves of nausea off and on. I don't know if I'm sick again or these are just TWW phantom symptoms.

Do you ladies think that all of the meds I was on for the last month could have hurt my cycle? I just know I'm so sick of being sick and you would think with all of my supplements, I'd have built up some kind of decent immunity.
Sorry for the whining. I just really don't have anyone else to talk about my worries with.

Hi :) Yes, I think that medication could mess up your cycle temporarily. Also, just being ill can do that. Cycles are sensitive things. I remember stuff like exams messing them up, and holidays, and stress and tummy bugs - everything. It could easily be a cumulative effect of being ill and having to take medication.

How are you feeling now? I hope you're better. Steroids can be hard to take. I had some years ago and they made me feel ill. I don't know if you take them already, but I find pro-biotics really good when I've had to take anti-biotics.
Delphine, when do you get your results? I would stress about your AMH, I've seen women get BFp with very low amh, I was really worried about mine and it turned out a surprising 5.4 You'll be fine :). My stress about my temping was only because right around O is when I was waking up at odd hours and going out of town. So I had to makeup a temp after O so my chart could detect it. No big deal as I was sure I Oed from the opk.

Baby griffin, Delphine is right anything can mess up your cycle, but nature is a beautiful and magic thing and it all announces right back. I ovulated a couple of days later this cycle and it was only from taking black cohosh and tribulus this month, lets just hope it all means better eggs :)
Hello Ladies,
I wanted to say hi. I am currently trying to conceive at age 48. I conceived our son at 45 delivered at 46, normal healthy little guy no complications. DH and I had been trying for 7 years. My labs were always normal but for the world of physicians I was too close to 40. DH SAs were always bad no one ever once said we need to look closer at this. Dh began having groin pain and bilateral varicoceles were found 7 months after the repair we conceived naturally. He also had did a short round of clomid to boost his numbers. Luckily still my numbers are good but I have PCOS/insulin resistance. I recently started using inositol to help with this and notice by symptoms that my testerone has come down. While doing research on inositol I noticed some REs have women use it to improve egg quality. I saw that even CCRM recommends it. I was wondering if any of you ladies had any experience with it? :coffee:
Hello Ladies,
I wanted to say hi. I am currently trying to conceive at age 48. I conceived our son at 45 delivered at 46, normal healthy little guy no complications. DH and I had been trying for 7 years. My labs were always normal but for the world of physicians I was too close to 40. DH SAs were always bad no one ever once said we need to look closer at this. Dh began having groin pain and bilateral varicoceles were found 7 months after the repair we conceived naturally. He also had did a short round of clomid to boost his numbers. Luckily still my numbers are good but I have PCOS/insulin resistance. I recently started using inositol to help with this and notice by symptoms that my testerone has come down. While doing research on inositol I noticed some REs have women use it to improve egg quality. I saw that even CCRM recommends it. I was wondering if any of you ladies had any experience with it? :coffee:

thank you so much for sharing your story! it always brings us hope :)
I have read that PCOS may extend some women's fertility life, it's nice to see it has brought you your little miracle baby, it's always possible it could happen again. Good luck and let us know of your progress
Saintlysue! DO give some hope! I am 46 ttc#2. I am taking inositol because I read it helps with quality and I have seen that CCRM endorses it too. I have no idea if it helps. I did not take it when I conceived my child via IVF at 44 because I had not read about it then....but I am taking it now as for sure my egg quality is worse...

Please keep us posted...are you trying naturally or using any ART?

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