Anyone over 45 TTc ?buddies needed <3

Glad you're back, batty. I know it can't have been easy going through all that without your partner.

dmama - did you use injectables with your IUI? It sounds like you did something right even though it sadly ended in a CP. It means things are working, at least.

BBbliss - I'm very pleased you've got an RE appointment. It'll give you information, I hope, and more options. I completely sympathise with your wish to give your DF a child. As you know, my partner doesn't have any children either, and I'm mainly doing all this for him because he'd make a wonderful father.

As for me, I'm feeling more optimistic than I was a few weeks ago. I got so frustrated because my cycle, which had previously been fine, decided that it was a great idea to mess me around just when I'm TTC! Reading on the internet, I see that that's not uncommon. Maybe it's stress? I think we ladies sometimes put a lot of pressure on ourselves when we're TTC. So I'm trying to relax now. My AF is late this month but I think that's more of the cycle madness and because I've been tired and busy at work. I've also had some personal stress with my ex *sigh*

I'm still TTC naturally, but I've added in magnesium to my list of supplements, having read good things about it online. I am starting to think about other options though, but I'd have to pay to go privately and I'm worried that there's no-one good to see locally (I live in the back of beyond). Also, I'm quite an independent person and I like to sort things myself. I'm trying not to be impatient but it's very hard!

Nice to see this thread active again :)
thanks ladies...I also think that there is still some hope, but I really don't think we can keep trying too much longer...time (and money) is about run out, so I hope the next one works, or I don't know what we will do...trying to not stress and be grateful for what I do have...

bbliss... hope the upcoming appointment brings good news... I guess men also feel the way we do when the thought of donor creeps want to have your own child, but I know they say if you used donor (egg or sperm) you'd still love the child as he open to that at all?

delphine...I think stress can affect our cycles...I am glad you feel more optimistic though...I hope that translates into feeling more relaxed...I know money is always a factor... I relate to wanting work things out yourself...I hope that you'll be able to do that, but I think it is okay to also give yourself a time point at which you are open to seeking help because at our age, so many things come into play that time is of the essence.

I don't know exactly when I will cycle again, but hopefully some time in Dec/Jan...depending on AF and the clinic's holiday schedules.....

Baby dust ladies!
Dmama, we have talked about our hopes and expectations with IVF and we have decided we would not be doing donor egg or sperm. I already have kids and he is ok if it doesn't work out. He's a sweetheart and a drama free partner. He's a special man :)

Please let us know of any news on you journey

Thinking of all you girls, hugs
I am 50 in 4 months. I have been trying/waiting for several years. Blood test show low progesterone levels etc and post menopausal. I am not giving up... God has the last say.. Stay encouraged..
Hi, keepingfaith4 :)

The female body can be a frustrating thing, can't it? I never think it's fair that men can go on being fertile into old age, but women's biological clock keeps ticking away. It puts pressure on, however much we try not to stress.

Just wanted to say hello to you and all the other ladies here. I'm having a bit of a weepy day and it's nice to come here and see that we're all in this together. :)
I just wrote this long message and lost it... Ugh

Delphine, thank you for the nice note you left me on the other thread. That was really nice and more so because it came from you :)

I had no idea you were having a bad day yourself and I just wanted to give you a hug. I hope you are feeling better. This really is so up and down isn't it?

Btw I also had drama with the ex recently so that just added to the mix. Moving on now.

Keepingfaith, that's what matters in the end, that we believe in a higher power and never loose faith!
Thank you for the hug, BBbliss. I saw your post when I was getting ready for work this morning and it cheered me up :) Work has been getting to me a bit what with people announcing pregnancies and so many of them not being planned and seeming to happen so easily *sigh*

I am feeling better this evening. Been laughing with my partner, and feeling a lot more relaxed.
Hi Bravemum, Sorry but long post coming ..........

I am 47 on the 28th of this month and well i had given up about 6 months ago when i actually got a job and if thats not hardenough i also found out in August that i am now lactose intolerant and well i walk up to 50 miles a week and well never thought about it. So when i got my period on the 11th of this month pregnancy was something that never crossed my mind until my period which i thought it was has been so light for 2 days and i have had light brown/redy-brown discharge on and off which i am beginning to think is actually spotting and its 11 days today and i still have light brown cm . I have doctors tomorrow afternoon so am going to say to her that i think this maybe peri-menopause and see what she says but my tummy is so bloated and had low down that im not sure she will buy that. i had all bloods done in august as i thought that i had hit menopause then but all tests came back as a Big NO !! so we will see will let you all know..
Hi Bravemum, Sorry but long post coming ..........

I am 47 on the 28th of this month and well i had given up about 6 months ago when i actually got a job and if thats not hardenough i also found out in August that i am now lactose intolerant and well i walk up to 50 miles a week and well never thought about it. So when i got my period on the 11th of this month pregnancy was something that never crossed my mind until my period which i thought it was has been so light for 2 days and i have had light brown/redy-brown discharge on and off which i am beginning to think is actually spotting and its 11 days today and i still have light brown cm . I have doctors tomorrow afternoon so am going to say to her that i think this maybe peri-menopause and see what she says but my tummy is so bloated and had low down that im not sure she will buy that. i had all bloods done in august as i thought that i had hit menopause then but all tests came back as a Big NO !! so we will see will let you all know..

Good luck with your appointment! Let us know what's going on. I hope it's good news for you. Fingers crossed!
trying....hope the news is good ---

Just want to wish us all a great Holiday and Happy New Year!!!!
Hello Ive just joined here I'm 48 and just started TTC... I married my sweetheart this year and I have two children a girl 17 and a boy 13 to a previous marriage. I would dearly love to have a baby with my husband who has no children of his own, however I have type 2 diabetes so Im not sure what the future will bring us...Im currently 11 days late but not really expecting anything. I tested on the first day AF was due but got a bfn so crossed fingers I will have some good news tomorrow or the next day when I plan to test again.
Hi Rahni :)

Good Luck! Do keep us updated.

I totally understand your wish to give your husband a child. My partner has no children of his own either, and I so much want to get pregnant and give him the child he deserves.

Fingers crossed for you and all the ladies here. Let's hope the coming year brings us some good luck!

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone! :xmas9:
Hi There,
I'm new to this site. I am 45 and we have been trying to conceive for just a short time, 5 months. I have been pregnant once since starting this journey, but lost the pregnancy within weeks. I am about to begin my second round of Clomid, followed with Ivermectin injection. I am hoping to find others who understand the stress and up and down emotions of trying to conceive at 45+. I had to see a different doctor at the Fertility Clinic yesterday, who was "so kind" to remind me that my chances of conceiving were 10% or less. No sensitivity about how she said it all. Thank you for reading this post and I hope to hear back from someone.
Hi Shari5037 :)

Yes, doctors can be so pessimistic. I saw one on an unrelated matter and happened to mention that I was TTC and she was really positive - it gave me a real boost. But I'm still very nervous about seeing the doctor at my local surgery because firstly, I'm worried they won't help, and secondly, I'm worrying that they'll put such a downer on everything it'll stress me out. I really do think some doctors are very dismissive if you're above a certain age.

The up and down emotions are a real rollercoaster, I find. One day I'll be feeling fine and really optimistic, but another day I can't stop thinking about how different things were when I was younger, and wondering if the few hiccups I've had with my cycle are a sign of getting old in a reproductive way (in myself I feel about 30 :D).

Is Clomid the first treatment you've tried?

I'm sorry you had a miscarriage - so sad and so disappointing for you. I had a CP and that was bad enough because you get all your hopes up and then they turn to nothing.

Can I ask - did you get pregnant on the Clomid or did that happen naturally before you started it? I'm thinking of maybe trying Clomid myself so I'm out for all the info I can get, if you don't mind me asking, of course.
Hi Shari,
just wanted to wish you luck in ur ttc journey, im 46 myself with a 14 year old girl, lost 2 pregnancies in last 4 years and at the ntnp stage (what will be will be),its a difficult time for some and not so for others,dont be disheartened as there are a lot of success stories out there for older mums.. gd luck xx
so i just came from IVF clinic where they told me they would not take me unless I use donor eggs and it doesn't matter that my hormones and follicle count look like I'm 20 years old on paper, or that I don't look my age, my eggs are still old and 91% of them are not good.

the truth is they don't want to take any chances of having their success rate go down, that's the truth.

this was not what i expected from them, I just said to my DF "good thing he's not an oncologist" imagine what he would tell people "your chances are not good, don't waste your time with treatment"

we are not done yet, we are going back to my original RE and see what he says.
gd luck bbliss!! don't be disheartened by narrow mindedness x
BBbliss, I replied to you properly in the other thread you posted in (the acupuncture one, I think it was). Sorry - the holidays have my brain all over the place! :D

Definitely get away from that doctor and his negativity. He seems to care more about his stats than about you.
Delphine, I'm so grateful for your kindness, for taking the time and leaving me your opinion. You are absolutely right! I was so angry, for two days that's all I thought about. Right this minute I have a friend who is 44 and got pregnant without even trying, but of course I forgot to tell him that. I loved your post, I showed it to DF and he agreed. It's good to hear from other's perspectives so we can more clearly put it down on paper. DF is going to demand they drop what we still owe them and maybe even a refund.

Thank you again! I hope you are doing well. You and I are NOT DONE! and as far as I know, my stats are remarkable, so much so he kept asking if I had excessive body hair, acne, ovary pain, I have read enough to know why he was asking...he thought with my AFC and AMH I MUST have PCOS, but I don't! my follicles are real eggs and not cysts. HE lost the opportunity to make his clinic's statistics improve.

Thank you DEL!
Hello, everybody!
I've been reading several threads here for the last week and decided to join today.

Here is my story:

I'm currently 44 and will be 45 in March. My husband is 31 and will be 32 in February. I have a daughter that is 26, and two sons, ages 21 and 16. My husband has none. This past August, I used up all of my savings and borrowed money from Care Credit to have my tubal ligation reversed. We've been steady trying every month since then.

I've gone through 4 cycles of Femara with no luck and this month my ob/gyn refused to give me a refill because he said I'm obviously ovulating based on my temps, opks, and a progesterone test.

My cycles have gone from a solid 28 days to between 25 and 27. My Luteal Phase this month was barely ten days, down from 12-14. After finding the research on this website, I've started a B-6 and B-12 regimen to add to my prenatals, folic acid, and COQ10 in hopes I can get back to a longer LP. I've ordered the B-50 complex to switch to, but it hasn't shipped yet and I wanted to go ahead and get started, so I grabbed what I could from Walmart on CD1.

I am currently on CD3. My FSH is pretty good, but my AMH was very poor. I know my odds are horrible at my age, but I really am hopeful that we will have our baby.

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