Anyone over 45 TTc ?buddies needed <3

SaintlySue, thank you for the info about myositol. I'll look into that. May I ask what dose you're taking and how many times a day?

I've just got some Maca. I've only been taking it for two days. I'm starting on one capsule and building up. I find it makes me feel better trying things myself rather than sitting here stressing and weeping randomly while I wait for the doctor to sort out an appointment.

BBbliss - I meant to say that I completely get the crying you were talking about in a previous post when you had a flashback to when your children were young. I get those too, and flashbacks to being pregnant years ago. I can be watching TV where there's something about babies, and suddenly it's like I've gone back in time and I can see my children as babies SO clearly. Usually, I'm OK with that, but sometimes tears do come into my eyes. I was looking through my youngest child's Baby Book the other day because I found it when I was tidying, and even though it was lovely to read through, I felt this massive lump in my throat like something was trying to burst out and tears just poured down my face.

Ah, no - sadly my crappy AMH was on the UK scale so average for my age - i.e very low. I'm trying not to stress about it because it only takes one egg, after all. But I AM annoyed that I can't just try some Clomid as soon as possible. My ovulation is different now - weaker, I think - and Clomid seems the obvious answer to try. I now understand why some women go as far as to buy the stuff online. Obviously, I'm not going to do that as it could be fake, but the sheer frustration of feeling the days tick by and having to wait for the simplest thing is driving me mad.

I think you're probably wise to go ahead with the IVF after it's all been arranged if that's still OK with you. Great news about your DF's SA! I have faith in supplements too. So many times I've seen them work. I think Nature is more powerful than we give her credit for.
Good morning, everybody!

I got good news from my doctor yesterday. He of course is still pessimistic about my chances for conceiving naturally and wants me to have a consultation with an RE.
My good news is this:

A year and a half ago before I had my tubal reversal, my AMH was at .99. Not fantastic, but about average. A year later when I did get my TR, my AMH measured just below .18. I had new blood work done a couple of weeks ago and my AMH was back up to .41. It's still not great, but it tells me I'm not as barren as I thought I was and I can still have hope.
I don't know that I've done anything different in the last six months other than cutting back on drinking alcohol and consistently taking my B-Complex. Anything else I do just isn't very consistent and I'm lazy about taking other supplements.
I take 1000mg of inositol. Also you have to take folic acid. My cycles are better now. Every 28days, mild to moderate flow, lasting 3-4 days.
I take 1000mg of inositol. Also you have to take folic acid. My cycles are better now. Every 28days, mild to moderate flow, lasting 3-4 days.

Thank you for that. I had no idea what amount to take, so I'm very grateful for your quick reply. I take folic acid luckily. There's some in my conception vitamins, and I have the 5mg Folic acid too (yes, I do mean 'mg' there - I got a prescription for it).

Your cycles sound perfect. Mine aren't so balanced and just the last few months they've been a bit weird. I had a CP in September and since then one month's BBTs suggested I may not have ovulated, and the others since haven't shown as good a temp rise as the cycle in which I conceived. That cycle had a lovely BBT chart with a great temp rise. My blood tests suggest I might be low in progesterone which could explain that. Oh, to have regular cycles back again! I'm taking the maca to see what that does.

I've also been looking at soy isoflavones. Any ladies here used them?
Babygriffin, that's good news! That's incredible your amh went up. Science says you are born with all your eggs and never make anymore, so the fact that that number went up is really something to be happy about.

Delphine, thank you, so you have had the flashbacks too? I thought I was going mad, good to know I'm not alone, at the same time it made me want more babies too even more. The clock is ticking and I start injections at the end of the week. It's so many different things I feel overwhelmed, but I do have faith I still have good eggs in there. Fingers crossed.

Like you, I too thought about just getting the clomid over the Internet. Desperate times call for desperate measures :) I thought if anything I can get my DF's doctor prescribe it to him for his sperm and the just take some from him ;) hopefully we won't need to go there.

Saintlysue, how is it being an older mother, do you make friends with the younger moms? How do your friends take it since they don't have babies anymore? I think about all of that too, that my circle of friendship may need to change to accommodate the new life.
I tried to post last night but I think I was too tired or it was too long and did not post.

Delphine, I have used soy isoflavones and can till I ovulate when on it. But I do not take it every month I forget pretty often.

BBbliss, my DH took clomid for a few weeks prior to conception of our son. But I am not sure if it is what worked considering the short time frame. He had variocele repair 7 mths prior. He is on clomid again since this summer. His testerone fell once he was off and he started having symptoms. They may keep him on it permanently. Having our son is really great. He had really bad reflux for the first two years but even with all the vomiting and tummy pain I was able to give him all the extra attention he needed to stay in the 95 percentile. He is 4 handfuls but nothing I enjoy every minute. I have some friends that are my age with toddlers my sons age but most of my friends are 5-10 years younger than me. Well, I could go on & on so I better stop here.
I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm 44.5 and have 3 kids. Dd is 11, Ds 10 and Dd 10 months old. I have been stalking a bit and just wanted to say that we shouldn't give up hope at our age. I had my last baby at 43.5 and she is super healthy. I had 2 miscarriages before her but figured it was just a matter of catching the golden egg.
As for now I thought I was done but would love another. We have been ntnp since dd was born and lo and behold I got a BFP last Wed. I was excited but nervous at the same time. Unfortunately I have had 2 blood draws and things aren't looking great. I'm going back tomorrow for a follow up but am not holding my breath. I just wanted to tell you all its possible at our age. Also I love being an older mother
Marathongirl, Sorry your betas are not holding steady, I have read about others having success when betas struggled initially. But I have had several doctors say that 8 out of 10 pgs end in miscarriage normally but when ttc and testing so soon we often catch a lot of the ones too early. The REs I have seen have not been very positive but my OBs are always telling me about the stories of women even older than me having successful healthy babies. I conceived my son at 45 preparing to do another IVF the RE kept saying it was a miracle, my OB just said I delivered to a 47 year old last week and have a 49 year old with a surprise pregnancy. They would also tell me that the numbers of chromosomal defects was the same across the board in all age groups just not as many women in their 40s chose to conceive. I really like how positive my OBs are. My little guy is a normal super smart beautiful toddler and my OBs love for me to bring him in to show him around to the staff and patients. They really do not like how women get so beat up by some REs. I have never even once heard them talk about you have more bad eggs than good lecture after 35. Let's face it those words can make a 40 something so anxious.
Hi guys

Ive not been here since i originally posted (my mum suddenly and unexpectedly passed away etc etc) Just about started ttc...had a total disaster with toddler ruining this months effort so onwards and upwards for me, i guess.. I also wanted to add my two pennies towards the internet clomid debate. I and a few friends did buy it online ( got a generic and checked the packaging and tablets online to make sure - as much as you can) and had no problems at all. However, I did read a few years ago that women over 40, due to diminishing egg reserve, should not use clomid - and that is the only reason Ive refrained from using it again. ( the only side effect I had was raging thrush..nice, i know :blush: ) As I had low AMH 2 years ago I'm gonna stay clear for now...but never say never. Ive given myself a year. If im not pg by March 2015 im closing up shop, lol! Or getting some clomid ;)

Good luck ladies :hugs: x

ps, I should add Im 44 next Friday - eeek! And Ive given up on my CBFM and sticking to Ebay cheapies as it doesnt give me an ov whereas the cheapies do - Ive stocked up, lol!
Marathongirls, there's still hope as Saintlysue says and thank you for leaving us a note. I'm not giving up!
Saintlysue, I had that happen to me, I saw an RE who refused to treat me unless I uses donor and said I had less the 1% chance, I just know better and left as fast as I could. I totally agree with your RE, i just think there are not a lot of women ttc after 40, women in their late 30's have the same issues. I have a friend right now my age and 5 moths pregnant.

Omi, so sorry about your mother, I still have mine and I don't know how I would be able to handle such a loss. Don't give up! Give your hubby some supplements too ;)
Happy birthday! I know how it feels, we think its just another month but its a whole new number and they try to put you in a different category all together, I say if you are healthy you are already younger then the stats.
Marathongirls, there's still hope as Saintlysue says and thank you for leaving us a note. I'm not giving up!
Saintlysue, I had that happen to me, I saw an RE who refused to treat me unless I uses donor and said I had less the 1% chance, I just know better and left as fast as I could. I totally agree with your RE, i just think there are not a lot of women ttc after 40, women in their late 30's have the same issues. I have a friend right now my age and 5 moths pregnant.

This is why I'm so scared to go see an RE.
My ob/gyn keeps pushing it on me and wants me to at least have a consultation before he will do an HSG. I just don't see the point in it. I can't afford IVF because I spent my savings on paying for my tubal ligation reversal and my insurance covers nothing fertility related.

What can an RE do that my ob/gyn can't do since IVF is out for me at this point in time? That's where I'm at. Basically it feels like a standstill and all I can do is keep doing what I've been doing and hope for the best.
BabyG, there are all kinds of doctors, I'm starting IVF right now with a wonderful clinic and staff and they are all exited for me, my RE told me I can still make good eggs and we are all praying the come out now :) I started stimming this morning and I'm excited. Many things happened that took us this far, we had many set backs, first my tubes were blocked then his SA was poor, we got both fixed now but already had IVF lined up so here it is now.

You know what I just noticed! I love how positive saintlySue's OB and nurses are and I just noticed you girls are in the same city, I'm just saying, but if I lived in Atlanta I'd be going to see them right now. It's so hard to find that kind of supportive staff and we really need people who believe in us in this journey.
I tried to post last night but I think I was too tired or it was too long and did not post.

Delphine, I have used soy isoflavones and can till I ovulate when on it. But I do not take it every month I forget pretty often.

Thnak you again, SaintlySue. I@ve bought some soy isoflavones but not started on them yet as it's the wrong part of my cycle. I'm thinking it might be worth a try.

I also bought some progesterone cream as my helpful Dr (not!) refused to give me any progesterone even though it was low when tested. I just started using that after doing lots of research online.
Exciting for you, BBbliss!

I can't believe how quickly your IVF has come round! You're absolutely right about having supportive staff - the attitude of health professionals can make all the difference.

I'm sure we can all make ourselves feel bad enough with worrying and we certainly don't need any 'Debbie Downers' to make us feel worse. It does annoy me sometimes how they seem to write off women in their 40s.

BabyG and all your other ladies, there's an interesting article here about how we aren't just simply born with all the eggs we're ever going to have and then we run out:
I think it's sad how some medical practitioners are sooo negative. I remember when I went to my booking in apmt at the hospital at 12 weeks...the midwife kept saying that at my age, with my thyroid etc etc I would have to be seen by the consultant at the hospital and not my local midwives. 45 minutes later and Im in with the consultant who, and I quote, says' Lots of women have children in their 40's and lots of people have an underactive thyroid - go see your local midwife!' End of. A girl in my college is 38 and accidentally pg with her third (16yo and 3yo) and her mw said the average age at her clinic is over 40!!

There is also the view that you can look at things half full or half empty - meaning, your eggs are crap as you're 'old' or they're gonna be in a better shape than you are as they were made when you were so are pristine so to speak. Makes sense in a warped way, lol!

I guess what Im trying to say is, as have many of you, don't listen to the crap. There is hope, it can happen and all you need to do is keep at it and get the best advice/help you can get :)

And thanks, re my mum. It has been without a doubt the singularly worst thing that has ever happened to me, losing her. But...i can only go on and make the best of what Ive got - and there's plenty to be thankful for :cloud9:

Oops, just saw the link above, lol.....
Thanks ladies! Thanks for being so positive. I will keep you updated as I know more. As of now I am pregnant and I will be thankful for that. Even though its hard when the numbers aren't what you want them to be I like to know what's happening and how the pregnancy is progressing. I wish everyone on here all the best! I might not be on too much this weekend as we are moving house.
Omi I pray for peace for you with the loss of your Mom. I love your positive outlook.
Ladies, I hope you are all doing well.

Marathongirl, please let us know how you are doing. I have been hoping to see good news from you.

BabyGriffin, I sent you a PM. Sorry it was a little long. I also have seen two different acupuncturist if you would like their info also. I saw one in the Brookhaven area and one in Lawrenceville, near the medical center. The one in Lawrenceville will give you herbs if they feel you need them. If you do not want to see an RE you can go that route.
Ladies, I hope you are all doing well.

Marathongirl, please let us know how you are doing. I have been hoping to see good news from you.

BabyGriffin, I sent you a PM. Sorry it was a little long. I also have seen two different acupuncturist if you would like their info also. I saw one in the Brookhaven area and one in Lawrenceville, near the medical center. The one in Lawrenceville will give you herbs if they feel you need them. If you do not want to see an RE you can go that route.

Thank you! I replied back and tried not to be too long winded myself.

I'm definitely interested in acupuncture. I started seeing a chiropractor last week and am hoping to get results from that, but I have been looking for a good acupuncturist because my insurance will actually cover that as long as it isn't coded as fertility.
BabyGriffin, you can always just tell the acupuncturist your symptoms. Like headaches, heavy bleeding, long cycles, insomnia, fatigue, etc... They are going to assess you. I think they told me something like cold liver. I cannot remember sorry. If they ask about wanting to conceive you can say well that would be a plus but I have got to get these symptoms under control.
Hi ladies. Well still pregnant. Not sure what to think. My beta went up with a doubling time of 68 hours. I think that is within the normal range but at the far end of the limit. I still feel pregnant but the symptoms seem to come and go. It's also a little different because I'm still breast feeding my lo. I will keep you all updated.

I will also vouch for acupuncture. I am convinced it helped me conceive my sticky baby at almost 43. I got my BFP 1 month before my 43rd birthday! I would just say make sure that you see someone that really knows fertility stuff.
I hope everyone is doing well. Please keep us updated on your IVF BBbliss

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