Anyone over 45 TTc ?buddies needed <3

I pmed you BG14 let me know if you got it! Internet is spotty here and drops.
BabyGriffin, who did the ACRM seminar? Also, check out FertileThoughts there are a lot of threads on RBA under the donor section. They have, I think a frozen donor egg program, it is suppose to be the best in the US. They feel there is more success with frozen because sometimes you do not know how a woman is going to stim. even if they are young. But you can check out the comments from the girls going through the program. But just let me say this because I am a cautionary tale. Please make sure your DH has been thoroughly checked out. After all the years and money when we finally had the DNA fragmentation that told the tale. Your standard SA does not have DNA fragmentation. It takes an entire sperm sample to be sent out to get DNA fragmentation. It was the embroyologist and the reproductive urologist that looked at all our records and told us see the development here this is a healthy egg, here is where the development stops this is where the sperms involvement comes into play, but failure always at this point, but never an RE told us these little details. I have a friend who I kept asking to get the DNA fragmentation but her RE said oh his SAs are fine, his DNA fragmentation was worse than my DH and my DH was horrible. No matter what they tell you men DO represent 50% of infertility. It cost us $500 to get the DNA fragmentation.

Does this mean the sperm testing that we had done before I had my tubal reversal wasn't enough? He sees a urologist for Kidney stones, and he's the one that ordered the previous tests where he had great results. Could he order a more in depth test? He's only 32 and in really good health.
Oh and Dr. Toner did the seminar. I'm not set on any specific location yet. I'm kind of partial to NCCRM where I had my reversal done, but I'm open to any and all options. I really hope it happens for us naturally, but I am realistic about the odds.
Okay Babygriffin14, I will pm you! Please check out our thread! Although we have a twinsie thing going on! Those with issues go can go to clinic like Serum in Greece or other ones! I had all my and hubbys preliminary testing done in US prior to heading to Prague! It would be well worth it to do as SS said about the DNA sperm testing! In my case I had a 18 week pregnancy that had Trisomy 18.
I have beem trying for 4 years!

Can you link to me to any of those threads?
I looked yesterday and couldn't find them.
Here you go
BabyG, I admire your openness and attitude. I'm confident you will get it done and you'll have what you and your DH want.
Here's my IVF update:

Scan was showing 13 follicle and we got 8 eggs retrieved (I had empty follicles in the mix ) and all 8 fertilized, 7 are normal. This is day 1 and they will call me everyday with a report. All that make to day 5 will be tested genetic tested even if its only one or two. We had DF's sperm tested for DNA fragmentation and all came back normal so it's all on egg quality now.
Baby Griffin, your DH probably did not have DNA fragmentation done. It takes an entire semen sample and at the time my DH had his done in 2010 there was only one facility doing it. I would think the urologist would have let you know if he was having DNA fragmentation done. He would have to give a sample for the regular SA then wait and give the sample for the DNA fragmentation. Before my DH surgery he had 77%, the cutoff for a successful IVF is below 30% anything over 30% IVF is not recommended due to the high failure rate. After DH surgery he was at 15% which is the normal range. My DH was 32 when we started our journey, great health, very active, a real choir boy. My friends husband was a little older but still in great shape. I met Dr. Toner once, I was really hoping you would meet Dr. Steve Voelkel, the embryologist, I know he has been doing research on the side but he is really great if you get to talk to him.
Here's my IVF update:

Scan was showing 13 follicle and we got 8 eggs retrieved (I had empty follicles in the mix ) and all 8 fertilized, 7 are normal. This is day 1 and they will call me everyday with a report. All that make to day 5 will be tested genetic tested even if its only one or two. We had DF's sperm tested for DNA fragmentation and all came back normal so it's all on egg quality now.

Thank you, BBbliss. I was wondering how things had gone with the egg retrieval. I'm no expert but if that was me, I'd be absolutely delighted at having so many eggs retrieved and fertilised! Well done!

Your IVF seems to be being done so thoroughly and professionally. That must help you relax a little. And being called every day with an update is great!

Fingers crossed for you and your DF!
Delphine, thank you! I'm still praying and waiting by the phone. It's impossible not to think about it 24/7. DF said he could just wait till Monday for final day 5 count, I said I prefer knowing every day!

I'm pleased with my fertilization rate of 100% and I hope that's indicative of egg quality. There are so many stages to this process, today we are down to 6 embryos and 4 are high grade. I unfortunately don't get a report tomorrow, being the wknd :( but I get one again on Monday. I just got a call from the lab that will be doing our chromosome screening and they confirmed we are expected to have 5 day blasts to test. I really really hope they all stay the same grade and health they are right now so we can have a real chance.

How are things with you? What are your plans now? I hope you are well and feel healthy hopeful and strong still :)
Thinking about you BBbliss. Sending your embryos lots of positive vibes to keep growing and be healthy. I hope you can just take some time this weekend and relax. Spend some quality time with your DF.
Delphine, thank you! I'm still praying and waiting by the phone. It's impossible not to think about it 24/7. DF said he could just wait till Monday for final day 5 count, I said I prefer knowing every day!

I'm pleased with my fertilization rate of 100% and I hope that's indicative of egg quality. There are so many stages to this process, today we are down to 6 embryos and 4 are high grade. I unfortunately don't get a report tomorrow, being the wknd :( but I get one again on Monday. I just got a call from the lab that will be doing our chromosome screening and they confirmed we are expected to have 5 day blasts to test. I really really hope they all stay the same grade and health they are right now so we can have a real chance.

How are things with you? What are your plans now? I hope you are well and feel healthy hopeful and strong still :)

4 high grade? That's great! I know you have a couple of days to wait still, and I can imagine how stressful it must be worrying about them, but your results are fabulous, I think. It must be an ordeal waiting for the final count, but at least you know that only the best will be left. Sending you all my love and hoping that those precious little cells stay strong and healthy for you. :hugs:

As for me, I've finally got an appointment with a specialist (I'm paying to see him). I know nothing about him, but there's not much choice at all locally. I'm very nervous because I don't know what he'll suggest or what his attitude will be towards older ladies TTC. My appointment's at the end of the month. My heart's racing just thinking about it - partly excitement, partly terror!

My plans? Well, ideally I'd love to conceive all by myself, or with the minimum of help anyway! I'm using some ProGest cream as my progesterone was low, and I'm going to try soy isoflavones for the first time this month. I'm on CD3 now and feeling good (I'm even grateful for my periods now). I also have some homeopathic remedies which I've just started using. I have so many to take, I made a chart! :D

As time goes on, I'm opening my mind to pretty much anything. I wish that ticking clock could be paused - or, even better, rewound!

Good luck to every lady on this thread XXXXXXXX
Delphine, thank you so much for the encouragement. I so want to believe my results are good and my eggs are healthy. I remember DMama had had a successful IVF cycle at my age but I don't know the details of her journey, I don't think she's been on for quite some time now but I'd love to hear from her again. Tomorrow is a big day and it marks the end of this stage, then is the testing and we'll be anxiously waiting again.

You will be fine at your Dr. Appointment! Just remember you are in control of your choices and you are there to interview him, to see if his approach agrees with your beliefs, you ARE paying for this and if he doesn't fit your needs you could try someone else, even if you have to do a little travel so you are comfortable. You remember my experience from dr. Less then 1%? I won't say I'd dint affect me. It did and for a full week that's all I thought about until I went back to my sweet RE and his amazing staff. We do need to be dreamers when we get to this point and as sweet and supportive my Dr. Is he always says he can't make promises and its up to God. I like that he said that because those are my beliefs as well and I hope you find a clinic that's willing to take good care of you.

I do believe in supplements, acupuncture and homeopathy. Supplements have done miracles for DFs sperm and if this IVF turns out successful I'll give Acupunture and vitamins, specially Obiquinol Coq10 a lot of credit.

Don't give up taking care of yourself!

I'll post a quick update tomorrow :)
I love all your journeys! I have been following and remember Dmama in my old group along time ago! Some were successful with their own eggs and some moved on to other methods after exhausting all alternatives! I started when I was 41 1/2. I had my son at 39/40 no problems what so ever! I am 46 now and had Donor Ivf Saturday! 9 eggs fertilized and were in great shape. I had 2 implanted. I am in 2 week window! Good luck everyone!
BBbliss- can't wait to hear about your emby's!!! Sending everything positive your way. I think it's great that you found such a supportive doctor and I just feel it will all work out for you.

Garnet- I've seen you on other threads and happy to see you again! I can't believe you are PUPO!!! Sending loads of sticky baby dust your way. You all are such an inspiration!

AFM- I am cd10 today after the mc. I'm not really charting these days so not sure when I will Ov. Thinking its probably better to wait a cycle after the mc. So saying that we are still ntnp for now. Of course I would be thrilled with a BFP!!

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Garnet, congrats, this is great and I wish you all the luck in the world.

Well, so I started with 8 fertilized, 6 on day 2 and yesterday I got a call that I only have one now, it was at the morula stage yesterday and I still don't know if it has survived to 5 day blast today. My dr. Is going to call me and discuss it with me today.

I was so down yesterday, but there's nothing we can do at this point. We decided to still go ahead and do the PGS even if its only one. I have a personal Down syndrome experience and would not want it to put my family through it again just because I decided to have a baby at this stage in my life. I had an uncle with DS who was born a year after me so we grew up together and he was very high on the scale and had severe DS. My uncle just past away last October and my grandmother at 86 had not been able to care for him for the past few years due to her own decking health.

I hope you are doing well and I'm still thinking of all of you and not only myself.

Hi everyone and best wishes to you all.

I have been searching for a place to vent a little with ladies my age. I am 47 and not necessarily TTC but we haven't avoided it either. I have 3 kids and my fiancee has none. We got together after losing our spouses to lung cancer. We started talking for support and it turned into so much more. I would love nothing more that to give him a child but starting to feel hopeless given our ages(he's 57 but a SA awhile ago said ok). My periods have become erratic at times but I am pretty confident that I ovulated(had EWCM and pain)somewhere in the Feb 28 to Mar7 time frame. I took a test yesterday after having frequent dizziness, queasiness, cramping but no AF. It was negative but I am going to test again in a few days as I sort of "feel" I could be pregnant. I go back and forth between it's all in my head or just peri menopause symptoms to I might actually be pregnant. Hard to find a lot of support anywhere at this age. Thank you for taking the time to read this
BBliss, all you need is one golden egg! Fingers crossed!

Ladies before I started this donor egg ivf, my new Dr ask me why I was doing this cause some of her patients were 45+ who did it naturally and she had one that was 48 that just gave birth!
Garnet, Good Luck in the 2ww.
BBbliss, so sorry this has been so tough, but Garnet is correct often the single little embie does the trick.
las66, I wish you the best of luck for the bfp. Women have healthy babies naturally all over the world after 45.

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