Anyone over 45 TTc ?buddies needed <3

You guys are so funny - yes, I guess taking a lot of supplements is par for the course, lol! :haha:

The age thing is really funny, as you all say, its just a number, heck i still get Id'd in the supermarkets when i buy alcohol!! :haha: So yes, very young in every aspect. However, its the 'old egg' thing though isnt it? That, and the high mc risk.. Having said that, i don't care enough to let that stop me - i feel i have it in me to not only try but to keep going and that is really all that matters :winkwink:

:hug: xx
Hi all my fellow TTC friends.... Hope all is well with everyone, just wanted to say hi and I'll be back to talk with you lovely ladies later! Thanks for letting me join this forum, as I really need the support, and from the little I've read, you are ALL very very good at that!! Hugs in friendship to all!
DH and I did 8 IVF/ICSIs and I over 12 IUI's. Sometimes we would do 2 IUIs in a cycle to boost our chances. We had a few chemicals pgs from the fertility treatments, always first beta good then they would trail off. All those years, all the money, the different REs even with normal labs and testing it was always blamed on my age and we started when I was 39. DH always had horrible SAs, not just bad morphology but no moving sperm, pathetic count. When we would get the donor egg lecture I was always ready just wanted our baby. But finally when the reproductive urologist saw DH even with all our failures and he looked at all my records. He told us that if you have bad eggs they do not fertilize. If you have bad sperm you will get fertilization and then they will fail. Exactly what was happening to us. They did DNA fragmentation on DH sperm which showed 77% abnormal sperm, at 30% fertility treatments are not recommended because they will fail. We had to pay for DH surgery ourselves. The urologist said wait 6-9 mths post surgery and I think you will conceive on your own. I was 45 and terriefied so at 7 mths I went back to the RE for another IVF. I was already pg. I just hate to think the devastation we would have felt if we did donor egg with my DH sperm. Male infertility counts for 50% of couple fertility issues. I just wish doctors would practice with that in mind.
Wow sue, now I know why you call yourself saintly, it takes so much strength to do all those ivf's I feel I shouldn't complain about my one. You post was so enlightening to me, I had 8eggs collected and all fertilized, I wanted to believe it meant they were good eggs. I think we had every test done but the DNA frag. We don't have great sperm and that's a fact, but I think all the sups he's on have helped getting him within the lower end of normal. I'm also not fully accepting the donor route yet, but my donor option is my sister so in my head we have the same DNA (I know it's really 50%) so im ok with that but right now she's breastfeeding her new born. I think I want to try another ivf with my eggs first. At the same time you never know...this TTC is so unpredictable and we have to try to stay open to whatever is our next step/option. I really am confident that my eggs are still viable. Deep down I have a voice that's telling me that. What's funny is that all my cousins and family all believe it too, they don't know about the ivf but they are always asking me if I'm trying. I hope we are ALL right!
I actually come from a family of women who had children after 40 all they way up until 51. So as far as family goes it is just part of their lifestyle. I wish doctors were just a little more on top of the female body and fertility issues. There are women in countries where there are no means of contraception and they have healthy babies into their early 50's but you never see the studies on this fact. I just recently had a friend that was told at 44 she is going through menopause. We had dinner together and in the restaurant I was freezing and sweat was just pouring off her face. I told her I thought she was too young to be going through menopause and maybe she should see another doctor to evaluate if something else was going on causing some hormone issues. She has never married and has no children. This doctor did not even run any blood work on her or anything. She just told him about her symptoms and that was it. He has influenced her that all women go through menopause when they hit 40. He just sent her on her way with no testing no meds nothing.
It's so encouraging to hear stories like that, I'm always happy to read any evidence of fertility on older woman and at the same time stories like your friend are really upsetting, I think 44 is really young and there could sure be something else going on with her health and someone dr just decides its menopause.
Good Evening Ladies,
So here is a quick rundown...I'm 45 and we decided to try for number 2.. I'm nervous but so excited...Just worried that my body doesn't want me to do this... I have been so anxious about everything...I quit smoking back on the 19th of May, I've made many lifestyle changes( eating better foods, more health conscious changes for all of us, and just started yoga with my beautiful 5 yr old daughter), but I still am mad at myself for smoking and thinking it was nothing to worry about. I quit because I wanted to show my little one that it was a bad "habit", and so I could be a healthier mama! I would say that I'm better now then I was when I had my first, ( was on antidepressants and have been off them now for just about 7 months), but I have a bad back( been like this for many years), have allergies and going to the dentist tomorrow for a couple bad teeth... So add all this up, and you get my anxiety, I just want to feel better and have a healthy baby. My hubby is very supportive and excited. Just HATE this anxiety, sometimes I'm anxious about nothing, and it's driving me batty! ;) I appreciate the forum, any thoughts appreciated... I think my bad teeth are making me feel cruddy, run down etc, and that isn't helping at all. I been feeling bloated and weepy, some cramping on and off, and had a weird period, (I'm usually 6 days and spotting old blood for a day or two... TMI I'm sorry), I'm super regular, and this only kinda threw me off(4 days not heavy, no tampons and very little spotting for about 3 days
I was on here about a week ago with a question regarding testing and possible pregnancy at age 46. Wasn't sure where to post at the time so I hope I can still post here. I took the other dollar test, plus about 5 more and swore I saw a faint line, but nothing confirmed. I decided to wait until last night to test and my boyfriend had picked up two tests from Walgreens. I didn't specify a brand and he got the store brand with blue lines. Well at 12:40 am I couldn't wait any longer (this would put me at 7 days past the last time we had sex, when I had the ewcm. Anyhow within less than 2 minutes I see or think I see a very faint line, but it's hard to tell because the background still being bluish. It said not to read after 10 min. So I rechecked at 9 minutes and there is still a very very light line. Used the 2nd test this a.m. and the same thing. Not sure if I should trust the result because it's not dark and my last AF was July 11, 2014 but the EWCM was on the 8th, 9th & 10th I think...I know it would still be very early, however, I've read awlful things about these tests online. Any input? Also have had a milky white discharge for a couple of days?


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Forgot to add I know it doesn't help but I have been taking my temp in the mornings and it ranges from 98.1 and 98.5
Oops, I hit return too soon... So to finish up, I've been feeling a little off this month and not due for period for another 14 days ... I'll keep you posted, and Thanks so much for listening to me,
Hugs in friendship,
Lady Anthro
Me: 45 Hubby:50
Keeping my fingers crossed!
And SaintlySue... Thank you for your post from earlier ... That really helps to know that it's the crazy world that says we are too old, because I don't think 45 or up is too old, my doctor thinks it is and she is a product of the medical establishment/pharmaceutical world we live in! My opinion only... She's a super lady, but not so positive .. So it makes me a little bummed...Thanks ALL you wonderful women!! :)
My uncle is a first time father in his late 40's, he's a more energetic person than I am (31)! Good luck xox
Angelwise, they say even if it is faint, it is still considered positive, hopefully you will see the results get darker. That being said, Congratulations. Can you go ahead and call your OB to do a blood test for you? Plus you would want to get your progesterone checked.

LadyAnthro, they do have positive OBs who have seen a lot of women over 45 conceive and deliver healthy babies. They are more objective. I have read where women in their 50's were going through menopause and put on hormones to ease the symptoms of menopause and got a surprise pg and delivered normal healthy babies. That is just another area they could do research and help fertility patients.
Angelwise, if you see a line your body IS producing the hcg hormone and its a positive regardless of how faint. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you but yes! Please make that appointment ASAP and check your progesterone and hcg level. Congratulations! Come back and keep us posted!!!

Ladyanthro, welcome :) no need to be anxious, think of it as excitement and anticipation of good things to come. You know, we all have the same feelings, sometimes it's just necessary to change perspective and ease ourselves into our new desires and dreams. I try not to stress over it and its not always easy... Worrying doesn't change the outcome and in our case it may even hurt us :)
Hi all! I keep staring at this stupid test and want to test again. I am trying to get into the doctor Wednesday, it's hard to get in to see anyone in less than a week. I am going to try though. My guy said he'd be happy either way. He's 52 and already telling his family. I was telling him don't be telling anyone yet. :wacko: I keep thinking it could possibly be ovarian cysts/tumors. I have a history of them and have had to have them removed in the past. You all seem like such a lovely group of women...I read your stories and you have all been through so much. With my youngest who is 7, I was pregnant in 6 weeks and we weren't trying. I was 39 when he was born. When his dad passed 3 years ago, I never thought I'd be thinking about this again, however, I guess it's possible? LOL... I don't like these blue tests. I will not be happy if they are wrong. I should go and try to sleep. Keeping my fx'd for all you beautiful ladies :hugs:
I was on here about a week ago with a question regarding testing and possible pregnancy at age 46. Wasn't sure where to post at the time so I hope I can still post here. I took the other dollar test, plus about 5 more and swore I saw a faint line, but nothing confirmed. I decided to wait until last night to test and my boyfriend had picked up two tests from Walgreens. I didn't specify a brand and he got the store brand with blue lines. Well at 12:40 am I couldn't wait any longer (this would put me at 7 days past the last time we had sex, when I had the ewcm. Anyhow within less than 2 minutes I see or think I see a very faint line, but it's hard to tell because the background still being bluish. It said not to read after 10 min. So I rechecked at 9 minutes and there is still a very very light line. Used the 2nd test this a.m. and the same thing. Not sure if I should trust the result because it's not dark and my last AF was July 11, 2014 but the EWCM was on the 8th, 9th & 10th I think...I know it would still be very early, however, I've read awlful things about these tests online. Any input? Also have had a milky white discharge for a couple of days?

Hi, angel wishes.

I can see a faint blue line there and I often don't see lines when other people see them so it must be there if even I can see it : D

Fingers crossed for you. I can imagine how all-consuming it must be and how much you want a definite answer. Try to keep cool and distract yourself. If it's there, it's there, and the best thing to do is keep calm and look after yourself :hugs:
Aww bless your hearts, you are so sweet! Thank you for the wonderful advice, I'm going to only call it excitement now, not anxiety;) Thank you ladies, Hugs!! I took my 1st test today and I see a blue line going across and two very faint lines or maybe I should call them spots on top and bottom, so it's not a full plus sign, but not just a negative sign... I think it maybe like this as I was excited and didn't use my 1st tinkle in the morning! :) and I'm still 7 days from my next period, so maybe I jumped the proverbial "gun", and tested too soon. ;) I'll wait a few more days and try a second test.... This is really helping me to talk to u gals, as I have no family to talk to( girls that I'm close to are either too far away, or too bogged down with their lives and families that I don't want to burden them)...and I feel bad that I burdened you with my silly worries, when some of you lovely ladies have had so much on your plates, and yet you are still so wonderfully positive, I'm going to take a page from your books, and find my positives/ happy feelings and love where I'm at right now! I think I finally found a happy place within me and I'm going to sit here and enjoy it for a few! Thanks so much ladies, I'm glad I found such well versed women to talk to! Hugs!
Sincerely, Lady Anthro
Fingers crossed for you too, LadyAnthro - and keep up that positive thinking!

All that positive energy must help our bodies do their very best and creates a good environment for conception.
Thank you so much Delphine.. We'll all keep each other focused on the positive energy, and crossed fingers for all of us! ;) it is just comforting to know that we can come here and share the things that are on our minds and not feel alone. I'm going to make sure I pass the love on to all of you ladies, you all deserve it, cause you've really helped this soul feel so much better! Again Thank you ALL! :)
I'm here if anyone needs me, please just ask, i love to talk but I listen well! ;)
Lady, how exciting! Can't wait to hear the update. Fingers crossed!

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