Anyone over 45 TTc ?buddies needed <3

I actually come from a family of women who had children after 40 all they way up until 51. So as far as family goes it is just part of their lifestyle. I wish doctors were just a little more on top of the female body and fertility issues. There are women in countries where there are no means of contraception and they have healthy babies into their early 50's but you never see the studies on this fact. I just recently had a friend that was told at 44 she is going through menopause. We had dinner together and in the restaurant I was freezing and sweat was just pouring off her face. I told her I thought she was too young to be going through menopause and maybe she should see another doctor to evaluate if something else was going on causing some hormone issues. She has never married and has no children. This doctor did not even run any blood work on her or anything. She just told him about her symptoms and that was it. He has influenced her that all women go through menopause when they hit 40. He just sent her on her way with no testing no meds nothing.

that is doctor should say that..especially without looking into things more. I think they just don't really know what to do, so they just ignore these issues women have and they turn their back if women over 40 want to have kids....there are certainly older women who get pregnant naturally--what makes the medical profession ansy is that they haven't been able to get us pregnant with fertility they just write us off...well that sucks...they need to be a bit more sympathetic and treat us older ladies wanting to ttc with a bit more respect and instead of just closing their doors and not helping us...admit that they have not yet got the science down perfectly instead of blaming us! Okay, yes, one day it will really and truly be over but let's not rush us there prematurely just because they haven't figured it out...
DMama, let me know when you are going to be there. DH is scheduling another SA. Let me know if you would like to meet.

Also, I think it is like doctors who ask the ER nurse do they have insurance, before you can tell them one word about the patient. One that is not appropriate. I think they feel women over 40 are a statistical risk for birth defects and they are doing their part to save money, maybe they justify it by saying they are saving the woman pain and suffering. You know when I was pg, I just had this overwhelming feeling my baby was fine but I knew if anything started to go wrong they would not fight for my baby and blame it on birth defects/abnormalities, so we had a CVS and any time a doctor would even start to lecture me I would shut them up with my completely normal results. I was an RN for almost 20 years and I have seen my share of bad doctors, not just that they were lazy or incompetent but they were just bad human beings. Some have this superiority about them that they will not provide a patient all the details for the patient to make an informed educated decision but they want to control the patients choice.
Oh, one more thing, if you have to get an updated mammogram try to find a place that does the digital, they are so much faster making it less uncomfortable. I could not believe how fast I was in and out of there.
Dmama, I'm so excited for you!!! And if Atlanta wasn't a 10hr drive from here I'd love to come meet you girls. This is going to be great and I hope things get moving fast for you and babygriffin.

Saintlysue, a couple of my best friends are pharmaceutical reps and they say the same thing about doctors. It's unfortunate...

I hap a deep temp drop this morning so it's a no again :( well I have my appointment for wed and we'll see how fast we can start moving ahead with the next ivf
Dmama, I'm so excited for you!!! And if Atlanta wasn't a 10hr drive from here I'd love to come meet you girls. This is going to be great and I hope things get moving fast for you and babygriffin.

Saintlysue, a couple of my best friends are pharmaceutical reps and they say the same thing about doctors. It's unfortunate...

I hap a deep temp drop this morning so it's a no again :( well I have my appointment for wed and we'll see how fast we can start moving ahead with the next ivf

So sorry BBbliss. I would think you could just jump back in the IVF pool.
Well today is cd3 and at least I'm having a better af so that's good news. I go in tomorrow and I'm hoping I can start this cycle and we don't loose another month so we'll see

Did you girls see this?

What a miracle! I love stories like this :)
Good news about your AF, BBbliss.

That story is amazing! I read a similar one where a lady of 49 thought she was going through the menopause and was actually pregnant. She was only having a few periods a year. There are so many stories like that. It's something I like to remember to counteract all the negativity from some doctors. I never felt old until I saw that gynaecologist! He made me feel about 90 yrs old!

Exciting to see all the ladies about to do IVF : ) Much luck to all of you. I know you're all super-strong because you have to be to get this far and keep going.

Sending positive vibes to everyone here

Oh, wow. I am so happy for her. I remember her story and how hard it was carrying a baby she knew she had to give up.
So I had my consultation today and I just wanted to jump right in and start, So I start down regulating when I get my next af that should be sep 29/30. So stims and collection will happen mid November and this time we are doing a fresh transfer. I like that better, makes it much quicker and I prefer it that way, last time it just felt like it dragged on forever and it was torture. I hope all goes well and nothing gets cancelled.

He gave us the statistics, blah blah but he also said he had a patient who got pregnant naturally at 48 so just to say anything can happen.

Fingers crossed! For all of us :)
Well today is cd3 and at least I'm having a better af so that's good news. I go in tomorrow and I'm hoping I can start this cycle and we don't loose another month so we'll see

Did you girls see this?

What a miracle! I love stories like this :)

I think this is fantastic. It looks like she must have been about 3-4 months when this was written. Does anyone know if she is still pregnant?

There must be something to that other technology. I think women past 45 get pregnant naturally. I think with IVF, they haven't quite found the right type of stims or care for our fragile eggs and they haven't been able to get good results at our age via the IVF process that they know. Some REs will believe in mini stims or even a natural cycle, but I do think there is something about the process of stimming that may not be good for our eggs and the docs aren't that keen on figuring it out because we are old and they don't care if we get preggo or not because nobody expects us to anyway. I hope soon they will be able to take pride in learning a bit more about this art that could help us older ladies.
DMama, let me know when you are going to be there. DH is scheduling another SA. Let me know if you would like to meet.

Also, I think it is like doctors who ask the ER nurse do they have insurance, before you can tell them one word about the patient. One that is not appropriate. I think they feel women over 40 are a statistical risk for birth defects and they are doing their part to save money, maybe they justify it by saying they are saving the woman pain and suffering. You know when I was pg, I just had this overwhelming feeling my baby was fine but I knew if anything started to go wrong they would not fight for my baby and blame it on birth defects/abnormalities, so we had a CVS and any time a doctor would even start to lecture me I would shut them up with my completely normal results. I was an RN for almost 20 years and I have seen my share of bad doctors, not just that they were lazy or incompetent but they were just bad human beings. Some have this superiority about them that they will not provide a patient all the details for the patient to make an informed educated decision but they want to control the patients choice.

I will keep you posted! Thanks!
So I had my consultation today and I just wanted to jump right in and start, So I start down regulating when I get my next af that should be sep 29/30. So stims and collection will happen mid November and this time we are doing a fresh transfer. I like that better, makes it much quicker and I prefer it that way, last time it just felt like it dragged on forever and it was torture. I hope all goes well and nothing gets cancelled.

He gave us the statistics, blah blah but he also said he had a patient who got pregnant naturally at 48 so just to say anything can happen.

Fingers crossed! For all of us :)

That is great news! Wishing that this is it for you!
Great news, BBbliss!

Statistics mean nothing. They only give a general picture. Your individual chance is all that matters :hugs:

Fingers crossed for you and everyone else on this thread. :dust:
I'm just happy he's still willing to do it with my own eggs, he asked if I was still 43! Lol that's how old I was the first time I came in a year ago, but by the time we do the transfer I may be 45, and I sure did not want to point that out so he really didn't look at my DOB. Well the recent studies show about a 15% of chance for a viable 5day embryo at my age so the more embryos the more chance and he kept saying how great of a responder I was so we are going with the same protocol as last time and I'm just praying we have more embryos this time around.

I read an article once that explained it this way, when a woman gets older her ovaries are like a bowl of lucky charm cereal (with a lot of milk, lol) and when you take a spoon full of cereal you may not get any lucky charms or you may get lucky and get that rainbow on your spoon. Well I already had one scoop full and didn't get a rainbow, so I feel my next scoop is coming with a lucky charm :)
I'm just happy he's still willing to do it with my own eggs, he asked if I was still 43! Lol that's how old I was the first time I came in a year ago, but by the time we do the transfer I may be 45, and I sure did not want to point that out so he really didn't look at my DOB. Well the recent studies show about a 15% of chance for a viable 5day embryo at my age so the more embryos the more chance and he kept saying how great of a responder I was so we are going with the same protocol as last time and I'm just praying we have more embryos this time around.

I read an article once that explained it this way, when a woman gets older her ovaries are like a bowl of lucky charm cereal (with a lot of milk, lol) and when you take a spoon full of cereal you may not get any lucky charms or you may get lucky and get that rainbow on your spoon. Well I already had one scoop full and didn't get a rainbow, so I feel my next scoop is coming with a lucky charm :)

That is a wonderful way to look at it. The special egg is in there...just need to get it!
I'm just happy he's still willing to do it with my own eggs, he asked if I was still 43! Lol that's how old I was the first time I came in a year ago, but by the time we do the transfer I may be 45, and I sure did not want to point that out so he really didn't look at my DOB. Well the recent studies show about a 15% of chance for a viable 5day embryo at my age so the more embryos the more chance and he kept saying how great of a responder I was so we are going with the same protocol as last time and I'm just praying we have more embryos this time around.

I read an article once that explained it this way, when a woman gets older her ovaries are like a bowl of lucky charm cereal (with a lot of milk, lol) and when you take a spoon full of cereal you may not get any lucky charms or you may get lucky and get that rainbow on your spoon. Well I already had one scoop full and didn't get a rainbow, so I feel my next scoop is coming with a lucky charm :)

I love that Lucky Charm idea! : D And great he didn't look at your DOB. You responded well last time so your DOB is just a number. And, anyway, 45 is not old at all, right? :winkwink:
BabyGriffin, you might want to try the castor oil packs. I have heard of women doing castor oil packs for blocked tubes. If the blocked tubes are caused by fluid filled cyst they may want to take care of that.

What are Castor oil packs? Can I get them at The Vitamin Shoppe?

Sorry it took me so long to get back. I never really know what to say.

I had my first appointment with Dr. Toledo yesterday. We were offered three different options with donor eggs. I am pretty sure we are going to go with the two guaranteed eggs option that will end up costing around $18,000. I guess I'm going to try to finance it all and use what savings I have accrued since the TR surgery last year to pay for meds and other things I might not be taking into account.

I have to get letters from three other doctors giving me the go ahead to do IVF. He said because of my age(45), my gp, my ob/gyn and a high risk ob/gyn have to give me the letters. I am glad I had the forethought to ask for their templates so I can get the other doctors to just sign them.

I think once I get those three letters, I'm good to go and we can really start. Dr. Toledo said depending on how long that takes, we can expect to really start things in the next 1-3 months.

One thing I'm really excited about is that I can actually pick a donor with my blood type. I don't know why, but that is really important to me for some reason.
BabyGriffin, you might want to try the castor oil packs. I have heard of women doing castor oil packs for blocked tubes. If the blocked tubes are caused by fluid filled cyst they may want to take care of that.

What are Castor oil packs? Can I get them at The Vitamin Shoppe?

Sorry it took me so long to get back. I never really know what to say.

I had my first appointment with Dr. Toledo yesterday. We were offered three different options with donor eggs. I am pretty sure we are going to go with the two guaranteed eggs option that will end up costing around $18,000. I guess I'm going to try to finance it all and use what savings I have accrued since the TR surgery last year to pay for meds and other things I might not be taking into account.

I have to get letters from three other doctors giving me the go ahead to do IVF. He said because of my age(45), my gp, my ob/gyn and a high risk ob/gyn have to give me the letters. I am glad I had the forethought to ask for their templates so I can get the other doctors to just sign them.

I think once I get those three letters, I'm good to go and we can really start. Dr. Toledo said depending on how long that takes, we can expect to really start things in the next 1-3 months.

One thing I'm really excited about is that I can actually pick a donor with my blood type. I don't know why, but that is really important to me for some reason.

BabyGriffith - I had my consult too. I also have to update some labs...argh. Where are you in the process? I don't think I can have everything to them before the end of this month. How long after you select the donor did the doc say it would be before you transfer...I think he said to me 4-6 weeks. I am so disappointed they have so many other things on their list that I have to get done....seems a bit to me to have to go through all of this considering I just gave birth 2 years ago and if I had gotten pregnant naturally, no one would have worried about whether I had a perinatal consult beforehand...well, I know it is for their liability and all, but I'd be happy to just sign off on that....
Well good luck with all that needs to happen!

Hi ladies!
BabyGriffin, you might want to try the castor oil packs. I have heard of women doing castor oil packs for blocked tubes. If the blocked tubes are caused by fluid filled cyst they may want to take care of that.

What are Castor oil packs? Can I get them at The Vitamin Shoppe?

Sorry it took me so long to get back. I never really know what to say.

I had my first appointment with Dr. Toledo yesterday. We were offered three different options with donor eggs. I am pretty sure we are going to go with the two guaranteed eggs option that will end up costing around $18,000. I guess I'm going to try to finance it all and use what savings I have accrued since the TR surgery last year to pay for meds and other things I might not be taking into account.

I have to get letters from three other doctors giving me the go ahead to do IVF. He said because of my age(45), my gp, my ob/gyn and a high risk ob/gyn have to give me the letters. I am glad I had the forethought to ask for their templates so I can get the other doctors to just sign them.

I think once I get those three letters, I'm good to go and we can really start. Dr. Toledo said depending on how long that takes, we can expect to really start things in the next 1-3 months.

One thing I'm really excited about is that I can actually pick a donor with my blood type. I don't know why, but that is really important to me for some reason.

BabyGriffith - I had my consult too. I also have to update some labs...argh. Where are you in the process? I don't think I can have everything to them before the end of this month. How long after you select the donor did the doc say it would be before you transfer...I think he said to me 4-6 weeks. I am so disappointed they have so many other things on their list that I have to get done....seems a bit to me to have to go through all of this considering I just gave birth 2 years ago and if I had gotten pregnant naturally, no one would have worried about whether I had a perinatal consult beforehand...well, I know it is for their liability and all, but I'd be happy to just sign off on that....
Well good luck with all that needs to happen!

Hi ladies!

I got my letters from my Ob/gyn and GP with no problem last week. I still have to see the high risk Ob/gyn, but I'm having a hard time getting a quick appointment. They want even more information, tests, and lab work. Here is an example of what Atlanta Perinatal Consultants wants from me: HSG results, mammogram, EKG, Hemoglobin AIC or A1C or a two hour glucose test, lipid profile and whatever records Dr. Toledo already has and whatever my Ob/gyn has. Then they will make an appointment with me and she said it was about a month wait. I am still waiting on Maternal Fetal Specialists to get back to me for an appointment and their requirements. I don't even know who to ask to order all of those tests for me. I certainly don't want to go to several different doctors. Dr. Toledo gave me a time frame of 1-3 months.
BabyG -- They told me that I needed all of those tests for the RBA clearance and then take them to the perinatal. Most of my labs are on the border of being too old, so that is why I am re-doing them but I have had them all before. I am going back to the perinatal office where I had my checks during my last pregnancy two years ago. I think that makes things easier for me since they have all of the details of the last high risk pregnancy. I hope that my labs will be done by then so I can have them be done with everything. I am hoping that is my last hurdle, but that won't be till the end of this month and then whatever it seems like it won't be till November that I get to transfer. I am tired of waiting.

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