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Anyone ovulating 31st oct/1st nov?

Say Morayo, are you temping?! You planning on using Pre-seed?!
Ive been thinking i might aswell do my best next cycle..
You know temping and buying pre seed and maybe even using OPK's?!
i'm a primary school teacher. got to go back to work later (on my day off) to do another parent's evening :hissy: No :witch: for me either but i'm expecting her today. Took another cheapie ebay test stick this morning because i'm a POAS addict and again :bfn: i'm going to temp this month and use OPKs too. Going to go buy myself a journal that i can record everything in and (hopefully!) use it to keep a diary during my pregnancy, if and when i get that far!! x
Hi girls, think i can feel that AF is about to arrive which is great in that i will know that i definately did ov on the 4th nov (CD 17) and that my luteal phase is definately 16 days every month. Also, if (fingers crossed) i ovulate on CD 17 again this next cycle, it'll be the 6th december, which is a saturday and hubby will be home!!! Yippee. I know it mightn't work like that but it's given me a ray of hope! x
Still no AF and all indications of her arrival have buggered off! Just as i thought i was getting somewhere! x
hi ladies!i dnt think ill be buying preseed, i'll temp and check my cp,cm and bd close to O everyother day, it worked for me last time so ill just stick with that besides im using pregnacare conception n the pack says it has some ingredients that helps the cm be more hospitable, i dnt want to go overboard and drown the little spermies.rofl
:muaha: swim little buggers swim ;)

Well im 17 or 18 DPO now and i want to be able to have my glass of wine tonight if im not pregger (My hubby's twin sisters came over from the UK) so i will take the leap of faith and test tonight WHHAAA

Ive had some off and on AF feelings but nothing in sight.. Tigerlady had a :bfn: on 13DPO and had her :bfp: on 18DPO so i might get lucky too :wohoo:

Alright well i dotn know if im gonna stay sane today but ill try

How are all of you doin?! :hugs:
:rofl: i might take evening primrose oil from AF to ovulation as apparently it helps you produce more CM which i could do with! x
Ooh how exciting! When are you testing Sam? You need to tell me in how many hours time as i have no idea what time it is there or how to convert that to UK time! x
In about 8 to 9 hours.. (unfortunately it is just morning here in NZ) so you'll have to sleep before you see the results haha

Either go with the prime rose iol or pre-seed.. (same thing really.. im not to fond of popping 5 different pills so ill try the pre-seed if im out of luck this time :)
i only take a pregnancy vitamin so it'll just be 2 pills for me, think i'll give it a go. what time is it, lunaty? is it friday for you? x
wow you're 13 hrs ahead! i didn't think it was as much as that! Well let us know ASAP! Still no sign of AF for me! x
I will i might wait until tomorrow morning , Tigerlady said it would be better to use FMU and now i dont know what to do anymore :S

or mayb ei should just buy two tests :D
pls test and put us out of our anxiousness. i think the epo is a cool idea nat! i know my dh will go limp on me if i brought our a jar or whatever of preseed and told him to give it a go! quick question though does ttc sometimes take the shine out of bd, sometimes especially around the time of O, i sort of act mechanically cos in my head im cheering the little spermies on and it sorta makes me distracted, dh doesnt like that, lol
Well this was our first cycle TTC but definately i wasn't 'into it' as much cause i was just thinking get them in there! lol. Any feelings of AF even peeking around the corner have TOTALLY disappeared and i feel a bit lost again. Thought i was starting afresh today and now feel a bit like i'm lagging behind waiting for another go! So happy for tigerlady, didn't realise she'd got a :bfp: of to be girlies, it's a school night you know! night night x
i had the most miserable experience ever!!! I bought a 3 pack of tests ad just had to do one when i got home.. so i did the test and i saw a line appearing..!!! withing the first few seconds... then i turned around and went outside to call hubby.. told him i thought i had a :bfp: came back into the bathroom only to see it had dissapeared :( :cry:

I cant believe this!!! i didnt have any pee left so i couldnt right away do another one.. well of we went to say hi to my Sis in laws in town and have a drink or two..

Just came back and did another one.. and yes it's :bfn:
Im just so upset :( stupid :witch: hasnt shown either...

Well i guess we will have to try some preseed next cycle..
But you're sure you saw a line?! Surely you can't get an evap line in the allotted time it takes for the test to work? I thought it was just after the time was up you got evaps? x
Well i'm 18 dpo today and still no sign of the :witch: for me either! i usually have a 16 day luteal phase so don't know whats going on. Dont feel pregnant and still :bfn: wonder if i actually ovulated even later than i thought?! x
Hi sweets

I don't want to get your hopes up, but you said you went out for a drink or two before doing your second test. You didn't say how much you drank but do you think it could be possible you diluted your urine which could have caused the :bfn:? It wasn't your FMU either.

It just seems so strange that you got a second line immediately that disappeared. I've never heard anyone have that before. I thought with evaps that they appear after 10 minutes and gradually fade. Is it worth another test in the morning hun, just to settle your mind? :hugs:


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