Anyone starting IVF cycle in April/May?

Emz - goodluck for EC today, sure it will all go well for you.

yearningheart - not long, I guess with PCOS they are being careful with you about OHSS so slow and steady is still great news, you don't want them to suddenly go into overdrive. Sounds to me like you are on track. Hang in there though because it can't be fun!

Star - you might get your appointment through this week :)

AFM - I'm fine, enjoying checking on all your progress to date and waiting for AF to show up in the next couple of weeks. My 'naughty' time is over so I'm back on the straight and narrow now and ready to shed the few pounds I've put on. Being 5ft tall is rubbish at times lol.
Hi everyone!

Emz, good luck for this morning!! Can't wait to hear good news from u!

Yearningheart, you're almost there pet, I know it seem like it's taking ages but it will be worth the wait. Ur follicles are like the tortoise not the hare! The injections are a pain, esp when they take blood every time too. I have crap veins so all my blood tests were from my hands and wrists, so it was hard to cover them up, I swear people must've thought I'm a druggie! And with acupuncture too I felt like I'd fill up with water if I took a bath!

AFM, we have 6 lovely embies doing well. The EEVA incubator has predicted that 3 are highly likely to make it to blasts, and 3 have a medium chance so we're pushing on to do a day 5 transfer! I'm so excited as we have never gotten this far before. It was a day2 first time round then day 3 last time. With any luck we might even have a couple to freeze!

Anyway, hope everyone is well. I'm just taking it easy again today, I'm off until next Wednesday!!! xo
Hi all, well it all went well & they managed to collect 4 eggs. I was a bit disappointed as I was hoping for more but fingers crossed they will all do what they have to, I will be nervously waiting for the phone call tomorrow when they tell me how many have fertilised.

Yearningheart - I have my fingers crossed for you & like they say slow & steady wins the race x

Twinklemama - that's great 6 embies you must be so pleased & all doing really well fingers crossed for day 5 transfer x
Well done twinkle on your 6 embies, sounds really good you will have 3 blasts! How many will your clinic and yourself want to transfer?

Emz, glad all went well, 4 eggs is a good number, it's the minimum I would like, hoping I get that far with the meds etc

I know I'm not starting yet but would still like to keep up to date with all your updates and wish you all the best xx
Emz, that's great news! Fingers crossed they all fertilise. Hope ur feeling ok this evening. xo

Thanx star! I'm keeping everything crossed that my embies keep strong. I think we're all agreed on 2 to be put back. I did have a dream before we started tho, in the dream it can to transfer day and we had 3 left, the third was gonna be disposed of instead of frozen so we said "just throw them all back in" lol!! Can't imagine either me or DH would want 3 tho! Imagine if they all split and we ended up with sextuplets!!
That would be so hard to have 6! I would love twins but at this moment in time will be more than grateful for 1 :)
Just thought I would update you all, the clinic called this morning & all 4 eggs have fertilised I am soooooo happy it's unbelievable.
They are going to call again on Friday to let me know how they are getting on & if they need to transfer then or wait till Sunday, fingers crossed it'll be Sunday.
How's everyone else doing?
Star - Yeah that happened to me too, I had to repeat few blood tests before starting the IVF due to the dates which was my own fault.

Lizzie - Yeah your right, I think they worry with those with PCOS incase it becomes too much. lol Hows the weight loosing going? Are you following any meals or just watching what you eat? Its so nice to stand on the weighing scale and see few pounds lost. Good luck with it, I hope you can achieve your goal :thumbup:

twinkle - Awww I like that, the follicles are like the tortoise and not the hare! Ouch injection on wrist?? I had an injection on my wrist during my 2ww last year because I was so unwell and it killed. You know its funny the amount of times ivf ladies have to take injections is unbelievable yet its so daunting to take injections, I mean its something you just cant get use to or maybe thats just me being a baby! haha
Oh my daise, imagine sextuplets, thats crazy. I would looove twins.

emz - :happydance: Oh myyyy thats excellent!!! :thumbup:
Really really happy for you and hey you said before you were disappointed with 4 eggs! See it doesnt really matter as long as they are strong and excellent quality. I cant wait to hear your updates on Friday! :happydance:

Ok for me no updates. I am still on the normal meds. I have my scan on Friday and I guess I will find out whats happening on Friday. Oh I just realised me and emz seem to have updates on Fridays. lol
Wow great news Emz you must be so pleased.

Before getting to know this world so well I never realised how much waiting was involved and that each step just meant something new to worry about! Hope your Friday phonecall comes quickly for you :flower:
Sorry yearningheart, our posts crossed. Friday is definitely update day this week!

Weightloss is going ok I follow Slimmingworld which is essentially just healthy eating and to be honest the weight falls off as long as I stick to it. I haven't actually braved the scales this week, I'm going to do that next Monday once I have a week under my belt so to speak. Freezer is full of healthy soups, lunches are made for the week and evening meals planned with instructions for DH to follow for the inevitable times I get stuck at work until stupid o'clock :winkwink:
Lizzie - Yeah I agree, Every stage of IVF is a worry of anything going go bit wrong, its so scary. Actually thats even with pregnant ladies too, I guess women feel their heart at peace when they hold their babies. Cant wait for that to happen to us :)
Ohh thats good, sounds like you got it all planned. Stay strong on it, dont worry all this will be worth it. I absolutely hate standing on the weighing scale unless I look slimmer in the mirror! haha
I am currently taking metformin pillls to help strength the womb etc. but at the same time they say its good for weight loss too (Only a little) I have noticed a difference in taking these pills. I cant do much exercise so trying to do a lot of walking before the ovaries start feeling heavy and uncomfortable which is slowly coming.
By the way ladies - A bit off the topic..

Do you follow any uTubers who go through the steps of IVF. I mean there is one 'IVFmumma' but she is due soon, I want to follow someone who is currently going through IVF. Its just nice to watch and read. x
Great news emz, so pleased for you :)

I phoned hospital today who phoned clinic and got bk to me, the lady dealing with my case is on holiday but I should here from them soon, at this rate will be a miracle just to get an appointment!
Star - Awwww I really hope you do get your appointment quick quick. The wait is a killer! lol
Star I'm convinced you are suffering these delays just so that you can be my cycle buddy ;) hope your letter comes soon though.
lizzie - haha That would be actually so great if both of you start together. Its really nice when there is another buddy at the same time, its just so sad when one gets a bfn and one with bfp or all get a no.
Last year during my IVF, there was 4 of ladies who were all similar time, it was soo nice to chat together and share the experiences, sadly all of us had a bfn other than 1 but then I dont know what happened to her as she stopped posting. Its sad when ladies get a bfn and leave baby and bump. I really do miss them and I hope they do have/get a bfp

anyways I dont know how i got to that. Take care. x
Thanks Yearningheart, hoping that this is the last time you need a buddy before moving onto the other boards :)
I would love a cycle buddy!

How is everyone today?
Lizzie - yeah hope so :)

Star - I'm well thanks. Was little naughty.. Had some junk food after agesss! Being getting cramps on ovaries so walking around doesn't feel good. I just want to sit on my bottom all day but got work and chores. How are you doing?
Hey girls!

Emz I'm absolutely delighted for u!!! Hopefully all 4 are going strong. Not sure what ur clinic will do, but at mine, 4 good embies is their criteria to push on to a blatocyst transfer. Keeping everything crossed!

Yearningheart, I was on metformin too which made me feel quite sick for the time I was on it so I lost a bit of weight. However now that I've stopped it, my appetite is literally insatiable! I had a big sandwich at lunch 2 hours ago and I'm starving again already! Looking forward to hearing ur news tomoro xo

Star, fingers crossed u get an appointment soon xo

Lizzie, u sound super organised! I've done slimming world before and found it really good, I just struggled with not eating much bread! I'm sure it will put the time in for u tho by planning ur meals etc, gives u somethin other than ivf to focus on.

AFM, I'm officially PUPO with 2 lovely blastocysts!!! 1 is perfect, the second is also very good quality. The transfer went really smoothly and certainly wasn't sore. I was dreading it cos if the bother with my mock, but thankfully it was straightforward. Now just the agonising wait until I go for bloods on 20th may. I've never got as far as test day before, I've always started bleeding before it so just praying my lovely embies stick!! I even got a report from EEVA with photos and some video footage of them developing, which is very cool! First family photos and home videos!!

Anyway, looking forward to tomoro's updates! xo

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