Mrs w we've had total nightmares with my dd! She's always been a night owl, when she was tiny I struggled to get her down before 2am, we slowly eaked it down to 9 then 7.30 but she still fought it, then at about 15 months she screamed every time I put her in her cot. It was like she was scared of it. Oh had to spend hours stroking her head til she'd go to sleep. I tried co sleeping, letting her stay up, singing, rocking, trips in the car, nothing got her to sleep and she was so tired and unhappy. Then she started doing the same for naps and my childminder eventuslly said she'd let her cry for 10 minutes (I suspect it was longer than that!!) and she'd gone to sleep. After lots of people telling me to let her cry and me refusing for months I decided I had to capitalise on it and let her cry. The first night I hoovered the whole house, then we shut ourselves in the kitchen watching the lights on the monitor go up and down she eventually went to sleep after 40 minutes. The next night it was 20 then I went out for the evening because I couldn't cope and oh said it was about 15 then she didn't cry at all, just babbled and played happily with her toys in bed! I hated doing it and refused to for her whole life but I'm glad we did it when we did. She's extremely strong minded and has a temper and she was just angry at us for making her go to bed so we had to make our point that she HAD to stay in bed, otherwise she'd have been exhausted.
All children are different though so follow your instincts, if she wants to stay up and you're both happy, go with it. It's just a phase!