Anyone struggling to get baby number 2??

I don't think there is any harm in trying this month. OH's sperm stay fresh :) If your body isn't ready to be pregnant you just won't get pregnant/implant. BUT, you have to be up for it emotionally too. A month isn't long to wait and maybe you need these few weeks to heal emotionally and get ready to "move on" from Rowan's pregnancy to a new one. Go with your heart and it will be the right decision :hugs:
Thanks ladies. Although it pains me to say it i know you're all right. THere was no way i'd have waited last time, and if this had been a first tri loss i would still be trying this month, but i know in my heart my body needs a bit more time and i need a bit of time not getting stressed about TTC. Right now i'll be really happy just to ov, get a half decent LP and start a fresh with a new cycle. I can carry on with my good work exercising and taking vits and the magic royal jelly! And of course some wine for a few more weeks :)

I WILL be trying next cycle though, i can't wait any longer. Thanks all xxx
Ill drink to that :wine:

I think it's the best decision and a month isn't long at all x
I bet you feel better for having made a decision. You will be trying and in the tww before you know it.
Thanks ladies xx how's everyone's day gone? Charlotte has a stinky cold but she's been at nursery as I was working. She often doesn't have a nap at nursery so she falls asleep in the car on the way back! When I went to get her she was in a disposable nappy because there weren't any cloth nappy liners in her bag, she doesn't really need them all the time so it's a bit annoying! Need to order some liners anyway. I've also been in touch with a couple of acupuncture places but neither have got back to me yet.
Hiya Hope you get her down ok tonight. Normally if DS falls asleep in the car he is a nightmare to get to bed later, he's been in the process of dropping the nap for ages.
My day hasn't been too bad but it hasn't stopped raining all day.
I put her straight to bed! I managed to change her pyjama bottoms but she's still in her top from nursery, but if I'd let her wake up she'd have been up til midnight xx
Oh bless her!! Freya usually goes down to bed no problem after milk and books but the last two nights she doesn't want to get into her cot, stands up and cries and screams. Anyone experienced this? It's hard, I hate leaving her and worry something's wrong so Ive been cuddling her but also don't want this to become a habit? She has been poorly and is currently on antibiotics for a nasty skin infection around her eye.

I've also got a horrible tickly cough, so not the best day but not bad either! Got back on slimming world after being bad at the weekend. Also AF is so so heavy this cycle, I haven't had a period like this for years!! Tmi but I'm soaking through my tampons, it's unheard of for me. I said to slg, I think it's the acupuncture as he's been doing a lot of blood nourishing. It's clearly worked. Obviously I'm upset I'm not pregnant but this af has made me feel very healthy, as though nothing has been quite right for a while. I feel fertile?! I don't know if that makes any sense?!!!

Anyway, sorry to drone on. Night ladies xxx
Mrs w that makes loads of sense, like is anything was prohibiting you from catching a great egg, its all out now and you are ready for a fresh start?

As for dd and the nights im no help :( my dd wrnt thru such an aweful phase and just gave up her nap after 2,5 (which i know is average but ds napped til he was 4) and she is a right cranky cow some evenings. But, bedtime routine doesnt even take 5 mins and she willingly goes towards her bed while saying "i not tired mummy" . For real that is our ritual, as i change her into her night nappy (its a mega cloth one so she knows its a night one) and into pjs she lays there and says how untired she is...

Sorry for the waffling! Munchkin i was going to agree with slg (i think) that if your body is ready you might catch that egg but you also need to be enotionally ready for it, you havent just had a loss, youve given birth in the last four weeks, although i am so amazed at your dedication to ypur health and gym etc. Maybe you would feel better waiting knowing you are literally in the healthiest time of your life and also after the pm results?
Mrs w we've had total nightmares with my dd! She's always been a night owl, when she was tiny I struggled to get her down before 2am, we slowly eaked it down to 9 then 7.30 but she still fought it, then at about 15 months she screamed every time I put her in her cot. It was like she was scared of it. Oh had to spend hours stroking her head til she'd go to sleep. I tried co sleeping, letting her stay up, singing, rocking, trips in the car, nothing got her to sleep and she was so tired and unhappy. Then she started doing the same for naps and my childminder eventuslly said she'd let her cry for 10 minutes (I suspect it was longer than that!!) and she'd gone to sleep. After lots of people telling me to let her cry and me refusing for months I decided I had to capitalise on it and let her cry. The first night I hoovered the whole house, then we shut ourselves in the kitchen watching the lights on the monitor go up and down she eventually went to sleep after 40 minutes. The next night it was 20 then I went out for the evening because I couldn't cope and oh said it was about 15 then she didn't cry at all, just babbled and played happily with her toys in bed! I hated doing it and refused to for her whole life but I'm glad we did it when we did. She's extremely strong minded and has a temper and she was just angry at us for making her go to bed so we had to make our point that she HAD to stay in bed, otherwise she'd have been exhausted.

All children are different though so follow your instincts, if she wants to stay up and you're both happy, go with it. It's just a phase!
Mrs w I also know what you mean about the heavy AF. It's sometimes very cleansing and maybe there was something physically or hormonally still hanging around that needed flushing out?? If it's making you feel better then it's probably doing you good :) it might be a good idea to boost your iron reserves though, I love spatone and it's very safe during pregnancy too.

Thanks celine. You know how I feel about the whole being ready emotionally thing! I feel ready emotionally to be pregnant again, I can deal with the grief whilst I'm pregnant please! But I'm not sure I'm ready yet for a 2ww and the dissapointment. I think the next AF will be traumatic anyway, realising I'm really not pregnant anymore, without dealing with the hope and then trauma of the bfn. I also think my next baby deserves the best start possible and starting it's life in a uterus that's not at it's best is not the best for the baby. If I was 12 weeks or less id be trying but I know how much my uterus had grown and it's a much bigger upheaval this time x
AFM I 'feel' like I could be oving, wierd twinges and lots of mucous and boob pain, but my opks yesterday were all negative and thus mornings was fainter than yesterday so goodness knows what's going on.
Mrs w have you ordered the royal jelly yet? I've been having the most yummy smoothies for breakfast with the royal jelly in. I put a banana and some blueberrys and raspberrys and oats and oat milk (normal would be fine!) and the royal jelly in a pint glass and whiz it up with a stick blender in the glass and voila!! Yummy scrummy xx
I think girls are way more stubborn than boys, with my dd i did succumb to cio as well, she was 14m and i was still up 3-4 times a night...i was shattered some mornings and my ds only slept thru at 14m on his own though and i remember with him the wakings getting fewer etc but with dd it wasnt, so it was long and painful...but we did it too.
Yeh we did cc with her at 6 months and it ended as CIO because she got worse if we went in. She's 20 months now and has happily gone to bed every night since then! I'm worried she's scared or something but yeh last night in the end after a lot if stories and cuddles I had to leave her to cry :-( hate it.

I'm hoping this heavy af is a good sign for me, it certainly feels 'healthier' and more normal than the light nasty browny afs I was having. I've got acupuncture tonight so ill mention it to him.

I haven't ordered the royal jelly yet. I started worrying that I was trying too much at once what with the vitex, starflower, vit b complex etc. I do like the sound of it though.

Wee watch - no change. Very disappointing!! I guess it takes a while to build up? I'm taking 100mg, way more than my body needs although its a time release one.

Munchkin thinking of your bfp as your next baby is a great way to think of it and that ttc next month gives them the best start. It's true and it makes it feel like a very good, very real reason. Well thought! I hope you are oving so that af will be here shortly and you can ttc officially! X
Thanks mrs w xx glad you're feeling better and AF is going ok! I've got an appointment with an acupuncturist on Thursday for a consultation, I'm a but scared, not sure what to tell her really!

Can't wait to be able to ttc properly. Come on ov or AF!!
Hello ladies. Sorry I've been missing for the past few days. We're having some building work done on our house and we had to get it ready for that.
I was all set to start taking maca but my acupuncturist suggested that I should try to keep things simple for a few months. I'm really annoyed with my body. I started spotting on Saturday as I told you. Some spotting on Sunday and then it just totally stopped. I haven't taken a hpt yet as a I don't feel pregnant and b I don't think I could cope with the disappointment of a bfn. I'm just kind of in limbo. I might test tomorrow as I should be 12-13dpi then so whatever the result it's likely to be accurate.
Why do our bodies mess us about?
What does royal jelly do?
L x
good luck with acupuncture Munchkin. I think you will love it. You could ask him/her to put one needle in your arm or something just so you can feel what it's like :)
Thanks sig x I have a tattoo and have had 9 holes in my ears, one in my nose my belly button and my tongue!! I'm not too bothered about needles :haha: what do I tell her? I want to tell her about the losses but so she knows it wasn't hormonal imbalance that caused them, and both had to be induced. Do I tell her the supplements I'm taking? That I'll soon be ttc again? That I don't think I've ov'd yet? The grief/stress? Which bits are relevant?

Loribelle all 3 times I've been pregnant I've not felt pregnant. I generally feel more pregnant when AF is on her way!! Was the dpi a typo?
Sorry sig that sounded a bit rubbish. It's a good idea to get them to put a needle in my arm, so I know what to expect, even though I'm not scared. Xx

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