Anyone struggling to get baby number 2??

2 good things about not being pregnant

Being able to top up on caffeine after a bad night with LO

Not feeling sick and trying to pretend you're fine when you haven't told anyone yet
Yes I always feel really vulnerable and paranoid when I'm pregnant like everything I do could make it all go wrong :( and actually when something goes wrong it's v v rare you know why it is, and certainly if you did anything wrong!
Munchkin thats so close to a bfn, i see a faint faint line, bfn tomorrow for sure.

Is it bad that i still feel at home in these threads than the preggo groups?

Today at church a lady due two months earlier than me eas shocked at my bump size :( to which i replied well i have been pregnant 12 mobths now!
Celine; I'm glad to still have you around in our thread :friends:

Munchkin; sounds like a lovely morning. I am headed to church soon for a friend's daughter's confirmation (a catholic ceremony). Then brunch with them. Hubby leaves this afternoon for job training. He will be gone somewhere between 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 weeks! We are used to being apart a lot but this is a long stretch. I'm a little worried about how dd will hold up.
Mrs w - agreed!

Celine thank you. I know I'm getting close now. Remember last time I got my pos opk the same day as first neg hpt? Really hope it hurries up!! I hate people commenting on bumps. Does my head in. I had people when I told them we didn't want to know the gender predicting the gender based on my bump! We don't want to know!! And it was about 50 50 so total balony. And I went into a shop at 41+4 to buy nursing bras and a total stranger asked when I was due and she says 'no, you've still got a while to go'. I went into labour the next day. Grrr. Stay with is here, I'd miss you :( there's no way I'm dipping into the trimesters and I don't feel able to go back to waiting for ov, though Id love to find out how everyone's doing. How's garfie? And anniebobs?

Thanks sig x that is a long time away. I like having me time away from oh but I'd fund that hard, especcially with having dd. You need that break sometimes xx
I sure hope you get your positive OPK any day now, Munchkin. It does seem like you are getting really close.
I think it's funny that everybody has an opinion about a pregnant lady :rofl: Why do people think they know the gender or if the baby has hair or when you will go into labor. Total hooey!

I haven't seen garfie around in a long time now. Last I heard from her she was having a bit of a rough time with her husband and he was not wanting to try anymore for another baby. I'm guessing that they aren't ttc at the moment.

Anniebobs is 6 weeks along right now :dance: She has a thread called Anniebobs adventures in wonderland if you want to check it out.
Yes i wanted to say anniebobs is preggo and looks like its a sticky fx!
I have a friend due last week, she still hant had the baby, im feeling vulnerable as i dont want her to have this baby on my 2nd edd this thurs...

Tx for lettng me stick around :)
Aww I'm so pleased for anniebobs. If you remember we got our bfps the same day but she had a chemical and then couldn't try for months :( so hope this one sticks. My OH always says life is a bit like a game of snakes and ladders so you should never compare yourself to other people. This is a really good example xx
I'm sad about garfie though. I'd so love her to get her bfp but everything ses against her :(

Celine I totally get about your friend; maybe you could celebrate your angels due date. I think you really need to mark it somehow if you can. Take the family out for ice cream
Or go and buy a plant for the garden or just something xx

How's everyone else doing this morning? I'm up with dd watching the gruffalo for the millionth time this weekend! By next week she'll have all the words memorised :)
What do you think are the chances of getting AF without oving this month? I'm on cd30 today and I'd so love this cycle to be over :(
Ok ladies, in the latest installment of "stuff munchkin's peed on today", here are my latest opks, all done with fmu...


The one on the right is today's. Thoughts please? Xx
I'd say your are gearing up to ovulate. I class cycles from 4-12 weeks as normal but never have cycles without ovulating.
Munchkin!! Your body is amazing! I agree you're going to ovulate soon. Good luck if you have decided to try!

As for me, started taking 100mg b vit complex today so looking forward to seeing my wee turn neon yellow. Will add a while new element of excitement to weeing in a plastic cup and dipping sticks in this month.
Yellow wee is wonderful if it goes too pale I know I've forgotten to take my multi vits.
Ha ha that's always a handy reminder tommy! Welcome by the way, sorry I didn't say that yesterday been on my phone so harder to reply to all the posts.

Wee watch update: no change yet :-)
Love wee watch update mrs w :) I've been taking so many vits for so long I've forgotten what my wee really looks like!

I'm still undecided whether to try. I might need to make my mind up ASAP! We've still not DTD since Rowan's birth so I've got no chance at the mo. I think I'll let you ladies decide!

Arguments to try -
Could get a bfp and that would be ace, I'd be at least 4 weeks more pregnant than if I waited til next month.
I don't want to miss an egg - I've had a go at every egg since October 2012.
I will get the excitement of the 2 week wait again and have hope.
Might have a higher chance of a bfp straight after mc??
No evidence of increased chance of mc by getting bfp straight away.

Arguments against trying -
After a 21 week loss I should give my body a chance to heal and get back to normal.
Will have to persuade oh - shouldn't be too hard, I can just confuse him! But we had said we wouldn't try this cycle.
If we leave it another month all of my good works like exercise, healthy eating, vits for me and oh will have a chance to do some good.
It's probably pointless because my Lp last time after mc was only 11 days.
Not sure I can mentally deal with the 2ww and the dissapointment.
After 2 babies with chromosomal problems, I should give the next one every chance I can.
If I did have a mc, would I always wonder??
Won't get chance to have many 'try's' anyway and ohs men might not be that fresh as we haven't DTD for weeks! Could that cause abnormalities??

So ladies, cast your votes now! To try or not to try?!?
Eurgh maybe got excited over nothing. Just did another opk and it's very negative!!
Munchin I'd maybe leave TTC for a couple of months to give your body time to recover and give to time emotionally to be ready to face another BFN.
Your body will ovulate when it's ready but you have to be sure your mind is ready too.
Having read your list munchkin, you have more on the 'wait for next month' list so I'm voting don't try this month.

However ultimately you have to go with your heart. I don't think there's any harm in trying, it's just as you said your lp was short after an earlier loss and its just so stressful wondering every day if the spotting is early af or implantation etc.

How about you ntnp this month, dtd if the mood takes you but no pressure and don't track anything, just wait for af and then try officially next month. If it happens it was meant to be!

I know I couldn't have waited tho so I wouldn't blame you for wanting to go for it.

Good luck and for what it's worth I don't think there's a right or wrong decision here, just whatever is best for you :hugs:
I'm slightly veering to thinking you should try next month. Your arguments for that are much stronger and a new cycle will be a new start. I think NTNP is a good compromise. Take the time to be intimate with your OH without the pressure to give you both a chance to emotionally heal, but maybe don't worry about preventing.

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