Love wee watch update mrs w

I've been taking so many vits for so long I've forgotten what my wee really looks like!
I'm still undecided whether to try. I might need to make my mind up ASAP! We've still not DTD since Rowan's birth so I've got no chance at the mo. I think I'll let you ladies decide!
Arguments to try -
Could get a bfp and that would be ace, I'd be at least 4 weeks more pregnant than if I waited til next month.
I don't want to miss an egg - I've had a go at every egg since October 2012.
I will get the excitement of the 2 week wait again and have hope.
Might have a higher chance of a bfp straight after mc??
No evidence of increased chance of mc by getting bfp straight away.
Arguments against trying -
After a 21 week loss I should give my body a chance to heal and get back to normal.
Will have to persuade oh - shouldn't be too hard, I can just confuse him! But we had said we wouldn't try this cycle.
If we leave it another month all of my good works like exercise, healthy eating, vits for me and oh will have a chance to do some good.
It's probably pointless because my Lp last time after mc was only 11 days.
Not sure I can mentally deal with the 2ww and the dissapointment.
After 2 babies with chromosomal problems, I should give the next one every chance I can.
If I did have a mc, would I always wonder??
Won't get chance to have many 'try's' anyway and ohs men might not be that fresh as we haven't DTD for weeks! Could that cause abnormalities??
So ladies, cast your votes now! To try or not to try?!?