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We were holding on ttc as the idea of getting pregnant & going through labour again freaks me out. In August last year I was kind of ready so I went off the pill but we weren't actively ttc.
I had a chemical in Jan, & mmc 4 weeks back at almost 10 weeks, I had to go for a D&C 2 weeks back & it was the worst experience, it was done at the same hospital where I gave birth to my son, I had to stay overnight, the next day when I was discharged I felt empty, I was leaving the hospital alone without a baby
I'm 35, I eneded up with emcs, DS was born not breathing, I still remember the OR, the noises, the drs rushing into the room, me screaming at the drs , the stress I had when I didnt have milk to bf, leaving the hospital early as I couldnt stay there anymore. We were planning to ttc 1 yr after giving birth, but the whole experience put me off having another one, when we were finally ready we went through all this
I'm too scared to try again, but I dont feel it's fair for my DS to be an only child, his heart was broken when I told him that his "brother" went to the sky, he cried none stop, I dont want him to go through this again, he was too excited about the pregnancy bless him, he told everyine at school that he's going to have a baby brother
I feel so emotional today, yesterday a friend told me she was 12 weeks pregnant with twins but she didnt tell me earlier as she didn't want to hurt my feelings