Hi ladies
Wow button thats the darkest line ive ever seen on an ic! Goodnluck xxxx
Munchkin im sorry youve had a rubbish day

i was thinking of you because ive had a rubbish day with my two and i was thinking to myself i actually have so much to be thankful for i shouldnt be a whingebag. But tbh if i had a euro everytime my four year old tattled or said "maaaawwwwwwmmm!" Id be so rich right now....
What ill do differently with next baby
1. This one will bottle feed..im getting the maturnity nurse to help me from day 1, a good friend of mine is selling me her double breast pump so if that doesnt get much milk out then ill combi feed and not feel guilty.
2. Blw & trad weaning combo, i dont need to get into blw fights (i saw once on here one lady said if your lo has even once been given a spoon even by grandma he isnt "blw") so im taking a relaxed approach. In fact, i just want my kids to eat their dinner...im just a mom trying to do whats best.
3. Like someone else mentioned not jump right away with every whine or cry. Trust my mama instinct
Alot of things i did differently with baby 2 than baby 1 are a few youve mentioned, babywear and cloth diapers, ds i started at just under a year so dd had from birth, just a few sposies in the beginning while she built up "chunk". She loved and still loves being worn