Anyone struggling to get baby number 2??

babyjan: you should be fine with your OPKs. HCG can cross react on an OPK but they only pick up levels higher than 40 or something like that. If an HPT can't see your HCG then theres no way an OPK will.

Munchkin: hang in there! Your body just went through a lot! Of course getting regular quickly would be ideal but I don't think you have anything to worry about. Our bodies bounce back and sometimes just need to take time to heal. I didn't have a period for over 2 years and now I'm cycling regularly and had a bfp last year. You will get there <3

MrsW; I'm so sorry that you are so discouraged! I wish I could make you feel better.

I thought we had missed my O this month but this morning I had more EWCM and a stronger OPK than yesterday (although not as strong as a few days ago). I think I'm probably going to O tomorrow? Hubby came home last night and we BD so fingers crossed our timing worked out ok :thumbup:
Morning ladies. Sig I'm really glad you've not missed it! Get BDing xx

My opk finally has a bit of a line on it! Still very faint but you don't have to squint to see it. Please please please let there be some progress soon! I've only got 3 sticks left for my fertility monitor before it stops asking for sticks, that's £23.99 wasted to just see 'high' 20 days in a row!

On another subject, I've been going to the gym lots since the middle of March but I've actually put on 4 lbs. it's bloody typical! I think some of it is genuinely muscle but exercise makes me so hungry! And until the last 2 nights I've drank wine every night over that period too. So now I'm on a detox. Basically ok just eating fruit, veg, white fish and meat, seeds and pulses and low fat dairy (skimmed milk, natural yoghurt and cottage cheese). This is day 2 and I'm hoping it'll help to give me a good clear out and cut out the rubbish.

Unfortunately dd is on an early waking phase so I had to resort to a cup of tea this morning!! She has never been too bad in the morning, she goes through phases but I'd say 7-8 is normal, but at the moment it's more like 5.30-6.30. Yawn!! I did used to try and get her in bed by 7-7.30 but it's now 8-8.30. I tried shortening her nap yesterday and also put a bit towel over her window so the light didn't wake her but she was still up at 6! She's pretty a cranky by mid morning too. I've got a gro click which she completely ignores. I was hoping it was just another short phase but I might have to get a big firmer about her staying in bed. Any ideas??
Exactly the same problem here with my LO Munchkin. If you solve it let me know! I think it might be related to teething with mine. I think he naturally stirs around that time but can't get comfy again as his teeth hurt.
I think I'm going a bit nuts! Can anyone see any progression??
Mrs w I just read that yams are good for increasing the length of the Lp?? Just off to find out if they're different from sweet potatoes!!
Def the start of colour on your opks munchkin.
About the wakings im n help, my dd couldnt give two damns about her gro clock sometimes, my son swears by his, n fact he wont even dare lesve his room to pee if its still "night" although he is learnng the numbers and since we on may hols ive told him i adjusted it so he only gets up at 8 but he goes to bed later.
Dd well...she is a rotten sleeper sometimes, better since she was so sick and now in a better mood but mornings are rough cos she wakes up cranky and ds wakes up as if he has had a trillion cups of coffee and gets in her face :(

My dh is on a health kick and i made this uber healthy salad for dinner..tbh i thought it would taste aweful but it was devine! Munchkin if you have pintrest i highly recommend it for inspiration on healthy eating.
Thanks celine! I'm in the middle of the most awful battle with dd. She wanted to watch peppa pig AGAIN and it's such a lovely day I put my foot fun and said we needed to play in the garden. She agreed to have her welly's on but didn't want socks so whilst I was putting them on her she threw a recycling bag with card in on the floor. 2 bits of card flew out so I told her to put them back and wouldn't let her leave the room. Cue half an hour of screaming. I walked out eventuslly and went back 10 minutes later, she was still screaming, so I offered to put one bit back if she did the other and she said 'mummy do it' so she completely understood! Then she said she wanted to go to bed so that's where she is now! Some stubbornness to go to bed at 10.20 am just to get out of putting 2 bits of card in a bag. I dread her teenage years!
On a plus note, my beautiful new bumgenius freetime poppers arrived with 10 new bamboo boosters so they're having a pre wash and will be beautifully on the line in half an hour! The things that make me happy... (Celine might be the only one that gets this!!)
Damnit celine, why didn't you stop me?!? Apparently you're not meant to wash bamboo with other fabrics! I'm now doing a 3rd 60 degree wash on the bumgenius cos I'm so paranoid about 'oil residue' from the bamboos!
I def see progression on your OPKs. I hope your positive is soon!

Your dd sounds a lot like mine. So stubborn! Sounds to me like you are doing great with her. I would just stick with it to make sure she knows she can't manipulate you. I think toddlers really are like mini teenagers. My dd has been arguing about what to eat, when to take a bath, why she shouldn't have to clean up, just about everything. She also has been crying/screaming a lot on purpose just to let me know she's upset. I'm not sure about getting her to sleep later other than to try keeping her up later in the evening. You may just have to be an early bird until her body shifts schedules again.

My dd just discovered Peppa Pig about a week ago. She wants to watch it all. the. time. This morning she told me, "I like it, and I love it, and I want to watch it everyday!" :)
Freya loves peppa pig as well!!

I thought yams were the American name for sweet potatoes. Did you find anything interesting? I do eat them quite a bit anyway, apparently eating a lot of yams can increase the chances of having twins, haha x
Well my googling taught me that yams are not the same as sweet potatoes or even related at all. It's hard to get hold of them but I am working in Birmingham at the moment and they must sell them in the market there, it's a big Afro Caribbean thing. I've ordered some capsules in the mean time!
Cool, let me know what you find out! Could you also post the link to the royal jelly again. I'm going to order some, I need to get me some of those super eggs!! X
Yep. I'm on a b100 complex so pretty much the strongest does there is and no difference. I'm going to go to the drs next week. My cycle was fine before the mc, I don't understand why suddenly it's gone so wrong.

Another friend told me today she's ttc. Literally everyone I know is excitedly announcing their pregnancies, I just want to scream!!!!!!!
:hugs: I know that feeling.

B6 only lengthened mine by 1 days.
I've read a lot of good things about Agnus Castus.
Been on agnus castus for 3 cycles now. I don't know what else I can do!
Everything I read said Agnus Castus can take 6 months to work?
Have you thought of going natural? Only folic acid? I've done that for the last few months and my cycles seem to be regulating themselves, touch wood!
I have thought about stopping all supplements but then I'm worried incase I go backwards. What do you all think? Try a cycle with nothing??
I would. Give your body a break. Just make sure you still take your Folic Acid though. It might take a few cycles to balance though.
I'm so scared it will make things worse. Grrrr. I really hate this. I'm tempted to try naterual though. If my cycle was normal pre mmc I can't see why it's so messed up now. I've been un pregnant longer than I was pregnant if that makes sense.

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