Hi munchkin, I'm glad you had a nice weekend away! Was it your birthday? Happy birthday!
Do you think some of the tablets you took could have been responsible for Rowans heart defect? That's so scary, what did you take?
You definitely can ovulate and bleed at the same time as I did last cycle. I bled/spotted for 4 days over ov, and I know I did ov because of temping. It then stopped for 5 days, spotting came back on 5 dpo and full blown af came at 9 dpo so I didn't have 20 days bleed free and I got af. So I think you will be fine, what I leant was there are no rules after mc. Anything can happen sadly.
I had acupuncture again today. I'm 5dpo and have been really crampy today with pinchy feelings, it's been stressing me out because I started spotting this time last cycle but no spotting so far, just creamy cm. I'm just so relieve this cycle has so far been so much more normal than last. Touch wood!!!
Do you think some of the tablets you took could have been responsible for Rowans heart defect? That's so scary, what did you take?
You definitely can ovulate and bleed at the same time as I did last cycle. I bled/spotted for 4 days over ov, and I know I did ov because of temping. It then stopped for 5 days, spotting came back on 5 dpo and full blown af came at 9 dpo so I didn't have 20 days bleed free and I got af. So I think you will be fine, what I leant was there are no rules after mc. Anything can happen sadly.
I had acupuncture again today. I'm 5dpo and have been really crampy today with pinchy feelings, it's been stressing me out because I started spotting this time last cycle but no spotting so far, just creamy cm. I'm just so relieve this cycle has so far been so much more normal than last. Touch wood!!!