Anyone trying for #2 around cd 4?

Same- I got to 4lbs within my pre pregnancy weight and then, like u, mine had crept back up and up! I work part time so off work and at home with ds a lot and I snack on his food way too much! Evenings are also a problem as I'm often too tired to exercise and my oh and I eat in front of the telly watching films. I used to be very happy with my weight too and was reasonably fit and now it's very different. Decided I want a sibling for my lo more than I want my old body back so I've resigned to try and sort weight out after. Also I'm going to make more of an effort to eat healthily/ exercise a little through this pregnancy. Do u do any exercise? What sort of things do u snack on? I need tips lol :0)

I have no idea where my weight is, will find out tomorrow at 6 week appt. I sure hope it is near where my pre pregnancy weight was, I am heavy to begin with and it is something I can't afford to do, I was heavy enough. I was looking forward to getting in shape after baby guess that will happen down the road :)
Can I join too? I am on CD7, I think, I had a mc last week at 5w3d so I'm not totally sure. It took us over a year to conceive DD (who's now 19 months), but were NTNP when I got pg a few weeks ago. But now I'm obsessing and really want to get pg ASAP because the mc has showed me how much I want another baby.
With DD I used a cbfm but I'll start using it next cycle in case the mc will mess around with this one (I don't want to affecting the stats).I usually O cd12-14, which is this weekend, but again I know that mc can alter cycles. I'm hoping because it was an early loss that my cycles will go back to what they were straight away.
My DD is also a great sleeper, but I think she'll be ok with a new baby because once she's asleep not much wakes her until the morning.
GL to everyone, hopefully we will get some BFPs from this thread in September!

Oh hun sorry to hear about your mc :0( Hope your cycle returns to normal very quickly! All our Los are quite close in age which is lovely :-D My sister and I have a close age gap and we're so close- I know that doesn't necessarily mean u will be! The cbfm is great isn't it. I can't believe how well if worked for me first time round so fingers crossed it does the same. GL to u too :-D Here's looking forward to some BFPs very soon!
I'd like to join! :wave:

My LO has just turned 18months and I had the implant removed 29th May. I have JUST had my first period since it's removal so starting properly this month. A little nervous to TTC as I have also decided to take a new job which is also a career change! It took us 5 months to conceive the bean we lost then only 2 months after that so I don't want to lose an opportunity in case it takes us a little while to conceive but I'm deff nervous! lol!

Good luck ladies! :flow:

Hi Kylie and welcome to u too :-D Congats on your new job! Sorry to hear about the lil bean u lost and fingers crossed for u that another lil bean comes your way very soon :-D What is the new job you have? Your lo is also close to my Los age :-D
Same- I got to 4lbs within my pre pregnancy weight and then, like u, mine had crept back up and up! I work part time so off work and at home with ds a lot and I snack on his food way too much! Evenings are also a problem as I'm often too tired to exercise and my oh and I eat in front of the telly watching films. I used to be very happy with my weight too and was reasonably fit and now it's very different. Decided I want a sibling for my lo more than I want my old body back so I've resigned to try and sort weight out after. Also I'm going to make more of an effort to eat healthily/ exercise a little through this pregnancy. Do u do any exercise? What sort of things do u snack on? I need tips lol :0)

I have no idea where my weight is, will find out tomorrow at 6 week appt. I sure hope it is near where my pre pregnancy weight was, I am heavy to begin with and it is something I can't afford to do, I was heavy enough. I was looking forward to getting in shape after baby guess that will happen down the road :)

Did u find out today Castaway if you're near your pre pregnancy weight. It's so hard isn't it getting in shape after a baby! All my friends just seemed to snap back but I'm left with excess weight and a big saggy stomach that I'm not sure all the exercise in the world can fix lol!
Same- I got to 4lbs within my pre pregnancy weight and then, like u, mine had crept back up and up! I work part time so off work and at home with ds a lot and I snack on his food way too much! Evenings are also a problem as I'm often too tired to exercise and my oh and I eat in front of the telly watching films. I used to be very happy with my weight too and was reasonably fit and now it's very different. Decided I want a sibling for my lo more than I want my old body back so I've resigned to try and sort weight out after. Also I'm going to make more of an effort to eat healthily/ exercise a little through this pregnancy. Do u do any exercise? What sort of things do u snack on? I need tips lol :0)

I have no idea where my weight is, will find out tomorrow at 6 week appt. I sure hope it is near where my pre pregnancy weight was, I am heavy to begin with and it is something I can't afford to do, I was heavy enough. I was looking forward to getting in shape after baby guess that will happen down the road :)

Did u find out today Castaway if you're near your pre pregnancy weight. It's so hard isn't it getting in shape after a baby! All my friends just seemed to snap back but I'm left with excess weight and a big saggy stomach that I'm not sure all the exercise in the world can fix lol!

I still have about 14 pounds to go :cry:

It is even more difficult as I will have ankle surgery on Friday and we are going to TTC immediately so I may have more to loose after this pregnancy....I guess it is all worth it in the end just disappointed more did not come off in the last 5 weeks...
Ive just started going swimming again,i enjoy it and its gentle but effective exercise for me (i had a back operation in july).I also spend my evenings with hubby sat in front of the tv,i always end up snacking at night when DD is in bed,as thats when i finally start winding down and relaxing.I would like to lose a bit of weight but find it very depressing going on a diet as i love food and love to cook,so im just trying to cut down and get fitter.We are also trying to include a lot more fruit and veg in our diet and ive started making juices to help with this
Im also looking forward to seeing if theres any bfp's from this thread in sept!
Im hoping i OV this month (first month off the pill) so that i can be in with a chance

I have a 22 month old and have just started ttc number 2! I haveno idea what cd4, cd6 etc stands for lol. We got pregnant within 3 weeks of me coming off the pill with Louise. We tried a couple of months ago for just one month and nothing happened. Went back on the pill but have now decided to definitely try again!
Very scary as I was hospitalised with Louise due to preeclampsia and was extremely ill after having a general c section and bad reaction to morphine, kidney failure after etc so it's scary but I know it's worth it :)
Hoping it happens quickly for us again before hubby changes his mind lol
Ive just started going swimming again,i enjoy it and its gentle but effective exercise for me (i had a back operation in july).I also spend my evenings with hubby sat in front of the tv,i always end up snacking at night when DD is in bed,as thats when i finally start winding down and relaxing.I would like to lose a bit of weight but find it very depressing going on a diet as i love food and love to cook,so im just trying to cut down and get fitter.We are also trying to include a lot more fruit and veg in our diet and ive started making juices to help with this
Im also looking forward to seeing if theres any bfp's from this thread in sept!
Im hoping i OV this month (first month off the pill) so that i can be in with a chance


That is what I am going to do just not indulge as much and hope the last of the baby weight at least comes off. Back to more veggies/fruits and less fried foods. Also gonna go back to only once a week an indulgence in Diet Coke too!
Boo I wrote a whole message and just as I was finishing it I pressed something and lost the whole lot lol! Here goes again...

Castaway- argh sorry u didn't hit the weight u hoped to be- I know the feeling well. It will definitely be worth it in the end tho and we can worry about the weight down the line. Hope the op goes well on Friday. What are u having down to your ankle? Good luck with it and hope you're recovered and well again soon- keep us posted as to how it went

Dogtanian- swimming is so good for u isn't it, I haven't been in ages! I'm making a real effort to eat a teensy bit better. I'm eating an apple as I speak lol :-D The smoothies sound like a fab idea too- shall give those a go! I'm trying to hide veggies in pasta sauces and things so I think I'm not really eating them ha ha!

Little mum- Hi! Cycle days refer to where u are in your cycle so Cd1 is cycle day 1 which I count as the first day after my period. So you get about 5-6 cd (cycle days) on your periods and then somewhere around cd14 some people ovulate. I think I ovulate later than tht though. Sorry to hear about the experience you had with preeclampsia :0( I was induced and in hospital I saw quite a lot of girls in due to preeclampsia. I hope a second labour goes more smoothly second time for u.

Girls I've screwed up my cbfm this month so can't use it and just going for not preventing instead. Shall start the monitor next month. Baby dust to u all :-D
Boo I wrote a whole message and just as I was finishing it I pressed something and lost the whole lot lol! Here goes again...

Castaway- argh sorry u didn't hit the weight u hoped to be- I know the feeling well. It will definitely be worth it in the end tho and we can worry about the weight down the line. Hope the op goes well on Friday. What are u having down to your ankle? Good luck with it and hope you're recovered and well again soon- keep us posted as to how it went

Dogtanian- swimming is so good for u isn't it, I haven't been in ages! I'm making a real effort to eat a teensy bit better. I'm eating an apple as I speak lol :-D The smoothies sound like a fab idea too- shall give those a go! I'm trying to hide veggies in pasta sauces and things so I think I'm not really eating them ha ha!

Little mum- Hi! Cycle days refer to where u are in your cycle so Cd1 is cycle day 1 which I count as the first day after my period. So you get about 5-6 cd (cycle days) on your periods and then somewhere around cd14 some people ovulate. I think I ovulate later than tht though. Sorry to hear about the experience you had with preeclampsia :0( I was induced and in hospital I saw quite a lot of girls in due to preeclampsia. I hope a second labour goes more smoothly second time for u.

Girls I've screwed up my cbfm this month so can't use it and just going for not preventing instead. Shall start the monitor next month. Baby dust to u all :-D

Yeah i hear you on the weight, I have to stop beating myself up over it I guess!

Sorry the montior got screwed up, maybe you will get lucky anyway!

We are CD8, we may try to BD the first time tonight since I gave birth, don't know how that is going to go....:wacko:

My ankle needs to have the ligament rattached and to clean up my cartilage. I was almost hit by a car at work about a year ago and my ankle has never been the same since! :nope:
Yeah i hear you on the weight, I have to stop beating myself up over it I guess!

Sorry the montior got screwed up, maybe you will get lucky anyway!

We are CD8, we may try to BD the first time tonight since I gave birth, don't know how that is going to go....:wacko:

My ankle needs to have the ligament rattached and to clean up my cartilage. I was almost hit by a car at work about a year ago and my ankle has never been the same since! :nope:[/QUOTE]

Lol! I think I'm cycle day 7 I count the day after AF as cycle day 1 but don't know if that's right or not. I'm either cycle day 7 or 8! Goes so quick! Going to try and catch tht little egg anyways without the monitors help. The monitor is fab tho so if it doesn't work I'll use it again properly next month.

Oh no that sounds awful :nope: Hope the op gets it all sorted for u tho.
Twinks- i always thought CD1 was the first day of proper AF.If you have a rough idea of your cycle you can still go for it and theres every chance you might still get lucky
Castaway-Good luck with :sex: after your sad loss.The only upside is you might be very fertile after your pregnancy.
Yeah i hear you on the weight, I have to stop beating myself up over it I guess!

Sorry the montior got screwed up, maybe you will get lucky anyway!

We are CD8, we may try to BD the first time tonight since I gave birth, don't know how that is going to go....:wacko:

My ankle needs to have the ligament rattached and to clean up my cartilage. I was almost hit by a car at work about a year ago and my ankle has never been the same since! :nope:

Lol! I think I'm cycle day 7 I count the day after AF as cycle day 1 but don't know if that's right or not. I'm either cycle day 7 or 8! Goes so quick! Going to try and catch tht little egg anyways without the monitors help. The monitor is fab tho so if it doesn't work I'll use it again properly next month.

Oh no that sounds awful :nope: Hope the op gets it all sorted for u tho.[/QUOTE]

Twinks- i always thought CD1 was the first day of proper AF.If you have a rough idea of your cycle you can still go for it and theres every chance you might still get lucky
Castaway-Good luck with :sex: after your sad loss.The only upside is you might be very fertile after your pregnancy.

Cycle day 1 is the day AF shows! :)

Is it true you are more fertile after being pregnant right away? I sure hope so!
Yeah i hear you on the weight, I have to stop beating myself up over it I guess!

Sorry the montior got screwed up, maybe you will get lucky anyway!

We are CD8, we may try to BD the first time tonight since I gave birth, don't know how that is going to go....:wacko:

My ankle needs to have the ligament rattached and to clean up my cartilage. I was almost hit by a car at work about a year ago and my ankle has never been the same since! :nope:

Lol! I think I'm cycle day 7 I count the day after AF as cycle day 1 but don't know if that's right or not. I'm either cycle day 7 or 8! Goes so quick! Going to try and catch tht little egg anyways without the monitors help. The monitor is fab tho so if it doesn't work I'll use it again properly next month.

Oh no that sounds awful :nope: Hope the op gets it all sorted for u tho.

Twinks- i always thought CD1 was the first day of proper AF.If you have a rough idea of your cycle you can still go for it and theres every chance you might still get lucky
Castaway-Good luck with :sex: after your sad loss.The only upside is you might be very fertile after your pregnancy.

Cycle day 1 is the day AF shows! :)

Is it true you are more fertile after being pregnant right away? I sure hope so![/QUOTE]

Lol we've had two friends that fell pregnant again starlight away! First time around it took one lot a year and a half to conceive and our other friends two years. Both couples fell pregnant within months of having their baby accidentally and one pair fell pregnant and didn't realise until she was 28 weeks pregnant he he. Was a shock for them but obviously they were thrilled! Does tht still happen i wonder when Los are a lil older ie over a year.
I've reset my monitor and made it start from cd5 so cd6 (tomorrow) it will ask me for a stick. I thought it may pick up when I ov then. Don't know if that will work lol. I'm cycle day 9 today then if I count the day I started AF on. Where has that gone?!
Yeah i hear you on the weight, I have to stop beating myself up over it I guess!

Sorry the montior got screwed up, maybe you will get lucky anyway!

We are CD8, we may try to BD the first time tonight since I gave birth, don't know how that is going to go....:wacko:

My ankle needs to have the ligament rattached and to clean up my cartilage. I was almost hit by a car at work about a year ago and my ankle has never been the same since! :nope:

Lol! I think I'm cycle day 7 I count the day after AF as cycle day 1 but don't know if that's right or not. I'm either cycle day 7 or 8! Goes so quick! Going to try and catch tht little egg anyways without the monitors help. The monitor is fab tho so if it doesn't work I'll use it again properly next month.

Oh no that sounds awful :nope: Hope the op gets it all sorted for u tho.

Twinks- i always thought CD1 was the first day of proper AF.If you have a rough idea of your cycle you can still go for it and theres every chance you might still get lucky
Castaway-Good luck with :sex: after your sad loss.The only upside is you might be very fertile after your pregnancy.

Cycle day 1 is the day AF shows! :)

Is it true you are more fertile after being pregnant right away? I sure hope so!

Lol we've had two friends that fell pregnant again starlight away! First time around it took one lot a year and a half to conceive and our other friends two years. Both couples fell pregnant within months of having their baby accidentally and one pair fell pregnant and didn't realise until she was 28 weeks pregnant he he. Was a shock for them but obviously they were thrilled! Does tht still happen i wonder when Los are a lil older ie over a year.
I've reset my monitor and made it start from cd5 so cd6 (tomorrow) it will ask me for a stick. I thought it may pick up when I ov then. Don't know if that will work lol. I'm cycle day 9 today then if I count the day I started AF on. Where has that gone?![/QUOTE]

Ha ha ha I am CD 9 today too, another high. We BD last night so I am hoping to O in the next 5 days. I think we will BD again tonight as my surgery is tomorrow...
Cd12 here.
Bd'ed cd 9, 12 and will do 14 and maybe 15 if I ovulate that day . Had ewcm for 5 days last cycle from cd 10-15 and ov'ed on cd 15.
Ewcm started on cd 10 this cycle again :)

We conceived in 1 cycle last time and only bd'ed once 3-4 days before ovulating.
CD10 here. I usually O on cd12-14 but the OPKs are clearly negative, I only have creamy cm and no O pain so I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon. I just hope I do O as I've heard some women don't O the cycle after a mc :(

GL everyone! :dust:
Hi Lily and Beki!
Castaway- how did th ankle op go on Friday? Hope you're recovering quickly.
Dogtanian- how's the healthy eating going? I was doing really well but had a few lil snacks as it was my husbands birthday this week. We're going out for a meal tonight and I want to make the most of having some red wine in case in the future I'm pregnant again. Also it's the first time we've actually properly been away (apart from at a wedding) without lo so can let our hair down a bit. Then back onto healthy eating tomorrow as I was feeling quite energetic this week just up upping my fruit, veg and water in take.

My cbfm is on a high today so must be getting close to ov! I reset my whole monitor I can't remember if I said and thought I'd give it a go using it anyway even tho its on cycle day 7 and I'm on cycle day 11 lol. Ah well it's picked up the increase anyway so that's fine. Baby dust to you all. How's everyone getting on?
Hi,Everyone :flower:
Good to hear that eveyone is building up to OV.Im so anxious/excited to see whether i will actually OV after coming off the pill.Im CD13 so gonna start OPK today,is the general consensus that 4pm is the good time to POAS?
The healthy eating is not great,but really trying to increase fruit veg and water also.
I eat a gluten and wheat free diet anyway,so i should be healthy...but i just love a bit of cake!
Hi Lily and Beki!
Castaway- how did th ankle op go on Friday? Hope you're recovering quickly.
Dogtanian- how's the healthy eating going? I was doing really well but had a few lil snacks as it was my husbands birthday this week. We're going out for a meal tonight and I want to make the most of having some red wine in case in the future I'm pregnant again. Also it's the first time we've actually properly been away (apart from at a wedding) without lo so can let our hair down a bit. Then back onto healthy eating tomorrow as I was feeling quite energetic this week just up upping my fruit, veg and water in take.

My cbfm is on a high today so must be getting close to ov! I reset my whole monitor I can't remember if I said and thought I'd give it a go using it anyway even tho its on cycle day 7 and I'm on cycle day 11 lol. Ah well it's picked up the increase anyway so that's fine. Baby dust to you all. How's everyone getting on?

I am ok, thanks for thinking of me!! I am in pain, so much so that we are not even going to make it this ovulation window (although we BD twice so who knows!) but I can tell you I am surprised how much pain I am in. The doctor said once he got in there it was worse then he thought...I will be up and ready for our next cycle and still using my CBFM to ensure that I have it up and running for next month....

Baby dust girls!!

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