Anyone trying for #2 around cd 4?

Hope you feel better soon Castaway! I had back surgery in July so i know how you feel.
Even if you are out of the running this month,its a good idea to be ready for next month
I did OPK yesterday and this morning (CD13 & CD14) and got a faint line both times so fingers crossed its going to happen for me! i used to OV around CD17 before DD so i hope the faint lines are building up to a big fat O!
Hope you feel better soon Castaway! I had back surgery in July so i know how you feel.
Even if you are out of the running this month,its a good idea to be ready for next month
I did OPK yesterday and this morning (CD13 & CD14) and got a faint line both times so fingers crossed its going to happen for me! i used to OV around CD17 before DD so i hope the faint lines are building up to a big fat O!

Best of luck hun, I am in so much freakin pain AND when they intubated me and took the tube out they have my throat so swollen and some how I must have bit my tongue, so thats numb!:cry:
Hope you feel better soon Castaway! I had back surgery in July so i know how you feel.
Even if you are out of the running this month,its a good idea to be ready for next month
I did OPK yesterday and this morning (CD13 & CD14) and got a faint line both times so fingers crossed its going to happen for me! i used to OV around CD17 before DD so i hope the faint lines are building up to a big fat O!

Best of luck hun, I am in so much freakin pain AND when they intubated me and took the tube out they have my throat so swollen and some how I must have bit my tongue, so thats numb!:cry:

Aw hun sorry you're in pain after the op :0( I'm sure it will all be worth it in the long run though. My nan had a knee replacement and I remember her saying it was really painful afterwards but after a few months she was completely back to normal and running around lots. You'll get there hun and have exciting times ahead to distract you lol ;-) it's a good idea to get the cbfm up and running. My monitor will be out of sync for a few months as I've reset it for this cycle and then going to have to reset it next cycle too as its not in line with my cycle days lol! It's been on a 'high' again today and I'm getting all the usual pains tht I get when I ov so fingers crossed. Dogtanian sounds like you are close to ov as well! :-D
My cbfm says peak this morning! :-D I've had two highs with it over the past two days and today is a peak. We dtd on both high days though so not sure if its too much doing both peak days as we did tht last time when ttc and it didn't work. Whoops lol- ah well it's all good fun ;-)
My cbfm says peak this morning! :-D I've had two highs with it over the past two days and today is a peak. We dtd on both high days though so not sure if its too much doing both peak days as we did tht last time when ttc and it didn't work. Whoops lol- ah well it's all good fun ;-)

Yeah! I did not got pregnant by dtd on the peak days but the high days leading up to it! You are in the game hun!

Well for me, I am officially confused! lol I know the first month you may not get peaks, and to be honest, last time I didn't till the second month (I used it a month before last time to see if I would ovulate as I was coming off birth control and my cycle was wonky). Well I only had highs, I am CD13 today. I usually ovulate between 10th and the 13th...but then again my cycle may be different so this is a wait and see kinda thing.

Well, this is where it gets weird! lol On Saturday my right ovary hurt, like OV pain. So I am going with I o'ed that day. If so we did the deed 2 and 3 days prior. If that is true, we are even more in this than l thought! I would be 2 DPO now if that is the case. I am taking all my medication as I called the OBGYN and they said to take the medication until I test positive then we would have to rethink my medication specifically my aspirin intake. I only took one dose of pain killers yesterday, hoping for the same luck today on that. Been powering through he pain pretty much :haha: We have so much going on that I don't see how we could be positive this month BUT for accidentally hitting our high days, I swear that would be wonderful!!! My period should start in 13 days, last time I tested positive at 9 DPO and I start to test at 8! lol I cannot believe it, I am officially in my TWW! Good luck ladies!!:flower:
My cbfm says peak this morning! :-D I've had two highs with it over the past two days and today is a peak. We dtd on both high days though so not sure if its too much doing both peak days as we did tht last time when ttc and it didn't work. Whoops lol- ah well it's all good fun ;-)

Yeah! I did not got pregnant by dtd on the peak days but the high days leading up to it! You are in the game hun!

Well for me, I am officially confused! lol I know the first month you may not get peaks, and to be honest, last time I didn't till the second month (I used it a month before last time to see if I would ovulate as I was coming off birth control and my cycle was wonky). Well I only had highs, I am CD13 today. I usually ovulate between 10th and the 13th...but then again my cycle may be different so this is a wait and see kinda thing.

Well, this is where it gets weird! lol On Saturday my right ovary hurt, like OV pain. So I am going with I o'ed that day. If so we did the deed 2 and 3 days prior. If that is true, we are even more in this than l thought! I would be 2 DPO now if that is the case. I am taking all my medication as I called the OBGYN and they said to take the medication until I test positive then we would have to rethink my medication specifically my aspirin intake. I only took one dose of pain killers yesterday, hoping for the same luck today on that. Been powering through he pain pretty much :haha: We have so much going on that I don't see how we could be positive this month BUT for accidentally hitting our high days, I swear that would be wonderful!!! My period should start in 13 days, last time I tested positive at 9 DPO and I start to test at 8! lol I cannot believe it, I am officially in my TWW! Good luck ladies!!:flower:

Ah fantastic! Fingers crossed for u then hun!! It's much easier to tell when u get the ov pains isn't it. Some people don't get them but mine are quite strong. Wow u tested positive really early then! Eek your post has me feeling even more excited! Can't believe it's into the 2 ww already! :happydance:
Wow I can’t believe we’re entering the TWW! Exciting!

afm I’m not sure if I have O’d or not, going by O pain I think I O’d in the night, but yesterday morning and evening I had almost positive OPK and then this morning it’s positive but I think I may have already O’d and that the positive test is the tail of it, idk :shrug: Anyway we dtd last night so hopefully whether it was last night or today we’re in the running. We probably won’t be able to dtd tonight (DH is out) and was planning on dtd tomorrow. Usually when I get O pains they last a few days, building up and then go after O, but they only started lightly on Sunday then quite painful yesterday and nothing today. I just hope it wasn’t a false alarm. Oh well, time will tell, looks like I’m either just in or about to enter the TWW. GL everyone :dust:
I still havnt OV'd so im the only one thats not in the TWW! ive had a few faint positives,but not a positive yet.I used to OV CD17-18 so hoping thats still the case (CD16 today).
Is it common to not OV the first month off BC?
Would be great if someone on this thread got a BFP this month
I still havnt OV'd so im the only one thats not in the TWW! ive had a few faint positives,but not a positive yet.I used to OV CD17-18 so hoping thats still the case (CD16 today).
Is it common to not OV the first month off BC?
Would be great if someone on this thread got a BFP this month

I did not O the first month off BC!! It happened to me :)
I cannot believe how constipated I am! (Sorry way too much TMI!) I am only about 4 DPO so I am not sure if it is from the pain killers I was on or the pregnancy...last time I was pregnant I was constipated and then had bad diarrhea so it could go either way!

My gums also bled this morning when I brushed, I had that last time when I was preggers too! Gah, the TWW! LOL We only dtd twice so I am not holding out much hope, but seriously, cannot wait to POAS!!!!:haha:
Dogtanian- I've had friends that haven't ov on the first cycle off bc. Fingers crossed for u tho as u might ov later like u said :-)
Castaway- the tww feels like the longest wait doesn't it. From tomorrow on I'm joining u in the tww! Sounds like u had a lot of tell tale symptoms the first time round! I only got the morning sickness at 6 weeks but had nothing before that last time to indicate I was. Keeping my fingers crossed for u! The symptoms sound promising eek :-D
Beki-eek we'll both be entering the tww together. How exciting! Sounds like u dtd a lot ;-) we have only done so twice so far so not sure if this month will be our month lol. I wasn't feeling very well yesterday on my peak day so we gave it a miss. We might do tonight as this is my final peak but Castaway you've given me hope lol as u fell on the high days!! We did a lot more to conceive last time- we used one of those lubricants that help fertility too which we haven't used this time. Eek for the tww :-D
Its getting so exciting,wont be long before you can all test!
Ive had another good faint positive today and loads of CM (tmi) and we have :sex: so hopefully all bases are being covered...just incase
Dogtanian- I've had friends that haven't ov on the first cycle off bc. Fingers crossed for u tho as u might ov later like u said :-)
Castaway- the tww feels like the longest wait doesn't it. From tomorrow on I'm joining u in the tww! Sounds like u had a lot of tell tale symptoms the first time round! I only got the morning sickness at 6 weeks but had nothing before that last time to indicate I was. Keeping my fingers crossed for u! The symptoms sound promising eek :-D
Beki-eek we'll both be entering the tww together. How exciting! Sounds like u dtd a lot ;-) we have only done so twice so far so not sure if this month will be our month lol. I wasn't feeling very well yesterday on my peak day so we gave it a miss. We might do tonight as this is my final peak but Castaway you've given me hope lol as u fell on the high days!! We did a lot more to conceive last time- we used one of those lubricants that help fertility too which we haven't used this time. Eek for the tww :-D

Its getting so exciting,wont be long before you can all test!
Ive had another good faint positive today and loads of CM (tmi) and we have :sex: so hopefully all bases are being covered...just incase

I start testing this Sunday! lol I cannot wait. I go from there is really no way to wow, we may have a chance. We did not dtd on our peak days but last time we didn't either so who knows! lol They say it is better to have the sperm there waiting for the egg anyway....If not I have a wedding anniversary get away planned for hubby and I next ovulation cycle so that would be an excellent opportunity as well :winkwink:
I don't know it any of you live in the Uk, but if u do did anyone watch the Midwife programme last night? Loved tht man tht was saying 'we' want to go pain free! Err lol! I love watching programmes like tht- makes me even more broody :-)
I don't know it any of you live in the Uk, but if u do did anyone watch the Midwife programme last night? Loved tht man tht was saying 'we' want to go pain free! Err lol! I love watching programmes like tht- makes me even more broody :-)

My hubby lets me make all the decisions on the delivery. When I delivered he looked so scared...I was so quiet too didn't yell or anything. Yes it is still painful with an epidural but no where near it could be! He came over to me quietly very pale and said, "I love you so much and need you please tell me you will be OK..." I was like I will be fine but can I push now? LOL Poor guy, can't believe he is onboard this fast for #2....
Im in the U.K and have heard loads of people talking about that midwife programme on facebook,will have to watch it when i get the chance.OH loves watching one born every minute,he always says when is the new series starting
Lol Castaway- but he was there and that's what counts. We've got a friend whose husband didn't even want to be at the birth as he doesn't like gore/ needles/ hospitals but when our friend went into labour he couldn't bring himself to leave her! I love all those type of programmes- one born very minute etc! I was watching I think it's called Call the Modwife the other day and they had a 16 year old on there giving birth and she looked so overwhelmed bless her.
How things going in the land of ov? Dogtanian have u had a peak yet and ov? Hang in there if u haven't- there's still time. If not u might well ov next month. I'm just waiting away- don't feel pregnant, have absolutely no symptoms either so shall just have to wait and see :0) my lo is so lovely at the min- teething seems to have had a large break and he's just so happy and lovely to be around. Had to put that out there lol.
Lol Castaway- but he was there and that's what counts. We've got a friend whose husband didn't even want to be at the birth as he doesn't like gore/ needles/ hospitals but when our friend went into labour he couldn't bring himself to leave her! I love all those type of programmes- one born very minute etc! I was watching I think it's called Call the Modwife the other day and they had a 16 year old on there giving birth and she looked so overwhelmed bless her.
How things going in the land of ov? Dogtanian have u had a peak yet and ov? Hang in there if u haven't- there's still time. If not u might well ov next month. I'm just waiting away- don't feel pregnant, have absolutely no symptoms either so shall just have to wait and see :0) my lo is so lovely at the min- teething seems to have had a large break and he's just so happy and lovely to be around. Had to put that out there lol.

I didn't get peaks this month but that is probably b/c it was my first month using it. If we are still trying next month I am sure we will see them :)

I don't feel pregnant like I did last time so I am now doubting myself too....the tww is evil! LOL:dohh:
I love one born every minute, though couldn't watch when I was pg with DD, I was too scared! :winkwink:

Well I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to O this cycle. I have had 3 days of positive OPK in a row now and no sign of getting fainter. I had bad O pain yesterday and Tuesday and absolutely nothing today. So I think my body has been trying to O after my mc but hasn't been able to. I'm on cd17 and I usually O between cd12-14 so I guess my body just hasn't managed it :nope:

Oh well, better luck next cycle. Annoyingly as well is that I don't know when AF is due if I didn't O. Grrr I'm quite annoyed :growlmad:

GL and :dust: to you other girlies! I hope to see some BFPs soon!
I love one born every minute, though couldn't watch when I was pg with DD, I was too scared! :winkwink:

Well I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to O this cycle. I have had 3 days of positive OPK in a row now and no sign of getting fainter. I had bad O pain yesterday and Tuesday and absolutely nothing today. So I think my body has been trying to O after my mc but hasn't been able to. I'm on cd17 and I usually O between cd12-14 so I guess my body just hasn't managed it :nope:

Oh well, better luck next cycle. Annoyingly as well is that I don't know when AF is due if I didn't O. Grrr I'm quite annoyed :growlmad:

GL and :dust: to you other girlies! I hope to see some BFPs soon!

Maybe you O'ed and don't realize it :)

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