My cbfm says peak this morning! :-D I've had two highs with it over the past two days and today is a peak. We dtd on both high days though so not sure if its too much doing both peak days as we did tht last time when ttc and it didn't work. Whoops lol- ah well it's all good fun ;-)
Yeah! I did not got pregnant by dtd on the peak days but the high days leading up to it! You are in the game hun!
Well for me, I am officially confused! lol I know the first month you may not get peaks, and to be honest, last time I didn't till the second month (I used it a month before last time to see if I would ovulate as I was coming off birth control and my cycle was wonky). Well I only had highs, I am CD13 today. I usually ovulate between 10th and the 13th...but then again my cycle may be different so this is a wait and see kinda thing.
Well, this is where it gets weird! lol On Saturday my right ovary hurt, like OV pain. So I am going with I o'ed that day. If so we did the deed 2 and 3 days prior. If that is true, we are even more in this than l thought! I would be 2 DPO now if that is the case. I am taking all my medication as I called the OBGYN and they said to take the medication until I test positive then we would have to rethink my medication specifically my aspirin intake. I only took one dose of pain killers yesterday, hoping for the same luck today on that. Been powering through he pain pretty much

We have so much going on that I don't see how we could be positive this month BUT for accidentally hitting our high days, I swear that would be wonderful!!! My period should start in 13 days, last time I tested positive at 9 DPO and I start to test at 8! lol I cannot believe it, I am officially in my TWW! Good luck ladies!!