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katO: Your email reminds me a LOT of my ex's (abusive) family who used to send him long emails too. And he also used to try to address each point individually, but honestly it won't make a difference how much sense you try to talk. I think it's definitely the best policy just not to engage. Even if your other family members or friends judge you just ignore them. People don't understand until they've been in the same situation: I didn't understand my ex until I got front row seat at one of their altercations.
As for your ivf cycle I think you're just setting your expectations low in case ivf doesn't work but our hopes are all high for you![]()
I know that now but at the time my narcissistic brother was threatning to not come to the wedding if I didn't apologise plus I couldn't stand all the gaslighting and projection that was going on (although I didn't know that's what it is at the time). Plus his nasty comment of DH just drove me over the edge. Now that I know about NPD and the my brother in all likelihood has it, I know that my reaction was wrong. I'm JADEing way too much (Justify, Argue, Defend and Explain). But I was still trying to show him that I'm not this awful, selfish person he constantly accuses me of being : I know now that it's futile and have completely given up ever having any form of relationship with him. Hence why I'm planning on going no contact, he simply won't stop his constant character assasinations of me.
I know though that my enabler cousin will rush to his defense when I do send him a no contact letter. She seems to also pity him because his father wasn't around and he didn't get a lot of stuff as a kid. She sees me as having had it better because my father was there (although not much since he worked a lot; he had his own printing business) and I got so many toys and clothes (but that was because my father made a lot of money and it made the family look good). She's totally ignoring the fact my narcissistic brother lived with us for years and got about $500 a month for "helping out with the housework" but he did practically nothing so it wasn't like he had it rough or anything. I'd argue our mother was/is much more abusive to me since all her sons are "Golden Children" (and daughters are Scapegoats although my older sister grew up with her father and his new wife) but that doesn't seem to be something I'm allowed to say, even though it's true. I think she only sees him with his mask on, where he's nice and very likeable. I've unfortunately seen him without his mask where he becomes a condescending, arrogant and very cruel human being.
His enabler wife is constantly making excuses for him (she is forever telling everyone what a superlative human being my brother is *gag*). This is BTW what she wrote after that altercation over FB at the start of January this year concerning my "Don't tell infertiles to just relax" post where my brother was ignoring everything I had to say and then when I tried to politely disengage, insulted me by calling me childish in a very arrogant and condescending manner:
Just an FYI....I am not too happy about having my and [your brother]'s fertility journey posted in the Facebook stream that now many people have seen. [Your brother] and I considered this a private matter between us, especially while we were going through it. So, please, no more reference to our "journey" to conceive.
You know [your brother] isn't the most sensitive with his words, and is very into "debate". He IS concerned and feels badly that you are going through this...please believe that. I could be dying with a ruptured appendix and he just tells me to go take 2 Advil and forget about it! (that is true!!) He cares about you, but always takes the non-emotional, very pragmatic road. Not the most warm and fuzzy with his words. Nonetheless, I wish you all the luck in the world, [DH] and [KatO79]. Thinking about you. TRY CLOMID!!!
Ugghh! You're right about people not understanding, many don't. DH was even preaching trying to make my relationships with my narcissistic famiy work and give them chances (although he wasn't blaming me at all). But he comes from a nice, normal family where even the couple of semi-jerks can behave in a somewhat polite manner. Once he read all the nasty emails and FB messages my brother has written and heard first hand how evil my mother can be (including her gaslighting me a number of times), he stopped feeling that way and gets it pretty well now (although his naive parents remain kinda clueless although I think my FIL is starting to wake up).
As to my IVF cycle you're correct