Thanks KatO. I understand, we all have our own struggles. Even when I hear about people getting BFP right after chemicals I also don't feel so hopeful because I'm not them and it varies so much from person to person. At the same time, it does make me feel better knowing that this is common and it doesn't necessarily mean something is "wrong". I think being on these forums help a lot with that.
Also hope you find a great house soon. House hunting for me may be one of the more stressful things in life, even more so than TTC so far because it's entirely up to you, so it's a lot of decision fatigue.
You should just abbreviate "narcissistic mother" to NM and "narcissitic brother to NB just like how we say DH or MIL
Yeah I think having CPs is first maybe an issue when you've had more than 3 if I'm remembering correctly

But even then some ladies get BFPs after having had a number of CPs and MCs. I think one member I spoke to a bit some months ago has had numerous MCs and CPs but she's now pregnant and expecting her 1st so there's always hope
Funnily enough I don't find house hunting very stressful

It's almost fun to shop over the internet and see which houses look good and the go out and look. I on the other hand hate moving though, packing and transporting stuff to the new house/apartment is always a bother. This move more so since it takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour to drive to the town we want to move to

DH wrote to the seller today to ask for a new report after we checked out the old one from back in 2003. The vast majority of the flaws from that old report the owner has fixed so providing there's nothing serious, we'll be making a bid, just have to wait until after New Years to see the recent report since he can't get anyone out until after.
Yeah I was considering those abbreviations but was afraid most wouldn't understand them since this is technically a TTC forum

But maybe I could start using abbreviations (NMom = Narcissistic Mother, NBro = Narcissistic Brother, NSis = Narcissistic Sister, Ecousin = Enabler Cousin, EWife = Enabler Wife, GC = Golden Child and SG = Scapegoat) on this thread since pretty much everyone on here knows about my toxic family?
Good morning, ladies!
I'm feeling cheerful today.

Got to celebrate my birthday over the weekend and got a really awesome gift set from my mom and sisters, which I am enjoying right now.
Psycho - Oh man, I'm sorry to hear about that chemical! But at least you know you CAN get pregnant, right? That's how I try to look at it. I know it's hard to keep a positive outlook at times, though. Especially when you've been TTC a long time.
Kat - I don't blame you for not taking the house with roof problems. This is my and DH's second home we've purchased (our first home was in the ghetto and it was a pile of junk! lol, but that was all we could afford at the time) and we were so relieved when we learned that this current home has a new roof. Rooftops are so pricey and there can be so much damage caused by a single leak -- if the seller won't repair that for you, then I'd have stayed away from it too!
Happy belated birthday

What gift set did you get?
Yeah I seriously doubt the seller would fix it although we probably could've gotten the house a bit cheaper. But yeah, it'd have delayed when we could've moved in also and been a pain.
Morning ladies. My mom is coming to town today and staying with us for a week. I'm about to head out to try to get some final Xmas shopping done while DH is at work (love teacher holidays!). I've also got to go to the phone store. Found a cell phone in the parking lot yesterday and can't get into it to find out who it belongs to (or to call any contacts to try to return it). I tried to reply to some of the texts because on my phone I can reply to a text w/out having to put in my passcode but this phone is locked down.

So I finally called AT&T and they said they can locate the owner without having to access the phone so I'm bringing it in today. Hopefully they can get hold of the owner and get it back soon. Before Christmas is what I'm hoping! If I had known they could do that I would have just taken it to them yesterday when I found it! lol!
Hi girls, I think I just experienced a chemical this past week. I wouldn't have even known if I didn't track my cycle so closely but my temp usually drops 2 days before AF and instead mine kept rising. Saw a line one day on IC, got excited and tested on a FRER next morning and it was already super faint. So I already suspected it wasn't going to work out and AF started a day later blegh. I personally have mixed feelings about this because this is the first time I even saw any evidence of egg and sperm ever meeting so I'm glad to know that it is possible. At the same time, if it already took 8 cycles for this to happen, I wonder if it will be another 8 cycles or more for it to happen again and whether it'll be a chemical again. At the same time, I know everyone has their own struggles here so I want to be grateful for what I already have.
DH has also been a saint during this process and I'm very grateful for that. I guess 2016 BFP here we go. Happy holidays everyone!
So sorry

The only way that I knew about my 2 CPs was because I track my cycles very closely too and my LPs are always exactly 9-10 days, never more so when I hit 11DPO something was up. It's perfectly understandable to have mixed emotions. On the positive side at least you know something is happening but it's so hard to see that line and then lose it.
I had my first CP at I think my 7th cycle, and then my 9th cycle I had my second one. I didn't get a chance to try really my 8th cycle because that's the month my dad went a little crazy and pulled a gun on us and I had to have him arrested. :/ During my fertile week, and it sort of ruined the mood. I don't want to scare you that I had a second CP so soon (I think I have low progesterone but dr won't test yet, going to push for testing in January), but more so encouraging that there's a chance you may conceive within the next couple cycles. Several girls in my other group got their BFP the first or second cycle after a CP. It could go either way.
Kat Hopefully the new house works out!! That would be so nice! Good luck with the xmas visits to your moms. Hope that it is uneventful.
Hope they find the owner of that phone! I actually lost mine once (it's a white Samsung Galaxy Note 3), this past summer actually, super embarrassing as it's a 2 year old Christmas gift from DH

It was at a heavy metal festival but luckily someone must've found it and handed it over to the lost & found people which is where we found it.
Yep here's hoping

We just need to hope no other buyers are interested. They did mention they had 1 couple out the week before but hadn't heard back so hoping they ended up buying another house and we won't have any competing bids.
Thanks Angel but it turns out she suddenly called DH today and cancelled the whole thing

She said she couldn't manage it

DH offered we could go out and buy all the food but she was adamant and started talking about how she was so upset my GC NBro (Golden Child Narcissistic Brother) is still no contact with her ect. ect.

I'm sure she'll be using it against me in the future, how she spent Christmas all alone