Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Hi ladies!

I just want to pop by to give everyone here some encouragement. I was active here many months back and was glad I was in this forum. The ladies were very helpful and gave me lots of encouragement. I think some of you may remember me from the earlier posts.

I have been quietly stalking this thread and congrats to all those who are pregnant! And for those who are still trying, please don't give up hope.

Just a little recap of myself. I am 36 this year and after a missed miscarriage 2 years back, we tried every natural method to conceive but not successful. But in May 2015 this year, we successfully conceived and I am now 30 weeks pregnant with our first child despite having a fibroid which is still in my womb next to my baby.

I don't really know what was the recipe of success because we tried everything from Metformin to Vitamin D to PreSeed to castor oil to temping to ovulation kit. It's probably combination of all.

Just don't lose hope and hang in there. You can still get pregnant in your mid 30s. Good luck everyone!
Hi ladies!

I just want to pop by to give everyone here some encouragement. I was active here many months back and was glad I was in this forum. The ladies were very helpful and gave me lots of encouragement. I think some of you may remember me from the earlier posts.

I have been quietly stalking this thread and congrats to all those who are pregnant! And for those who are still trying, please don't give up hope.

Just a little recap of myself. I am 36 this year and after a missed miscarriage 2 years back, we tried every natural method to conceive but not successful. But in May 2015 this year, we successfully conceived and I am now 30 weeks pregnant with our first child despite having a fibroid which is still in my womb next to my baby.

I don't really know what was the recipe of success because we tried everything from Metformin to Vitamin D to PreSeed to castor oil to temping to ovulation kit. It's probably combination of all.

Just don't lose hope and hang in there. You can still get pregnant in your mid 30s. Good luck everyone!

I think I remember you :) I am so so happy for you and a huge congrats :happydance: Thanks for stopping by and sharing the news and for the encouragement. Hope to see you posting in other forums here. Good luck and have A happy and healthy pregnancy!
Thanks Kat! Glad to see you but wish it was in the first tri....soon maybe FC!! You seem to be so proactive with your fertility I have a feeling you will get your BFP soon.

Yeah but I have to be at my age since I'm 36 (turning 37 in May) so time is not with me:wacko: IVF seems to be the only possible way for us to conceive since all 6 IUIs failed and the natural way was of course going no where:nope:

Anyway just got back from my appointment and it still looks like it'll be 4 follies but I was fully prepared for the smaller ones to not be able to catch up. My lining looks really good:thumbup: But since my 4 follies still not large enough, I have to take 300 IU Bemfola for a few more days so ER will be Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm going in for one more scan on Sunday so they can check follie sizes and be sure about which of those days it'll be. DH wasn't too happy about my ER being changed from Sunday to now Tuesday/Wednesday because he was supposed to go on a job related course on Tuesday. But there's no one else to drive me since my in-laws took off for vacation last week and my mother's a malignant narcissist so don't want her along that day, she'll just come with snide comments and be embarrassing in front of the RE and nurses:nope:

BTW if we need to do another IVF, my RE told me it'll be short protocol next time:thumbup:

On the plus side it seems as if DH and I hit the limit so I didn't have to pay for my Bemfola Pens today (the state is taking over now I guess):thumbup:

All this stuff makes my head spin just listening to you yalk about it yikes. It will all pay off though.

I'm having one of those days where I'm super irritated by my friends or just women in general that take for granted getting pregnant. A good friend of mine has 3 beautiful children all conceived by accident and she often tells me she wishes she never had kids. I can totally understand that but the irony of it all kills me. Vent over.

More productively I just ordered a pre mama supp with myo-inositol and folic acid. Supposed to help you ovulate which I don't think I always do. Regardless it's also good for a more restful sleep, anxiety and mood balance so I figure it can't hurt. :shrug:

Here's hoping:thumbup:

Totally get where you're coming from. My mother is a malignant narcissist and she's told me often if she could redo her life, she wouldn't have any kids. Thanks Mom:wacko: I still remember when we told her we were TTCing 2 years ago, she was constantly trying to talk me out of it and constantly saying that kids "aren't worth what you put into them":wacko: I finally got her to stop, no easy feat since she's a narcissist, but it was so annoying and hurtful to hear. But as usual her feelings, needs and wants always come first:nope: But can agree with her that she shouldn't have had kids since we're all messed up more or less (the 3 still living that I have contact with are narcissists to varying degrees and then there's me that has issues from having grown up in a toxic enviroment).

Could you tell your friend that you're having problems conceiving and find her comments hurtful or that you're maybe not the best person to discuss those feelings with? Hope those products help you O:flower:

AFM TTC-wise still having my twinges and hoping all 4 are really good quality to make up for the lack of quantity. DH still seems pretty hopeful although he does see that it would've been a bit better to have had a few more follies. He's going to talk to his boss today to see if he can take either Tuesday or Wednesday off depending on what day it ends up being. If he can't and they only let him deliver his :spermy: on the morning of, I don't know what we'll do:shrug: It really stinks my in-laws took off before as they'd already volunteered to drive me if DH can't take the whole day off. I've been thinking maybe his little brother could do it (since he lives close by and is currently unemployed unless he has an interview that day or something) but am not much for that idea as I'm not very close to him (although at this point my relationship is much better with him than with my own biological, narcissistic siblings), only if DH can't. I'm hoping since his boss is a woman she'll be more understanding and ok it but we'll see. I'll update with what she says.
zen - thank you!! Makes it so much easier to hear from others who have had success!! :)

ireadyermind - I have a friend very much like this. 4 children and 2 adults currently living in a 1 bedroom apartment. Only 1 is working, partially because childcare is too expensive but mostly because she doesn't want a job. But they spend their money on frivolous things, barely can buy food and diapers and there is so much their kids don't get or have because of it. And she basically talks about how she can't stand her kids most of the time, the only one she ever talks positively about is the 2 y/o (her only boy). It's heart breaking.

Kat - good luck!!! I'm keeping FX that they let your hubby have the day off so that everything can go well! :)
Hi Ladies

Angel... I am so sorry
xo..nice to see you back, but I wish I wasn't.....

I hope you ladies have a fantastic holiday season and I also hope we hear from others who have already had their babies.........I think the year will be finishing out with some more Christmas BFPs

AFM: currently 36 weeks pregnant and have developed some blood pressure issues...apparently while pregnant it is common to develop high blood pressure, especially if it already runs in your family and it does in, the doctors have already told me I wont be allowed to go over my due date (December 18) and that has now changed to I may not make it to the due date and may be induced at any time in the next 28 days.... I cant believe how fast this has gone and I really hope each of you gets to their bfps for the new year,....:flower:
Question: Does anyone use progesterone cream? If so, was it prescribed after doing hormone tests or did you make a decision on your own w/out a doctor?

Just wondering because my typical LP is only 9 days long, and I've had 2 CPs in the last 3 cycles so I'm a little concerned that there is the possibility of low progesterone, but I am still debating about talking to my dr yet because I don't want to hear the "you have to have been trying a year" speech again.

cutestuff - hope things work out well!
Nope, don't use prog cream but then again my lp is fine - just have swimmers issue here. I would ask the dr if I wanted some. No harm in asking. It is possible they will do whatever they can to help.
Kat - good luck!!! I'm keeping FX that they let your hubby have the day off so that everything can go well! :)

Thanks Angel:flower:

It turns out DH was so busy he forgot to ask his boss yesterday so now that will first happen on Monday:wacko: He seems pretty confident he'll be allowed to take the day off but I told him he should call his little brother today and have him prepared just in case his boss is a witch:shrug:

As for your friend: That worries me:nope: Once I hear a mother prefering a certain gender and not prioritising their childrens' needs, I worry the mother may have a personality disorder. My own mother has one (I strongly suspect NPD - Narcissistic Personality Disorder- but she'd never go to a psychiatrist so will never be officially diagnosed) and she prefers her sons plus always puts her needs and feelings above her kids and always says she regrets having them (even telling her children this). I feel so sorry for those kids. If that's the case, they'll have tough roads ahead of them, I unfortunately speak from experience:nope: I've been subjected to verbal and emotional abuse all my life from my NPD mother and NPD older brother.

BTW speaking of him, I forgot to mention that it was my narcissistic brother's birthday yesterday. He's been silent treatmenting me since January after I politely told him to stop getting personal and politely tried to stop a debate by citing I wasn't in the right emotional place about the whole "relax and you'll get pregnant" thing. After telling him we should take it at a later date because of my emotional state (he was ignoring everything I had to say anyway), he told me I only wanted to stop the discussion because it wasn't going my way and when I was ready for an adult conversation and to hear "a differing point of view" to post on (it was all over FB). I wrote him an email saying he shouldn't get personal another time after he wrote me a totally fake apology. He hasn't spoken to me since. Anyway I wrote him a birthday greeting on FB anyway (also to avoid his enabling wife going after me) but he didn't respond. He "liked" and responded to the person before and after me, but not me and didn't "like" it either. Wasn't expecting it anyway :shrug:
Angel - I don't use progesterone cream, sorry. Wish I could help!

But I have a question too! Do any of you get really vivid dreams in your TWW?

Whether it ends in BFN or BFP, I'm just curious. I have vivid dreams all the time, but this month they're all baby themed ever since ovulation. I haven't been obsessing over TTC this month like I have in previous months, it's still too early for AF to be late. I remember I had a dream last month about babysitting someone else's kid, but this month it's nightly dreams of MY baby. Giving birth, setting up a nursery, that kind of thing. It makes me a little suspicious. Can hormones affect what you dream about?

But tell me what you've experienced either way, so I can help myself to not read too much into it. Haha. Thanks in advance!
Hi ladies! Hope you are all having good weekends!!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. We are working on our inherited rental property. :/ My husband inherited a bunch of property when his grandmother died. We sold one house because we couldn't afford to keep the mortgage. The other is a cute little 1930s house on a river that she had been letting his drug addict uncle and his crazy gf live in. They TRASHED THE PLACE. Freakin' tweakers. . . . I mean, when we finally got the gf kicked out (uncle is in jail....lovely family...took 4 months to get it through probate) we got in and found out the crazy woman had destroyed this place. I mean we'd be better off dropping a match on it. LoL . But we have some friends who desperately want to rent it and have said they'd fix it up (help us fix it up) if we let them rent it. They're in a bad place right now, so we agreed. This weekend we've been working on the place. DH is working on fixing some of the wiring and repairing some floors and stuff, while my mom is helping me work on cleaning out and fixing up the bedrooms and stuff. We made some great progress, cleaned out a bunch of junk, ripped up carpets, found beautiful original hardwood floors under the carpets, and painted the walls. It's actually looking decent in the 3 rooms we worked in today. Still a long way to go but I'm happy. Exhausted, but I feel accomplished. :)

Kat Yeah, I think the friend has some sort of personality disorder. She was recently diagnosed bipolar but I would not be surprised if there was some other BPD or something. Sorry to hear about your brother. Sounds like you are better off getting the silence treatment.... :nope: :shrug:

ireadyermind I have not really had vivid dreams in the TWW that I can think of. Sorry. :shrug:
Hi ladies! Hope you are all having good weekends!!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. We are working on our inherited rental property. :/ My husband inherited a bunch of property when his grandmother died. We sold one house because we couldn't afford to keep the mortgage. The other is a cute little 1930s house on a river that she had been letting his drug addict uncle and his crazy gf live in. They TRASHED THE PLACE. Freakin' tweakers. . . . I mean, when we finally got the gf kicked out (uncle is in jail....lovely family...took 4 months to get it through probate) we got in and found out the crazy woman had destroyed this place. I mean we'd be better off dropping a match on it. LoL . But we have some friends who desperately want to rent it and have said they'd fix it up (help us fix it up) if we let them rent it. They're in a bad place right now, so we agreed. This weekend we've been working on the place. DH is working on fixing some of the wiring and repairing some floors and stuff, while my mom is helping me work on cleaning out and fixing up the bedrooms and stuff. We made some great progress, cleaned out a bunch of junk, ripped up carpets, found beautiful original hardwood floors under the carpets, and painted the walls. It's actually looking decent in the 3 rooms we worked in today. Still a long way to go but I'm happy. Exhausted, but I feel accomplished. :)

Kat Yeah, I think the friend has some sort of personality disorder. She was recently diagnosed bipolar but I would not be surprised if there was some other BPD or something. Sorry to hear about your brother. Sounds like you are better off getting the silence treatment.... :nope: :shrug:

Wow hope you manage to get the place fixed up, what's wrong with some people:nope:

Your friend could also have NPD as well (which is what a number of people in my family have). Especially with her comments that she regrets having kids and has a gender preferance. I think it's also common with personality disorders for a person to display mostly one PD but also have characteristics of another. E.g. my mother seems to have NPD but also some BPD mixed in. BTW I think many people that have BPD have grown up in a traumatic home where there has been abuse (either emotional, mental, physical or sexual or a combination of some of them).

Yeah I'm almost enjoying the silent treatment, I much prefer it to him being mentally and verbally abusive:nope: It's sad but I think I may have to go no contact in the end with both siblings to protect my emotional well-being.
So it looks like it'll be only 3 follies as the 3 are 19-20 mm and the 4th is now around 16 mm:nope: I had a feeling as my right side was a bit less twingy these last few days:shrug: So hoping those 3 are totally perfect so we definitely have 1 for transfer and hopefully 2 to freeze [-o<

I trigger tonight at 10 PM and go in for ER Tuesday morning:happydance: She says ET will be Thursday in the early afternoon (providing I have 1 good embie to transfer) as they have the best results with 2 day old embies.
Angel I have a tube of progesterone cream as I suspected a deficiency since I have short (24-26day) cycles although I haven't used it yet. I wanted to wait until I've charted a bit and could nail down whether or not I might have a short LP. Don't want to use it and not actually need it. I can give you a link to the site I got loads of info on using it from if you'd like!

ireadyermindI always have vivid dreams during 2ww but not always baby themed. I think it's the hormones. I've even had a birthing dream :shrug: Sorry that probably wasn't much help.

Kat I remember you telling me about your less than supportive family :( I haven't told a soul about ttc except you lovely ladies. I think the added stress of others opinions and "insight" would be too much for me. FC that all goes well with the transfer. Please keep us updated!

AFM...Day 6 and I'm planning on splurging on some FR OPKs this week. I don't want to be to intense about charting and timing but I think I've been a bit too layed back and ought to put a bit more effort in! I feel my cycle felt more regular this month. Came later, no PMS (I hear this is a good thing!) and I bled for a full 4 days. Hoping this is a good sign.
Kat I remember you telling me about your less than supportive family :( I haven't told a soul about ttc except you lovely ladies. I think the added stress of others opinions and "insight" would be too much for me. FC that all goes well with the transfer. Please keep us updated!

AFM...Day 6 and I'm planning on splurging on some FR OPKs this week. I don't want to be to intense about charting and timing but I think I've been a bit too layed back and ought to put a bit more effort in! I feel my cycle felt more regular this month. Came later, no PMS (I hear this is a good thing!) and I bled for a full 4 days. Hoping this is a good sign.

I think that's probably wise that you haven't told anyone. Then you're free from peoples' stupid comments and advice:nope:

My family isn't only unsupportive when it comes to TTC, it's a general issue. E.g. my narcissistic brother for years told me that the only reason I never was able to get a job here is because I'm negative (even though it's a well known fact you need connections to get a job in this country, especially in academia). He was always so nasty and rude about it, totally dismissive of everything I would tell him. I recently found out by looking back on his FB timeline (I've had an account since 2007 but wasn't very active until 2010-11 or so) that back in 2009 he told a friend that getting a job in Denmark isn't always so easy and he knew a number of people struggling. So yeah, he's been gaslighting me all these years! He's also always sided with our narcissistic mother in any altercations I've had (before he went no contact with her about 6 years ago after she for the 2nd time verbally attacked his enabler wife), also because she changes the events so she looks completely innocent and I constantly look like the instigator. I remember one time he totally went after me and was condescending via email (since he never calls me) and I told him what really happened and asked him why didn't he wait to hear my side before he decided I was the problem. He gave me yet another, condescending and contempt filled answer that there is no point in asking me because he finds my side as equally filled with emotional baggage as our mother's even though I'm one of the most emotionally and mentally healthy members of the family (other than my cousin's daughter) and always tell the truth. So yeah, it's scapegoating at it's finest and at the moment I'm being ostracised from my siblings and cousin, all because I try to set healthy boundaries for my siblings' selfish behavior in a polite manner :nope:

Hope you find charting and OPKs helpful :) I tried that for a few months but the OPKs were a bit of a waste in the end since I always O one of 2 days and I found temping stressful in the end plus I felt it wasn't helpful for me :nope:

AFM TTC-wise took my trigger shot last night at 10 PM and now praying I don't O before ER tomorrow morning. I'm always nervous of that happening since it happened for 1 of my 6 IUIs :wacko: DH's little brother actually has a job course he needs to go to tomorrow (he's unfortunately unemployed) but says maybe we can figure something out if DH can't stay with me during the procedure + the rest of the day. DH just needs to tell him ASAP today so he has time to call the place and see if he can change the date or something.
So just got back from ER and we have 3 good quality eggs (at least that's what the RE felt according to how easily she got them out of their follies). The 4th follie that was 14 mm (must've heard wrong since I thought it was 16 mm) was empty but we weren't counting much on that one anyway:shrug: DH's count was 90 million so here's hoping we have 1 nice embie for transfer on Thursday. There was only 1 other couple for ER and DH said that he thinks they only had 2 follies and 1 egg if he heard correctly:wacko: Wasn't too bad since I was both on morphine and a local anasthethic although they had to give me a bit more morphine at one point. Having some pain but it's bearable and having some bleeding but have a large pantyliner on. They told me to take it easy today and only get up to go to the toilet and if I want to get myself a glass of water or something. They'll call me Thursday morning with the results and hopefully tell me I need to come in for a transfer that day:thumbup:
So just got back from ER and we have 3 good quality eggs (at least that's what the RE felt according to how easily she got them out of their follies). The 4th follie that was 14 mm (must've heard wrong since I thought it was 16 mm) was empty but we weren't counting much on that one anyway:shrug: DH's count was 90 million so here's hoping we have 1 nice embie for transfer on Thursday. There was only 1 other couple for ER and DH said that he thinks they only had 2 follies and 1 egg if he heard correctly:wacko: Wasn't too bad since I was both on morphine and a local anasthethic although they had to give me a bit more morphine at one point. Having some pain but it's bearable and having some bleeding but have a large pantyliner on. They told me to take it easy today and only get up to go to the toilet and if I want to get myself a glass of water or something. They'll call me Thursday morning with the results and hopefully tell me I need to come in for a transfer that day:thumbup:

KatSounds like it's good so far. All my fingers crossed for you Kat!!! Take it easy today and keep us posted about Thursday. Very exciting!

This is the link for the progesterone info. I use this site for info on all the natural fertility and it has been very useful over the years. Helped me get my cycle back and then helped me get regular.
So just got the call: all 3 fertilised:happydance::happydance::dance::dance::yipee::yipee::headspin::headspin:

Getting 1 transferred and the 2 other ones will be developed into day 5 blasts and then they'll see if they're good to freeze. Going in at 10:15 AM Danish time for my transfer. I didn't hear what grade the embie that will be transferred is as I was so super excited to hear all 3 fertilised since I was afraid we might be told none fertilised:blush::haha:

I will update when I get back (evt. this post if no one else posts anything after). Trying to fill my bladder now which is a daunting task as my bladder is a bit crappy:wacko:

UPDATE: Transfer went fine although I'd drank too much water so really had to pee so they let me "take the edge off":haha: Once the speculum went in I felt like peeing again though and they could see my bladder was completely full:wacko: At one point I was afraid I was gonna pee on the RE:wacko: They very quickly and easily got the embie in and I got to pee right afterwards although DH found it highly amusing so he laughed his head off:growlmad: I don't know why he chose today to be annoying but I bit his head off at bit.

So now comes the wait:coffee: Go in for a pregnancy blood test on December 10th:thumbup:
So just got the call: all 3 fertilised:happydance::happydance::dance::dance::yipee::yipee::headspin::headspin:

Getting 1 transferred and the 2 other ones will be developed into day 5 blasts and then they'll see if they're good to freeze. Going in at 10:15 AM Danish time for my transfer. I didn't hear what grade the embie that will be transferred is as I was so super excited to hear all 3 fertilised since I was afraid we might be told none fertilised:blush::haha:

I will update when I get back (evt. this post if no one else posts anything after). Trying to fill my bladder now which is a daunting task as my bladder is a bit crappy:wacko:

UPDATE: Transfer went fine although I'd drank too much water so really had to pee so they let me "take the edge off":haha: Once the speculum went in I felt like peeing again though and they could see my bladder was completely full:wacko: At one point I was afraid I was gonna pee on the RE:wacko: They very quickly and easily got the embie in and I got to pee right afterwards although DH found it highly amusing so he laughed his head off:growlmad: I don't know why he chose today to be annoying but I bit his head off at bit.

So now comes the wait:coffee: Go in for a pregnancy blood test on December 10th:thumbup:

Oh my gosh! I am so excited for you. Really hoping this works and you get your BFP in Decemeber. Just looking back and knowing all you've gone through to get this. I wish I could give you a hug! Now try not focus every second of every day on dec 10th (yeah right lol).
So just got the call: all 3 fertilised:happydance::happydance::dance::dance::yipee::yipee::headspin::headspin:

Getting 1 transferred and the 2 other ones will be developed into day 5 blasts and then they'll see if they're good to freeze. Going in at 10:15 AM Danish time for my transfer. I didn't hear what grade the embie that will be transferred is as I was so super excited to hear all 3 fertilised since I was afraid we might be told none fertilised:blush::haha:

I will update when I get back (evt. this post if no one else posts anything after). Trying to fill my bladder now which is a daunting task as my bladder is a bit crappy:wacko:

UPDATE: Transfer went fine although I'd drank too much water so really had to pee so they let me "take the edge off":haha: Once the speculum went in I felt like peeing again though and they could see my bladder was completely full:wacko: At one point I was afraid I was gonna pee on the RE:wacko: They very quickly and easily got the embie in and I got to pee right afterwards although DH found it highly amusing so he laughed his head off:growlmad: I don't know why he chose today to be annoying but I bit his head off at bit.

So now comes the wait:coffee: Go in for a pregnancy blood test on December 10th:thumbup:

Oh my gosh! I am so excited for you. Really hoping this works and you get your BFP in Decemeber. Just looking back and knowing all you've gone through to get this. I wish I could give you a hug! Now try not focus every second of every day on dec 10th (yeah right lol).

Yeah that might be tough:haha: I've already been illogical today:winkwink: I was afraid that peeing too much afterwards may make the embie fall out:wacko: Needless to say DH laughed his head off at that one:dohh:

At least now I'll be in a better mood for the Christmas luncheon this Saturday. DH's nosey friend may start asking me again if I don't want kids or something similiar:nope: She did that April last year and since I didn't answer, she may try again. She has 1 small child herself that I think she pretty easily conceived so she has 0 understanding for anything else. I always found that line of questioning rude, especially as I don't know her very well:dohh:

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