Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

I got my CH! I'm 4DPO. :D AF due on the 8th and will test on probably the 10th or 11th. That's still only 12DPO on the 10th and I want to try to wait until 14DPO to avoid getting another heart crushing BFP That turns into another CP. :( I also know I might not make it that far. LoL :haha: We'll see.

:wave: Welcome harley.quinn! I'm in a similar boat, all my friends had children in their 20s or won't be having any so I'm sort of alone in the TTC category!

ireadyermind :( Sorry AF got you. :(
Angel I'm 4dpo today. I just got my CH on FF. it's saying I O on cd18 but I actually think it was sometime in the 19 going by symptoms and cp and the fact that my strongest OPK was at 2am that day. But I'm just gonna go with it.
My cycles are 26 days and my LP is short...7-8 days now. I've read lpd isn't even a thing and that women with 8 day LP conceive all the time. I've also read that many women don't get pregnant until they lengthen it and or use a progesterone sup. So just in case I did tribulus his cycle which may have helped move my O up about 12 hours and I'm now using progesterone cream.
I'm going to try not to test until I'm at least 1-2 days late, if I am. It will be hard.
2ww=hell lol

Hoping that my ou get your bfp this cycle and its sticky!! How nice for us both to get them at the same time?? ��
Happy holidays everyone! :xmas12: I've been on vacation and then also down with a cold so not gonna write too much right now. Definitely feeling out already because I don't think a cold during O will increase our chances but hey 2016 has only gotten started. 2016 BFPs here we come!
Xokitty - oh I hope we both get our BFP!!

Welcome back psychochic!

I am feeling sort of out but for no real reason except my post O temps are lower than I'd like. My cover line is really low this month though. :/

Right now it's snowing here and we have a 2 HR delay for tomorrow. Woot! Kinda hoping it cancels but dont really want to have to make up the day so a 2 hour delay will at least give me a shorter day with a chance to sleep in. :)
Happy holidays everyone! :xmas12: I've been on vacation and then also down with a cold so not gonna write too much right now. Definitely feeling out already because I don't think a cold during O will increase our chances but hey 2016 has only gotten started. 2016 BFPs here we come!

Hope you had a nice vacation!

I don't think a cold is too bad fertility-wise, I think it first really affects your fertility if you have a fever. The hospital I go to cancel your IVF cycle if you have a fever during stimming :wacko:

Here's hoping everyone gets their BFP very soon!

AFM DH will be calling the guy that inspected the house today to ask a couple of questions and then later today will call the owners to bid:thumbup: Here's hoping they won't want more than what we're max planning on paying:wacko:

UPDATE: DH has given our bid and the owners said they'll think about it :wacko: I have no idea if that's good or not? We only bid about $14,600 under what they want for it (they want about $271,000 for it).
Christmas break is over and it's back to work today. Ugh. I'm so not feeling it. LoL! It snowed here last night and we have a 2hour delay today so that the roads will be driveable. Inside of town isn't bad but parts of our district are out in the outskirts (and up the hills) and so they have much worse road conditions than we do. At least it'll be a short day to start the week off. But seriously, I think that the first week back from a long holiday should be only 4 days long. We need to ease back into this thing! :rofl:

Kat - thinking about it isn't necessarily bad. They wouldn't want to just jump and say yes right away, looks too desperate. They may counter bid. That's the way it worked when we bought our house. Though, We didn't do much bidding because the appraisal came back at several thousand higher than what the owners wanted, and the realtor working with the owners told us straight up that they had basically no wiggle room because they had borrowed against the house when they bought their second house (they were using this one as a rental when we bought it) so we knew they wouldn't go down anymore. FX that you get the house. :)
Christmas break is over and it's back to work today. Ugh. I'm so not feeling it. LoL! It snowed here last night and we have a 2hour delay today so that the roads will be driveable. Inside of town isn't bad but parts of our district are out in the outskirts (and up the hills) and so they have much worse road conditions than we do. At least it'll be a short day to start the week off. But seriously, I think that the first week back from a long holiday should be only 4 days long. We need to ease back into this thing! :rofl:

Kat - thinking about it isn't necessarily bad. They wouldn't want to just jump and say yes right away, looks too desperate. They may counter bid. That's the way it worked when we bought our house. Though, We didn't do much bidding because the appraisal came back at several thousand higher than what the owners wanted, and the realtor working with the owners told us straight up that they had basically no wiggle room because they had borrowed against the house when they bought their second house (they were using this one as a rental when we bought it) so we knew they wouldn't go down anymore. FX that you get the house. :)

Lucky you guys have snow, we haven't gotten much over here:nope: Hope you manage to ease back in:winkwink:

Ok, we've never bid on a house before so it's all very new to us:haha: I moved in from the dorm to DH's housing coop (teeny, tiny apartment:haha:) that he'd moved into after he finished his studies a couple of years before me (he's also almost 2 years older) and then we moved to this apartment (that we're renting) about 4-5 years ago. We bid what DH's father and older brother agreed was a fair price to offer considering how much we'll need to invest to fix a few things up. It's also what the house is actually appraised to be worth. Don't know if we could've gotten away with bidding slightly less but the house has only been on the market for approx. 100 days so the owners aren't desperate. But they have already bought a new home, funnily enough further down the street (it's bigger since the husband is big on hunting and fishing and wanted more room for all his stuff).
Lucky you guys have snow, we haven't gotten much over here:nope: Hope you manage to ease back in:winkwink:

Ok, we've never bid on a house before so it's all very new to us:haha: I moved in from the dorm to DH's housing coop (teeny, tiny apartment:haha:) that he'd moved into after he finished his studies a couple of years before me (he's also almost 2 years older) and then we moved to this apartment (that we're renting) about 4-5 years ago. We bid what DH's father and older brother agreed was a fair price to offer considering how much we'll need to invest to fix a few things up. It's also what the house is actually appraised to be worth. Don't know if we could've gotten away with bidding slightly less but the house has only been on the market for approx. 100 days so the owners aren't desperate. But they have already bought a new home, funnily enough further down the street (it's bigger since the husband is big on hunting and fishing and wanted more room for all his stuff).

Is it normal there to do all the bidding and stuff without a realtor? Our realtor did most of that for us (the bidding and stuff). She gave recommendations as to what price was good to bid and we had final opinion on what we actually wanted to bid. I don't know about over there, but here if we are using a bank loan to buy the house the bank won't often approve a loan for more than what the house appraises for. So if we had wanted to pay more than what the appraisal was on the house we would have had to come up with cash ourselves to pay for the difference. We didn't have the cash on hand since we had just moved across the country the previous year
Is it normal there to do all the bidding and stuff without a realtor? Our realtor did most of that for us (the bidding and stuff). She gave recommendations as to what price was good to bid and we had final opinion on what we actually wanted to bid. I don't know about over there, but here if we are using a bank loan to buy the house the bank won't often approve a loan for more than what the house appraises for. So if we had wanted to pay more than what the appraisal was on the house we would have had to come up with cash ourselves to pay for the difference. We didn't have the cash on hand since we had just moved across the country the previous year

I think it is - neither DH's father or older brother used one when they've bought houses in the past (DH's brother even bought a house very recently as he's recently divorced). We're going to loan from DH's bank (as I have no job so no income and am not able to loan any money from my bank) but they just give you a max amount on what amount you can afford to loan based on your income and expenses. This house, even if we paid full price, is well under our set loan limit by the bank.

The seller is selling it himself and using a realtor for the paperwork only which means he ends up earning more money than if he used a realtor to sell his house.
Angel & Kat - Both times DH and I applied for home loans, they checked our credit and gave us a maximum amount they'd be willing to loan us, regardless of the price of the house.

That's how we figured out which houses to look at: we'd choose one that was a little under the maximum, so that we had room to bid higher if there was a bidding war started on the house we were interested in.

Also, we were both of the opinion that just because we had X dollars to spend on a house, it didn't mean we needed to find the most expensive one we could afford! We looked for something that had a mortgage that we could afford, instead. I think a lot of people in this city made the mistake of buying outside of what they could comfortably afford to pay every month, and the whole housing market took a nose dive because of it. Silly people.

Oh also, we used a Realtor, too. I can't imagine not using one, with all the legal hoops to jump through out here! It sounds like things must be much more simple where you live, Kat.

AFM -- Waiting to O. Bought some Raspberry Leaf tea to use this cycle and I plan on using PreSeed this time, too. I've tried and tried, but my poor chopped-up cervix can't make it's own EWCM any more, so I'm going to have to help it out. :) Maybe this month's the month!
Angel & Kat - Both times DH and I applied for home loans, they checked our credit and gave us a maximum amount they'd be willing to loan us, regardless of the price of the house.

Yep that's pretty much what the bank did with us as well.

That's how we figured out which houses to look at: we'd choose one that was a little under the maximum, so that we had room to bid higher if there was a bidding war started on the house we were interested in.

Also, we were both of the opinion that just because we had X dollars to spend on a house, it didn't mean we needed to find the most expensive one we could afford! We looked for something that had a mortgage that we could afford, instead. I think a lot of people in this city made the mistake of buying outside of what they could comfortably afford to pay every month, and the whole housing market took a nose dive because of it. Silly people.

Oh also, we used a Realtor, too. I can't imagine not using one, with all the legal hoops to jump through out here! It sounds like things must be much more simple where you live, Kat.

AFM -- Waiting to O. Bought some Raspberry Leaf tea to use this cycle and I plan on using PreSeed this time, too. I've tried and tried, but my poor chopped-up cervix can't make it's own EWCM any more, so I'm going to have to help it out. :) Maybe this month's the month!

The one we've bid on is also under our max loan amount although we did look at 2 that were right on the max amount but ended up dropping them for various reasons. We also had another house in mind that was a bit under the amount of this one but it sold before we could contact the realtor to see it so guess we noticed it too late:shrug:

I'm under the impression that the vast majority of buyers don't use a realtor in this country and just check over the internet and find houses that look interesting in the area and price range they're looking for, call the realtor (or in a few cases the owner) of the house and arrange to see it and then take things from there. The seller's realtor takes care of the sale paperwork so no need for the buyer to have a realtor for that. The seller of this house has though chosen to take care of showing the house himself to prospective buyers and only uses the realtor for paperwork and probably also advice e.g. should I accept this bid or should I try asking for more? We also don't have a house or apartment to sell since this one's a rental (we're renting it from DH's parents and another couple they're friends with) so need for a realtor for it - we can just easily get out and they'll have to just find new renters. Think we just have to give 2-3 months notice.

Hope Preseed works for you! I think I tried it for a couple of cycles and then Conceive Plus (similiar product) for 3-4 months but didn't help me:shrug:
Thanks for the re-welcome back Kat, ireadyourmind, and xokitty. :-)

Kat, I hope your second IVF is the magic one. As for me, believe me, I don't need any reminding that normal cycles don't necessarily equal easy baby making. I have a front row seat, lol. Been trying off and on for about a year, but there were definitely lots of breaks, and lots of times that it was more not preventing than legitimately trying. Blood and other signs (regular and plentiful EWCM) suggest I ovulate alright. We haven't checked out the husband in terms of an S.A. yet. If we're not pregnant after a full 6 months of actively trying, then I'm demanding more evaluation from doc or switching docs.

I am feeling hopeful though. :-) Wish my period would hurry up and just come in full force (I can tell it's on the way) so I can be done with it and move on to the next cycle. Going to start temping, opks, and monitoring CF well.

Good luck ladies. I hope the rest of January brings good things for you all!
Thanks for the re-welcome back Kat, ireadyourmind, and xokitty. :-)

Kat, I hope your second IVF is the magic one. As for me, believe me, I don't need any reminding that normal cycles don't necessarily equal easy baby making. I have a front row seat, lol. Been trying off and on for about a year, but there were definitely lots of breaks, and lots of times that it was more not preventing than legitimately trying. Blood and other signs (regular and plentiful EWCM) suggest I ovulate alright. We haven't checked out the husband in terms of an S.A. yet. If we're not pregnant after a full 6 months of actively trying, then I'm demanding more evaluation from doc or switching docs.

I am feeling hopeful though. :-) Wish my period would hurry up and just come in full force (I can tell it's on the way) so I can be done with it and move on to the next cycle. Going to start temping, opks, and monitoring CF well.

Good luck ladies. I hope the rest of January brings good things for you all!

Thanks:flower: I hope you won't need to get any testing done though and it soon happens for you! Although 6 months does sound reasonable to wait in this case. Had you been actively trying a full year, I would've felt you should get the testing done now. Asssisted conception is pretty challenging, especially IVF, so here's hoping it won't come to that:wacko:

I know what you mean about AF, I want mine to just show up so I can get started with stimming:happydance: Definitely not pregnant as I'm super interested in junk food (especially chips) these days which means she's on her way:winkwink:

Have you considered trying the CBFM? I tried it for 3-4 months and although it didn't help me much, some women swear by it:shrug:
when we applied for the house loan they also checked our credit and gave us a "max quote" and that let us decide what houses to look at (of course, even based on the max quote DH and I had a much lower number for ourselves that was in the actual affordability range). However, they told us that if the house appraised at lower than the asking price the bank would not approve above the appraisal cost. I think it might have been because we were getting a USDA loan that had a lower interest rate and didn't require a down payment, so it wasn't what they call the "conventional" loan.

I'm really glad that we used a Realtor, I couldn't imagine going through all the stuff without one. Our realtor was amazing and handled everything for us but we both took a home buyers class (which is what let us get the down payment assistance loans) and I know there's a ton of stuff that goes on "behind the scenes". I agree, that it sounds so much more simple where you live, Kat

ireadyermind I have raspberry leaf tea too. I try to remember to drink a cup or two a day but I forget a lot! I'm not a big tea fan so I have to make a conscience effort to drink it, and that's not easy for me to do. :haha: if I don't get my BFP this month I'm going to try to drink it daily next cycle. I love preseed. I do produce some EWcm but I have alwasy been kind of dry, even when I'm really into it, so I like to use some lube and PreSeed is nice. A lot of lubes feel too unnatural for me (or smell funny) and I have to be in the right mood to use them. I really enjoy preseed. Though teh first time I made the mistake of trying to use 2g (which is still way less than recommended dosage) and it was way too much. I use just 1g and that's about perfect for me.
The owner of the house came with a counter bid of about $259,000 so DH just accepted it so we now have a house:happydance: DH can't decide if he should've come with another counter bid but it wasn't like it was a huge difference so he didn't and just said yes.

We have a house:happydance: It's ours to move into from April 1st so plently of time to plan our move.
The owner of the house came with a counter bid of about $259,000 so DH just accepted it so we now have a house:happydance: DH can't decide if he should've come with another counter bid but it wasn't like it was a huge difference so he didn't and just said yes.

We have a house:happydance: It's ours to move into from April 1st so plently of time to plan our move.

Congrats!! :happydance: :happydance: So awesome! :)
The owner of the house came with a counter bid of about $259,000 so DH just accepted it so we now have a house:happydance: DH can't decide if he should've come with another counter bid but it wasn't like it was a huge difference so he didn't and just said yes.

We have a house:happydance: It's ours to move into from April 1st so plently of time to plan our move.

Congrats!! :happydance: :happydance: So awesome! :)

Thanks Angel :flower: Yes it's super exciting! I think we're really going to love living in that house. Although our poor cat will probably need time to adjust to the stairs as she's not used to them at all :haha:

All we're missing now to make our lives perfect is for me to have a bump:winkwink:
Kat wooo!!! Congrats, so exciting to have a new home. Great way to start a new year :happydance:

ireadyermind Loooove rrl tea :coffee: It's done great things for my cycle. I drink tea everyday and tend to mix several herbal ones.

Angel Don't get down yet, as long as they are above the coverline I think you are ok!

MissDoc I know what you mean about wishing AF would just GET here already! When I know I'm out I'm like.."ok, let's get this next cycle STARTED!"

AFM....Pretty sure I'm out. CM had that metallicy smell this morning like right before :witch: shows up. :growlmad:
On a positive note, my temps are up today where as last month they were on the way down so maybe the progesterone cream is working and I can lengthen my cycle/lp a couple days.

4 and 5 dpo I had really low dull achy cramps I dont normally get. I don't think this is a pg sign but wondering if anyone knows what it could be? No other problems, or anything abnormal to point to infection. Ive felt that uterus toning feeling and it wasn't this low. Probably just gas :haha:

:dust: to us all in 2016!
Kat wooo!!! Congrats, so exciting to have a new home. Great way to start a new year :happydance:

Yeah although it'd have been even better with a BFP:winkwink: Hopefully that's coming next:thumbup:

AFM....Pretty sure I'm out. CM had that metallicy smell this morning like right before :witch: shows up. :growlmad:
On a positive note, my temps are up today where as last month they were on the way down so maybe the progesterone cream is working and I can lengthen my cycle/lp a couple days.

4 and 5 dpo I had really low dull achy cramps I dont normally get. I don't think this is a pg sign but wondering if anyone knows what it could be? No other problems, or anything abnormal to point to infection. Ive felt that uterus toning feeling and it wasn't this low. Probably just gas :haha:

:dust: to us all in 2016!

Sorry you think you're out:hugs: Sounds great if you at least can lengthen your LP.

Hmmm I've also on rare occasions had them without being pregnant but never knew what they were. Hope someone on here knows:wacko:
KatO: Congrats on the house! I've been lurking on your house progress. It's such an exciting way to start the year. I think its great that you guys don't need to use an agent, I think agents are pretty useless in general especially where I am. We still have to do most of the research. The house that we bought, we found it ourselves by going to open houses and talked to the seller agent directly. Was so much easier.

Angel: hey looks like your temp went way up! I know how you feel though because my temps are also coming back down after my cold so now I'm bummed thinking maybe the temp rise was due to the cold afterall. But the temps are actually like this every other cycle so I'm not too worried.

xokitty: Omg! I know exactly what you mean about the metallic CM! I thought I was the only one thinking like this. Like I'll smell myself and think "ugh I SMELL like blood, guess AF is coming". Least favorite smell ever :(

MissDoc: Welcome! :wave:

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